You need to be a 'basicincreat'; a consumptionoid. So, what will you do to answer the equation? We are soo afraid they might just forget the point and become distracted in religious denominational division and not put in the basic income like the French put in basic income from the days of Louis the 10th. Is it not lawful to save a life or lives in your peaceful celebration of your good Hispanic, Anglo or French culture so that you might have clean water and basic income? The English seem to fallen short of basic income more than once and maybe because of it, they were chosen to settle the cold parts of North America that did not have the palm trees like uh California and no Cactus and because they did not respect human life or its value so it would never really be settled for very long but always frail and open to occupation and then it really became an issue when the most powerful means of industrial production came to the fore in the form of Mechanized, robotic labor also known as robotic automation and even after FDR endured his experience with automation and ended up with a second bill of rights since the war was just an expression of the frustration he faced with his own secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr, who had good motivations as to the national reserves and thought of the expenditure on roads and bridges as justified in facilitating the economy but when the work was done and the people, again, had no means of income from any works program he resented the facilitating of the economy in a guaranteed basic income, the purpose of which is to facilitate the economy. The Secretary of the Treasury was Henry Morgenthau Jr and it was just a new time and any guaranteed income to save all of those good American lives in the argument about fuel with Germany and Japan and the value of human was just a new and novel time, a technological tower of Babel and they did not factor in the purpose of the technology or the commitment to that purpose which is centred on human life. Henry Morgenthau Jr did commit to FDR's Second Bill of Rights posthumously if that makes sense. The final answer is that the English do not lose wars but they may lose battles and the real issue as far as Spain and France is concerned is to remind all of the English that they are students of Rome in this world forever and that they need to respect one final denominator in spite of their religious freedom but if it is only a question of how you worship God but not how you understand God's love for human life, then you would be in line with the final denominator and put in basic income. For the Anglo as students, they may have taken the approach that they own you with their purpose being the propagation of their Anglo ego; not the propagation of a language and culture and that is why Toronowanda is rather Asian today with bilingual Asian/English Bank signs and with bilingual Asian/English subway signs slated for 2020 whether or not basic income is implemented. The Europeans made people and culture their purpose and this is why Mexico and Brazil have basic income. They are also predominantly Catholic; like the French. The French in Manitoba and Quebec have basic income. Do you see? Maybe you do. However, all of Europe has its design on America and the Anglos while the Anglos have their parliaments and rather inciteful systems of government. There is a golden thread. You just stole your neighbor's vehicle but according to a Cuban in London, it does not really matter if he is Black but the Cuban went to jail although he wants you to think he had the authority steal it. That's right Derrick. You. see de girls, they want to have the baby and you buy the ring or else without it, she won't do the jigi jigi..and you need to make her feel nice. America is a vassal and will always be but it is best to control Goliath or gulliver and let him tie himself down when it is not difficult to do when he cannot say what his own hybridized dna is worth but if he had ever committed to the European dna and got out of cultural resistance as in his resistance to the received European, Romanic culture that knocked on is Amerindian dna in Toronowanda around the year 1500, then you would see how the Toronowandans have been behaving with smart phone in hand in year 2017 like Grendel in Northern Europe in the year 600 AD as in resisting Beowulf the Romanic Dutchman with his Skagen armour and Dutch swords and automatic watches. The real issue is that you don't know how to plan to live to 500 years old so the older natives regardless of complexion and who look like Santa Claus or his wife in our world will feel that you will have the authority to propagate their culture into the millenniums. Some look like Frederick Douglass and your mother knows this feeling; Pilsbury, Quaker, Toyota. But, how will you live to 500 years old in the automated world if you do not have basic income and clean water? You need to be a 'basicincreat'; a consumptionoid. So, what will you do to answer the equation? Should we watch Walter Reuther's testimony again and his evidence as to the attrition that basic income causes on human populations as next to the evident cost saving benefits where you hire fewer and fewer people? You need an incremental basic income since automation is for you and I so that we might fulfill our ultimate economic purpose which is consumption and do not doubt that someone figured this out after he told people they did not have to come to work in Northern France after he designed a Windmill or updated technology that already existed in Africa to grind wheat for bread instead of having people stamp, grind or thresh it by hand. Rest now and enjoy your basic income. Harriet Tubman may not be Brown this time but you need to speak to your politician in your Anglo state or province if you do not have basic income and ask why your public school that was once full of white kids with some happy minorities just off Huntingbranch Boulevard is no longer nearly fully white or beige although there is nothing wrong with those old 400 square foot homes. In fact, the schools are near empty or mostly Asian now in that Mining town with the big space needle with a population of about 750,000 people now in a country with a population of 17 million people but it just that life is tenacious and the Beige or White Harriet Tubman that used to be a church secretary is leading her Pentecostal people to some jurisdiction where there is basic income ; some where like Saskatoba or Missourisota. But, tell your Premier or your Prime Minister that what is happening is just not on; not good enough!

We are soo afraid they might just forget the point and become distracted in religious denominational division and not put in the basic income like the French put in basic income from the days of Louis the 10th. Is it not lawful to save a life or lives in your peaceful celebration of your good Hispanic, Anglo or French culture so that you might have clean water and basic income? The English seem to fallen short of basic income more than once and maybe because of it, they were chosen to settle the cold parts of North America that did not have the palm trees like uh California and no Cactus and because they did not respect human life or its value so it would never really be settled for very long but always frail and open to occupation and then it really became an issue when the most powerful means of industrial production came to the fore in the form of Mechanized, robotic labor also known as robotic automation and even after FDR endured his experience with automation and ended up with a second bill of rights since the war was just an expression of the frustration he faced with his own secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr, who had good motivations as to the national reserves and thought of the expenditure on roads and bridges as justified in facilitating the economy but when the work was done and the people, again, had no means of income from any works program he resented the facilitating of the economy in a guaranteed basic income, the purpose of which is to facilitate the economy. The Secretary of the Treasury was Henry Morgenthau Jr and it was just a new time and any guaranteed income to save all of those good American lives in the argument about fuel with Germany and Japan and the value of human was just a new and novel time, a technological tower of Babel and they did not factor in the purpose of the technology or the commitment to that purpose which is centred on human life. Henry Morgenthau Jr did commit to FDR's Second Bill of Rights posthumously if that makes sense.

The final answer is that the English do not lose wars but they may lose battles and the real issue as far as Spain and France is concerned is to remind all of the English that they are students of Rome in this world forever and that they need to respect one final denominator in spite of their religious freedom but if it is only a question of how you worship God but not how you understand God's love for human life, then you would be in line with the final denominator and put in basic income. For the Anglo as students, they may have taken the approach that they own you  with their purpose being the propagation of their Anglo ego; not the propagation of a language and culture and that is why Toronowanda is rather Asian today with bilingual Asian/English Bank signs and with bilingual Asian/English subway signs slated for 2020 whether or not basic income is implemented. The Europeans made people and culture their purpose and this is why Mexico and Brazil have basic income. They are also predominantly Catholic; like the French.  The French in Manitoba and Quebec have basic income. Do you see? Maybe you do. However, all of Europe has its design on America and the Anglos while the Anglos have their parliaments and rather inciteful systems of government. There is a golden thread.  You just stole your neighbor's vehicle but according to a Cuban in London, it does not really matter if he is Black but the Cuban went to jail although he wants you to think he had the authority steal it. That's right Derrick. You. see de girls, they want to have the baby and you buy the ring or else without it, she won't do the jigi jigi..and you need to make her feel nice.    America is a vassal and will always be but it is best to control Goliath or gulliver and let him tie himself down when it is not difficult to do when he cannot say what his own hybridized dna is worth but if he had ever committed to the European dna and got out of cultural resistance as in his resistance to the received European, Romanic culture that knocked on is Amerindian dna in Toronowanda around the year 1500, then you would see how the Toronowandans have been behaving with smart phone in hand in year 2017 like Grendel in Northern Europe in the year 600 AD as in resisting Beowulf the Romanic Dutchman with his Skagen armour and Dutch swords and automatic watches.  The real issue is that you don't know how to plan to live to 500 years old so the older natives  regardless of complexion and who look like Santa Claus or his wife in our world will feel that you  will have the authority to propagate their culture into the millenniums.  Some look like Frederick Douglass  and your mother knows this feeling; Pilsbury, Quaker, Toyota. But, how will you live to 500 years old in the automated world if you do not have basic income and clean water? You need to be a 'basicincreat'; a consumptionoid.     So, what will you do to answer the equation? Should we watch Walter Reuther's testimony again and his evidence as to the attrition that basic income causes on human populations as next to the evident cost saving benefits where you hire fewer and fewer people? You need an incremental basic income since automation is for you and I so that we might fulfill our ultimate economic purpose which is consumption and do not doubt that someone figured this out after he told people they did not have to come to work in Northern France after he designed a Windmill or updated technology that already existed in Africa to grind wheat for bread instead of having people stamp, grind or thresh it by hand. Rest now and enjoy your basic income. Harriet Tubman may not be Brown this time but you need to speak to your politician in your Anglo state or province if you do not have basic income and ask why your public school that was once full of white kids with some happy minorities just off Huntingbranch Boulevard is no longer nearly fully white or beige although there is nothing wrong with those old 400 square foot homes. In fact, the schools are near empty or mostly Asian now in that Mining town with the big space needle with a population of about 750,000 people now in a country with a population of 17 million people but it just that life is tenacious and the Beige or White Harriet Tubman that used to be a church secretary is leading her Pentecostal people to some jurisdiction where there is basic income ; some where like Saskatoba or Missourisota. But, tell your Premier or your Prime Minister that what is happening is just not on; not good enough!   
