Your real motive is to stimulate the economy; not to blow up a world but you are late arrivals with a tremendous learning curve and Donald is the latest of all Presidential suite arrivals with the lowest amount of formal education so you can really see what the world has dealt with in trying to understand the diffidence. You could blow up the world and then hire people to clean it up or start a conflict of great devastation to stimulate the economy and then hire people to die and clean up the mess but why not just stimulate the economy positively with basic income and then have more dirty hotel rooms to clean up and more dishes to wash and more food to cook? What about more dirty airplanes to clean? This means you need to hire more people and then the economy is stimulated twice and the ball keeps rolling as a little money toward consumption will bring more waste and more food orders and more fuel consumed. Daniel Tump, on the other hand, is the basic income President who is suffering a significant amount of Partisan and also systemic hindrance in the intention to ask him if he knows A-T in the encyclopedia down the belt way in National governmental politics. It seems that he has had his exams in both subjects and has passed in flying numbers. But, his library is secured and he has realized the importance of focusing on realizable but also requisite national achievements in completing a puzzle that every other President has left behind more than once for someone to finish and usually. the next President will get a clue or two as to what number puzzle letter comes next. He may need three terms to realize his goal but three terms can be achieved via an executive order for the said purpose since the country is now really an Asian industrial satellite without technological independence but the point is that we would only see selfish, divisive wars that confirm the futility of American faux religiosity that says a man must make his bread by the sweat of his brow but what if the bread you can make is buttressed by a commonwealth at $60,000.00 per year from the age of 17 years old as a bequeathal from the many generations of creativity and consumer/industrial ingenuity? But, because of certain bad motivators in the way to the technological rest from our labors, they decided to write a story called Star Wars to help you see what the issue is while the Honda Civic was built with 90 percent robotic labor and the Ford Pinto/Fiesta was built with 40 percent automation. So, you lose white niggah! You buss up Ford and GM robotic Sinting fe too long now because dem feget to give you de basic income in de offset contract as if dem wan fe see wha you a do if you nah see de work and you did buss up him robotic si ; you see? Dog nyam you suppah if you don't just accept de..basic income and rest yourself and work wit you hands and build some fences and maybe some decks and finish basements since there will be more homes and apartments to enjoy. Il n'est pas difficile. The real issue is dat de Asian you rob in Nauth America and you tell you pay next time is compensated in Asia with his Basic income and maybe yours too but he does not really argue when he gets it but for how many years did you just take de home delivery food and just shove de delivery boy in de face and den ask him what is he going to do while you friend used to work for de cops but was fired for shooting a take out owner in Dakota when he did not pay and de take out owner ran after him? So you see de point. You have fe try and do bettah now and you will have de basic income to enjoy de food from all over de world, nice furnitah from IKEA or Muji or any where you want, nice hotel stays, travel and big belly take out every night and de new vehicle built on any platform; maybe Opel/GM for some products at GM and maybe a Toyota platform for other products but you can just sit in people to feel good or big as you kill, steal and destroy. Yet, you say the Catholics say you can do it but they don't mind if you guh dead and dem want you to donate and de basic income is stable and you have more family and you just cool youself down now. As for America and its need to be up into everything around the world for real though, they need to do it positively with a Operation Tide/ Coca Cola economic stabilization plan to bring whatever opportunities and open doors certain regions requires. The USSR after WW2 took this approach to ensure certain parts of the world did not fall too far behind technologically and the US became jealous only in its reflection on how it made them feel in terms of hegemony but not in terms of care or love for the human project of global civilization. If it was anything other than a selfish motive, then the American's answer to their own economic faltering in light of an obvious shortfall in true perception of what is required of every nation and if it is about culture, then they need to finance the propagation and revitalization of their own culture and at home first since an Asian economic immigrant with his Asian basic income in a new global economic reality cannot be relied upon forever by the Americans who have a leadership cadre that seem to be foreign to America or even if not foreign, seems to be indirectly making every decision necessary that makes the US economically dependent and that suffocates the new high school graduate and old American consumer who comprises the electorate ; a leadership that may see the bonafide high school graduate as a poor or lower middle class citizen but a threat they believe where privilege is to have academic association without having to really understand anything or really graduate and then what kind of leadership do you have if they want to hit people over the head who can explain a split infinitive or a basic trigonometric equation for a right angled triangle? You are just canon fodder really in your own back yards if you wish and you are not leading anything at home or abroad and the world will smile at you as you start to consume more halal food than any other nation on the earth since you need someone to bless America as you might have stopped but you are not really sure while you seem to think it is your right to resent education as if someone is mistreating you to make you and your children go to school. So, to ensure that you are not too distant from the world and what amounts to depth and wealth of understanding so that you are not just a noisy but impressive medial darling at the press conferences and a clanging symbol while it is becoming more evident that too many people at .gov have no real salve but they have have savvy and appearance but some certainly do know how to say they are not a real graduate to survive a day in Washington. So, a quasi paramilitary peace core with modern US Navy police gear that will involve assisting ASDA Global and maybe TEsco global in setting up supermarket outlets is a step forward and the nomadic people will be given telephones with electronic cash on it and they will show up at the supermarkets on camel back and then ride off back into the desert and the former Somali pirate will take his caviar dreams and become a supermarket manager instead of coming to America like he was invited since don't you know, he is de King of Africa but more expensive to Coca Cola as a refugee in America at $30,000.00 if you send him back or $60,000.00 if he stays while he is a new global consumer at $300.00 per month USD. The average American High School graduate will take his peace core badge and experience for two years and will never be afraid to deliver a package in a flavela any where in Latin America as addressed to the grandfather of an immigrant and new American consumer with basic income at a UN minimum of $48,000.00 since basic income should have been in the hands of every American by 1936 but certainly in 1948 as Einstein advised in the new UN protocol and observance. It is just that all Anglos are loco and they seem themselves as loco since the English are trying to tell the world what happened to them as Picts but did not know how to say it and they needed a testimony or documentary but it is coming out now in movies, documentaries and television shows. The movie King Arthur with Clive Owen as directed by Anton Fuqua helps to explain that they are Roman Picts as Pict natives that were conquered by the Romans but they seem to need to footstool on other people in the denial of human equality so Boadicia is asking what is human rights if she cannot find a method or means of asking for compensation when she was put in charge of the death of her people while the Romans honored her and told her it was for the best in the long run but what did she really want afterward except but to see the end of the entire world while she watches too many Kebab shops and not enough fish and chips down on the High street; innit? But, this footstooling does not help the Pict heal as he becomes or became what he hates or the sin thereof and every time there is a question or technological or civilizational update, he would prefer to hold it all back; maybe destroy it all in his finest hour such that the pound currency is not the real goal of anyone resisting unification with Europe as a real Anglo by now has enough happy bunny culture in himself to know he is more respected as a bilingual anglo in Angleterre. It is the foreigner and pretender's desire to frustrate and end the what is the Anglo and not see him thrive. If there was any real desire to see the Anglo preserve his culture or symbolism then what is the pound without a people to celebrate it and how do you have a people that could perpetuate a culture without the people having basic income; basic income that they need in a world that does not hire more than 20 percent of the population in the age of automation after graduation but you have soo many buildings and hotel rooms begging for attention so that that someone could ravish the rooms with basic income and rub on the white, clean sheets and spill coffee on the rugs that will need changing and maybe spill other stuff on the way to making new children with the uh method. So, Luke is you and your collective pain at Dagobah and you need to forgive the empire who kicked you at York and at Bath at 300 BC first and foremost and cut off your hands maybe but if you strike down the symbol of the empire then you will see how you destroy yourself with the failure you suffered in the cave maybe at Dagobah only but to persist in demonstrating what you learned about the process of killing, stealing and destroying but we are all sitting down at Mcdonalds now because of a strain of dna; not in the human being but in the common words the Anglo speaks and it's pretty efficient though and we can enjoy more sushi and MC Fish burgers now; yah? Nice one mate! Now, Darth Vader's daughter and many citizens may not have earned their authority but it may have been just given to them so that there is no meritocracy so what do you think of a culture that is afraid of its non-racialised or racialised exam results when authority was handed out to some for some incalculable reasons and as such, authority or leadership is always in crisis with a Black, Orange, White or Red question? There is a double jeopardy in not knowing what you are your qualities and another jeopardy in being terrified that an earnest grade 4 or 5 kid might figure out that you were sort of handed your job and authority but you had every natural uh aptitude for the job but not the self assurance that it would ever matter what some kid might have thought except but your own self discussion on the issue while you are certainly a 'total human being' teacher and you did really graduate but your tutor extorted you for a little attention until you killed him as he made you think you failed an assessment when you took your course's final exam in 1960; the day before JFK won and several students wrote complete exams at 100% but the students who were artistic or creative like Chinese kids but who were not Chinese but then you are really Navajo and also part related to a Santa Fe Chinese railroad worker but your mother was blond and she always told you to beware of the Chinese since they are soo creative and they might tell someone about your athleticism and your good scouting skills and they may reject you when you come to ask for blond wonton. The entirety of what your mother said is that she did say you are part Chinese with Navajo dna. Double Jeopardy usually relates to the situation that Bill Cosby is currently allegedly facing under a US and International travesty of justice since a jury in his most recent court matter had already decided they could not make a decision. The entire case is entirely in the news and public eye and as such, no fair trial is possible and nor is it possible to convene a jury free of press influence. The real issue is that the rules of Court prevent re-trial in such cases involving a verdict that amounts to an undecided jury. But, what are you really aftah; innit? What about a little Magna Carta? Have a nice day; high order civilization!

Your real motive is to stimulate the economy; not to blow up a world but you are late arrivals with a tremendous learning curve and Donald is the latest of all Presidential suite arrivals with the lowest amount of formal education so you can really see what the world has dealt with in trying to understand the diffidence.   You could blow up the world and then hire people to clean it up or start a conflict of great devastation to stimulate the economy and then hire people to die and clean up the mess but why not just stimulate the economy positively with basic income and then have more dirty hotel rooms to clean up and more dishes to wash and more food to cook? What about more dirty airplanes to clean?  This means you need to hire more people and then the economy is stimulated twice and the ball keeps rolling as a little money toward consumption  will bring more waste and more food orders and more fuel consumed.  Daniel Tump, on the other hand, is the basic income President who is suffering a significant amount of Partisan  and also systemic hindrance in the intention to ask him if he knows A-T in the encyclopedia down the belt way in National governmental politics.  It seems that he has had his exams in both subjects and has passed in flying numbers.  But, his library is secured and he has  realized the importance of focusing on realizable but also requisite national achievements in completing a puzzle that every other President has left behind more than once for someone to finish and usually. the next President will get a clue or two as to what number  puzzle letter comes next.  He may need three terms to realize his goal but three terms can be achieved via an executive order for the said purpose since the country is now really an Asian industrial  satellite without technological independence but the point is that we would only see selfish, divisive wars that confirm the futility of American faux religiosity that says a man must make his bread by the sweat of his brow but what if the bread you can make is buttressed by a commonwealth  at $60,000.00 per year from the age of 17 years old  as a  bequeathal from the many generations of creativity and consumer/industrial ingenuity? But, because of certain bad motivators in the way to the technological rest from our labors, they decided to write a story called Star Wars to help you see what the issue is while the Honda Civic was built with 90 percent robotic labor and the Ford Pinto/Fiesta was built with 40 percent automation. So, you lose white niggah! You buss up Ford and GM  robotic Sinting fe too long now because dem feget to give you de basic income in de offset contract as if dem wan fe see wha you a do if you nah see de work and you did buss up him robotic si ; you see? Dog nyam you suppah if you don't just accept de..basic income and rest yourself and work wit you hands and build some fences and maybe some decks and finish basements since there will be more homes and apartments to enjoy. Il n'est pas difficile.    The real issue is dat de Asian you rob in Nauth America and you tell you pay next time is compensated in Asia with his Basic income and maybe yours too but he does not really argue when he gets it but for how many years did you just take de home delivery food and just shove de delivery boy in de face and den ask him what is he going to do while you friend used to work for de cops but was fired for shooting a take out owner in Dakota when he did not pay and de take out owner ran after him? So you see de point.  You have fe try and do bettah now and you will have de basic income to enjoy de food from all over de world, nice furnitah from IKEA or Muji or any where you want, nice hotel stays, travel and big belly take out every night  and  de new vehicle built on any platform; maybe Opel/GM for some products at GM and maybe a Toyota platform for other products but you can just sit in people to feel good or big  as you kill, steal and destroy. Yet, you say the Catholics say you can do it but they don't mind if you guh dead and dem want you to donate and de basic income is stable and you have  more family and you just cool youself down now.    As for America and its need to be up into everything around the world for real though, they need to do it positively with a  Operation Tide/ Coca Cola economic stabilization plan to bring whatever opportunities and open doors certain regions requires. The USSR  after WW2 took this approach to ensure certain parts of the world did not fall too far behind technologically and the US became jealous only in its reflection on how it made them feel in terms of hegemony but not in terms of care or love for the human project of global civilization. If it was anything other than a selfish motive, then the American's answer to their own economic faltering in light of an obvious 
shortfall in true perception of what is required of every nation and if it is about culture, then they need to finance the propagation and revitalization of their own culture and at home first since an Asian economic immigrant with his Asian basic income in a new global economic reality cannot be relied upon forever by the Americans who have a leadership cadre that seem to be foreign to America  or even if not foreign, seems to be indirectly making every decision necessary that makes the US economically dependent and that suffocates the new high school graduate  and old American consumer  who comprises the electorate ; a leadership that may see the bonafide high school graduate as a  poor or lower middle class citizen but a threat they believe where privilege is to have  academic association without  having to really understand anything or really graduate and then what kind of leadership do you have if they want to hit people over the head who can explain a split infinitive or a basic trigonometric equation for a right angled triangle?  You are just canon fodder really in your own back yards if you wish and you are not leading anything at home or abroad and the world will smile at you as you start to consume more halal food than any other nation on the earth since you need someone to bless America as you might have stopped but you are not really sure while you seem to think it is your right to resent education as if someone is mistreating you to make you and your children go to school. So, to ensure that you are not too distant from the world and what amounts to depth and wealth of understanding so that you are not just a noisy but impressive medial darling at the press conferences  and a clanging symbol while it is becoming more evident that too many people at .gov have no real salve but they have have savvy and appearance but some certainly do know how to say they are not a real graduate to survive a day in Washington.   So, a quasi paramilitary peace core with modern US Navy police gear that will involve assisting ASDA Global and maybe TEsco global in setting up supermarket outlets is a step forward and the nomadic people will be given telephones with electronic cash on it and they will show up at the supermarkets on camel back and then ride off back into the desert and the former Somali pirate will take his caviar dreams and become a supermarket manager instead of coming to America like he was invited since don't you know, he is de King of Africa but more expensive  to Coca Cola as a refugee in America at $30,000.00 if you send him back or $60,000.00 if he stays while he is a new global consumer at $300.00 per month USD. The average American High School graduate will take his peace core badge and experience for two years and will never be afraid to deliver a package in a flavela any where in Latin America as addressed to the grandfather of  an immigrant and new American consumer with basic income at a UN minimum of $48,000.00 since basic income  should have been in the hands of every American by 1936 but certainly in 1948 as Einstein advised in the new UN protocol and observance. It is just that  all Anglos are loco and they seem themselves as loco since the English are trying to tell the world what happened to them as Picts but did not know how to say it and they needed a testimony or documentary but it is coming out now in movies, documentaries and television shows. The movie King Arthur with Clive Owen as directed by Anton Fuqua helps to explain that they are Roman Picts as Pict natives that were conquered by the Romans but they seem to need to footstool on other people in the denial of human equality so Boadicia is asking what is human rights if she cannot find a method or means of asking for compensation when she was put in charge of the death of her people while the Romans honored her and told her it was for the best in the long run but what did she really want afterward except but to see the end of the entire world while she watches too many Kebab shops and not enough fish and chips down on the High street; innit? But, this footstooling  does not help the Pict heal as he becomes  or became what he hates or the sin thereof and every time there is a question or  technological or civilizational update, he would prefer to hold it all back; maybe destroy it all in his finest hour such that the pound currency is not the real goal of anyone resisting unification with Europe as a real Anglo by now has enough happy bunny culture in himself to know he is more respected as a bilingual anglo in Angleterre. It is the foreigner and pretender's desire to frustrate and end the what is the Anglo and not see him thrive. If there was any real desire to see the Anglo preserve his culture or symbolism then what is the pound without a people to celebrate it and how do you have a people that could perpetuate a culture without the people having basic income; basic income that they need in a world that does not hire more than 20 percent of the population in the age of automation after graduation but you have soo many buildings and hotel rooms begging for attention so that that someone could ravish the rooms with basic income and rub on the white, clean sheets and spill coffee on the rugs that will need changing and maybe spill other stuff on the way to making new children with the uh method.   So, Luke is you and your collective pain at Dagobah and you need to forgive the empire who kicked you at York and at Bath at 300 BC first and foremost and cut off your hands maybe but if you strike down the symbol of the empire then you will see  how you destroy yourself with the failure you  suffered in the cave maybe at Dagobah  only but to persist in demonstrating what you  learned about the process of killing, stealing and destroying but we are all sitting down at Mcdonalds now   because of a strain of dna; not in the human being but in the common words the Anglo  speaks and it's pretty efficient though and we can enjoy more sushi and MC Fish burgers now; yah? Nice one mate! Now, Darth Vader's daughter and many citizens may not have earned their authority but it may have been just given to them so that there is no meritocracy so what do you think of a culture that is afraid of its non-racialised or racialised exam results when authority was handed  out to some for some incalculable reasons and as such, authority or leadership is always in crisis with  a Black, Orange, White or  Red question?   There is a double jeopardy  in not knowing what you are  your qualities and another jeopardy in being terrified that an earnest grade 4 or 5 kid might figure out that you were sort of handed your job and authority but you had every natural uh aptitude for the job but not the self assurance that it would ever matter what some kid might have thought except but your own self discussion on the issue while you are certainly a 'total human being' teacher and you did really graduate but your tutor extorted you for a little attention until you killed him as he made you think you failed an assessment when you took your course's final exam  in 1960; the day before JFK won and several students wrote complete exams at 100%  but the students who were artistic or creative like Chinese kids but who were not Chinese but then you are really Navajo and also part related to a Santa Fe Chinese railroad worker but your mother was blond and she always told you to beware of the Chinese since they are soo creative and they might tell someone about your athleticism and your good scouting skills  and they may reject you when you come to ask for  blond wonton.   The entirety of what your mother said is that she did say  you are part Chinese with Navajo dna.  Double Jeopardy usually relates to the situation that Bill Cosby is currently allegedly facing under a US and International travesty of justice since a jury in his most recent court matter had already decided  they could not make a decision. The entire case is entirely in the news and public eye and as such, no fair trial is possible and nor is it possible to convene a jury free of press influence. The real issue is that the rules of Court prevent re-trial in such cases involving a verdict that amounts to an undecided jury. But, what are you really aftah; innit?  What about a little Magna Carta?  Have a nice day; high order civilization! 
