
The irony of Macnamara and the planned genocide of the U.S population: Macnamara was a senior corporate officer at Ford when Ford was automating and reducing its need for human labor during the 1950's. When Walter Reuther boasted about automation and the reduction in employees over the years, he was reporting on the work with which Macnamara was involved. Macnamara eventually became Secretary of State under Kennedy and never really left government until his death which is not unusual for men like him. But, there is something about Macnamara when the Backdrop of the UDHR is put into the Macnamara picture. A failure to implement article 25 with basic income will land you in Court as it is a domestic and international criminal offense. He is actually an indictable international criminal for the systemic genocide of the American population. Advocating the delay in application, advocating the non-application or non-committal or non-compliance with the UDHR is advocating a systemic means of certain genocide over time. People die off without certain systemic safeguards. By "genocide", as confirmed by Raphael Lemkin, Polish Jewish jurist, we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups. As someone who could have implemented Basic income or ensured it's continuance, it was, in fact, cancelled under Macnamara. The evidence is that the US had a basic income after WW2 for nine years. This era of Nine years of basic income is the " Let's make America Great Again" emotion. The other issue is that if you are in the business of selling cars and the unemploying people with automation, cancelling basic income is reducing buying power on top of the lost buying power caused by automation also known as technologically induced unemployment when unemployed people have less money for purchasing anything when they are reduced to survival and desperation. They tend to die off without basic income. There is also evidence that Asian "replacement population" immigration began in the 1950's after the Korean war when many Chinese and Koreans came as Asian basic income recipients. They would also be the early Asian Car buyers also to give Toyota and Honda a foothold in North America as a significant portion of the North American population was slated to be displaced economically by automation happening every where in the world while the American was designated for planned obsolescence so to speak and suffocated by the absence of basic income and then replaced by the Asian Replacement population who were to buy Ford and what is democracy if you do not have enough education to ask for a phone call? What is democracy if you do not have enough education to know what to say if you can open your mouth? The real issue is Macnamara's emotion as a half Chinese man born in Montana and who loved his Sony radio while people like LBJ resented Sony. His intention was to just get it over with and give the Asian countries technological hegemony in North America. His favorite food was fried rice. His favorite author was Adam Smith and Trotsky. Clearly, Rosie the riveter and her granddaughters knew how to turn on a dishwasher or the Maytag or Samsung humanless, unmanned assembly robots. These are the droids and robots you are looking for. But they don't know how to ask for and , in fact, demand their legal entitlement to basic income without following the diversion emote to you about resenting the black dude high school graduate; a diversion designed by Macnamara in the television frequency that you would have to beat emotionally or else you would all be dead. The basic income is to ensure that Rosie and her granddaughters in addition to the church congregation do not die off. knew how to He was also 1/8 Black whose father was a Pastor and half Black. Macnamara may not have been able to say he is white or black but at least America would not be white; fuddled up in the deceit of white with steam or diesel trains in the year 2020 and how can you be white unless you can steal the Angel Ronan Greenfield Urban Law Firm files; you ask? The real issue is that a white Grendel born in Oklahoma under a rock who gets an oil executive job without regular Schooling is a King ; a Rex. But he is also a tiller's son who, without Schooling may not know at, 70 years old, that a straight line is 180 degrees or why but there is nothing wrong with asking why since it really is just a matter of agreement as decided by men in the ancient world. But, such a man who cannot believe Egypt is in Africa is a living manifestation of Eastern hemispheric or original American 13 colony cultural genocide when knowledge is power and the average black man or Brown Mexican or White White female has more power, I mean knowledge, than him but feeling power is all he wants while knowledge is power usually so if you run into him and you don't feel dunce or what he calls "under" on a social drug in spite of your Masters degree in Linguistics or uh...Law... he might hit you with his ancestral Bison or moose leg bone so that he might feel equal or superior or the power over you since people like you make him and his kind a bit restless with all of those books in your soul and he has not really worked out the difference between a woman suitable for propagation and his sister or his mother; mother f-;+;+ker. That is the genocide from within when people who are 500 years behind the average Amerindian or 1000 years behind the Pueblo people and ten thousand years behind an Egyptian are born in a cave in Oklahoma in 1787 or 1980 with no language or culture but who may be adopted as white or black simply because they have no other culture, religion, language or God at no fault of their own and they are human beings evidently who only need to shop on basic income and enjoy free school for acculturation; not to be used sexually in white slavery or abused by access to horrible evil in the wilderness of 1500 channel television media universe and this does not include YouTube or the web. They need structured information. Every soul is essentially neanderthal without the requisite stimulation. This is the most important UDHR observation. This is the underbelly of America and that is why white and black are the symbols of "no culture" that work as Amerindian cultural negation and erasure with a buffalo leg bone in his hand if you don't give him the authority to just be the King and run General motors and America into the ground. Men like Macnamara were tired of arguing with this type of big leather headed monkey so they were given the power to do it their leather head neanderthal way and eventually they would see the disappearance of of American ignorance, American manufacturing and American people with the ignorance. The issue is a segment of the population that resents education and the formally educated as if formality is an imposition. They would prefer collectively the untrained Court representative than the trained and qualified as they encamp against, isolate and seek to kill the formally educated regardless of complexion. This may have happened before when up and coming populations such as the Picts and peripheral Israeli Palestinian cave dwellers in the form of Herod(The Pict) or a Judas(possibly a cave dweller) were juxtaposed with existing ancient civilised peoples who marvelled at the human capability of a rabbinical graduate and trained carpenter who could build houses and tables. This is the demigodism of an Egyptian Israeli descendent among new arrivals to our known civilization who are receiving a culture where there is a wine concentrate that is well known to ancient cultures that turned the water into wine at the wedding at Cana. It is the marvelling at and crucifixion of what is the average human intelligence to emerge from a full regular North American high school program. It is the miracle of a boy like David who had a habit of picking up six smooth stones every day since you never know when you have to strike down a crazy Philistine or a mad dog prowling to and fro seeking whom he may devour; argh matey!! But, if Bob Marley was a damn fool he would not have had enough education to know how he owned Tuff Gong Records or if Chris Blackwell was ripping him off. He would not have known the value of a son who could read and understand his contract of partial ownership of Air Jamaica which is now Westjet. He was really a Law graduate. But what is the point after Goat Island and crab key pirates hold you ransom with nuclear water on the first day of Jamaican independence in 1962? Now, the pirates are trying to kill formally educated people and some speak Cantonese in North America although raised in South China but born in the Jamaican territories. Some who speak English and are black pretend to be doctors and they kill North American High School graduates with West Indian parentage. This is the charade of America that the Europeans portrayed during WW2 with Pope Pius XII helping in the agenda to rid the world of ignorance and unbelief such that the people gassed at concentration camps were western hemispheric Creoles who were refugees in Europe and not really welcome in European homes as domestics because the Western Creoles did not believe that Herod was real or that the bible was true;unwelcome according to Pope Pius XII for no other reason except the rat disease when they would spit in the milk as domestics when the bottle was half full. Some survived the gassing and we're sent to Israel as pilgrims so that you would believe and see Herod's great works and understand Jesus' testimony about him as Herod the great. As such, Jesus is King of Kings and Macnamara is His servant; sort of. The bible could be preached much more easily in the quiet and the humanity of a UDHR compliant nationality and everybody is family by now as American; including the big leatherhead who dies for our civil liberties at home and abroad too often while being disenfranchised at home in the failure of the government to provide regular, consistent basic income and it's a criminal offense. Donald campaigned on making America Great Again and knows what the issues are in making the country great again; what the issues are in returning the country to its greatness and the first step is to break the Criminal stratagem running America into a collapse. Donald's first step in breaking the deceit and criminal stratagem is to announce Robert Richard Relich is indictable for Genocide in suggesting Basic income should be delayed as former Clinton Economic adviser and current commentator on economics in the U.S. The Canadian and Caricom governments have confirmed their obligations and the evidential breach leading to the first genocide indictment of a Canadian national politician in the case of the NDP PM whose party won the last national Canadian election and who purportwe to be a graduate of a Canadian university while putting his name on a Canadian citizen's essays. An absence of basic income contravenes the UDHR article 25 and also article 11 of the 1976 Covenant as the absence and breach the articles is systemic genocide. Basic income is the most direct, efficient and effective means of fulfilling article 25 and article 11. It is the only way. To give basic income to some citizens and not others for political purposes, hoping to receive support and contributions in the scheme in return is a criminal offense. See 18 US Code 601. Donald is giving USD $ 40,000.00 to some citizens nationally who like the Jeep Buccaneer to be placed in the people 's custody in November 2020. 18 U.S. Code § 601.Deprivation of employment or other benefit for political contribution 19. GENOCIDE (18 U.S.C. 1091) Section 1091 of Title 18, United States Code, prohibits genocide whether committed in time of peace or time of war. Genocide is defined in § 1091 and includes violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. There is Federal jurisdiction if the offense is committed within the United States. There is also Federal extraterritorial jurisdiction when the offender is a national of the United States. -- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the `Human Rights Enforcement Act of 2009'. SEC. 2. SECTION TO ENFORCE HUMAN RIGHTS LAWS. (a) Repeal- Section 103(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1103(h)) is repealed. (b) Section To Enforce Human Rights Laws- Chapter 31 of title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 509A the following: `Sec. 509B. Section to enforce human rights laws `(a) Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of the Human Rights Enforcement Act of 2009, the Attorney General shall establish a section within the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice with responsibility for the enforcement of laws against suspected participants in serious human rights offenses. `(b) The section established under subsection (a) is authorized to— `(1) take appropriate legal action against individuals suspected of participating in serious human rights offenses; and `(2) coordinate any such legal action with the United States Attorney for the relevant jurisdiction. `(c) The Attorney General shall, as appropriate, consult with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of State. `(d) In determining the appropriate legal action to take against individuals who are suspected of committing serious human rights offenses under Federal law, the section shall take into consideration the availability of criminal prosecution under the laws of the United States for such offenses or in a foreign jurisdiction that is prepared to undertake a prosecution for the conduct that forms the basis for such offenses. `(e) The term `serious human rights offenses' includes violations of Federal criminal laws relating to genocide, torture, war crimes, and the use or recruitment of child soldiers under sections 1091, 2340, 2340A, 2441, and 2442 of title 18, United States Code.'. (c) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 31 of the title 28, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 509A the following: `Sec. 509B. Section to enforce human rights laws.'. `SEC. 3. TECHNICAL AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS. `(a) Genocide- Section 1091 of title 18, United States Code, is amended— (1) in subsection (a)— (A) by striking `, in a circumstance described in subsection (d)'; and (B) by striking `or attempts to do so,'; (2) in subsection (c), by striking `in a circumstance described in subsection (d)'; (3) by striking subsection (d) and (e); and (4) by inserting after subsection (c) the following: `(d) Attempt and Conspiracy- Any person who attempts or conspires to commit an offense under this section shall be punished in the same manner as a person who completes the offense. `(e) Jurisdiction- There is jurisdiction over the offenses described in subsections (a), (c), and (d) if— `(1) the offense is committed in whole or in part within the United States; or `(2) regardless of where the offense is committed, the alleged offender is— `(A) a national of the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)); `(B) an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (as that term is defined in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101)); `(C) a stateless person whose habitual residence is in the United States; or `(D) present in the United States. `(f) Nonapplicability of Certain Limitations- Notwithstanding section 3282, in the case of an offense under this section, an indictment may be found, or information instituted, at any time without limitation.'. (b) Immigration and Nationality Act- Section 212(a)(3)(E)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(E)(ii)) is amended by striking `conduct outside the United States that would, if committed in the United States or by a United States national, be'. (c) Applicability- The amendments made by subsections (b), (c), and (d) of the Child Soldiers Accountability Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-340) shall apply to offenses committed before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Child Soldiers Accountability Act of 2008. (d) Material Support for Genocide or Child Soldier Recruitment- Section 2339A(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by— (1) inserting `, 1091' after `956'; and (2) striking `, or 2340A' and inserting `, 2340A, or 2442'.

Angel Ronan Photo Guide.

Montaigne's commentary on the Western Hemispheric Aboriginals demonstrates that the European is a Cannibal who might as well meet a Muslim missionary in due course and that the European is really just the new tribe on the block in the Western hemisphere and you may not remember their agenda is the same as yours; to love your tribal neighbor as your tribal self and to multiply; really multiply. That being said and before we digress into further argument, the ultimate objective of this game is dignity and the bargaining people are willing to entertain at the loss thereof; offering and killing your grand children just for a sense of authority in your native lands and a sense of acceptance once as culturally rebranded Filipino, African or maybe Chinese or Pakistani Iroquois who were mistreated on natives lands where the city of Toronowanda is today. But you did this as a white native in 1910 and then they killed you all for it. Now you are doing it again as Filipino, White West Indian, Asian or some other culture. You offered everything ; offered grandchildren but you robbed the bank, you lost your dignity ;lost the game. The Church and the UN are dedicated to the preservation of dignity ; so is the Manitoba government. We have tried White hegemony in the Anglo world. We now have Asian hegemony. We appeal to the King of Wettin. A French King or an heir would always feel rejection If he does not speak French. If a servant of the governed intends to seek attention by lying to the King about basic income, he will get his attention while abusing with misfeasance his position as a servant of the governed. Should a King be able to create a crisis in his own Kingdom and abrogate all the laws for the emotion of a trade name? It is offered for $1.00. A King can be helpful in times of crisis to help his people with his absolute and magnanimous authority but what point is there in having a King if there are no people for him to rule and why are there no people except that he did not know unscrupulous beings would lie to him and mismanage the people and the basic income? But how can a Monarch be accepted if he or she has no people if he or she was monarch? In the mismanagement, they died off. He brought Asians, Mediterraneans , Cubans, other West Indians, Latin Americans, Middle Eastern communities and Africans. They took off after opening many businesses. The ROI did not support the venture. You are having a war on the issue of your own human value. Is a Bahamian who looks like Henry Morganthau Jr. angry that an English woman called him black after a bank robbery in the Bahamas in the 1920's? If you don't put the money into your people in your own economy, you are calling yourselves animals. You don't need an English person to do it. You run and own the country. Trotsky's prophecy about capitalism shutting down in the West is really just a confirmation of your evident lack of understanding. If Capitalism is expanding elsewhere, people elsewhere would have to be funded sufficiently so that they can buy the goods. All that Trotsky has done is suggest to you like a Jedi that the American people in America are not the people you are looking for Jefe. The selfish Hobbit from the Bahamas named H. Morgenthau Jr in 1936 helped and said you were just animals as Americans as you rob, kill and steal. He became Federal Reserve Grenspan as rumored after the war or Macnamara. An Amerindian educated his children at a local school in 1910. They designed a food called a hot dog and a hamburger based on the native bread or flat bread. He had an unusual emotional response to their faith in insurance though and their delusions of grandeur with food products and that sort of thing. They continued in their endeavour and got a copy of Donoghue vs. Stevenson in 1932. The father ; He decided that he needed to be equal and that the best way was to kill the most educated and capable so that the weakest among his kind would be equal. This means he had to kill himself so he abandoned all his trucks, burned down the local school and poisoned the tap water so you would have to go to the river. Someone gave him a book about Adam Smith. This one Amerindian said, "What do I need that Anglo British Gibberish victimisation for?; in my Amerindianican determination, toilet paper maybe." But, he is not indicative of all Amerindians. He also looked like Carey Grant. He was half Mohican and half English Bob, said we don't need no education, called himself an animal everyday subconsciously , had black hair and was born in the Bahamas, raised in England, cut off one of his toes for white acceptance and coveted a blonde female to have more acceptance although his betrothal looked like Audrey Hepburn. Capitalism is a phenomenon that is based on consumption. Capitalism is slowing down in the West because you do not have enough consumption. You do not have enough consumption due to an absence of basic income after automation. Bailing out GM was not the right answer in its entirety but half the answer if the cash was to facilitate automation and basic income. Obalma was going to implement basic income in accordance with US foreign and domestic policy that supports "Human hegemony" on the day Travon was shot. He was going to try again on the day the Rice boy was shot in Ohio. He was to implement basic income on the day the rioting started in Missouri. The government decided to ask if American lives matter while Brown Iraqi Muslim lives certainly do as well as Afghan lives. Afghan's get $60000.00 basic income per year. Iraqis get $ 70,000.00 basic income. GM's problem was not a de facto monopoly and an emotional monopoly across North America but insufficient consumption of the product once the customer had a competitive robotically made but more expensive Japanese option. GM sold for less but was more expensive to build as the wholesale adoption of robotics was not implemented. But, if the population had basic income, the vehicle would have sold mindlessly for a while until the truth of its reliability and durability would cause you a cold or hot weather disappointment on the interstate. Welcome to GM Sierra/ Toyota Tundra. However , sales are still down in the absence of total basic income and Toyota earns 70 % on the sale of the Sierra /Tundra. The Japanese used Adam Smith socio-economically like Frank Mirs used a leg bar on Brock Lesnar; Adam Smith's principles like a socio-economic joint lock. The Japanese had Jesus like the Europeans long before Columbus came to teach you. They had wheels, wagon, cross bows, swords and knew about the Egyptian pyramids. You are still receiving a culture and the process began for the American on or about the year 1500 if not earlier while you give your lives to bring the basic income to other nations and pay for it in programmes like the Marshall plan, you are now receiving the culture with an Asian facade. At least Asians don't call you savages, animals and beasts where the Anglo branding of white and black is relief to you but what do you call yourself ? Thank you for this conversation. Thank you for your rendition with white hegemony along with your industrial inefficiency where you did not commit to profit at all costs and the future of your people like the Japanese, European, the Russian and the Chinese but instead you committed to your vanity in being led by a handsome leatherhead monkey neanderthal and committed to your misunderstanding and his lack of understanding. Try an Adam Smith android for leadership and a burlesque dancer who is duty bound as a Presidential Avatar to ensure the machine's every instruction is followed . The machine says implement basic income. But, if you prefer a free cash dispensing machine at the banks with no card required where you just select the amount you want at a maximum of $200.00 per day vs. A regular payment that pays in like a job or pension where you could plan a vehicle purchase with monthly payments or home ownership or rental , then you don't anticipate taking dominion in the future of your lands. The map is not the territory. The map is evident but people are the territory and hold the territory. Some native Aboroginal people indigenous to North America have Afro hair and had Afroish hair before Columbus came. The UDHR is US policy. They take human life and remove leaders by force from nations who do not facilitate this essential policy that is of benefit to US capitalist interests. Basic income is a capitalist necessity and a capitalist policy. Japan is capitalist. Kudlow is not. He is just an unwitting exterminator of American people with his policies that do not agree with capitalism for the benefit of America. One former car worker's salary at $150,000.00 is now three basic incomes for three citizens at $50,000.00 each who may also be former car workers or new members of the work force as new high school graduates or new drop outs at 16 years of age. Basic income should start at 14 years of age. The government financed the automation and robotics that unemployed the people in plans that involve 100's of years of payment back to the government but it is cheaper than employees. You now see the lowest car sale rates and building occupancy rates. The government must also finance the people under legal obligation and logically speaking under financial obligation so that the nation can enjoy its return on investment. Human beings facilitate transactions. Transactions create work, tax on sales and sales you desire. People need a little money to keep the enterprise rolling; all the people regardless of complexion. The North American People have to have some "feeling" for themselves. When they don't adopt the policies that provide for their tender, loving care it feels like a war is imminent. Did you understand piped in gas vs. Heating oil? Did you understand universal health care when it was introduced? Did you understand basic income? The residue of entitlement to a retroactive back payment remains in the discussion for all who are disenfranchised. The national policy commitments are evident. The economic benefit is evident when enforcing Basic Income. Yet, some say they are not really sure yet while they receive usd 20,000.00 and ask the bank for "3" as in usd/cad 300.00 at the Teller window. Quebec and Manitoba have a basic income above CAD 39500.00. The sales tax rate should be 20 percent. Ontario may be changing its name to Huguenotario to honor the people in that province who are still essentially Huguenot and to apologise for an unusual resistance to French Pict Natives who looked like Amerindians and who worked as missionaries in Canada to communicate French socio-economic culture that involved a disbursement or basic income. Their European presence in the Americas dates back to 1545 and remains profoundly influential when it comes to "forward moving" economic policy. Yet, there is no uncertainty about electricity, water, free health care or free Schooling and how can you say you are not sure yet a out basic income when you taught the Boy how to swim or drove them to school or coached hockey? The final purpose is certain, confident vehicle sales and property rentals. Most condos are 10 percent occupied. There is no doubt about democracy but the population should be able to motivate it self and its system to enable the existing legal entitlement. Enforcement of basic income is just the same as maintaining the Pension electronically or the Land registry also. Click here. Did you know Justin Trapdoeoru is a South African citizen; just South African? sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url= Human Rights Tribunal is designed specifically to prevent known violations by the state. The Criminal code also prohibits human rights violations and abuses. Misfeasance in public office allows for prosecution of state officials. It could also be used to address malicious prosecution by any Police service but tortious claims are denied on public policy grounds. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is the forum for this application being brought by the best Law School in the country or the best Class Action Firm. I am good at everything but class actions involve a unique flare. Ethnic origin, age and family Status are the key grounds of descrimination when it involves the disparate provision of basic income. A valid Human Rights complaint requires one of the 11 grounds of discrimination protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act a discriminatory practice There are several ways that a person could be discriminated against. The Canadian Human Rights Act calls these discriminatory practices. The following seven discriminatory practices are prohibited by the Canadian Human Rights Act when they are based on one or more of the 11 grounds of discrimination: denying someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation; providing someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation in a way that treats them with prejudice and differently; refusing to employ or continue to employ someone, or treating them unfairly in the workplace; following policies or practices that deprive people of employment opportunities; paying men and women differently when they are doing work of the same value; retaliating against a person who has filed a complaint with the Commission or against someone who has filed a complaint for them; and harassing someone. a negative effect on you. You dont have to hire the black Afro Amerindian graduate who is part Dutch but nor do you have to suffocate his benefit entitlement. The non provision of basic income involving any citizens in a UN member state is a human rights violation. When it comes to questions as to who is running the country, there is a Privy Council, UN Charter Membership and treaties with the EU. The UN's UDHR indicates the following in confirming the rights are protected by the rule of law: Preamble Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. There is Criminal Law legislation preventing hate crimes, misfeasance in public office and as such, the disparate application of socio-economic policies in an effort to target certain segments of the population is estopped. The term "Precariat" is therefore a fraud. There is nothing precarious about the UDHR or the UNCHR and the legal requirements of any UN signatory nation under article 25 of the UDHR to provide a basic income to its citizens regardless of complexion. The term "Precariat" is a sad descriptive when it is only used to discuss the experience of Anglo populations who should see Marines enforcing article 25 basic income at home and visiting other Anglo countries soon to end UDHR breaches in the jurisdictions where they live as the Norad countries are legally obligated and are not immune. This is also true in the Western Indies also. West Indians are signatory citizens under the UN Charter as CARICOM citizens and not a left over population that always has to be told that their livelihood and protection under the UDHR, especially article 25, is a last priority while it is a first and also a legal priorty under the UDHR and this must entail a basic income for every CARICOM citizen; also in Haiti. Based on the UDHR requirements, a basic income of usd 600.00 per month would be feasible in the West Indies. Certain old emotional and social motivations and redundant social structures may die hard but those desires are a contradiction of what is promulgated in West Indian politics, art and music if it is not consistent with E pluribus Unum and the notion of one people with one skin. Who you allow your children to marry is a separate issue but the legality of rights and entitlements is the priority as you step away from a subconscious participation in the devaluation of your people and region. This subconscious devaluation of a people and region is indicative of the Canadian experience. A basic income nationally is now implemented once and for all in compliance with the nation's positive participation in UN policies around the globe but now also at home where the gap in application at home may have been overlooked while it is now being rectified. A basic income of $40,000.00 per year at minimum is a requisite for that cold and inhospitable climate. Click here: This is an issue for consideration by the Superior Courts and the Supreme Court of Canada. It is akin to the compensation paid by the U.S. Government for all victims of 911 and to victims of US Military UNCHR breaches or war crimes against foreign civilians any where in the world in places such as Afghanistan. The absence of basic income in any country makes the people displaced persons or Refugees referred to as internally displaced persons or IDP's in their own country! Some Canadians have basic income and others do not. There is no explanation. It causes internal displacement. It is generalised violence. It is evident disparity in the treatment of certain segments of the population for inexplicable reasons. A white, Part Eskimo or Black woman in one part of the country receives basic income upwards of $50,000.00 per year and a white man in another part of the country does not receive this socio-economic benefit. He believes as he is told in Ontario that he has the right to show his determination; his essentially ancestral determination. He has happy to be a part of something with a sense of officialdom to it as the people who join his determination are an official socio-economic resistance. But, they are not really intending to be criminals or terrorists except they have not received a noted, required and essential socio-economic benefit known as basic income. What is transpiring is actually ridiculous. But, one endeavours to put into words what is transpiring as it occurs. The White or Black Amerindian is not a part of any Indian reserve. He may be associated to a church group; Anglican usually and they do whatever they want until captured or killed due to a less than discrete exercise of royal privilege in, maybe, robbing a bank or a pizzeria yet the real crime is the disparate non provision of basic income to all citizens and that includes these Black and White Amerindians. Yet, if your goal is Royal privilege then notice that the Queen receives her basic income; as a human being. What are you? You are a human being. You may receive $20,000.00 dollars as a Native reserve citizen off the coast of the Niagara Great Lakes region. He is suffering disparate treatment and it could be that his basic income will only amount to an additional $30,000.00 for a total of $50,000.00 to be equal to his cousin in Quebec. Most are content that he would receive $70,000.00 in total since the Native benefit is land compensation. The means are not in doubt and nor is the necessity of this program and policy in an auto. The solution for the population suffering disparity in one part of the country is to address the disparity in an appropriate venue such as a Human Rights Tribunal. It is a known fact that people in Quebec have a basic income. Is it that people in Ontario do not receive basic income because they are not French speaking? That would be ludicrous but Ontarians do not actually have access to this socio-economic benefit. A class action law suit or a motion granting immediate relief from this disparity might be considered. A motion is not really necessary when once it is brought to the government's attention they can amend the disparity as disparity in the provision of policy is not their policy mandate. This is evident in all documents published by the new and old government. As they intend to comply and rectify glaring errors, a motion is not necessary. There is no adversarial issue here. There is no issue in contention. There is no need for a motion here. The country has sought to be a member of the UN Security Council to secure our UN Protected human rights at home and abroad. The UN has a Military to enforce compliance or impose sanctions when open breaches are identified in member states. Canada has participated in several of these missions. Warren A. Lyon

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Bailing out GM was not the right answer in its entirety but half the answer if the cash was to facilitate automation and basic income. Obalma was going to implement basic income in accordance with US foreign and domestic policy that supports "Human hegemony" on the day Travon was shot. He was going to try again on the day the Rice boy was shot in Ohio. He was to implement basic income on the day the rioting started in Missouri. The government decided to ask if American lives matter while Brown Iraqi Muslim lives certainly do as well as Afghan lives. Afghan's get $60000.00 basic income per year. Iraqis get $ 70,000.00 basic income. GM's problem was not a de facto monopoly and an emotional monopoly across North America but insufficient consumption of the product once the customer had a competitive robotically made but more expensive Japanese option. GM sold for less but was more expensive to build as the wholesale adoption of robotics was not implemented. But, if the population had basic income, the vehicle would have sold mindlessly for a while until the truth of its reliability and durability would cause you a cold or hot weather disappointment on the interstate. Welcome to GM Sierra/ Toyota Tundra. However , sales are still down in the absence of total basic income and Toyota earns 70 % on the sale of the Sierra /Tundra. The Japanese had Jesus like the Europeans long before Columbus came to teach you. They had wheels, wagon, cross bows, swords and knew about the Egyptian pyramids. You are still receiving a culture and the process began for the American on or about the year 1500 if not earlier while you give your lives to bring the basic income to other nations and pay for it in programmes like the Marshall plan, you are now receiving the culture with an Asian facade. At least Asians don't call you savages, animals and beasts where their branding of white and black is relief to you but what do you call yourself ? Thank you for your rendition with white hegemony along with your industrial inefficiency where you did not commit to profit at all costs and the future of your people like the Japanese, European, the Russian and the Chinese but instead you committed to your vanity in being led by a handsome leatherhead monkey neanderthal and committed to your misunderstanding and his lack of understanding. But, if you prefer a free cash dispensing machine at the banks with no card required vs. A regular payment that pays in like a job or pension where you could plan a vehicle purchase with monthly payments or home ownership or rental , then you don't anticipate taking dominion in the future of your lands. The UDHR is US policy. They take human life and remove leaders by force from nations who do not facilitate this essential policy that is of benefit to US capitalist interests. Basic income is a capitalist necessity and a capitalist policy. Japan is capitalist. Kudlow is not. He is just an unwitting exterminator of American people with his policies that do not agree with capitalism for the benefit of America. One former car worker's salary at $150,000.00 is now three basic incomes for three citizens at $50,000.00 each who may also be former car workers or new members of the work force as new high school graduates or new drop outs at 16 years of age. Basic income should start at 14 years of age. The government financed the automation and robotics that unemployed the people in plans that involve 100's of years of payment back to the government but it is cheaper than employees. You now see the lowest car sale rates and building occupancy rates. The government must also finance the people under legal obligation and logically speaking under financial obligation so that the nation can enjoy its return on investment. Human beings facilitate transactions. Transactions create work, tax on sales and sales you desire. People need a little money to keep the enterprise rolling; all the people regardless of complexion. The North American People have to have some "feeling" for themselves. When they don't adopt the policies that provide for their tender, loving care it feels like a war is imminent. Did you understand piped in gas vs. Heating oil? Did you understand universal health care when it was introduced? Did you understand basic income? The residue of entitlement to a retroactive back payment remains in the discussion for all who are disenfranchised. The national policy commitments are evident. The economic benefit is evident when enforcing Basic Income. Yet, some say they are not really sure yet while they receive usd 20,000.00 and ask the bank for "3" as in usd/cad 300.00 at the Teller window. Quebec and Manitoba have a basic income above CAD 39500.00. The sales tax rate should be 20 percent. Ontario may be changing its name to Huguenotario to honor the people in that province who are still essentially Huguenot and to apologise for an unusual resistance to French Pict Natives who looked like Amerindians and who worked as missionaries in Canada to communicate French socio-economic culture that involved a disbursement or basic income. Their European presence in the Americas dates back to 1545 and remains profoundly influential when it comes to "forward moving" economic policy. Yet, there is no uncertainty about electricity, water, free health care or free Schooling and how can you say you are not sure yet a out basic income when you taught the Boy how to swim or drove them to school or coached hockey? The final purpose is certain, confident vehicle sales and property rentals. Most condos are 10 percent occupied. There is no doubt about democracy but the population should be able to motivate it self and its system to enable the existing legal entitlement. Enforcement of basic income is just the same as maintaining the Pension electronically or the Land registry also. Click here. Did you know Justin Trapdoeoru is a South African citizen; just South African? sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url= Human Rights Tribunal is designed specifically to prevent known violations by the state. The Criminal code also prohibits human rights violations and abuses. Misfeasance in public office allows for prosecution of state officials. It could also be used to address malicious prosecution by any Police service but tortious claims are denied on public policy grounds. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is the forum for this application being brought by the best Law School in the country or the best Class Action Firm. I am good at everything but class actions involve a unique flare. Ethnic origin, age and family Status are the key grounds of descrimination when it involves the disparate provision of basic income. A valid Human Rights complaint requires one of the 11 grounds of discrimination protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act a discriminatory practice There are several ways that a person could be discriminated against. The Canadian Human Rights Act calls these discriminatory practices. The following seven discriminatory practices are prohibited by the Canadian Human Rights Act when they are based on one or more of the 11 grounds of discrimination: denying someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation; providing someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation in a way that treats them with prejudice and differently; refusing to employ or continue to employ someone, or treating them unfairly in the workplace; following policies or practices that deprive people of employment opportunities; paying men and women differently when they are doing work of the same value; retaliating against a person who has filed a complaint with the Commission or against someone who has filed a complaint for them; and harassing someone. a negative effect on you. You dont have to hire the black Afro Amerindian graduate who is part Dutch but nor do you have to suffocate his benefit entitlement. The non provision of basic income involving any citizens in a UN member state is a human rights violation. When it comes to questions as to who is running the country, there is a Privy Council, UN Charter Membership and treaties with the EU. The UN's UDHR indicates the following in confirming the rights are protected by the rule of law: Preamble Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people, Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law, Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations, Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom, Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge, Now, Therefore THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY proclaims THIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction. There is Criminal Law legislation preventing hate crimes, misfeasance in public office and as such, the disparate application of socio-economic policies in an effort to target certain segments of the population is estopped. The term "Precariat" is therefore a fraud. There is nothing precarious about the UDHR or the UNCHR and the legal requirements of any UN signatory nation under article 25 of the UDHR to provide a basic income to its citizens regardless of complexion. The term "Precariat" is a sad descriptive when it is only used to discuss the experience of Anglo populations who should see Marines enforcing article 25 basic income at home and visiting other Anglo countries soon to end UDHR breaches in the jurisdictions where they live as the Norad countries are legally obligated and are not immune. This is also true in the Western Indies also. West Indians are signatory citizens under the UN Charter as CARICOM citizens and not a left over population that always has to be told that their livelihood and protection under the UDHR, especially article 25, is a last priority while it is a first and also a legal priorty under the UDHR and this must entail a basic income for every CARICOM citizen; also in Haiti. Based on the UDHR requirements, a basic income of usd 600.00 per month would be feasible in the West Indies. Certain old emotional and social motivations and redundant social structures may die hard but those desires are a contradiction of what is promulgated in West Indian politics, art and music if it is not consistent with E pluribus Unum and the notion of one people with one skin. Who you allow your children to marry is a separate issue but the legality of rights and entitlements is the priority as you step away from a subconscious participation in the devaluation of your people and region. This subconscious devaluation of a people and region is indicative of the Canadian experience. A basic income nationally is now implemented once and for all in compliance with the nation's positive participation in UN policies around the globe but now also at home where the gap in application at home may have been overlooked while it is now being rectified. A basic income of $40,000.00 per year at minimum is a requisite for that cold and inhospitable climate. Click here: This is an issue for consideration by the Superior Courts and the Supreme Court of Canada. It is akin to the compensation paid by the U.S. Government for all victims of 911 and to victims of US Military UNCHR breaches or war crimes against foreign civilians any where in the world in places such as Afghanistan. The absence of basic income in any country makes the people displaced persons or Refugees referred to as internally displaced persons or IDP's in their own country! Some Canadians have basic income and others do not. There is no explanation. It causes internal displacement. It is generalised violence. It is evident disparity in the treatment of certain segments of the population for inexplicable reasons. A white, Part Eskimo or Black woman in one part of the country receives basic income upwards of $50,000.00 per year and a white man in another part of the country does not receive this socio-economic benefit. He believes as he is told in Ontario that he has the right to show his determination; his essentially ancestral determination. He has happy to be a part of something with a sense of officialdom to it as the people who join his determination are an official socio-economic resistance. But, they are not really intending to be criminals or terrorists except they have not received a noted, required and essential socio-economic benefit known as basic income. What is transpiring is actually ridiculous. But, one endeavours to put into words what is transpiring as it occurs. The White or Black Amerindian is not a part of any Indian reserve. He may be associated to a church group; Anglican usually and they do whatever they want until captured or killed due to a less than discrete exercise of royal privilege in, maybe, robbing a bank or a pizzeria yet the real crime is the disparate non provision of basic income to all citizens and that includes these Black and White Amerindians. Yet, if your goal is Royal privilege then notice that the Queen receives her basic income; as a human being. What are you? You are a human being. You may receive $20,000.00 dollars as a Native reserve citizen off the coast of the Niagara Great Lakes region. He is suffering disparate treatment and it could be that his basic income will only amount to an additional $30,000.00 for a total of $50,000.00 to be equal to his cousin in Quebec. Most are content that he would receive $70,000.00 in total since the Native benefit is land compensation. The means are not in doubt and nor is the necessity of this program and policy in an auto. The solution for the population suffering disparity in one part of the country is to address the disparity in an appropriate venue such as a Human Rights Tribunal. It is a known fact that people in Quebec have a basic income. Is it that people in Ontario do not receive basic income because they are not French speaking? That would be ludicrous but Ontarians do not actually have access to this socio-economic benefit. A class action law suit or a motion granting immediate relief from this disparity might be considered. A motion is not really necessary when once it is brought to the government's attention they can amend the disparity as disparity in the provision of policy is not their policy mandate. This is evident in all documents published by the new and old government. As they intend to comply and rectify glaring errors, a motion is not necessary. There is no adversarial issue here. There is no issue in contention. There is no need for a motion here. The country has sought to be a member of the UN Security Council to secure our UN Protected human rights at home and abroad. The UN has a Military to enforce compliance or impose sanctions when open breaches are identified in member states. Canada has participated in several of these missions.

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