A Beaver builds a dam to store his food in water deep enough not to freeze during winter months and the Anglo refuses basic income to starve himself to death to ensure every other population and linguistic culture will survive their big gas ignorance so that the world will not die off and suffer in their search for identity when the scone and Ribena or Coca cola is not enough; you need the Brit Milah. The Asian and the non Anglo European, like the Beaver, thinks about survival of the cold in the age of automation and builds up basic income as provided from his government in the propagation of his culture to thrive and to also most certainly survive.

A Beaver builds a dam to store his food in water deep enough not to freeze during winter months and the Anglo refuses basic income to starve himself to death to  ensure every other  population and linguistic culture  will survive their big gas ignorance so that the world will not die off and suffer in their search for identity when the scone and Ribena or Coca cola is not enough; you need the Brit Milah. The Asian and the non Anglo European, like the Beaver, thinks about survival of the cold in the age of automation and  builds up basic income as provided from his government in the propagation of his culture to thrive and to also most certainly survive.
