
The Last Samurai - Battle in the Fog [Part 3/3] Life Spared HD

The Sunday Mass - Christ the King - November 26, 2017

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So, now you will be held ransom so that people can ask how you own it since it seems you are not sure how you do own it although you are sure how I own what I own such that you are hoping to steal it but it seems that is what you do; not that you own anything. Trademark infringement is an indictable offence. I told you on the website. So, now we will hold you and your grandmother ransom until you can figure out how you own it; innit? Ou est ton? Qui est ton? Ton est tres mal avec ton nationalite et ton ascendance. Ton alle; Quebec vite vite avec ton argent de le derrier!

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The Pirates Of Somalia - Official Trailer (2017) Evan Peters, Al Pacino ...

Forgotten TV Gems - Saturday Night Live

This just in: Donald has confirmed to his biographer that there is an ex slave in his ancestry and a leader in the nation whose name was Frederick Douglass. Many people in his private organisation can relate to this personal ancestral history and the history that involves 400 years of indentured servitude. Frederick owned his own property and meditated on the ten commandments every day where it says thou shalt not covet. He has also condemned human slavery's resurgence in Africa and America during his short lived presidency. On the issue of accusations by members of the opposite gender and secret, private recordings there is no doubt that Bill was accused with 40 accusers during his first campaign and that amounted to 40 credible accusers in a different generation where an accusers credibility was less likely to be questioned as Girls Gone Wild had not existed in the 1990's and it was still normal not to proceed with a kiss until the second date. This is the era of Girls Gone Wild and the 40 year old Virgin in addition to an open mouth kiss with the higher likely-hood of a syphilis strain being communicated during the kiss. There is also the higher likelihood of false accusations by such individuals or the risk of living in the fear of being ostracized by men in the viagara and cialis community if you do not feel or appear in their estimation as someone who is adulterous as people want to ask why you feel as if you never had sex and the simple issue is that you never consummated unless you were willing to stay with someone for life as opposed to copulating with the intention of gratifying lust and nothing other than the lust of the eyes and the pride of life and the lust of the flesh that will carry the resonance of sex once finished if you do not intend to stay and we know Bill lied about Lewinsky and that he did consensually or, from a position of power, demand or tacitly suggest that Lewinsky to join him. Wouldn't you join him in a game of chess if he pointed to the ground and said assume the chess position that you might go up in the indentured servant world? What we are witnessing is a more evident tension and polemic between the false accuser vs. our continuing moral expectations of how a porn star's dignity should be maintained off the fully frontal and penetrative porn movie set and this is the tension that Donald faces today. The last issue is that he dismorphically put Redenbocker on the Uncle Ben's rice box and put him on his Aunt Jemima box also. It would seem that he would change Dr. Henry Louis Gates Junior look like Alex Rodrigez if he could.

So, the Arawak tries to win his war by pulling back and possibly killing anyone in its community that they have decided is too close to the European to strengthen his Arawak campaign in his on- going war to send a message to the European. But, you have airports and various machines in addition to million dollar businesses based on the European's expectation for the seamless,  global modernity; all of this is relied upon by the people in the Arawakibean and you cannot divorce yourself from this outside influence and reality. In fact, look at the cutlery your Arawak Grandmother use to cut your cheek and for which she killed two helpers when she could not remember where she hid them. You covet this European world or else you would not have taken the Swiss Army(TM) watch but really it was a gift but you would have killed him for the authority if he handed it to you for the authority and your orphan son would have feared being supplanted while he should have been thinking of you the grandson as a cousin since we know what he did with his balls and penis with that shop girl when he went to Negril!  But, the Arawak seems to prefer calling a Portuguese looking American to answer his question about a breach in an Airline contract instead of calling an Arawak who could help for his own personal authority since in the 1500's an Arawak went to Europe to speak to a European about the plight of his people, confirming his capitulation and submission and why should he speak to an Arawak since you don't an Arawak who can understand them and their laws anyway since such an Arawak is helping or confirming the European's assimilation of your people you say so
why ask an Arawak that could help since you don't him to exist. The Portuguese American may help you but maybe he won't but at least if he doesn't you can criticize the European and the Americans for hypocrisy while the cuts himself  in Half and confirms his further or your dependency. You don't have enough people alive who could sympathize with your late arrival in modernity in the 1500's and ensure the honor of the law in the international system; not just for you but for well intentioned European people.

So, the authority of beauty has challenged the authority of the right answer for more than 250 years and is a quite recent phenomena. The issue is that the authority of beauty is the for runner of another social anomaly that we refer to as the issue of race. The anomaly is that Shadrach, Meeshach and Abednego would have been overlooked in Babylon's recruitment. This brie aberration seems to have began in the House of Versailles and bred wildly in its aberration when French peasants and indentured servants who witnessed this aberration and perversion of the honorable House of Versailles were banished to the new world to continue their masquerade and laughter in resentment of the French House. Now, there is historical evidence of Marie Antoinette being murdered on her way to take on the role of the French consort and replaced with a look alike and sex operation. It seems 'Cristobal Columbus' hatched this plan in the West Indies where he may have lived quite a long life or it may have been a team of resentful former French loyalists who took opportunity to adulterate the French House. The story is that if this did happen, Louis the 16th resorted to properties in Burgundy and then had children with Boleyn. The French loyalists at the Palace seemed to have watched the plot once the King was safe and the risk of muskets and gun shots could not be tolerated. They could not really say who or what is the French Creole from the West Indies or Africa. so in his absence but to confirm the retiring of this season of French royalty, they took the Marie Antoinette look alike and let her masquerade as the King on occasion along with a male consort who dressed as Marie Antoinette. They let this lookalike decide what should be done for the people and the price of bread in the emergence of new farming technology such as the wind mill that pushed peasants to Paris to look for work. The price of bread and other social questions were left to a pretender who hesitated while obsessed in sitting on the seat and looking good and feeling like a King but missing the point of Monarchy but we do not have that issue today unless being a politician has become a throne in itself and the decision making and leadership has fallen by but that could not be while the obvious solutions abound in our current juxtaposition of technology and society. The sad thing is that vanity and beauty may not be able to solve questions of simple trigonometry or questions involving automation economics in the year 2017. Now, God loves beauty and the House of Versailles which is beautiful; very beautiful but he detests the fool and cannot pity him for very long. The pit that is represented in the French Creole indentured servants occupying the West Indies and also the new North American colonies is that their notion of social authority was skewed and was not based on some merit but the peasants gamble on physical characteristics that may have included length of penis of the size of the breasts for authority. This is the fool to be pitied. Proverbs 30:22 a servant who becomes king, a godless fool who gets ... 0 Such is the way of a woman adulteress, which eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I wrought not evil. (Such is the way of an adulterous woman, who eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and then saith, I have done nothing wrong.) 21 The earth is moved by three things, and by the fourth thing, which it may not sustain; 22 by a servant, when he reigneth; by a fool, when he is filled with meat (by a fool, when he is filled full with food); 23 by an hateful woman, when she is taken in matrimony; and by an handmaid, when she is heir of her lady (and by a servantess, when she is her lady’s heir). 24 Four [things] be the least things of [the] earth, and those be wiser than wise men; 25 ants, a feeble people, that make ready meat in harvest to themselves; (ants, a weak, or a lowly, people, that store-up food for themselves at harvest time;) 26 a hare, a people unmighty, that setteth his bed in a stone; (rock badgers, also an unmighty people, who make their beds among the rocks;) 27 a locust, (that) hath no king, and (yet) all goeth out by companies; 28 a lizard, enforceth with hands, and dwelleth in the houses of kings. (and a lizard, that endeavoureth with his hands, and liveth in palaces.)

The Sunday Mass - 31st Sunday Ordinary Time - November 5, 2017