The economy of desperation is bad for the public as it involves using unusual campaigns to market bestial marriage rights, weed for food or as a food additive and also the unusual phenomena of keeping a legal file open when the party making suit has confessed her own tortious action on the face of the document while the legal obligation to close the file as soon as possible cannot out weigh the right to eat and to be seen in a brand new vehicle as often as possible and for as many cute people as possible but...everybody is cute and everybody knows how to read a book; right? The other issue is that there are competing objectives but when police files are threatened along with the integrity of the Court, then you ask who has not seen the social cost of the economics of desperation in the absence of basic income or why thy have not seen it? The floors are polished for other communities who come to North America to thrive. You open the school to enjoy attendance from a 60% immigration student population and the old alumni stop sobbing, the few who are left, as the school is full again. The simple answer is basic income that will buy the new vehicle and you can figure out what else you need to finance the lifestyle but you are probably more likely to see the win/win benefit in maintaining a certain responsibility toward your client's interests in terms of cost even if you are on the side of the defense but working for the power company and City of Toronowanda whose lights on the highway were allegedly turned off or disabled according to the file when the suing party walked into the highway, a highway, and not at a legal cross walk. You ask also what is the cost of human life and if you think a movie told you that you had the right to kill anyone so you can keep your desperation while you have soo much authority to be white niggers and say you don't understand the growing Asian population with basic income who have no idea what you expect from your government except that you don't ask for anything except but the right to kill people in desperation instead of asking the government for the vehicle money and the food money so that they can use you for economic stimulation, not Asians while they certainly spend the money in 'merica wisely and have opened so many happy and glorious Sushi Rama as soldiers of Asian fortune; fortune cookies! Sze Sze and to you with the bum law file still open for 20 years with the confession in the document , Fack off! But, in America they used to have a postal service and then we don't know what happened... a global conflict ...and then they made it a political issue where they debated the need for a postal service but why is there any debate when it is necessary for a modern state just like basic income. Come on and let me show you! It starts right here with running water in Rome; you understand. They had a postal service also. The other issue is that the economy of desperation may have historical origin when some immigrants arrived in North America and for assistance in getting settled and having enough donkey bacon to feed their children and their wive and parents also, they were offered an opportunity to offer something; usually your teeth or maybe one of your children that you might have the money and maybe also the immediate seniority and authority you seek where you would do anything to have it...and they say 'anything?' But, this is not 1861 or some other time in history when men's faith grew weak as industrialism was starting to ramp up but more importantly, this was not the real message of America and it is not as if you had to give your teeth to anyone as there may have been quieter options for the communion you desired and it might have taken just a little longer and your wife would be glad since she would live longer and so you would also since you would be healthier and your penis, while useful, does not cut grass or thresh Anglican or Catholic wheat and no church or its parishioners would ever ask anyone to offer teeth or bodily appendage but they might ask you to offer a few days labor for free where and when asked since you had the desire. This mindset of offering appendages should not creep into any church and also everyone who wishes to say in the year 2001 or 1999 or 20120, that they know this is what their grandfather had to do when coming to America is mistaken. If the year is 20120, your grandfather came to America in 2016 from Ireland with basic income and he did not offer any children, teeth or penis since his culture celebrates human dignity. Jonathan Swift wrote a tale or two about what desperation made some men do or consider in changing economic times as men moved from agrarian life to city life but it is not as if every man sat down and ate his neighbor's baby or the other neighbor's dog. If it ever did happen, it might have been during an Atlantic passage from the old country to the new and Ice may have delayed the tall ship where fasting for a few days would not have prevented anyone from looking forward to a new field of potatoes in Nova Brunsotia or Vermont and with their children provided for. I tought you could see his autority by now.

The economy of desperation is bad for the public as it involves using unusual campaigns to market bestial marriage rights, weed for food or as a food additive and also the unusual phenomena of keeping a legal file open when the party making suit has confessed her own tortious action  on the face of the document while the legal obligation to close the file as soon as possible cannot out weigh the right to eat and to be seen in a brand new vehicle as often as possible and for as many cute people as possible but...everybody is cute and everybody knows how to read a book; right?  The other issue is that there are competing objectives but when police files are threatened along with the integrity of the Court, then you ask who has  not seen the social cost of the economics of desperation in the absence of basic income or why thy have not seen it?  The floors are polished for other communities who come to North America to thrive. You open the school to enjoy attendance from a 60% immigration student population and the old alumni stop sobbing, the few who are left, as the school is full again.  The simple answer is basic income that will buy the new vehicle and you can figure out what else you need to finance the lifestyle but you are probably more likely to see the win/win benefit in maintaining a certain responsibility toward your client's interests in terms of cost even if you are on the side of the defense but working for the power company and City of Toronowanda  whose lights  on the highway were allegedly turned off  or disabled according to the file when the suing party walked into the highway, a highway,  and not at a legal cross walk. You ask also what is the cost of human life and if you think a movie told you that you had the right to kill anyone so you can keep your desperation while you have soo much authority to be white niggers and say you don't understand  the growing Asian population with basic income who have no idea what you expect from your government except that you don't ask for anything except but the right to kill people in desperation instead of asking the government for the vehicle money and the food money so that they can use you for economic stimulation, not Asians while they certainly spend the money in 'merica wisely and have opened so many happy and glorious  Sushi Rama as soldiers of Asian fortune; fortune cookies!  Sze Sze and to you with the bum law file still open for 20 years with the confession in the document ,  Fack off!  But, in America they used to have a postal service and then we don't know what happened... a global conflict ...and then they made it a political issue where they debated the need for a postal service but why is there any debate when it is necessary for a modern state just like basic income. Come on and let me show you! It starts right here with running water in Rome; you understand. They had a postal service also.   The other issue is that the economy of desperation may have historical origin when some immigrants arrived in North America and for assistance in getting settled and having enough donkey bacon to feed their children and their wive and parents also, they were offered an opportunity to offer something; usually your teeth or maybe one of your children that you might have the money and maybe also the immediate seniority and authority you seek where you would do anything to have it...and they say 'anything?'  But, this is not 1861 or some other time in history when men's faith grew weak as industrialism was starting to ramp up but more importantly, this was not the real message of America and it is not as if you had to give your teeth to anyone as there may have been quieter options for the communion you desired and it might have taken just a little longer and your wife would be glad since she would live longer and so you would also since you would be healthier and your penis, while useful, does not cut grass or thresh Anglican or Catholic wheat and no church or its parishioners would ever ask anyone to offer teeth or bodily appendage but they might ask you to offer a few days labor for free where and when asked since you had the desire.  This mindset of offering appendages should not creep into any church and also everyone who wishes to say in the year 2001 or 1999 or 20120, that they know this is what their grandfather had to do when coming to America is mistaken. If the year is 20120, your grandfather  came to America in 2016 from Ireland with basic income and he did not offer any children, teeth or penis since his culture celebrates human dignity. Jonathan Swift wrote a tale or two about what desperation made some men do or consider in changing economic times as men moved from agrarian life to city life but it is not as if every man sat down and ate his neighbor's baby or the other neighbor's dog. If it ever did happen, it might have been during an Atlantic passage from the old country to the new and Ice may have delayed the tall ship where fasting for a few days would not have prevented  anyone from looking forward to a new field of potatoes in Nova Brunsotia or Vermont and with their children provided for.   I tought you could see his autority by now.
