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The Sunday Mass - 13th Sunday Ordinary Time - July 1, 2018

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Serbia v Brazil - 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ - Match 41

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France vs Argentina | FIFA World Cup Russia 30 June 2018

England v Belgium - 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ - Match 45

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Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide by Warren Augustine Lyon.

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SOAS Sanctuary Scholarships | SOAS University of London

You need to be a 'basicincreat'; a consumptionoid. So, what will you do to answer the equation? We are soo afraid they might just forget the point and become distracted in religious denominational division and not put in the basic income like the French put in basic income from the days of Louis the 10th. Is it not lawful to save a life or lives in your peaceful celebration of your good Hispanic, Anglo or French culture so that you might have clean water and basic income? The English seem to fallen short of basic income more than once and maybe because of it, they were chosen to settle the cold parts of North America that did not have the palm trees like uh California and no Cactus and because they did not respect human life or its value so it would never really be settled for very long but always frail and open to occupation and then it really became an issue when the most powerful means of industrial production came to the fore in the form of Mechanized, robotic labor also known as robotic automation and even after FDR endured his experience with automation and ended up with a second bill of rights since the war was just an expression of the frustration he faced with his own secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr, who had good motivations as to the national reserves and thought of the expenditure on roads and bridges as justified in facilitating the economy but when the work was done and the people, again, had no means of income from any works program he resented the facilitating of the economy in a guaranteed basic income, the purpose of which is to facilitate the economy. The Secretary of the Treasury was Henry Morgenthau Jr and it was just a new time and any guaranteed income to save all of those good American lives in the argument about fuel with Germany and Japan and the value of human was just a new and novel time, a technological tower of Babel and they did not factor in the purpose of the technology or the commitment to that purpose which is centred on human life. Henry Morgenthau Jr did commit to FDR's Second Bill of Rights posthumously if that makes sense. The final answer is that the English do not lose wars but they may lose battles and the real issue as far as Spain and France is concerned is to remind all of the English that they are students of Rome in this world forever and that they need to respect one final denominator in spite of their religious freedom but if it is only a question of how you worship God but not how you understand God's love for human life, then you would be in line with the final denominator and put in basic income. For the Anglo as students, they may have taken the approach that they own you with their purpose being the propagation of their Anglo ego; not the propagation of a language and culture and that is why Toronowanda is rather Asian today with bilingual Asian/English Bank signs and with bilingual Asian/English subway signs slated for 2020 whether or not basic income is implemented. The Europeans made people and culture their purpose and this is why Mexico and Brazil have basic income. They are also predominantly Catholic; like the French. The French in Manitoba and Quebec have basic income. Do you see? Maybe you do. However, all of Europe has its design on America and the Anglos while the Anglos have their parliaments and rather inciteful systems of government. There is a golden thread. You just stole your neighbor's vehicle but according to a Cuban in London, it does not really matter if he is Black but the Cuban went to jail although he wants you to think he had the authority steal it. That's right Derrick. You. see de girls, they want to have the baby and you buy the ring or else without it, she won't do the jigi jigi..and you need to make her feel nice. America is a vassal and will always be but it is best to control Goliath or gulliver and let him tie himself down when it is not difficult to do when he cannot say what his own hybridized dna is worth but if he had ever committed to the European dna and got out of cultural resistance as in his resistance to the received European, Romanic culture that knocked on is Amerindian dna in Toronowanda around the year 1500, then you would see how the Toronowandans have been behaving with smart phone in hand in year 2017 like Grendel in Northern Europe in the year 600 AD as in resisting Beowulf the Romanic Dutchman with his Skagen armour and Dutch swords and automatic watches. The real issue is that you don't know how to plan to live to 500 years old so the older natives regardless of complexion and who look like Santa Claus or his wife in our world will feel that you will have the authority to propagate their culture into the millenniums. Some look like Frederick Douglass and your mother knows this feeling; Pilsbury, Quaker, Toyota. But, how will you live to 500 years old in the automated world if you do not have basic income and clean water? You need to be a 'basicincreat'; a consumptionoid. So, what will you do to answer the equation? Should we watch Walter Reuther's testimony again and his evidence as to the attrition that basic income causes on human populations as next to the evident cost saving benefits where you hire fewer and fewer people? You need an incremental basic income since automation is for you and I so that we might fulfill our ultimate economic purpose which is consumption and do not doubt that someone figured this out after he told people they did not have to come to work in Northern France after he designed a Windmill or updated technology that already existed in Africa to grind wheat for bread instead of having people stamp, grind or thresh it by hand. Rest now and enjoy your basic income. Harriet Tubman may not be Brown this time but you need to speak to your politician in your Anglo state or province if you do not have basic income and ask why your public school that was once full of white kids with some happy minorities just off Huntingbranch Boulevard is no longer nearly fully white or beige although there is nothing wrong with those old 400 square foot homes. In fact, the schools are near empty or mostly Asian now in that Mining town with the big space needle with a population of about 750,000 people now in a country with a population of 17 million people but it just that life is tenacious and the Beige or White Harriet Tubman that used to be a church secretary is leading her Pentecostal people to some jurisdiction where there is basic income ; some where like Saskatoba or Missourisota. But, tell your Premier or your Prime Minister that what is happening is just not on; not good enough!

The Sunday Mass - 11th Sunday Ordinary Time - June 17, 2018

Hiromi Uehara The Trio Project "Desire"

Londinium(TM) Social Club Presents the Cool Jazz Countdown by Sheppard and LaRue.

He says we should get all the education while we can and when it is free and to also become paramedics but who has made him ruler over us, a teacher over us?

As far as the President is concerned and as far as economics is concerned, he or she wants you to know that the people are the most important aspect of this fiasco. See Trump's imitators on SNL.  

So, now you see what is going on. You are the desert of the real with your limited expectations. Will be Booker T. who was born in Belize and raised to think of nothing else but food and clothing and doing whatever is necessary to get it and when teaching men about life and technology he taught them to build a tractor over and over again and then to build an airplane and now they teach them to fix a washing machine over and over again and then build an airplane and now they will learn how to pull down an audi engine over and over again and drain the gas tank of water and also cajole dealership staff not to get in to authority arguments about vehicle diagnostics and then beg all the mechanics in the world to agree with you when you say 'timing belt' to make $1500.00 when it was just a gas tank fuel pump.

CJC Week Ending 6/8/2018. Cool Jazz Countdown.

All we need to do is...pretend to be robber barons and the cops are stupid...see? Just offer them some money...and like Mikey, they will eat anything...see? So, just steal all the suits and then we will own it and.. you don't even have to kill anyone but who would they prefer to own it when we are also know...more uh...but we dont have any answers or any legal knowledge and we could register our own business name and we could have asked him to help and do our own but my shame to do anything that comes out of my own heart or mind and...maybe we just buy it and respect the good will he put into it and also our own human value and just buy it if he offers it for less than $750000.00 and maybe we just register our own Angel "something"

He says we should have a commensurate respect for all human value...blasphemy! He says we need basic income to facilitate our economy...crucify him! Who does he make himself out to be while we did pay for and build the machines and planned to put in the basic income; didn't we? Well, I suppose he is...just regurgitating the message of civilization we give to all the children in tv; innit? The medium is the message; the message is community and family in civilization! Toyota!...and the people responded by saying "Toyota and Opel GM now with basic income and do not forget Amtrak with fuel cell trains and all the Chevrolet you can eat." Let's go get some Sushi and some Chevrolet. We sympathise with the Renne and what she has had to endure in keeping royalty viable as a representation of the people and their suffering sans argent base.

Cristobal and Cristobalianity is working in the desperatioin the absence of basic income to maintain his hegemony over what He/she did to build a better world; the new world in the Western hemisphere and he says there has to be a great hurt before there is peace since you took his natural disposition as a female and his cristobalians who are very big sometimes are holding the hemisphere ransom and maybe cristobal does not accept that we have alrrady had our great hurt in two or three world wars and we have paid the cost and  the hurt and that many of us have honored his work and his story to bring the culture and the technology to the new world and he is honored as he made his deals with the empire to save as many as possible and then give this amerindian people authority in europe and then authority in the new world with the arrival of peruvians in the south of europe in early seventeenth century and they seem to come to cold places in north america and get angry when people respect the school librarians and graduate  

You are still experimenting with how do you or how could you own it? You are also still experimenting with how do you graduate? But the heart beat of the Anglo Western Hemisphere is resistance and resentment of that received culture as much as possible above and beyond food and clothing and doing whatever it takes to get them; nothing else and it wasnt so bad before Traffic (2000) but there has to be an expectation limiting drug in E and the weed but also expectation limiting economic and social policies that will tolerate an absence of formal education in the majority of the population. Now, when balancing chemical equations, you dont have to make it look nice but it has to balance and it may not be what you expect but the guiding principle at UWO  is that energy is never lost but transferred. So, don't add more raw matter to make it look nice. There is too much hydrogen on the left side of the equation.   But this is the voice of...your father's house has many mansions. The only other issue facing your arrival at intrinsic human value is your reluctance or resentment for the concept of ownership; especially land ownership. Carol Huggins or Higgins is not re-writing my work and dishonoring Bell Hooks; is she? Well, let's say you understand human value in terms of your own while you look European enough or maybe African or native enough but maybe understanding ownership in buying and selling a property in the Western hemisphere would feel like your capitulation and surrender to the occupying culture and the body of laws so then you want to just show up in Fairfax Maryland or the other place and just take any house you want which means the human value of other individuals and their property is threatened if that is what you propose and  it is all your land; right? Now how did any Anglo write legislation making it legal to enslave a Native American or an African sometime around 1614 if they were not Christians?   Do you see? But, what do you do now with all the Amerindian basic income you have been receiving when four of you could buy a twelve unit building in Pittsburgh right now and own it and split the rent with every owner managing the rent on his own four units but you are not sure if you have enough education among your four brothers to demand your rent from your four tenants or if he will conspire with your four tenants to take your rent in setting you up with some half native half skallywag girl to accuse you for breaking in and then send you up da river like you are da guy who beat her up or something and you dont know anything about her but the police would not really do it just for a few dollars more when they have the answer via her mobile phone. But, here you are resenting the children of Anthony Jackson who was born in America and whose parents were Afrique Anglos from Newcastle who emigrated to America in 1590 and who was anxious about his headrights and he was afrique my niggah! You; you must be from Montana but some of your relatives were Miami natives from the south with Afro hair and some are from Nevada with Afro hair and that is all and when will you run off with the KFC without paying?

Automation since 1901  without basic income provided on an incremental basis since 1901  causes population attrition; an attrition in the population. The basic income ameliorates the attrition. Birthrate is not the issue here but money for stability in child rearing and population propagation. Europe has been native population that receives both native monies and basic income.  Countries with good roads grow while now if all countries have good roads, the countries without basic income die off no matter how good the weather is.  Certainly you could deliver mail by horseback over rough terrain but by road, if you had a road, enables you to deliver more as the road facilitates economics. The road facilitates some function which is efficiency in delivery and communication and it gives us stability as few horses die and fewer mail men, women or androids. Did you Antwone Fisher has many white or beige counterparts who know his personal life experience? Basic income facilitates a function of economics which is distribution and mass consumption which is needed per minute per hour per second spread evenly across the country to make up for  the automation is taking away labor(the usual conduit for obtaining monies) while basic income allows for stability in economics that requires a return on efficiency and demand a more immediate return from the monies spent via  government finance on automated efficiency. The government spent the monies on the road and they spent the monies on the automation in the form of a loan and then GM claimed bankruptcy to get out of the loans while their 'work dna' employees damaged the robots. But, with every dollar spent on roads a robots by the government, what stooge did they put in office as a fall guy to resist the money to be put in incrementally as a guaranteed income while Mexico Latinos and Anglo Brit Latinos hope you will opt for for war and kill their Anglo Merican relatives whose parents emigrated to America 200 years ago from Jamaica or Cuba also and who are about to get conscripted to get killed but whose organs will be farmed or their legs will be turned into hamburger if your stooge misses again since his community must have capped itself in their expectations at hunter gatherer/ exterminatable on the edge of peace; a peace that does not require any F(_-cking great suffering but an acceptance of oneself as enter rest my niggah!    We consider road and a postal service necessary and also a train line to facilitate economics. We consider the cost necessary and also every human life involved. We consider consumption necessary in facilitating economics. A certain factor of economic Product in every domestic market (the GDP) in the world needs to be dedicated to consumption via a guaranteed income per citizen with an  incremental basic income.

The war you feel, whether it is the resistance and resentment you feel and express toward full time education or any post seconday training obtained by an Amerindian( Afrique hair or Cat hair type) along with your resistance to basic income is really your war against your own hemisphere's human value. They are having a great time in Europe. Will it be 5 loaves  two fish or do you want to multiply it; super size it? You think you are witnessing for God in denying medical treatments that involve blood transfusions. You also resist or deny the basic income until today. You believe it gives you social authority while your continent is dying off; sushi or Ramen? Let's go eat! But, you are the consumption droids you are looking for but you needed the basic income until today and how did I get here if it wasn't you in the Santa Claus suit or who drove the bus?  You want to feel excited though like you are having a party and then you want to invite people to come as you suggest that it will be fun and you don't really know who you are and...what is an E pill? But, you know what you want to feel like the one in your household who wielded the power and abused the family and beat up mother or like the one who poisoned the river or shot the people in the reserve would give money or jobs to people who have no education and the other guy gives money to people whether or not they have any education since he sees the problem. It affects us all and "education" is not a nationality, a complexion or an enemy but the way you target those who have it, we will need an Educated Persons Act very soon my niggah!

Brazil vs Austria 3-0 Highlights 2018 Friendly

Not so spicy; this one is very spicy and look; Denis Rodman lives in Asia and you have so many basketball coaches and bus station managers and media personalities like Tyler Perry so we are equal so...what's up with him when they all had to have been graduates first who could have been lawyers, doctors or teachers.   So, what's up with him? He must be an Anglo graduate or a soldier who went away and you know what we do; we hold them and frustrate them in the culture of Cristobalianity and maybe there is a little Babylon in us since the Anglo graduates are like teachers and the Babylonians taught their people not to go beyond teacher or Rabi  and this is the cap, lid and limitation and ceiling  we see in our community when some people are participating automatically and subconsciously in breaking the laws as they relate to all of us in  attacking another graduate from any jurisdiction who obtained more than C so C average for the lawyer means we will not switch him but above A,  we will risk going to jail and being shot since C if he is Black or Brown is acceptable but if he is an A grade and not beige enough or celebrity enough  for granny's Babylonian sex addiction or short enough  for the other granny's Napoleon Windward Island  mindset then we try to switch him and then we feel sad in ourselves as we actually devalue ourselves sinc we pushed him and encouraged  him and Disapproved of anything lower than a C and the women with nice boobs (C cup and above) were not soo hot toward him so he worked hard for the boob girl A and as we eat and pretend and ignore what we are really saying to the world, we are  sad. Maxine Watery Eyes disagrees with this confusion, nonsense and self negation. She Disagrees rather incessantly. IL n'est pas difficile. Tu doit t'aime le famille, le communite' et les amis avec le assistance de le Un Dieu de Egypt, Babylon et Israel. Merci!     

The fuel company is a fuel company that sells and produces fuels to make mucho denaro...mucho profito. It is not a dirty fuel company engaged in trying to purvey the most dirty, inefficient fuels.

Angel Patrick(TM) Photo Directory.

Soy Sauce Television(TM) by Londinium(TM) Media as owned by Warren A. ...

Here's Why the 2018 Kia Stinger GT Is Worth $50,000

Mustang Reveal January 2005 - Fifth Generation Introduction

2005 Ford Mustang Commercial. We have nothing right now at Walgreen's but maybe you can check down the road at Target. .a ha ha ha ha ha ha...a ha ha ha ha ha! This humor is credited to 12th generation Latin Anglo and Euro Anglo Americans who say the uh jig is up! Bumbuclot! Just quit pretending no one is noticing and just put Japanese on the road signs and then give us the basic income; innit?

CBS Evening News Monday September 19, 1994 Part 2

CBS Evening News Monday September 19, 1994 Part 2

CBS Evening News Monday September 19, 1994 Part 1

CBS Commercials - October 21, 1994

July 19, 1994 commercials


Click here: Pass the Aunt Jemima pancakes please! That is a photo of Warren on his third trip to London in 1996...this is Africa or Plantation ethics and everybody gets an equal share since we moved beyond just food and clothing a long, long time ago and you must know these truths or else we have too many arguments and you feel like a niggah! Now, when your father used this word after you got arrested at Mcdonalds did you become more of a niggah by cutting his tires? The money he used to hire a lawyer was for your vehicle and its not your fault but he did say be home 9:00 pm. The cops were called by the manager at 9:45 pm. The cops arrived at 10:00 pm and Wayne C Chris and Wallen who worked at Swiss Chalet rode home when the feeling of the sticky man a come was upon the place...something mystic growing in the air...! But, you see de point.

Watch The Jeffersons Season 1 Episode 1 A Friend in Need Online

The Jeffersons - George Says "Nigga" (nigger)

Tyler try to kill everyone in school (13reasonwhyseason2) Ending

13 Reasons Why 2x11 - School Fight Scene (1080p)

Jamaican Boyfriend Meets Indian Parents

The London Social - featuring Grace Foods UK (19.02.2018)

I met Stephanie at Decameron Resort in Haiti and she is from France

Royal Decameron Indigo, Haïti

Whicker's World François "Papa Doc" Duvalier Full Documentary

His Victims Won't Forget: "Baby Doc" Duvalier

Human rights in the Trump era

There is an information related to the stolen file boxes and Warren A. Lyon's other stolen property.

THE ONLY QUESTION HERE WAS HOW TO TREAT A NEWBOY TO THE BELTWAY College and it was traditionally American and it looks like we see the result since I dont know everything about fast food but I would have to know enough to be a reasonable burger franchise manager and maybe someone in his community wants to know what he really knows about burgers or if he has any real education and this is just not fair while his competition from retired politicians and the structural issues involving entrenched Anglo religious factions makes this just difficult but he will always be a President and now lets ask what it costs to keep someone in regular school until 18 while we would not ask as we really want this kind of policy in our part of the world with the notion of the highest standard of living and would not tolerate any politician who would try to change this or national guaranteed income that is a part of our expectations. "l interrupts Trump: Stop hiding

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If you would like to rent Soy Sauce Television (TM) as a business name, please see our previous offer at $2000.00 per month. For the next 2 days, the offer is $1000.00 per month to license the trademark name. Please contact

Who Is Black In America (Full Show, No Commercials) Do middle complexion people really have to work like White people, Chinese people or Black people?...Oh...yes; they do or else they are kicked out of Harvard or NYU or Pitt. We have a witness!


The message in soy sauce is that it is made by people usually with very light pigmentation. They are not thinking of themselves as a middle people who presume as middle complexioned people to have an authority above darker people and this is not an old phenomenon but a new phenomenon and no older than 1960. But, what is a middle person who would ever think the world of Lord Kelvin would tolerate afro headed mediocrity would be bestowed social and economic authority? I think I can find your mother;s ovaries right here as donated in grade 11 or her teeth but this is not the norm for ethnic minorities with the same complexion arguably without afro hair but who work just as hard as any LAZY WHITE MAN WHO WAS WRITTEN ENOUGH FOR ONE BOOK ONLY WHILE WARREN HAS WRITTEN ENOUGH NOW FOR 50 BOOKS AS someone encouraged him to believe that one book would not be enough and Warren also noticed that many writers self published first like Warren did and you could use it but you will go to jail mother F"3ker! You die!

60 Minutes Australia: The end (2017)

This Is Why Evangelical Christians Love Israel (VICE on HBO, Full Segment)

Sunday Mass June 3, 2018

Londinium(TM) Social Club's Special Presentation of Ralf GUM-GOGO-Music-radioshow 645

The issue we have with people born in 1968 and beyond after the assassination of Martin Luther King is that they want to believe in the plantation ethic of community. It is a problem since it turns them out of their own family structures first and foremost and it may turn the family into a boundary-less entity while it has to have boundaries and structure to create a human being ill enough to plan to kill her own family to be the only one who gets it all and breaks every law to do it. Thank you Lee- An for telling the world that you think you could throw all of my stuff away while you were in trespass to property and in possession of stolen property. So, who are these people in our families that prey on the rejection old women feel after 40 whose teeth are damaged by these same young women and whose hair is damaged with Drano in the soap. Grace knows. Lee-An did what ever Maggie did Lee-An says. Now, a slave plantation mentality could work for the black community since if you are sister of one in that community, you are a sister of all and if you are a daughter of one, you are a daughter of all but if you are bad to one, then you are bad to all and if one mother tells you to poison another, then you are bad to all but it is even worse when it is the mother who made sure you had good clothing and not only clothing but..piano lessons and swimming lessons also; gymnastics too and church summer camp also. If your intention is to kill one uncle or father, then your intention is to kill all. So the only issue is then is how we deal with the people who would choose this ethic but only work to hurt those assigned in the ethic to care for them when they cannot cook chitlins and hunt beaver on their own or skin a cat? We raise them and then they kill you. You raise them and then they hope to get everything from a woman who should have the right to be respected but not coveted as if there is nothing else and as if all that she has cannot be enjoyed by her grand children and all of her children in equal shares. But, if you could not take equal shares, then what is it that you are trying to say about the glory of the plantation that you find so cozy since your mindset really points to a demon whether it is a slave plantation or an African family in any part of Africa or a North American Afrique family as early as 1619 from the old world who is born free and in ownership of the land they cultivate? Who do you love Plantation girl born in 1976? After Toby in Roots, the good chose the free man since there were a few Black free men in Roots. I also noticed that there had to be some who were never enslaved in America and who were free across all generations. I am not sure if they changed the food in 1975 to add a bit of Charles Manson dna and it only affected you if you ate more than your fair share and grew a big Ophrah ass that is good only for Steedman because he is de man but maybe tell us what you think you should do to honor your imaginary or real slave ancestor if given all the freedom in the world and how do you represent community in the small microcosm and example of that plantation you would have to call your small family although the other people call it University Heights or Havendale family that lived in a freehold town house and then also a fully detached house in your early years and then another fully detached house? It is best to decide to honor what you know and not the worst of humanity or the sins you may have witnessed ; whatever they may be since it is not your right to impeach your mother by saying this is what she did whom? The issue some have noticed today is the continual thread of the Victim's authority in the history of occupied peoples as in Herod who was a Pict who was given authority over the laws of community while his people in Britannia were being slaughtered by emerging and expanding civilization that needs basic income after automation to expand. But, what about occupied families in communities such as the Afrique or Black family and the application of the Victim's authority where one head of the family is pitted against the other or let's say one gender in the entire society is pitted against the other regardless of race in an occupied society where the one gender is some how given the authority of a Maleficent Herodian to accuse, harass or chase anyone and the system, in Herodian mode, that supports the accuser almost without question but then when you look at the accuser, she is a thief, a drug user and a sensory addict who has offered anything for acceptance when she fails to see she is already accepted? It is Salome, Potiphar and the woman in Proverbs, 2, 5, 6,7, 9 and 12 who is bitter as worm wood who really must believe that a woman's glory is shame. Rejection in the palace at Washington High High School may not be easy but if one young man cannot see your purpose, then there is another who will see it and it is not a question of you trying to find validation during high school although you are tempted to ask that football team member since Television and the movies say it's time. It is for you to be engaged in your purpose and he did say we will see how it goes and maybe we will stay in contact although the kilts of the Catholic School girls and their regular phone calls are hard to beat; the Anglican school girls also. Yes; I see what happened. Some stayed in touch and were married to their brothers and said the world was only six thousand years old while six thousand years brings us back to Emperor Shabaka of Egypt. You also said, your mother was going to choose the couches from Ikea and I said, what is it really all worth? Why not? You said, you would find out later on that Jesus was a student of Egypt and knew how old Egypt is while the last Pentecostal pastor told you in church that Ham was Black and Japheth was white and Shem was just like Noah. But, they all had the same father and mother. So, all I decided is...I have to go back to school first and maybe we will stay in touch but if I wanted to use you for your biological function only, who would I be? But, what did you really say you wanted? But, for the argument between creation and evolution or in respecting that both concepts must co exist if the tadpoles in you could grow into a 7 foot tall linebacker with the tadpoles in your first husband named...'my track team member' then we only do and believe what we see the father doing; innit..and with your good roast dinners and cucumber sandwiches for my din din, I would never leave but you didn't say anything nonverbally except that you needed to know if I would ever have? Yes. I have enough to ask who wants to continually steal, kill and destroy what I have and bother people.Any way, Obalmy is on tv suh let me call you right back... Good good! Mais, il n'est pas difficle. If it is that you want to discuss Men's Magazine, please email But, you must have baked a nice cake once although your general behavior is inconsistent divisive and destructive and demeaning and also selfish when it comes to family yet if you could listen to gospel in your vehicle but then watch porn on your mobile phone or your work desk computer or at night on your phone beside your husband, then you see the inconsistency so maybe watch surfing and set your face toward Israel; yes watch Israel tv or anything other than the act of adultery. Maybe you just put the sibling rivalry which is not really what you learned growing up and could it be that you would really be willing to kill another human being for the social position in the home from immigrant industrial cleaners, bank clerks and radio engineers and farm workers to America who maybe became bus drivers and got a mortgage so that you would be the only one and hope to have more social authority in the eyes of the subscribers to the West Indian Community News in Decateur or Liverpool or....Delaware? How many shameful criminal offenses would you have to commit to keep sabotaging this sibling of yours who, in your world, could be your brother or maybe he is the son of the people down the road since they keep saying to all the kids that they could be your mother or father and it does help after your parents beat you to do your home work and to play the piano while only planning to tell you that they need to be the only begotten one after your graduation and ask you if you are trying to be them as they somehow develop some kind of adult amnesia and fail to remember when you turn twelve years old in some communities that they are your parents once you become fertile or once you graduate and then you are dead or sent to get housing on your own from a 4 bed suburban house with moen faucets installed by the builder. In other communities, your mother forgets she is your your mother after your medical school graduation and then she steals everything you have to say now is the time to be your heir since you are associated to the Coat of Arms and she did try to study psychology maybe but...then she chose mortgage finance and did well; very well and you used to hand out her business promotions from door to door all over Philadelphia as a kid just before you won a long jump competition in your city by jumping 6 metres in grade 8. But, it seems she is trying to say after graduation that she needs to tell the world that she was an orphan is terrified of being left by anyone more than just being a mother in the duty to which she is assigned forever and she could have been the mother of 12 children but too many people are trying to join her life after your graduation who never obeyed their parents in the West Indies and maybe killed them but want to reassure her that they can stand in now and take over your role now as the eldest child and inherit from her and take your school books and piano books and Jazz posters and maybe pay her a little rent while planning your death to sign her orphan anger in blood and then kill her too. They are from Belize. So, the last point is...The Color Purple character said she was soo mistreated by men in her family but the character's daughter told us how her mother mistreated her son and the daughter too in Antwone Fisher(the movie) so let the men say %ME TOO but it should not be that we say and so on...and so on...and so on...What about %STOP? This is because I don't owe anyone anything since I chose to stay on the right side of Disney before I read even one gospel in its entirety. So, put the sibling or is it communally divisive rivalry as the girl who could be the daughter of Uncle Sheamus down the road on Carey Crescent or Darrel and Corey's sister in your plantation ethic behind you as you were raised in Tom and Vaughn's house on the same Crescent as the assigned mother and father in your plantation but you could be... really be his or the other people remember or maybe you are Trevor's so be an unofficial agent of your brother's dry cleaning business and he will give you 50% of any of your referrals you jive turkey since Weezie and Lionel need me as a father and husband and you are my sister or brother. So, now put away the foolishness and the meanness in your soul since if it is a plantation you imagine as your ethic then you should see mommy's homes as that which is to be shared by the children mommy raised or you would at least try to allow her to have her wish that you share ALL of her homes equally; all 12 of her children instead of you thinking about more for you if the others are dead first. If you had 12 siblings, what would you do? Would you kill all of the 12 so that you could be the only one? Now, if you choose Egypt or the plantation ethic, you think communally and in terms of familial loyalty if you are not an enemy to the people who raised you since did you not pass the chitlins or the sweet and sour chicken balls ordered from the local take out? Did you not pass the vegetables? Did you not pass the Curry Goat and the KFC at the table from one end of the table to the other and when you asked someone to pass the mash potatoes or the potato salad, did you not ask by saying please? So, you think of sharing that little house on the boulevard that has the pool and about an acre of land that your brother cut faithfully. So, what de f"£"keries a gwan ya suh when your brother is not dead but he is someone who has merit listed status as a JAG officer applicant with some Armed Service..let me see what it says...and he is a Court Litigator as the firm Principal...let me see what firm he owns but no matter what, you are breaking laws against a citizen and you might have friends who are helping you do this who work at a telecommunications company but every time they do, they are interfering or intercepting communications and as a JAG officer merit listed, would he really fail to help any client to his utmost ability and honor what duties he swore to uphold? Dalgeo got his withdrawal of charges. He would have since that brother swore he could be a police officer also; innit? Let us have a word of prayer; innit? Maybe you see your choice to take on the slave plantation motif as your point of entry into world history and experience as one that should not involve you limiting the community to the bonds of slavery since you must have seen Ali and Foreman on tv and Teddy Pendergrass sing about the Children to wake everybody and see a new day. Maybe you saw Bill Cosby with spatial geometry on Captain Kangaroo and also Guy Buford on the Space Shuttle and maybe your father worked for a company that supplied the shuttle program. I don't know but it is not an industrial worrying about who is going to die first or die last and get everything like a bastard would but your behavior is evident. We have all the evidence and your bookshelf and the Aston's Stanley Cup trophy is evidence of your trespass. Maybe your brother worked for a company that was or is involved in the program before he became a dry cleaner and law firm owner. But, maybe you should take your slave plantation and be everybody's positive sister and cheerleader instead of negative and hindrance and a saboteur There may come a day when there is a 'Married couple Knowing each other' channel with certified married couples who would show the audience their marriage certificate and a brief synopsis of their real wedding before they share their 30 seconds of copulation and minister unto you.... but....why don't you watch your own life is one thing and what you are watching is really only 30 seconds in the happiest and wealthiest families in the country. What you really want is a brand new big screen tv and someone to be beside you since 30 seconds or no 30 seconds with someone beside you is better than alone; innit?

Donald 2030.

CNN: Sirhan Sirhan says he doesn't remember killing RFK. This man also intimated that he watched a lot of dirty videos; too many dirty videos and then afterwards he said he wanted to kill anyone who was capable. He says he killed about six people and offered to cooperate.