
Did you know there is a 20 km wall running along the coast of Morocco in North Africa? 20 kms; that is about how much subway track there is running east to west in some cities.

The Romans have ''basic income'' on their shields and the Barbarians have ''Foraging'' on their spears. Gladiator- Opening Scene.avi

Donald and Mike are the best candidates for 2020. Thank Herod...I mean to say Thank Jesus!! So, Cristobal is really the first Colonel Kurtz in the Western Hemisphere and what follows is just an idea of what happened when the English population arrived after 1570 in the West Indies for the first time. The issue is Cristobal is loyal on to the death to the King he serves and this is really just Champions League politics and population management but you don't know that one yet. But, may if you pay attention. Pay attention and be like the grasshopper!! Are you English coming back to manage what you already have? What people do you have? How do they eat? What basic income do you give them and what Marks and Spencer do you send to them to propagate your hegemony or do the pirates steal it like they stole the tea in Boston since it is captured in his mind as a symbol of English hegemony? As far as we understand it, any where in the new world was fair game for Cristobal and Blackbeard was one of his Captains; born a female like Cristobal but bigger and able to just sit on you and when they do not have education, they just think about showing you what they can do to you and just sit on your degree holding A-s. Now, the issue is Cristobal decided to teach these new English settlers to the new world that there was an existing hegemony and their renditions up north would be helpful someday but they would, first, be taught how to to hear. You don't hear. They were left in limbo without supplies for quite some time and then they started to fend for themselves; living off the land, hunting and gathering for barbecue Iguana, they fished and most importantly, energy was centred on resenting the English who they say had abandoned them, ship wrecked them and left them for dead. Cristobal watched as they started to let go of their hate and their anger. The shipments had arrived although they were intercepted by the pirates and Cristobal. He was sure had had separated them and ended their emotional allegiance to the English. Cristobal showed up and said that he had the shipments and that he would feed...he will feed, clothe and fund you with monies but they had to hear and so he would shoot one of the English with his musket and then tell the rest to 'hear' and then he would just walk off with his soldiers and a few Arawak behind him and some in front of him and well armed with muskets, there were some European Afrique with him with earings, some Africans and a Chinese Priest from the 1420 expeditionary force who said, ''...One day, you will shoot each other in America under its gun laws if you don't see who you a deal witha but try to...learn how to love your neighbah you penal colony 'indentured' population with such criminal propensity but you will thrive if you go to schoo and learn how to read a book; go to schoo; love one Shakespeare play if not all of them. Watch it on youtube often.'' When departing, they would walk backwards until they reached a safe distance to ensure you would not try to challenge his authority as you waited in schooners and make shift settlements on the beaches at Port Royal or Hellshire. By the time any English governor arrived, the population was already settled into cutting the shipments and the English authority into two to divide and conquer but these are your people; right? So, why don't you feed them since if you are English and my people are Spanish, why is it that English people are...oh; the pirate stole the shipments and these people will be loyal to your uh American colonies so never mind baby!! The governors letters, however, would confirm that either the shipments had not arrived or that they were less than ordered and he would usually be replaced soon enough since who could understand this misfeasance. Where did all the lawyers go? But, Warren is still in operation and he can say he is an EU Lawyer and a Litigator and a Law Firm manager and a LEgal Analyst and a Legal Consultant and Court Litigator although not a senior one yet but maybe in a few years. He works for anyone who needs that help and is loyal with his purchases of tea and Milo; what is Milo? Oh; I know why. He respected all of his ancestry; innit? This Latino Anglo population that was well versed in resenting and sabotaging the English in the West Indies as schooled by Cristobal eventually migrated north after the 1700 and started to settle in to the quiet and well oiled testimony of the Dutch and the Germans, the Irish and the English who settled into the new 13 English colonies; paradise and a land of freedom for all but once they arrived, the shipments started to disappear or only half would show up and the interceptions became a political issue and the population blamed the English, the governor and also the King who they hoped would come to the new world to show them what he was willing to do; if he would beat them. But, Warren is not a governor but evidently he is an EU Law graduate from an EU Law School. Go to Audi's 5 billion dollar plant in Mexico but you are not a Jedi yet. The issue is that the Boston Tea Party was about tax on Tea but really the tax was being demanded by Pirates and the tax complaint was really to impeach the English and to see who was really running the country and create a systemic interruption although it is a pretty good system with the red letter mail boxes etc and lots of Christmas pudding promised for the kids in Vermont but it is never delivered from England like they promised or maybe once like it is a delicacy to be appreciated so who is the fool; the fool or the fool who follows it if you think the Colonies were not able to grow Liptons tea in Georgia? But, the division sown was enough to write volumes of documents that would give rise to a Declaration of Independence and the Triumph of the individual human androgynous spirit as neither man nor woman and Cristobal knows this suffrage with his ancestral longings to propagate and give being blocked by what was done to him due to what was stolen so he created a population of people who kill, steal and destroy as his sexual identity was stolen and so he also divided and stole America but it was well wall papered with treatises that confirmed the colonies were victims of a Despotic King and the tax on tea really went to the Clantons; I mean the pirates like Cristobal; Argh for the ''kill steal and destroy'' authority for the authority ..argh!!!!! The shock...the horror. Now, we need more lawyers, doctors, teachers...engin...In fact, we need more black fact, we need more people of all kinds it seems. Thank God for the Apple phone bringing the truth to light; innit? Now, Brexit is not a bad idea but it is nice to have free movement of peoples and goods except why would you want to go there...that place? Maybe you might learn something about indigenous and received laws and cultures and maybe get the EU student discount but you are not going to be in the EU any longer and you said you are a foreigner to Europe and..if you are upset with a graduate for doing his job, who taught him and what online newspapers are publishing so many intelligent articles and who is your teacher and how many global news channels are there and maybe it will go away if you are told again by someone that his father was really white since his family says they can eat and cook together and maybe hunt or build something like a bedroom or a fence, enjoy the house, paint it and remodel it to any new standard in the post modern world like a machine and with decorative help from his extended family but they do not seem to believe they should be selling the bread together but they can buy the bread together but you don't see it within your immediate ancestral trajectory to operate a business together and collectively but your former wife is an award winning real estate agent and your son helps her with her modules on property value appreciation, he wins law cases and you don't know the one about the driving with a prohibited device but on the eve of trial the prosecutor could not say what phone or device it was so it was a resounding withdrawal of charges for Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Law Firm(formally just Angel Ronan Law Firm; small outfit but they work hard) and they are certainly capable people who used to feel like the Inkwell movie family or that Coast commercial from 1980 but since the Apple phone they seem to say they can clean the yard, his yard, but not live in the house, his house, but maybe one of them but we do not trust each other for a percentage commission on work completed and paid for but maybe a flat referral fee might help and if he was ten years old today they would beat him to go to school since they are not like stupido white people whose children may not go in the hope to feel wealthy or equal to the queen and you also seem to beat on him if he finishes since you want to know if he is trying to be the head of the family since to finish says he has authority and maybe he is not really yours since what did you really do? So, you give your job favor to other people's children to say maybe you are adopted and are still nursing a sense of rejection from a color complex that made a man who looks like Colin Powell elope with a woman who looks like a more Asian Lena Horne since her more Asianish West Indian people said his hair was too... and you were too....for her sister everybody ate together and now when some son you could all say could be your...maybe depending on what acid rain fell on him from day to day, you are not really sure you can understand him as a law graduate and case winning litigator since you say he is not more...more....but you were soo soo supportive as family friends, family and community rather evidently when he was studying but you must have believed he would graduate so did you really want; fe true! Now, you are 90 years old and some how you want to impress a ''more..more devil'' some where by offering spots in your life to people who resent your son's and your daughter's hard work and respect for you and then you hope to have a dinner with your son and these ''more...more devil'' children from other families to say to him that ''In spite of your respect for me and your graduation to honor me when I did not hear my own family about school, you will feel like how I feel so be ''more more'' if you can and then maybe..we can let my ''white more'' colleagues have a look at your award winning work ethic. '' But, you forget something. If your adopted father was white, what would you want him to do with you when someone could say you are not more...more you know...white in comparison to some other Cab Calloway Creoles maybe so you see the point!! Anyway, all wars are microcosmic or macrocosmic but usually the rallying cry centres on the value of human life and the defence of such life. You are very willing to risk hell to defend foreign lives of foreign people who have no idea how stupid you are in being willing to give everything and spend everything for the adventure since who are you to think you could help anyone? But, take a faux sense of honor more than twice by now but you won't or don't seem to want to spend everything to defend and honor your own lives; save yourselves from the reality of economic human attrition as caused by automation in your own little underpopulated Anglo world; rather. Automation affects all populations and there is only one solution and how could the world endure a population that will not agree on mass to the solution? One stupid person in a global school of humanity is one thing but what about a continent full of them so, it contents us to whittle down the population with poisoned lakes, gas, poisoned drinking water and you drink it; don't you? Your lake has no fish but it is as big as a sea! It should be teaming with fish! But, you are not really a human being yet and you look like the Europeans but you do not have their soul; savages or you would prefer civilly dressed stupid people; nice a-s Jones but you need to feed, house and clothe and fund your...peepo!! So save yourselves before people will ask you run; you fools or to sacrifice your lives to defend the human lives of other human beings at home and abroad before you get what you need in defense of your own. Now, you still need to be nice to people and UN compliant. But, you are very nice people though. Look; you made me do my home work and actually cared if I did not do it although you could have said ''...Do whatever you want and watch whatever you want.'' Maybe your desire for adventure and to receive honor in officialdom as a General or something in an all out total war where you will be needed in a war against civilization to save a vulnerable and threatened population with all of your capability, not to save your own population, will be fulfilled in some other way such as a Peace Core maybe and you can defend the schools you build from attacks by the Ackeesis; not ISIS fighters. Anyway, the King of.... says its a good idea to understand many cultures. The Queen of... confers as Monarch evidently. Who do you think thought that it was a good idea so that his culture might have a relationship with all peoples and propagate the English rendition of the gospel, Thank Herod...I mean to say thank Jesus, as to a system; a system predicated on safety and security of property and persons in the honored common law traditions but to also see these traditions resonate any where in the world to allow for a global system of commerce, transport and human rights laws that protect both real property and intellectual property? There could be several people in positions of authority whose human rights were violated and they may be asking not only if they are accepted but if their disenfranchisement would be acknowledged with an apology. Warren's Law Firm website is noted here so go see him and contact him if you need assistance in Court or with a review of your case. You do not need to be a member when getting assistance via Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Law Firm. Go there now and see There will be blood...there will be great suffering etc. But blood and suffering is what you get in giving birth to a child if you are physically constructed to do it as a woman is. Of course; there will be blood and suffering ;Either you are really a woman or you are not. Cristobal is a woman who was made to look like a man; disguised as a man;There seems to be a continual theme being communicated here as to what must take place before suffering socio-economically as the age of muscle power ends in the Western hemisphere; in the rise of machine power; machine labor and the glory of human rest with UDHR basic income and the joy of robotic service. The builders of Israel have returned to the Anglo world to manage that world; not just the occupiers since the world is not enough. You need people and a balanced atmosphere respecting all life. You need the Brit Tove!;You should not be trying to shoplift a house and kill someone to see what the situation will be in their absence; Now, what you need to do is see the situation like this.  You have a law of some kind. It starts with your own body; Shouldn't you be able to do anything to other people's bodies like what was done to yours Clankyton;This must be the whole point of the suffrage movement that was filled with suffrage human beings who were born one way and who knew they could legally and biblically preach the word as they were born as a man; not as a woman but to the seeing eye they were raised to appear as woman and it might have been the hell of a well meaning young man to end up in his/her oblivion a-s and where will the children come from? But, he/she says you will have to keep doing it or they will kill since we are only 16!! But, in some cultures it may help to keep the business going and the house safe in hostile territories since there is a lot of work to do and there is no time to waste having coitus all night and all day in the cold of New England in the year 1670 when the church is Everything  and then the Creole  house maids from the West Indies were a welcome uh..paradise but who did not feel as staunch and caught up in being accepted and needing to be accepted since they are accepted legitimately as the natural blessings they may be and maybe the he/she wife might have taken advantage of them since he/she could not legitimately give him, the husband; a child but the New England House maid could or the Creole House Maid could be legitimately; his wife according to natural laws as the one who gave birth to his child; our primordial culture says; You could have a legitimate female wife who cannot bare a child because she is not able due to small hips but she is a legitimate wife in any event and they may use other successful methods to have children such as putting the woman's egg and; the man's seed in a bottle and the baby will form.Then, you need to bring it to successful incubation to full term in 9 months of gestation so the baby can breathe...breathe...breathe...on its own. Now, this church building steeple population that could not waste any time with coitus; was successful in having children but they used the gametes of the native population to achieve their goals; usually one native woman or a few would help after the Puritan wife or the..let's say wife showed the native women her uh...situation.; Not all of the Puritans were haired. Some had woolly hair;They had children but they would also have to leave the native band they were in because the native people did not understand. In fact, they would have killed them since what is an E Pluribus Unum and who are these gay gringos building church steeples on my property here at Plymouth; they say we call it Plymouth now since he said he has the authority and what is a quarter; Don't we, as natives; need a native Blue; not a Russian blue?;But, if the kid has enough of the look then that is okay. He can come to fish and spend time if he thinks ''want to fish and learn'' when he comes. Yes; if he has enough of the look. Now what was the point of buying a piano if you can't see the community said have six children before you are 24; 2 of them before you start high school. Granny will do it with won't even know. You also need the same six to carry your coffin. Only those pretenders who think everything has to be a fight so that they can live alone and die alone is holding his children back to seek acceptance from the sterile or the vain and evil who want to see if he will do it. But, now there is just one last question. Who is the the woman named 'SOB'? She is the woman who was married to a colonial administrator or maybe a pastor and who feared and resented his departure to do work of some kind that might have required her commitment also; her faithfulness. But, her issue may have been her resentment of his departure now that he finished his training and could actually bill people as a medical doctor or...architect or....chiropractor so what she did is take the people who worked for them in the fields to cure her loneliness and she may have taken five or six but only after she read the fiction of Rosehall that destroyed the entire community's ability to settle down in martial relationships with the intention of dividing and conquering as of 1833 when the legislated abolition of slavery was passed and while slavery was abolished a new fetter involving understanding and comprehension and sufficient literacy to survive your freedom began. If you could not understand the limits of your freedom that is one thing, but who is going to tolerate you breaking the law to see what are the limits of your freedom on a situational basis; putting peoples lives in danger to the death to see only what might happen if you took the risk your self. Vermont is not Port Royal or Lime Key. You cannot shoplift homes and nor can you shop lift mangoes at the Solas Market or on the Hotel grounds. Let thy neighbor's property go! She was pregnant quite often on his return and when her female children left that West Indian community in the Caribbean and went to high school in Vermont in 1920, she always had two boyfriends at the same after graduation to ensure that she could never be left or alone no matter what offer she had for a wedding; her milestone or one of them; milestones but not family and children was her goal. Now, we could appoint a King Pretender to be a King of the Fuchsia people and what does fuchsia represent as a colour and he would be someone who confuses Droit with Roi and Palais du Justice with his Crib or hacienda since it is all Creoled up by now but his emotions as to ''being the only one'' are very evident and your cousin who went to Law School is only hoping to serve you and your community as a King so if you have a legal problem or a plumbing problem and you want some help, you don't have to phone anyone but it seems you would prefer to phone people who did not go to Law School and obtain, afterwards, three different graduate qualifications as it is. Now, whether you are Mr. Smith or Mr. Anderson you are potentially a real King but there can only be one King who understands what Zion is all about. Do you understand? Now, what say you about the plight of your people and, no doubt, there is only type of King who would have an authority complex with people who can read the laws that make an airport or a music contract viable; a damn monkey or the Neanderthal. This is not about school and even school would help you decipher the bible and its evident verified history. Now, there is nothing wrong with being born in the West Indies; being born in JAMAICA BUT WHY JOHN NOTORIOUSLY TRYING TO BE YOUR MOTHER'S ONLY HEIR? As you are the pastor's family, how is anyone telling you and teaching you as what to do with your grandson and your children when it is violent and dishonoring to you and their Great Grandparents?

The Negro in Our Law: Until it was outstripped by slavery in the middle of the eighteenth century, indentured servitude was the chief form of labor in the Middle Atlantic and Southern North American colonies, and it continued to exist until well after the Revolution. The best estimate is that half the white population south of New England in the colonial period came to America as indentured servants- men recruited in Europe almost as brutally as the blacks were mobilized in Mrica, and were treated almost as badly on the journey, and in their places of work. The status of indentured servants was quite as low as that of black slaves. . Their contracts could be sold. They were not allowed to vote, to hold land, to engage in trade, or to serve on juries. They could not marry 'without the consent of their masters, and they were subject to corporal punishment by the master. The control of rebellious indentured servants was a major problem of public order in most of the American colonies and a major source of humanitarian complaint, both in America and in Britain. Many tricks were used to extend their nominal terms, and they became accustomed to degradation. One of the fascinating hypotheses about social experience advanced in recent years HeinOnline -- 9 Utah L. Rev. 846 1964-1965 846 UTAH LAW REVIEW [VOL. 9:841 by Rossiter and others is that the indentured servants of colonial times, deeply injured by their experience, became not the sturdy yeomen and independent artisans of Federalist America, but an intractable mass of backward Southern "poor-whites," the ancestors of the Snopes.l1 Historians seem generally to agree that Negro slavery developed strongly in the North American colonies only because white servitude could not produce a sufficient labor supply, especially for the colonies where plantation crops prevailed. Reports of the treatment of indentured servants reached Europe and made their recruitment more and more difficult. At the same time, the Mrican slave trade became diabolically efficient, often with the cooperation of tribal chiefs. The first Negroes who came, in 1619, were probably not slaves at all. For fifty years or so, most Negroes who arrived or were brought here were indentured servants or free immigrants. The records notice several, perhaps many, who became free landholders, businessmen, and the masters of other servants. Some were given land under the headrights system - that is, they were given land grants of 50 acres for each European or Mrican they brought into the colonies. In early times, slaves and indentured servants were treated equally badly. They lived together, without evidence of race feeling or caste distinction.

Click here. The comedy: You wanted to know what I intend to do with my understanding after Watching Unforgiven (the movie) before I graduated from University for the first time. I still intend to just be a parking officer. I have no understanding that is of any issue to anyone except that you need to hold the door open for people in public but let us see what is going on. I really don't know anything so just give the files back. The Herodian Assyrian and the Herodian can envision having authority over all of the Revenant lands of North America. This is a continued imagination but one that renders the same result. Towns start up in the nothingness and then they die. People need food, water, monies and shelter to survive but these days, they need enough people and monies. They imagine this land as being free to them and for them and the truth is, it is owned by someone and registered yet their industrious energy for such vast lands is always welcome with the fair, balanced and respectful deals that honor the aboriginal land rights with profit sharing arrangements on building projects with government oversight to ensure there are no abuses. The comedy about the American dichotomy(or economy) in practice vs. its constitutional theory( the tension between theory and practice) is the struggle that the beige people primarily are working very hard at keeping alive; keeping their struggle alive as against a received foreign culture although that culture is offering peace but if you have to eat foreign foods and wear foreign clothes to have peace, you may say as a ''well dressed'' aboriginal with designer clothing on who looks like some cool actor who drives really cool vehicles or who is a rebel in the movies without a cause; you may say confidently that peace is really determined by whom when for many aboriginals in America, there is an unsettled issue even though much of the issue is subsumed by social conflict in the assumed native identities of Black and White; the Black face and the White face. There is a white face if you remember with a mole on your right cheek. But, the potential for peace among you that you can determine for yourselves as built on the magna carta blue print or on the blue print of your own constitution is subsumed by Amerindian white and black debates about their assumed white and black identities( false identities) when, in the resistance, As suffrage King John or Herodian pops up and uses the resistance an futile debates to take from you in his own third way politics as you fail to see you have enough good will among you to provide all the education, health care and monies each citizen needs to determine your peace when peace is determined by whom under your own laws but I suppose the pirate will want to know if you are sure of yourselves and if you really know how to count or compute interest or foreign exchange. So, what will involve peace for a native population that has swaggeringly unresolved issues that involved this received culture of foreign foods and clothing and various resistances to this received magna carta culture that is subsumed by Amerindian white and black debates when, in the resistance, you fail to see you have enough good will among you to provide all the education, health care and monies each citizen needs but I suppose the pirate will want to know if you are sure of yourselves and if you really know how to count or compute interest or foreign exchange. I saw the good will on tv; on Ozark or on CNBA. The struggle is centered on a minimum floor of human dignity and the ways and means to achieve it while preserving a sense of one's identity and a precious sense of authority over oneself. Yet, there is nothing wrong with respecting laws of physics and chemistry or of raw market driven economics that always need government intervention to stave off the worst aspects of human nature and also human shortsightedness. Basic income is a very masculine and aggressive capitalist variable in total industrial automation. The issue is the sabotaging of one's communal capability in the collective skill set of its members who may be doctors, lawyers and other professionals with the suggestion that being able to argue is enough for the legal industry and big hands is the sufficient qualification for the medical profession. The issue is you could argue about quite a lot but never end up solving the legal issue your client is facing with the volume of exculpatory video evidence sitting within the file although it is never addressed or analysed by the defence in Court and who really cares if he is Brown; right but the gas station video says nothing happened contrary to the spurious allegation and in fact, he said ''Thanks'' with his 'Navy Academy' sweat shirt on and there is no robbery of station except...hmm..something array in the state of our brotherly love ? Big hands communicate confidence but what about a diagnosis based on unusually high trace amounts of iridium in your blood stream? The discussion surrounds a challenge to the authority and assimilating role of one civilization or culture that has a historically systemic hegemonic position over another culture that is really an extension in the Western hemisphere of an existing rather established world civilization; Catholic. How do you say Pyramid in an Amerindian dialect and one that dates back to about 5000 B.C? It seems you have a few in your world but maybe not with the same seamlessness. What if some people carry both dna from both pyramid building peoples? John the Baptist was the Mesopotamian agent who brought the plans to you. He was not beheaded. That new world and emerging other culture, the non-hegemonic culture reflects the inputs of the hegemonic culture but with its own inputs, tastes, customs and chipotle foods but it can emerge from the technological end of human labor as a true friend and mature extension of that older hegemonic and existing world civilization that praises the value of human life as paramount with a purposeful melding instead of a futile collision as if Yoda and Vader would ever argue about the citizen's income in the incremental conclusion to human labor since 1901 and not would they argue about the logic of fuel cells powering an X wing Fighter with turbo fan engines where the pilots have spaceship quality air supplies as seen in the U2 Spy plane or some version of the Mig Jet project; Booya from downtown!! The resistance to this praise or appraisal or the resistance of the function of government as the arbiter of this praise and appraisal of human value is the undoing of the civil order; especially when hiring of individuals is incumbent upon the recruit's willingness to resist, take from, defraud and undo government's role in the new world as a representative and extension of that hegemonic old world culture and as an arbiter of that culture's respect for human life. That old world hegemonic culture preserves the old while driving forward and building the new. This resistance has microcosmic expression where you see the ''struggle'' is kept alive unwittingly when the unseen discussion in the community and the community's church hall is about the headship and authority in the community. A Pastor or several pastors or maybe a Chief Postal Officer wants to know if he is still the head of his people and the authority after a young person with possibly some community association as part African or Amerindian returns from School with a successful result and with no intention of challenging or befuddling some unspoken community authority structure but the resistance of the person and his livelihood after he has returned from school with skills to serve his community is summarized as the mindless, obsessive insidious intent to kill as if this lynching thing began with Afro Amerindians resisting a Vermont or Massachusetts faith in the Constitution before video and film footage could say ''who's zooming who'' some where south of Killing a Mocking Bird and it defies race so it is best summarized as hegemonic cultural and regional resistance and the person with the successful school result and willingness to help anyone in his community is just a collateral observer and potential victim of this regional hegemonic resistance where there is no order really but decay and no government facility as to law and order. Such law and order could offend an essay thief who has become an appointed minister of government but who never ran for office. The Magna Carta predated Cristobal Columbus' journey by about 250 years when he delivered it to the natives at Rhode Island although they could not read it. For the natives, this Magna Carta was a received a culture. The Puritans came to enforce it but did not have time to teach very much with the love of a Burgundy Pict in their hearts so they used methods employed by the Romans but only when there is Britannia type Pict resistance; that is the resistance of the forbears of the Puritans so they cut off a hand of a Seminole from Massachusetts, dipped the Magna Carta rolled scroll in his blood and said, ''Receive this and eat; do as I say....we have the authority.'' The scroll was sneezed upon by the keeper of the scroll so the Seminole got a Pho disease and then the seminole said, ''watch him'',%20cancelled,%20and%20repudiated%20the%20said%20treaty%20with%20the%20so-called%20Confederate%20States;%20and%20whereas%20the%20United%20States,%20through%20...&f=false whilewhile his people said ''shock and awe''; my people and then they decided to send some of their Seminole people to the Puritan school and to learn how to dress like the Puritans but to also really understand the Magna Carta document and teach it with the love of the Burgundy Pict since if you do read it, it says Pochahontas should not be mistreated in her Wigwam or her Hotel building that she owns and the airport must satisfy ISO Standards any where in the world; including Kingston and its really nice actually. Can you build a few new housing buildings like the airport near the Anglican Church on the right side of the road on the way to Copacabana? This will be for housing. But, I know people are sick for new. Maybe you will make a basic ISO standard requisite for all private and public building projects and provide people with a few blueprints and plans since the airport was built by Jamaicans. The Seminole could respect the document's intention but it is just the way do it, damn hypocrites. The Puritans just do things and they don't talk or ask. They just pick up your people and move them. They walk off with your children and they threaten to hit you if you ask where are they going with; your dignity, your children. The ludicrous nature of our current discussion involves tall buildings but very few people or at least your people in ah...ah..ah..that's it...economic limbo. The truth is that claustrophobia and the fear of travel is curable; Jennifer and Kevin know. It's a beautiful Trauma. You seem to enjoy it; the excitement and the desperation so you can remember Granddad's ''public enemy'' and lawless, cunning ways with only a fictional war to honor the value of a life named Kashogi maybe when you do not have the basic income and this fictional war is to save you from the sense of futility and desperation in the absence of basic income along with the induced joblessness that arises with incremental and near total industrial automation and the politicians don't mind when they refuse to put in the solutions of their advisors to save a population of five million people or less and it might keep them in office; save their jobs before the cameras when they always have income as former national politicians and what will cause the good North Americans to notice since it is their duty to give their lives to defend Kashogi's value at home and abroad since all human life matters. This is the case although the Amerindians are without the incremental basic income as required in the truly aggressive capitalism as followed by the Russians. In the absence of this basic income, Granddad was an unsung hero when he dropped off stolen chickens with his Fedora hat on, and shot gun in hand, hoping to run into Elliot Ness and the G men since the people need to eat and who are these people showing up with fraudulent subprime mortgage foreclosure documents, hoping to see if we will resist the local Sheriff who is a good man when he says he can't read it and, in any event, it offends state mortgage finance laws even if the concept was created during the writing of Secret Health policy by the FLOTUS in 1993. But, it felt very valuable like a piece of degree paper; something to do with authority that is captured from many years of tested study to attain and confirm understanding and help people when they ask and when they provide a reasonable sum. You just need to put your name on a copy of the document. They usually make you do this on a copy during a school trip to the Capitol Building and the Smithsonian. But, they cannot read it so just tell them who has the authority to kill them and they will do as you want. The wagons and swords look pretty cool. What is that thing you call the compass? We will wear them as medallions for now since it feels like authority although I don't know how to read the law file contained therein or how it works. This represents a significant cultural gap in time and who could ever understand this magna carta's purpose except but dna from similar old world cultures? Sze Sze, Danka Bene Bene, Spaceba, Shalom; old cultures that cannot see it any other way yet language facility is not always indicative of one's ability to be able to comprehend the presumptions in the magna carta. The consistency of human inconsistency besets all human beings and communities and I am sure that every native Chief in the world and his grandson who became Chief Postal Officer would agree that his community requires some means of maintaining an order amongst their own council and people so that property and people would be safe among their members. Running Bull should not steal Pochahontas flat bread. She might say ''mine'' and he should listen. If she says, ''This is my body and To you, I do not give it as woman mujer'' then Running Bull should listen and show respect. Buy the baseball hat that says ''Respect'' on it. Running Bull loves Toyota vehicles; also the GM SUV and the Jeep that was founded by Italians. But, these vehicles are expressions of a total global input and total human participation into the one civilization's technological move forward as to modes of vehicular transportation. It's a beautiful trauma! Every race on the earth, if you wish to use that false demarcation of race that obfuscates the hosting of various different dna and dna family groups in every human being, has a patent involved in vehicle design. This one global civilization is embodied in our constitution and there is no aspect of this constitution that says the central command of the government to ensure the safety and happiness All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God even if you claim to have a divine right like Ramesses or Jeroboam to all the commonwealth but you need to leave enough to maintain the people who are dying off from an economic illiteracy; like a contagion and that old King named Theoden could provide a cure once the drug is out of him and he can see the symptoms affecting the people who line up to honor and adore him. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations against the U.S. Constitution as seen in the 2000 election that required a vote before the House of Representatives to determine the winner as Gore and 1993 Secret Health policies written by FLOTUS, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to address such Government with the Constitution in your arms and to provide new Guards for their future security primarily with a UDHR compliant basic income — Such has been the patient sufferance of these states or colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government with a technologically relevant application of the Constitution's purpose to provide that safety, happiness, domestic tranquility and establish justice, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity with a requisite basic income in the age of robotic labor and industrial automation also known as the age of non-human labor. The history of King George of Great Britain is a history, as alleged, of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. But, I don't think he did anything wrong really but he may have had many short tempered agents who did not have time to talk and who may have thought ''English'' was about demonstrating authority over the ten commandments and its principles where you tell your cousin from New Brunswick that you will show how you will move him off of his own lands when you show up to the new world in 2018 simply because you have the accent; Eh Kevin but you did not graduate like he did both in the new world and the old world; eh Kevin but come man, let us talk like family since this is about family, fe true, and African and Samoan and Arawak(all originally Afro haired) lives matter and you are going to jail as you arrived here by container ship and you can't threaten my family, my mother and my father like this. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good although this cannot be what he really wants since the people are happy to pay a reasonable sales tax on purchases made with their basic income so that they can live and survive since what is the point of having an absolute authority if you have no people over whom to exercise it? Absolute authority is useful when bringing the country and constitution back into balance with its stated intention to establish domestic tranquility, the common defense and the general welfare. The army and Cent-com are well endowed with this authority. It is just that laws, written laws, are not the culture of a troglodyte who says he is the King by virtue of his physical strength or ancestral right and all the women in the land are his if he wants them and what are the ten commandments to him and his people? You have to submit; maybe let him interrupt your Holy matrimony with the live footage precog system that records everything in the background but that will not be available to EMS services unless there is a triable issue involved before the courts or when there is need to pre empt risk of life when his Android phone says he or she is really angry about her job being automated as a cashier and she is about to pop. The laws, otherwise, are an intrusion to this Troglodyte King when he says he wants to just say he is the boss; the King in 'O'tario John Lackory. It could also be or it must be the ghost of an old king who is intent on understanding an absolute authority visited upon him as interrupting his desire to propagate. His desire was well suited for a King. So, why not take absolute authority and interrupt other human being's desire to propagate and also interrupt their desire to be legitimately betrothed and united as in Adam ''knew'' his woman? But, if it was just about propagation, then you would have had enough absolute authority to take on ten wives of your own but maybe if your male subject's wife had a baby , you might know if you are able to have children when you are certain she can have children or maybe you could set up a system to impregnate your ten wives with a man called the sire and after they have had children for sire and have confirmed their ability , you would then try to impregnate them also and why would it not work? While he is attempting to understand his desire to propagate, he could keep the power generators running with sufficient current running in the rivers free from blockage to turn the wheel and sufficient basic income running through the economy to keep the power of the population's viability running to turn the wheels of the economy. He is really a good person. -The above block quote is paraphrased from the Declaration of Independence. Possibly King John Lackland's dna is reaching out from the grave to watch your family via cameras in ventilation fans in hotels so that you will not enjoy your unadulterated holy matrimony except the panic in domestic security his progeny has engineered in the Anglo world with an Anglo population already outnumbered by foreigners in their own lands has ensued with insufficient basic income and it has allowed for this demand to have security over a population his progeny says cannot be trusted and so they need the absolute authority over your every waking hour and breath with radios and phones in you and around you and maybe with the basic income, who cares about all the monitoring I suppose so long as he will give the monies and you will shower in the dark and copulate under the blankets. We cannot cherry pick what aspects of this one global civilization that we will respect and enjoy where you take the vehicle but you use it to disrespect human value as to safety of person and property; no. If you decided to accept the vehicle, then you notice there is something involving law and registrations, title and ownership that has to be respected. There could be more than one form of registration and you may not understand everyone of them involving that property or that vehicle but in the absence of your understanding, your occupation of the vehicle or that property is theft. It is not lacking registration. There is no squatter's right. It is theft or attempted theft and how can theft, even if it is protracted, be a foundation in equity? It cannot and it presents a tempting lacuna for the lawless to just throw the rightful owner in the Thames after bagging him at his back door in Essex when he goes outside to water his lawn. The landlord's business card and notice is in the mail box. What credibility do you have? You do not have any while you say you should have the authority as your relative has a statue in Washington and you say this often so this is how we know who you are; snake oil salesman!! Can you read an economy in a former Iroquois territory that involves one Porsche per every Asian family showing up from Asia to sell you wonton soup at the average street corner with the foreign Asian community's non-resistant participation in UDHR compliant basic income? The money they spend is received in Asia but spendable any where in the world and they are enjoying life; life more abundantly. Hallelujah; let us just say Porsche thanks God for their participation and non-resistance and so do the French/'O'tario wine makers. Would you resist if you were told Volkswagen Porsche and Honda wrote the UDHR with the requirement for a universal basic income; that it was not written by the United Nations? Their struggle is best quenched by a can of German beer brewed since the 1500's under purity laws in Europe that date back to the 16th century(the 1500's). The answer here is to know the truth of America and of world history and the truth shall set the late arriving(late in arrival to civilization) American free. It is to see the American founding documents as the final bond in a country founded by people who watched Anthony Johnson( see the case of Johnson vs. Parker concerning a Mr. Cassor) and other Brown men as they owned beige(formerly White) and brown( formerly Black) slaves before and after the constitution was passed in a no n-racialised political and economic truth enshrining non-racialised human value with great cost and great benefit for all citizens. See also Somerset vs. Stewart 1773. This non-racialised human value must be enshrined today in the post civil war industrialized, continually automated and mechanized world with basic income for every citizen and after we understand the concept, you can call it the safe, secure people insurance income if you like. Written by Warren A. Lyon; a new Excerpt from Concept of Human Nature According to God and John Locke.

law·yer·ing /ˈloi-É™riNG,ˈlôyÉ™r-/Submit noun the work of practicing law. "although he holds a law degree, he lets his hired guns do the real lawyering"

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