
From Fleet Street Journal: I don't know if you know this one. Let me show you something. You could say what is law if you have authority as a politician but how can you campaign if you have fallen afoul in terms of the law or failed to maintain its rule under your administration or did not rectify the failures of the previous administration? Moses is a man of law. Israel is a land of law with the UDHR and the ten commandments. George Washington is a man of law. It's been great fun but it's your job. Your Latin Anglo neighbours and citizens arriving at the pinnacle of politics in America ask what is the point of Somerset v. Stewart if they have authority as a Latino Anglo? Also, What is the point of the Constitution? Maybe the constitution is everything in every speech until you arrive at that political position and then you show them how Cristobal Columbus would do it; in Puerto Rico or Port Royal in the year 1644. Spaniards had a Magna Carta by 1644 but maybe the rule of the king only and no regular Courts to confirm your humanity. They do today though under a very honoured Royal Family that expects compliance with the UDHR by all signatory nations. All European governments maintain this expectation. But, what is the point kf having position of you don't control the people yet you are Lord Admiral Sinjon Smythe. Welcome to Hilary Columbus who needs to have the control and the authority. It is an outdated set of expectations that may be be celebrated by a certain DNA that will, if left uneducated and unchecked, will challenge our system of laws and rules and impose itself insidiously like determined uninvited robotic cockroaches attacking anything it does not understand as in attacking someone to ask why you didn't sue when they thought you should? As such, your foreign outdated expectations could thwart your ultimate goal of life, liberty, family security, safety and community. We are nearly one quarter of the way to reaching the year 2100. But, maybe there's a project taking place involving a radio frequency across North America that suggests the Asianization and evident underfunding of your populations that include all people's and complexions with primarily "white" or "Pale Skin" political and financial leadership is due to a more important secret agenda involving the removal of Brown and Black Afro haired people but there is no such agenda. The population is shrinking like fish running out of oxygen while other populations are growing or stable. How can you make money without people? Your greatest strength in being able to argue is the weakness in your culture. Maybe we should Give English speaking black and white people the same guranteed income support given to Native white and Black people and French Black and White people in North America. There is a There is a UDHR Issue here; a Human Rights issue that you could argue sensibly for general economic good but you argue with logic mayne to maintain some other agenda. Is it Nazi? Is it scurvy? But, Nazi originated in Western hemispheric Creole scurvy. You preach the UDHR but do not fulfil it but maybe fix yourself first. At the current rate of underfunding, what population will there be in Canada and America by 2100? There are no Apple Trees or Mango trees bearing fruit all year long. To solve the failure in commitment involves a strong personality; a Commander to save the people so a popularity contest will not be satisfactory in politics new that we know what variable is at issue in our North American experience. It is irrelevant as to what candidate has the best silver glove or the best moonwalk but if he can sing a pop song by an American about the Holy Ghost coming back from the coast where the music will come alive that would be rather brilliant! Wouldn't you be chuffed with that? We need some minimum income support to feel good like the Asians although it is not evident when the people robbing the bank to get by wear those new underwear only available by 1-800 number that relieves the wedgy pick. As such, America is backsliding in its commitment to enforce stabilizing Capitalist economic policies to benefit its population and the populations of North America while enforcing the requisite policies in other countries. People who want to start families suffer. French people outnumber Anglos 2 to 1 in Canada. Their population conforms to the rule of law. If you do what is right, will you not also be accepted? You are under funded with respect to a critical policy that helps the population cope with a new technological reality involving robotic Labor and it helps business. What is the lesson in America, finally digested, from the reluctant acceptance of industrial automation? There are fewer jobs to support the existing population and enable a North American population to occupy the built spaces created and still being created in an America that used to enjoy full employment in a less robotic, less industrially automated age. As such, too many buildings are literally empty and shopping malls are being mothballed; signs of insufficient economic activity with a decreasing consumer population as there are not enough people funded some how to prevent the mall closures and high rate of rental and condo vacancy. The real purpose is population stability and economic viability spread evenly across the country and even if North America decides that it needs to be economically dependent going onto the 22nd century, we can be more profitable with a more competitive sales tax and a more secure, viable population that will make current and future investment endeavours worthwhile. If you are borrowing more than you produce, you are not a military or economic super power. House Resolution 430 that was passed in the same amount of time that it takes to approve a new Highway, High Speed Rail Network. Military action or UDHR Universal Minimum Income Support package for all of North America at $39000.00 per citizen per year at minimum is tremendous for its determination. House Resolution 430 is to be used for Bipartisan political ends and misses the moment that Congress had to resolve the real issue for Americans and American business that is the securing of the economy and of American life under UN laws to protect against the power of Automation that displaced human beings from the regular workforce and average worker job a long time ago. However, for all Americans Donald is a new cohesive force to overcome old Beltway, obfuscating Bipartisan politics that has blocked American greatness and blinded the country from the proverbial biblical solution in a world of robotic automated Labor; the answer being money. Money answers...Everything and that means a universal minimum income support. In spite of D Day in 1945 and the UDHR signed on 1948 along with the further signed commitments to International standards in the Rule of Law in 1976 under the OHCHR most recently confirmed by Donald's reading of the ILO Recommendations R202, What we see is wasted territorial hegemony when people under your authority should be used to further the economy's and the nation's ultimate agenda that is national income generation with an aggregate sales tax of 30 percent on all consumer activity even if the sales tax on food or clothing is zero. This is just responsible. This is why you need people. He who has the most people receiving a universal minimum income support paying sales tax into his economy wins. If the Chinese And Japanese Asians, the Pakistani and Hindu Asians and the Europeans left it to the Americans and the English to decide their human value after industrial and robotic automation, they would be dead. The Anglos don't have any people, no motor vehicle manufacturing and no money in comparison to their European and Asian lending nations from whom they borrow trillions of dollars in a recitation of the system of economic indentured servitude. These Asian and European economic regions follow the UDHR like a diagram for economic success. As you can see, the Americans and the English fail to see the complexion of money is green, blue or reddish brown like a ten pound note; not white. Yoda is also green; like a U.S. Marine. The real truth about Western hemispheric culture is that it all begins with rejection as a matter of self-perception. Politics and politicians seem to follow this rhythm with the fulfilment of a rejected people's imagination of what the politicians should look like if he or she is the leader as they pretend and as they fulfilled the imagination stoked by television and movies but the real issue is skirted and avoided innocently since qualification or capability or love of the people is irrelevant. It is just a childish mockery of peoples' legislated freedoms involving imagination and pretence. Also, what should the people look like as we imagine it? We need some movie extras in our box office production called " North America; Year 2100" from Asia and India since the movie producer has displaced the Mochican and the original Amerindian as they do not configure with his imagination for a majority population but they can be Mohicanapanese,he says, or something like that. This is the ridiculous background story of American history for too long; the impossible imposition of some foreign imagination. The whole world is a dead Western Hemispheric complexion anxious , sick minded movie producer's stage dating back to 1903. But, any elected has a legal obligation to enable our rights to a full implementation of the UDHR rights; not mock them although it is good children can come to Court and participate in family law proceedings if his mother or father has enough food, money, clothing and shelter to feed hom or her. The complexion sick culture originating from outside of North America, maybe in the Bahamas, is determined to achieve its imposition over our Rule of Law. It is why people leave the West Indies to be immigrants in North America but they hoped not to run into Jason the 13th in Alberta with soo many native disappearances. So much time and energy is bent on acceptance or the hope for acceptance over complexion, hair textures and trying to create the perfect acceptable Anglo population for presentation to the master culture as if the master culture does not enjoy its history with "afroed" peoples born on the European continent dating back 1000's of years. As such, you seek acceptance from the culture that you approximate as an "other" or "outsider" but it is a culture that you can never really be a part of for two simple reasons; 1. The first reason is that you don't know you are already accepted as a human being in that culture (See the UDHR) but you are seeking that acceptance from outside of your self and that validation from the master European culture (The European ) but you could decide that you are really good, unique and accepted by reading something originally North American that Europeans have validated as worthy so that you are equal as a contributor to a larger global culture and as such you are not being mastered by European culture but supported with camaraderie so that Europeans are now colleagues and friends who need us to be equipped equally with our universal minimum income support instead of being the Bare footed Huck Finn financially of the modern automated robotic world whose international sense of shame and exclusion goes away for a minute every time the national emotion is covered suited up in an F22 with their White, Black or Hispanic Anglo speaking AMERINDIAN cousin in the cockpit flashes across the television screen while Asians and Europeans are fully kitted out and funded. But, what about covering the people with the requisite universal minimum income support as required by the Maintenance of the RULE OF LAW? The Truehlp and Pense government will implement the universal minimum income support for all North Americans and for all nations who have not implemented it yet. Those nations will pay in to America s economy. The more subtle complexion sick Obalma party will keep HOPE alive vs. Fulfilment; and 2. The second reason is that the people from whom you seek acceptance would want you to accept yourself for the good that you and your community actually offers the world as a North American like Louis Armstrong where he plays Sam in Casablanca (The movie) where uh..Sam Sung! A ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!