In the Pelican Brief part 2; the Tipster Protocol the President's children had watched Clear and Present Danger about 5 times since they were too young to have been around when it was first released in the theatres so, they used their influence to get all of his friends investigated to see what they were all about and then hoped their father would announce friendship in public as a means of dousing any political damage that the personal affairs in the friend's lives may have presented to his chances for a third political term just when he got the swing of it and the need to have some basic income policy that was really spearheaded by his children and it went through at $40,000.00 per annum per American paid weekly and he got the credit and they got assurance of being politicians later on in their lives after they finished FBI School at the Red House; right ? Soon, they read in a secret file of the Reporting Requirements involving trades by company directors of any kind whether or not they were in proximity to any information that could be deemed material at a later date; not on the day since I read once that Airbus won an order to build 30 Airbus jets for an Asian airline and that they had also discovered a slight problem with the brakes. Now, if a director sold shares after he found out about the brakes and received emails about the brake problem before an executive could decide that the brake issue was material, he has done no wrong when brake issues on the product are not usually considered a material issue; oh hold on. Yes; brakes relate to the existing products sale-ability but information relating to drug product tests failing while continuing in the testing phase is not immediately material according to the law as far as we can see but if it is deemed potentially material maybe after you sold your shares in your comfort level, then it has to be reported to the market within 24 hours after it is deemed material by that executive in charge and any sales of shares, in any event, have to be reported by the corporate officer whether or not any allegedly material is in play before or after the sale since he is not responsible for deciding immateriality my good man. As such, If you are either the Company’s directors and executive officers that are required to comply with Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Section 16 Person”), you must file a Rule 144 form with the SEC if you intend to sell stock within the next 90 days. If you are a Section 16 Person, you also must report any changes in your stock ownership position, including stock granted under an option plan, by filing a Form 4 with the SEC within two (2) business days of the date upon which you changed your ownership position. If material non-public information is inadvertently disclosed by any employee, officer or director to a person outside the Company who is not obligated to keep the information confidential, you should immediately report all the facts to the Corporate Compliance Officer so that the Company may take appropriate remedial action. As noted, under SEC rules, the Company generally has only 24 hours after learning of an inadvertent disclosure of material non-public information to publicly disclose such information. Once information is deemed material, it has to be released within 24 hours. But, what are you really aftah; innit? Movie Hegemony or Real territorial hegemony or simply genetic acceptance and if you have nothing else to offer and nothing else to do with no real motivation to help anyone, then maybe you just seek attention and maybe advocate for National basic income passionately and instead support those I resent for hard work; innit? Movie Hegemony vs. Real territorial Hegemony since the map is not the territory but occupation with people IS the territory...sze sze!: a Pangean discussion. If survival is the real issue vs. Power and authority over oneself then basic income is quite a simple issue in the attrition caused by Automation that unemploys people while employing job-cutting technologies. $40,000.00 per annum is good and helps you finance your Mini Crisper Creme, Pancake Queen or mini Stuffbucks coffee kiosk and amounts to what over 30 years at $40,000.00 per year or will you let Nuevo Yorca people who financed their American dream on silver in their uncle's teeth block American progress until you recognise their achievements and tell you it cannot be so better recognize for real though? Yet, it is a basic life fundamental in American politics and everybody gets it like medicaid. Louis the 19th if he existed gets argent base/basic income in France today and Louis the 18th gets basic income in Germany or America; where ever he may be along with every citizen. It is not 'need' tested and nor will it be. We also see that history in America reset itself at zero or year 1 after the Pangean(human beings that survived the continental divide in caves or burrowings and pre-date the development of both native and other languages ) was given colors for identity where they finally rested in some identity but without any ancestral connection to any Euro, Asian, Native or African language. But, it seems the first Euro Afrique American President somewhere in 1787 is not applauded as the first Black President by Pangeans who know why they are crying when they had their Black President and this is not easy since what does the majority impose and choose for us to achieve classification simplification when confronted with an Afrique free woman in 1630 or an Afrique Free man? What does the truth of George Washington or Samuel Adams say to us conceptually in terms of their appearance;! We say Brown today though for better accuracy. Other people felt the truth of history was not honored and could not really cry with that question in their souls about historical truth ; not the first if it is about Afrique with Afro hair so Black used to be (Now Brown) or was really for the Pangean and Operish Nahfrey knows why she cried....Pangean Merican. You spit in the well water of an Afrique American(his ancestry is European Afrique and lingual unlike a grendel who may have been brown but with blue eyes) in the year 1770 when he first did notice a saliva in the water and he shot the neighbor although the neighbor was not the culprit. It was YOU! Now Pangean is not a color thing. It is an intention and a unique arrival in history when Bruce Wayne built his castle on your home and cave. Look at the yellow fishes in the world...Yellow people and brown people who could also be Pangean like you who wants us to rally round here partnah in America and mosey on down to the Corral and need you to maybe see what you are really doing in theory and practice while you sing really good on Sunday though; innit? Click here for more! How do you have more than movie hegemony but real hegemony and real tangible equality? After another movie toilet "kick up" scene involving the Anglo since 2006 in some major Hollywood movie, the Anglo finally feels equal emotionally once again. But, in the Real Anglo world of "pay to play" community presence where the Anglo world is like an amusement park, the Anglo is a second class presence since what is "Anglo" except but an accent and the government's have no commitment to any people that they consider as just an interchangeable genetic nuisance who have less authority vis a vis the monarchy if the majority could be any kind of people who can say "innit" and "chuffed" or "rally round here partnah". Now, we say less authority vis a vis the monarchy in a theory of politics and government that already resolved these power issues a long time ago in the Magna Carta and whether the new Anglo people will emerge as civil servants in 2014 and beyond as first generation Kosovan-Anglos or Turkish-Anglos, they are EU citizens and human beings and a people of Britannia now who were welcomed, raised and coddled to good civic success in Brittania that is a satellite of the EU in good Norman intention. Basic income, NHS and free school is a just a simple EU expectation...for the people. The last time anyone challenged the Magna Carta's settled intention concerning the people vis a vis the monarchy, it rend the civil society and put the monarchy in some kind of abeyance until the limits of power and protection could be shielded with additional instruments of requisite officialdom called Parliament in the UK or the Congress in the colonies since to some, absolute power is 'my precious' in predilection and it could be genetic and infectious but if the absolute power fails the litmus of balance, safety and legitimacy in matching the fulcrum of the Magna Carta to maintain an abiding peace, we say it is illegitimate. Power that does not cure the question and ensure there is enough beer($1.00 beer is not enough!) bacon, gasoline and heat, water and housing per citizen when the man-made threat to peace comes in the form of man-made automation, then it is despotic in its redundancy whether it is absolute power officially or a parliament or congress infected by bad motivators resembling despotic, ineffective absolute power. Maybe an authoritative Capitalism with an absolute Communist Chinese type of government does satisfy more consistently what the Magna Carta demands for the facility of markets and commerce, family and community when we see that the vines of unscrupulous absolutism(that is absolute power) have crept in to our democracies, our Houses of Representatives, our Congress and our Parliaments to choke out the original 'society saving, people saving, peace maintaining' good intention. Absolute power has a few forms but it does not have to be fractious or illiterate when it can be peaceful and honoring when vetted in a global litmus of people prosperity where, on a chart from 1-10, the Chinese, the Asian has been doing very well on that global scale and the top post secondary school in the world is located in...and the global news network is located in...and the language is...? The Japanese system involves a parliament with the limits on Absolute power and it works by passing successfully the standards the Magna Carta litmus and the people prosperity litmus successfully so power, if absolute, is not the issue. We can see the success of the Chinese model and other Asian authorititate regimes that are not democratic but legitimate where the people are safe and prosperous and can testify globally where almost every family can open a Chinese or Asian food takeout any where in the world as soldiers of good culture and communal Asian fortune. But, absolute power, if self selfish and poorly motivated with no care or feeling for its people or itself really has nothing else to do but seek attention. The truth is that the constitution of the Anglo manages itself and it intention to safeguard the well being of the people and can use reserve powers to extend its constitutional mandate into new socio-economic policies like clean running water or free education or basic income although it is not a political party and renders the fight for power by Democrat and Republican a clog in its operation since the parties do not alter the founding, governing intention but represent the ears and eyes of the people when change has come as ordered by the constitution and they can confirm it. Global emotional hegemony is a major motion picture production not involving actual Anglo people with hegemony cash or basic income. Other people have the real hegemony as they have the money. Look at Jeune Street. The Anglo is whom and why do we trust him when he is a Robin Hood? Let him fend his master says. Anglo is a hero like Robin Hood for a few cans of beans, a little gasoline, a little heat and power per month but no business and not thriving. But, to be emotionally and really equal and drive and own and order big and shop like the other people in the washroom "kick up" will involve rather paltry yet no more than $40000.00 per annum per Citizen in basic income(also known as National dividend). This is for all Anglos regardless of complexion where you dropped the bible by the thousands from airplanes or shipped them and brought people from Britannia and beat up the aboriginals for an Anglo linguistic propagation and sentence structure with subject and predicate so what is a little annual money after automation? It is cheaper than starving Anglo people, judging Anglo people as lazy and as merry thieving drug addicts and then starting a war, judging Anglo people as lazy but honoring them as willing to die for their way of life and drug using civil liberties; rock on dude! Then, with the collateral deaths of other people in other lands from other cultures, you open the immigration flood gates as some kind of authority band aid to maintain your obeisance to a spirit or milieu of authority that exists as unwritten, unseen but all known by everyone who thinks 'look at what they did...not good but you want me to show acceptance and appreciation for...nice building though innit....Palace I mean to say and the purpose is to say their job is to influence government when government is in need of advice according to our system of government and le droit....?!' Yet, the influence exerted upon the independent new world colonies is offered by more than one monarch or culture who had a role in that independent colony's foundation; not just the Anglo Monarch but the French or Dutch who helped to settle and influence Britannia not too long after the Roman's departure around 500 AD. Then, in a few a years another set of politicians criticize the immigrants as if they really wanted to come to England to learn how to say 'innit!' but you needed to make your apology as you dance around or wrestle with ....the unseen, unwritten powers that play on your persona and your soul as you judge your self so you bring the immigrants to apologize for the collateral in damage and victimization their people suffered in your vicious economic circle that refuses to accept the final solution economically to benefit your own people and those global suppliers of Pita bread or Soy Sauce when your people don't mind Turkish Delight with Ribena or the Kebab sauce but they don't have enough to participate as consumers to order more and these immigrants have monies and financial support both from the Anglo governments and from their own cultures with basic income that the Anglos do not have. Being an immigrant or refugee does not mean that you do not have a place of birth where you could qualify for basic income in a more humane socio-economic culture after the final solution and only solution in basic income necessitated by automation. You say the Anglo breaks laws as if the other humans in other cultures do not according to the Monarch from... and the Anglo needs to be punished. We can always make more Anglo people so why fund them although funding them is a Human Rights requirement in the age of automation and why bother when we have emotional, illusory global hegemony albeit not real people presence hegemony with basic income like other cultures? You do what you want and go where ever you want to go but you do not really have any education. But, you are not a Jedi yet but what is wrong with just taking one course a year at the University until you finish or learning how to design a franchise and register some business names? Did someone tell you via your smart phone transceiver that you are not permitted? It is the Anglo's unique, imaginary authority that we are dealing with here. since the movie is not the territory. The Monarch could probably make a phone call and with his influence, answer the plight of his Anglo people. Maybe he could use a video phone and just hold a placard with the words enunciating the life saving policy written on it although it is not his job to be soo involved really. Now, if you were here first or occupied Jeune Street first why don't you occupy it now? What does it take or require and what is it that you do not have that other people do have? Maybe education or understanding is part of it in addition to some basic human qualities involving a humane common ubiquitous denominator that makes other cultures, even to yourselves, more viable to you and that is why you help Salamun rob the bank and occupy the Black Part Irish man's house although he Black Irish man never did anything to you but while Salamun is chanting death to the Stupid Anglo and counting on White Cheddarman to be racist and ignore Salamun's home invasion over a defense of our civil liberties while Salamun is also saying 'Thank God for family who I will never let down or abandon' and for his attitudes toward family even when his son drops out of George Washington High or Winston Churchill A level College or High School, you respect him and his drop out, drug smoking son who must have some basic income with their people from their socio-economic cultures. Is Salumun Pangean? Even so, he knows family is a non negotiable issue as to greater the world.....since the world supports those who honor the notion of family and not just have children. Yes boss...sold out! So, what is the value of the Anglo people to the only people paying attention to the livelihood of the Anglo? In two generations, The only people paying attention must be whom and from where and what is economics all about? My theory practice is...look! Jeune Street is all Chinese and Asian now and the majority of condo residents are Asian in Florida, New York, Seattle and...but , feel good and hegemonic no matter what after the movie. You beat dem and kick dem and got your movie scene revenge. Now get out of de car, de high street, de public service job and de office building ownership and de condo building ownership. Eeeeee!...Mummmy! You have People but no real people that you care about or regenerate since the figment of the imagination concerning English or Anglo has become a fictional chattel. Anthony Jackson who lived in the US Colonies in the 1640's is English. His parents were born in England and his family were in England since the 13th century but originated in France and were Bilingual in French and English and had Afro hair. This was before Black and White was blended into our programmatic lives sometime after 1865 to keep a division and conquer, centrifuging the people while yellow was put above with some kind of immunity to rise programmatically in spite of their own experiences with ignorance. In American history, "Who is Anthony Jackson?" should be just as popular as a question next to asking "Who is Dred Scott?" But, now the only real question is why 30 Black kids will sit in a library to be told by a West Indian or American Creole with Afro hair that the community is like a village and that the Creole could be your mother and they say they need more lawyers, doctors, teachers and engineers but then some old people who are school drop outs are trying to kill the existing Black Anglo lawyers for really graduating and these 30 kids will learn soon enough that while everyone gets the message and your mother will ask if you heard what the lady said, some of them will end up resenting and hurting those who not only hear but do what she says with incremental preparation doing the home work at half an hour per subject toward that prize to help that community that is like the village; innit? This is what what one is trying to understand! But, since 1901 and moving pictures depicting Anglo accented Kings, Queens, Pirates and wicked sherrifs has skewed the resonance of programmatic cultural and historical truth. This is not about Iran but get out of de deceit. Now, it may be that the servant from Spaniard Town has arrived at 'Windoor Castle' to tell Henry the 8th and the French Norman King 'this is how we do it and that the Spaniard Anglo will have his right to self determination and does not want too many of his or her children getting into the Anglo Norman Henry the 8th worshipful and dutiful postal system job or train jobs especially if they don't know what resistance and piracy game or quiet coup a gwan to teach de British about de substitute machine and other F£4keries Granny in Spaniard Town Jamaica got for her washing machine ordered from Courts in de UK but you will see how they play resistance games when a health card shows up in New Zealand or Woetario and the son who graduated at the University of Henry the 8th cannot get it when his Spaniard Anglo relative swears falsely that the person to whom the card is sent cannot be found but you are eating with the recipient in public.' Now Latino Anglo town in de West Indies has good and bad people like any where but when it comes to the coalescence of the bad globally, Latino Anglo Town is not a complexion but an intention!!! You have something to say about free school and how you don't want to go and you ask why should you or your kids go but then why ask anyone how to buy a house or what is a will or estate and your question about free school is not an alibi for murder or fraudulent claims as to owning the home or having fooled the government or exerting your will to power in believing the government will ignore the law if the owner is maybe from Latino Anglo Town like you as born in the Windward Islands. The last funny issue about all of this is that those most likely to be engaged in subtle resistance games who are working on theories of social authority who do whatever they want and go whereever they want to go and who do not really have any education always want to hurt on, target and kill those who are bonafide graduates where the theory about social authority as going up where you appear as...and feel like...cannot produce a lawyer that the society and the social authority theorist needs but it can produce a very expensive stooge who can't answer a simple F"£sking question without paying some law firm in China or London a $10,000.00 when the same social authority theorist people might have seen the value in using the lawyer at $400.00 per question and selling it to the people they 'wow' with stolen homes and goods at $1000.00 per question. So, you see what is going on! Most of these social authority theorists are Pangeans of various complexion; not culture since the Pangean is a cultural group of its own as in no loyalty to maintaining civilization or really joining it as to propagate it and who are content with grand children who cannot read or write at 8 years old and this would not have been soo evident until the confession code in the Samsung or Apple I-phone told them to be bold as Yellow skinned, red skinned and Brown Pangeans who really know their identity is that set of people who abided secretly among us while languages and cultures formed around us and they watched from the caves or the burrowings where they may have dwelt very late into the 19th century; not African linguistically or culturally or Chinese or Japanese but very embarrassing to their global employer and yet proud of their Asianishness.' How do you know the Brown guy isn't quarter Asian since....give back my brown belt with yellow stripe and do not turn the green destiny into a chattel you horse thief since what good is it to you if you don't know it has no power in itself really except but in the hands of those who know the sword; any sword! So you see what we a deal with? It is rather difficult actually! It does not involve people loyal to the Anglo world or " born into" the Anglo world who represent the language who have actual expressive hegemonic ability with cash to represent the Anglo on the High Street or the main road. It does not involve them since they gave their lives for the producing nations in this world and their people to come and occupy condos built with Anglo public finance so that they might try to call the cops on a white guy before anything happened and hope to get away with it as if he should not be on the Lakeshore but maybe the white guy is related to an ASS hole who hoped he could lie to the court and say he expected to be believed no matter what because he was white so we that the final battle ground in the end is the Court shield and the court where the Magna Carta is to be defended and now maybe the white guy is hoping to say that because he is white, he should be able to do whatever he wants to the Brown great great great grandson of a White European and an African maybe. If there will be a war for the various reasons that we could have one, it will not be international but just a domestic clean up; not a war really, and this would be to understand why anyone thinks he would have the right, by virtue of his complexion to lie to a Court and Court system that once sent Brown and European men to defend a Black Anglo King and there is at least one of them in history; James I think. Anyway. how do you lie to the court and think that 'white' or 'whiter' will defend you? When did this happen in history would you would want to think you should get away with it because you saw it in the new world designed by movies after 1865 or...what credibility could you have when whiter or white as your motive says that you got to be crazy you Pangean; white Pangean and maybe the Brown Pangean thought he or she would help you in this madness since either way it helps to weaken the civilization that he is working to tear down insidiously and God knows why since, in spite of your hurt feelings about owning the entire earth and that you can say you cannot sin against anyone as a Pangean while people can sin against you, this world system is the only system that works if respected and updated when required with appropriate social policies to ensure safety for all citizens; policies such as basic income or what; did you want us to barter and trade and maybe we can see 'The Book of Eli' again maybe? The real truth is that Anglo Crown is a French Crown and it should be simple for the Anglo, if still the original Anglo, to ecouter, relire and regarder le bien sur pour le hommes, mademoiselles et le familles dans le nation. But, it seems we have been over run by Pangeans who have kept us on the edge of peace and survival in the anglo world so that we can see their will to survive and not thrive and who are constantly updating themselves and their dna's appearance; nothing more and who covet simple bands of association but have no depth. They are French associated but cannot really read it or write it and resent those who can but they are also missing the good intention of that culture in the liberte', egalite', fraternite'. Now, you love the West Indies soo much, everyting Irie and me seh and de people, , but you don't want to really help anyone if, per chance, their family are Pangeans or people among us from the edge of time who do not expand and enlarge their coast like Abraham but who are anxious for acceptance in civilization and who are, no doubt, very capable people but not yet settled in the notion of 'family'(stuck anthropologically in between the notion of the Abrahamic family with one mother and father and something more primordial or uh...broad or open but you want to try the Abraham version and nothing is expected to be perfect when mommy can say she is a woman but begs the current father figure for the month to never leave!). So, while you are not yet settled in the notion of 'family' a part from the Pangean movements who work more like ants following one central emotion that tends to attack the educated among them in some kind of quiet resistance that does two things; encourage and extol education in a plan to have acceptance but then frustrates the educated as if they have nothing to offer the Pangean who prefers to say he can just imitate the dress and speech of the person for authority and you don't really need him since you only need 'one big ' as if the school process was based on appearance or speech; not training or a skill that could benefit the entire Pangean community if they would just remember their Pangean movement should have a long term goal other than what seems to be no more than resistance and identification(NEITHER Black or white satisfy your unique primordial predilection and you would just about kill any Anglo Black who starts to bring soy sauce and curry paste home to cook when you need hum to just stay close to Mandwich, Hungryman and Quaker but where do you go for buffet to get the special feast for four with wonton two times a week and you don't even know how to say riboflavin and its on the Kelloggs box so let him eat at home what you want in spite of your identity anxieties ?) but you band together to organise your disrobing in public and public copulation. Now, the San Andreas Fault is not a curse but a geographical location but maybe if you are Pangean you might think you are at fault if your names is Andreas Fault( A stripper in Oklahoma; get it?) There is a chance for a new day tomorrow though; innit? Now, debt may be used to control us all in one industry but without basic income, what people do you have that you might control them? The debt the conflict creates begins with an order for food, boots, uniforms and weaponry and this is paid for by the government who could borrow to pay it and they could borrow to pay for basic income and the economy is stimulated quand ton purchaser le merchandisement avec le argent base et le petite argent de ton travaille apre le age de automation. Le anglais sont le resistance en le age de automation avec le solution fin cette est le argent base. Les origines de le couronne anglais est Francais et le Droit est francais en origin aussi. So, la devrait etre pas de problem en francais ou en Anglais. Now, Youtube is a collection of business concepts and names but only in Woetario or Woenada would it happen that White and Brown Pangeans would band together to resent someone who set up a youtube channel and a few blog pages that require the skills necessary to run an email address and the band of Pangean brothers really act like they have a right to market and sell the concepts without any respect or acknowledgement for the owner and no one seems to think this is threatening death when these are adult people involved and they keep begging new high school graduates, high school students and high school teachers to join them. The governments ended with that. This is a fictional tale. None of these events are true. The Desire to be Accepted Who is Copernicus? Who is the Pangean that his colleague explorers may have encountered on the coast of New Brunsotia and then there are the natives they encountered with technology that would have been ancestrally familiar to him although quite a long time ago? The BMW or Benz or Ford system is not going away but it is updating itself very quickly to simplify your humble but requisite involvement, YOU! as the raison d'etre, the purpose in every door that is tested, damaged and broken in bringing that depreciating piece of crap with sateltite navigation and built in seat warmers and phone chargers to market at auto shows with great excitement. The piece of crap has to satisfy various legal and technological requirements in a concern about your safety before any human would ever sit down in that piece of crap and because of it, you need God more than the excitement and granny is noticing like she did as a kid in the 1920's when all of this 'rise to a tower of babel excitement' feeling began! But, as it changes quickly don't worry but what is the sat nav? Knowledge is cumulative and education that is structured and formal helps rally around the eternally revolving sun of human endeavor. The fear of education is not the issue for any five year old but maybe failure or acceptance when it is your first test and it is an expression of what you believe you can do and we all go through that fear; even the Brown guy did and all of his teachers were white and he had to be a secret beneficiary of affirmative action so go ahead and plagiarise his essays and legal motions; no I am only joking! The Pangean is not someone who is working to build a community of candlestick makers, butchers and bakers while he is certainly working very hard. No; these simple rudimentary commercial activities date back thousands of years to the time Moses was just a boy prince in Egypt and were thrust upon some Pangeans as late as the 1700's in some parts of America but, no doubt, he cannot or his descendants cannot be beat today with their stetson on; I reckon! Do not fear failure in approaching the educational process and there is a free online ( work at your own pace) GEd available in most countries like America and Canaduh where there is lots of ramen and pizzuh; innit? There is only a passing grade with amber, yellow, green standards. You can always take it again in your self predicated, self-hallowed self-esteem. Let use an example of the hotelier and the hotel as symbolism for a nation. You show up at his hotel(or nation) and there are no flush toilets, no electric toasters, no coffee makers but everything is quite rustic or 17th century pioneer. The butter is churned. The train runs on diesel. This is not an amusement park concept. The people are wearing clothing from the same 17th century era, the butter is hand made , the toast is cooked on an open fire and the cost of this fun or determination to be independent is quite tremendous. Yet, the emotion of resistance is the last shield of self expression or maybe a confused honoring of one's ancestry when you have already said you would do anything to just have that Corinthian leather seated Cadillac with the gold trim. It takes soo long though; this resistance! The cost is hi since the fires are powered by coal or wood and in the winter, you risk freezing to death in spite of his welcome disposition and promises of human treatment. Everybody is invited to come and swear allegiance. He gave his teeth and has no real education and thinks it would be fun to say that his human equality does not begin until he can claim the essays and education of a Brown graduate who had no idea when this devil would be born when the essays were written. Yet, the sign posts at the front door of this hotel say the policy of Charters and Freedoms are just to die for; the very best and people do die for the notion while he has people shoot some refugees on a regular basis so that they might have authority in the Herodian schematics of one of our Judeo-Christian Islamic under cultures. His mother has everyone involved in the family and she visits Hotel Avante Mondiale quite often down the road. She shops and is impressed. All the vehicles are electric; regenerative but you still buy hydrogen fuel to ensure drive-ability and maybe save about 1/3 of what you spend on gasoline but the fuel is 3 times cheaper to produce and takes fewer employees who will be given basic income and then unemployed but maintained as a national human resource. His mother seems to be set on bringing a son or grand child to the back door of the hotel Avante Mondiale quite often and offers them; for acceptance. They hand her a book from IBM written in 1965 about automation and work and education with ISO standards for the year 3000 involving basic income, fuel cell trains already in use called Ice(TM) trains and she stuffs it under her shirt and walks off and says she will come again. Now, in the real world we witness a similar phenomenon with some Pangean people who don't seem to have much experience with making anything that they may have learned how to use to cook chitlins or curry goat; we don't know. But, they do not seem to be saying anything else in their loosely connected global Pangean communes other than they believe they will be more...more...more accepted the next time they come to the back door of Hotel Avante Mondiale or to the end of the free educational process or any educational process where they are expecting an adoption; not a job or job applications but the acceptance they a look fah and de de de de authority when a man back home can just....whip you...whip you...whip you like a bitch... and is now BIG and flush and they are very impatient and usually the best solution for the grandson or son is to see if he has an older relative ensuring that education is not necessary while telling him to go to school and graduate since he was born or genetically engineered in his people's hope that they might be accepted without education and just for the physical acceptance since he is more..more..more European as it once was and less...Pangean so maybe he will have to be, in the next generation, more Asian next time but his uncle's mind is Pangean and maybe he was thinking that after the grandson graduates, if they did not get the response they were imagining, they might just switch him with someone who looks more...more..uh....more..uh Televisionish according to informally educated viewers as the Uncle decides to work with another Pangean grandmother's imagination who never spent a dollar on that Grandson and who never believed she could do anything but bake cakes or F"3k for a living after baking was automated in her devastation and wants to know who the grandson thinks he is about his hard work and honoring of the family since how could he help her register Cakes Channel(TM) but this is what he went to school to do and she likes the idea but would rather just resent him although he would register it for the cost of a jerk chicken dinner if they would but just ask so you see what is going on and the son or grandson is in a situation with his own personal innate good motivators and the family that called upon to honor the Dr. George Washington Tuskegee Reverend King Garvey Jefferson Lincoln Shabaka Toqeville Benin who has no idea how the other Pangean grandmother who is 5'3-5'11 and Afri-Asianish with more scalawag and de Pirate intention keeps saying ' how you do Mass Graduate?; a you?' and she was always very nice while things keep disappearing(her collection for her emotional association to graduates keeps growing per year and per decade and per family with the help of the Chief Postmaster Officah who never really retired in the year 20--") and unusual things are happening in a scalawag targeting in a scalawag social under current of who now feels like the 'Red Coat' in their dna's cultural recollection yet he or she is still just a citizen as if there is no law that was capable of protecting the citizen beyond the age of 18 and a viable socio-economic atmosphere or protecting a graduate that was capable of designing a jet fuel in concept that would chemically refill the ozone layer as he understood ozone is a F"%sking chemical after all and there is a jet fuel that could be designed where the by product is ozone(The ozone by product producing jet fuel is patent pending and owned by Warren A. Lyon). So, you see what the problem is on the micro level manifesting on the macro since if the orders for the BMW go down in North America because there are not enough orders and if there are not enough basic income Asians willing to come to North America to stimulate the North American side of the global economy, then...... the CRASH and these Pangeans are very good people who just need to be consumers. There is an Egyptian, Roman or Asian among who has no idea what you mean by' more..more..more uh...' when he sees your technological and socio-economic dependence and he was happy to be bald but you tried to cull him in some sitcom called Arrested Development so he is got the idea and is letting his hair grow but you seem to think he should not be accepted as a candle stick maker or teacher until he satisfies your new ideas about 'more...more uh' and he sees the inhumane attrition but you don't mind him working in the family hotel at the back designing a SYSTEM THAT WORKS and ordering you a fuel cell power grid with generators that could fit into a GM Terrain that could power all of the New York state on one hundred kpa of hydrogen for the whole year. Now, this will get a white guy a big promotion and save the water from the current tritium pollution generated from unnecessary infertility causing or fertility slowing nuclear fuel. You have more than enough river system to power every home and nuclear fuel was never necessary really. Fuel cells, in the alternative, have been around since the late 1800's my good man ! Authority and the Divine right of the Post Master We here about the expectation of the Divine right of the Kong or King but have you seen the divine right of the local tire shop owner, police chief or post master? He may wish to see his authority once appointed and may seek to do this by granting immunity and title to some of his high school friends or people who attended high school in his region of Lacawanaronto to kill steal and destroy anyone who went to school in Cheektowagaronto or at Albanyville High when they are all graduates of the Great state of New York. But, Saul had children who may have this predilection as to his status or King-hood. It is a good thing, they say, to call yourself a king, prophet and priest but who do you think you will be to challenge the authority of the system that keeps us all safe only to see your personal authority and truthfully, there is so much that some have never endured in America until this dna ascended to Postmaster in Lacawana. .He or she may not have much patience for education since they know who they need to be and there is a community that helps them; other people in the expectation of divine right that seems to be King Saul's dna and usually somewhat despotic and selfish in its hope to recognised as the banished and de throned vs. being the friend de le Un Dieu ( I don't know ) when it has to be equal or superior to others but is not necessarily able or willing or required by others in his sub community of witnesses or adventists to sit down Mr. or Mrs. ..? his work for very long to get to horseback(Now G90 coupe or the Euro version) as soon as possible. He could spend his whole career as Postmaster or President ensuring that every postal worker with an engineering degree or Accounting designation above a C average is 'we don't know what really happened to them but there was something going on...' since the postmaster or President didn't really have to get any formal education and he is not the only one but the burden on society is tremendous and it has started to feel as uncertain in Lacawanaronto as an old world banana republic used to feel before 1-800 resort companies showed up to make the equatorial regions all inclusive, efficient and all basic income. Putting it all together to get to Labadee; a heavenly place! The point is that in spite of your resistance to achieve your sense of authority or preserve a last bastion of some kind of cultural dignity, you are the only one who has calculated your own technological redundancy and dependence. There is no doubt that you are a human being but your ability to calculate responses and choices in the grander scheme of things is limited to just how you you may feel at any given moment, re-actively in maybe jealousy in your divine right as you see it without the education that might help to round out what evident abilities you do have with your Bone dense Rock Hudson physique and capable School Board Trustee or superintendent presence and the capable good intentions if you could be led to that higher plane of human result before you are invited to leave your mortal coil we could show you to..teach you how to...brand your own wallet or carry-on bags at .99 cents per item so that all of the orphans from Latino-Anglomaca using your apparent association will inherit from you directly and not hope to hold your son's stuff to show up at an 'edge of time' estate game on the side of the beach at Slaigoville hoping to be the only one if they look enough like and more...more maybe uh...they are not his children but we have to say we don't know what the track team member on the senior girls 4x1 relay team did when she asked his sister for a cup of toilet water while he was at a State Championship soccer game in 198?). But, maybe your solutions leave something to be desired and we all need updating educationally in a fast paced open source computer coded and networked world when in addition to having God answer your prayers early enough for the family that you were wise enough to request, your son has relied on his own faith for family and the good Lord has not excluded you from the calculation but you have maybe since your emotions or your culture is not sure if they are calculating a 'small office; called 'I will be the only one' in your emotions to your disappointment or you chose to say I will sit with my grand children at a dinner table. This is when you are not sure if your concept of 'king' can afford any other male beyond yourself in your testimony who has a $30.00 IKEA table with easels and children of his own and a Latino Anglo wife or maybe Afrique wife since maybe that other King carried you to the beach since no one younger than her in her linea has really had a family for very long in her machinations and everyone's heightened need for acceptance after her (is it he it?) last birthday party in London in 2015. Most are on the chronic. But, you might see that if everyone calls themselves Kings and prophets in the culture you do teach your children to honor, Hallelujah, only you can decide what strength and what intelligence you can apply to not only see your self honored but maybe try to...try to enlarge your coast in your honor and you are guaranteed the authority to set the Sunday dinner schedule and she is invited too; is it? You going church? Now, getting back to where we are today in this absolutely amazing fictional tale since 1664 when the Latino Anglo began his march to ascendancy as the owner of the entire world, he does not realise how he, as an indentured servant would, is the only one paying for his existence in a basic income world when the automated world would like to really pay him since there is nothing else to do in a truly first world, first rate technologically superior western democracy with a king or Emperor( in the case of Japan )to do but seek attention all day with your purchases and your decorative or auto detailing abilities. it's time to pack and shop in Estonia or Russia or Ireland or Burgundy on basic income or go to Kata School in Asia. See you at the airport my good man! Now, the truth is with a Judeo-Christian, Islamic global culture; now also Buddhist in rather efficient social wisdom, we confirm the one key guiding principle that ends the separateness; that we must do unto others as we would want them to do unto us in spite of any claim to a right to resistance against the global system that also holds the one guiding principle as its golden thread or guiding light with every airline fare purchased to see granny back home in heavenly Labadee. At Labadee, the Pangean, European, African, Amerindian and Asian hold hands and honor that principle en francais ou en Catholic ou en...what did you say? Say it again. It could be that there is faith to say the one principle or the Nicene creed but some of us could have an under current of ancestry that was beaten to say prayers more than live in thankfulness with a cross or without a cross and with your prayers you know you are approved and you know about your place in purgatory but you want to maybe ask how any Catholic in any language can love his neighbor as himself and believe anything about 'born again'? Well, we you do what you do in killing and targeting those who believe in it who ever you may be in your religious under culture that hovers around Catholicism but while the Lord never said a rosary, he did talk to Nicodemus about being 'born again' and it does indicate that even Nicodemus who might be your ancestor also struggled to understand it but I am not sure he would have signed papers to harass the Messiah who predicated his Catholic(as in global) ministry on saving a human life; not on killing people for denominational superiority. We will all get to the edge of physical life some day while our soul or hypothalamus could live in a machine or bottle maybe but we also have an opportunity to get there believing all of the bible or some of the bible and so you can do it your way and others will believe all of it their way and we will all get there some day since, no matter what, we are all part Pangean at some stage. It is just a question of when the triangle beat you and whipped you like a bitch technologically. We will all get there some day even if it is a minute before our eyes close and our mortal coil lets go. So whatya say pal? Putta there doc! Arawak Pangean; eh? Did you kick your neighbor's wife's foot under the table to see if...maybe? Did you say you don't want any wedding document? Do you find yourself accusing anyone, including your family members, of things you suggested to other people's wives or that you might have done? Well, we are all emotionally Pangeans close to our first day of school. The only audience you have in this world is you and your little un-evolved emotions where you are fixated on what you feel and you would really try to craft the scenarios with subtle sabotages until you see what you want; two faced and you really would never feel impeached as a father, you and your relatives, by a 'mother of the year' award whether or not you were divorced when your fear of impeachment led you to ask for the lives of your children; nothing else and then the award and any risk of impeachment to your little world would end. Why don't you ask, in the alternative, for a Father of the Year award but then why would you when you are not sure if, after 2001, the kids you raised have the look you need now or maybe finance their business ideas with all of your pirate associations and you would be a hero, saving all of your pirate people some monies on their red light camera tickets, family law court dates and pleas of guilt on sabotage. Hunting rabbits; eh? Rabbit season eh? Just calm down now and smoke the peace pipe; Hallelujah, Hallelujah ! There are some Catholics who like the whole milk version of the gospel and some like the 1% version and maybe they all have basic income in Europe; maybe not in America until today though. Thank God!

 Click here for more! The movie hegemony vs. Real Hegemony.  We have no despotic Monarch but despotic politicians who are trying to limit monarchical involvement and the involvement of the people as if politics is way up in the stratosphere and beyond what fraud the election will be. Did you see the Maple Leaf on a dress shirt in Rogue nation?  I am not sure if they are pointing fingers but Lord Kelvin understands basic income and its importance in an automated economy but is there an Anglo politician who can commit to it or do they only want to watch the careers of children with  great interest as his cousin drives them to school safely and his other cousin, the school teacher, gets angry when they do not finish their home work. But, when the children get more than a C, they really watch with great interest and keep telling him that he really should think of getting into or going to because his essay is a triple threat. So, when finishes his work and come back, the other school teacher does not want to pay him for his architectural work although she got a solid result if she could see what she asked for and what she required.  Then the bus driver who drove him to school shows up at a a Stephimbucks cafe  and says he feels too 'authority or professional and it is only because he helped a school teacher's cousin get out of a redlight camera ticket just last week.    The Journey begins with a despotic king called King Saul who presumed God's anointing became a divine right for all time immemorial.  He lost the appointment from God. But, his adopted daughter Michal created for him a people that seem to have his presumptive, despotic disposition. Mephibosheth is the son of Saul; not Jonathan and the Michal is the disgruntled mother with a perennial sense of rejection from David as her children throw axes at the Coat of Arms in Cumbria or whereever it appears where the shield has David's prayer of  quiet dominion and authority on it but you are not a Jedi yet but you can bring the boy to a despotic Postmaster  Chief or politician some other generation alright my good man! Charles the 1st or any other Monarch is not the issue here in any hesitation to update our water system or our social services system or the copper wiring in favor of fibre optics. It is a despotic people who need to see their authority while IBM and the quiet communal administrators in Europe are people who need to see and enjoy  their faith; their basic income per citizen and they see it with  Ice Trains that run on nuclear water; not hydrogen although there are some speed trains that do run free of wiring on hydrogen with fuel cells.  Now, some of these despotic people are part Pict, Part Amerindian and certainly as determined as a pirate. They may not be Saul's dna per se but their resentment of a system that works out a pretty good and quiet average in success for human safety among millions of people in a small geographical location is evident; Paris, Bulgaria   and all of the EU is a good example with basic income.  Now, with faithful people trying to work out an average happiness  as the salt of the earth  as next to the determined  Pangeans who are closer emotionally to living under  or in the salt rock in the earth, we need to look at the sums of what we are doing nationally or hemispherically when in one family with capable people who do not respect the cumulative value of education in a world updating itself and you and your technological living quite rapidly  on the cumulative discoveries of mankind regardless of complexion, we see out houses in Liverpool in the year 2018 and a sum among others that say you are stuck at food, clothing and decoration and you don't know the value of your grandson as a lawyer who will tell you to put a guitar case on the counter instead of a cash register at your RIB and wINGs BBQ in Louisiana and go home every day tax free. Maybe put a note on the till that you are only collections suggested donations at $8.00 per plate you see because...see what we a deal with! Big up Selecta! Bring come de mannish water and de de de de soup.     Not bad; eh bill and he is kind of brown but he is also not your grandson but you do play a mean saxophone!  Basic income is a better idea, however.  Click here to read more. Come Chacho! Let use our basic income and buy a Mustang and drive to Toronto from Tijuana since the Anglo Merican in North America y loco man when he trying to feel his authority and see his authority; some about a British photo that makes them feel like the Europeans are coming but they drive Porsche and wear Prada and Dior and Vuitton; I don't know.  He no want to eat but basic income y muey importante for all 'mericans whether you speak Spanish or not Holmes!  You better be like Sherlock and figure it out; the pirate is not interested in your 'out of many one people.' He is a terrorist  on Jamaica my good selecta and wants to see a world of ' no law' where for him, it is legal to deal with a drunk or drugged girl on the beach if she is covered in sand and you don't know if she is really dead in the pirate's  magna  carta.  He is a despotic one eyed  or one legged monster.   He has chosen tv and images as his school book; nothing else  and maybe possibly he has a daughter who wants to emulate the television also like she was told on her own in how she imagines it and who are you to tell  her the way it is really done with all of your books about Vandervell's Trusts no. 1 and 2?   The truth is that he is aided by new Catholics who take the crackers as their only bond and a rosary with only one mission to tell you what they did to them and they don't know if you know as if you never read any Latin American History but you did. But, you also know the Catholic Church is not to be a bastion for people trying to find people who do have library cards and an amazon book club membership and a belief in how the Roman caught The Lord and beat him up for something very important; the fulfillment of a prophecy that there would be one lamb sacrificed for our sins and He is worthy to be praised. Read Isaiah in your Catholic bible.  The Granny from Jamaica knows why she resents the Anglo coming because she was beautiful and young in the 1920's and was used by these Anglo people who took any children she did have after what they did and some ran off but she was also given children to raise that were not really hers but she was told she would always have authority and when you meet her at 80, she is a saint until you finish your English exam and graduate with an A+ and then she may kick you out as being too English; too European but you could say riboflavin from 10 years old after reading the Raisin Bran cereal she gave you to eat before she drove you to school and said she would never feed you if you don't love the teacher and do what they say; innit?  But,  somehow she wants you to be able to read the vehicle lease fast enough to see if they doubled her payment on the Volvo but she never heard you say buy the machine two years old and just get an extended service package to  save $20,000.00 and she would have kept her 3rd house after the sale of Burnwood.  But, you are not a Jedi yet.  But, you are watching careers in great interest Chacho Latino Anglo.   Renauld De Chatillion was a Catholic and his ancestors received the Roman disbursements  or basic income and even he knows how to buy a house.  Even Brick Top knows how to buy a house and went to Belgium by now for basic income. Now, when you get to the Pelican Brief, you will see that we cannot argue with pirates when it comes to the United States of America, its  Constitutions  and other founding documents   where America was non-racialised when they were written but slavery was a non-racialised phenomena.  It is helpful to know the truth of our ancestors, our politicians and our politicians' ancestors since they could be the most powerful people in the universe who, in spite of this power, must know the bounds of his power under the constitution Captain Needa since I find your lack of faith disturbing but you are not a Jedi Yet and you or Bill, if you are not careful if you have not already, will end up running to a law  for espionage or conspiracy to murder a judge or a law graduate and you  will serve time secretly with a secret sentence on you with agents still willing to jump  in front of you and take a bullet even a you walk in and out of your Presidential library for the next 80 years with clean, drug free foods. Get some rest maybe.  You are not being crafted into a despotic,  elected king in this world and nor do you wish to be but there is an idiot molesting your health with lsd and also your your good intentions.      A man with an afro owned a man with an afro and you can own yourself in America or any where in the world right now. Don't you own yourself. You are free to read a book and understand what happened to people in the mission while you all resist basic income in its continuance only in North America except for Mexico and the Pelican Brief confirms some kind of covert work against our freedoms and liberties for which we fought and died overseas while we are being told to expect less by Francophone Cutie en Francais when the need  for the True dough of basic income to enjoy our liberties and  stable consumer  markets at home and abroad must match the endless stream of production by our industrial, automated machines. We need to manage the True Dough since play dough is cute but you can't eat it and you can't grow or thrive in the economics of desperation with stolen dough under play dough. No matter what the pirate from Latino Anglomaca's greatest weapon is familiarity while he is the enemy of your people and spit in the honey at Stephimbucks Coffee.

In the Pelican Brief part 2; the Tipster Protocol the President's children had watched Clear and Present Danger about 5 times since they were too young to have been around when it was first released in the theatres so, they used their influence to get all of his friends investigated to see what they were all about and then hoped their father would announce friendship in public as a means of dousing any political damage that  the personal affairs  in the friend's lives  may have presented to his chances for a third political term just when he got the swing of it and the need to have some basic income policy that was really spearheaded by his children and it went through at $40,000.00 per annum per American paid weekly and he got the credit and they got assurance of being politicians later on in their lives after they finished FBI School at the Red House; right ?

 Soon, they read in a secret file of the Reporting Requirements involving trades by company directors of any kind whether or not they were in proximity to any information that could be deemed material at a later date; not on the day since I read once that Airbus won an order to build 30 Airbus jets for an Asian airline and that they had also discovered a slight problem with the brakes. Now, if a director sold shares after he found out about the brakes and received emails about the brake problem before an executive could decide that the brake issue was material, he has done no wrong when brake issues on the product are not usually considered a  material

issue; oh hold on. Yes; brakes relate to the  existing products sale-ability but information relating to  drug product tests failing while continuing in the testing phase is not immediately material according to the law as far as we can see but if it is deemed potentially material maybe after you sold your shares in your comfort level, then it has to be reported to the market within 24 hours after it is deemed material by that executive in charge and any sales of shares, in any event,  have to be reported by the corporate officer whether or not any allegedly material is in play before or after the sale since he is not responsible for deciding immateriality my good man.  As such,     If you are either the Company’s directors and executive officers that are required to comply with Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Section 16 Person”), you must file a Rule 144 form with the SEC if you intend to sell stock within the next 90 days. If you are a Section 16 Person, you also must report any changes in your stock ownership position, including stock granted under an option plan, by filing a Form 4 with the SEC within two (2) business days of the date upon which you changed your ownership position.  If material non-public information is inadvertently disclosed by any employee, officer or director to a person outside the Company who is not obligated to

 keep the information confidential, you should immediately report all the facts to the Corporate Compliance Officer so that the Company may take appropriate remedial action.   As noted,  under SEC rules, the Company generally has only 24 hours after learning of an inadvertent disclosure of material non-public information to publicly disclose such

information.  Once information is deemed material, it has to be released within 24 hours. But, what are you really aftah; innit? Movie Hegemony or Real territorial hegemony or simply genetic acceptance and if you have nothing else to offer  and nothing else to do with no real motivation to help anyone, then maybe you just seek attention and maybe advocate for National basic income passionately and instead support those I resent for hard work; innit?

Movie Hegemony vs. Real territorial Hegemony since the map is not the territory but occupation with people IS the territory...sze sze!: a Pangean discussion.   If survival is the real issue vs. Power and authority over oneself then basic income is quite a simple issue in the attrition caused by Automation that unemploys people  while employing job-cutting technologies.     $40,000.00 per annum is good and helps you finance your Mini Crisper Creme, Pancake Queen or mini Stuffbucks coffee kiosk and amounts to what over 30 years at $40,000.00 per year or will you let Nuevo Yorca people who financed their

 American dream on silver in their uncle's teeth block American progress until you recognise their achievements and tell you it cannot be so better recognize for real though? Yet, it is a basic life fundamental in American politics and everybody gets it like medicaid.  Louis the 19th if he existed gets argent base/basic income in France today  and Louis the 18th gets basic income in Germany or America; where ever he may be along with every citizen.     It is

not 'need' tested and nor will it be. We also see that history in America reset itself at zero or year 1 after the Pangean(human beings that survived the continental divide in caves or burrowings and pre-date the development of both native and other languages )  was given colors for identity where they  finally rested in some identity but without any ancestral connection to any Euro, Asian, Native  or

African language.  But, it seems the first Euro Afrique American   President somewhere in 1787 is not applauded as the first Black President by Pangeans who know why they are crying when they had their Black President and this is not easy since what does the majority impose and choose for us to achieve classification simplification when confronted with an Afrique free woman in 1630 or an Afrique Free man? What does the truth of George Washington or Samuel Adams say to us conceptually in terms of their appearance;! We say Brown today though for better accuracy.  Other people felt the truth of history was  not honored and could not really cry with that question in their souls about historical truth ; not the first if it is about Afrique with Afro hair

 so Black used to be (Now Brown)  or was really for the Pangean and

 Operaish Nahfrey knows  why  she cried....Pangean Merican. You spit in the well water of an Afrique American(his ancestry is European Afrique and lingual unlike a grendel who may have been brown

but with blue eyes) in the year 1770  when he first did notice a saliva in the water and he shot the neighbor although the neighbor  was not the culprit. It was YOU! Now Pangean is not  a color thing. It is an intention and a unique arrival in history when Bruce Wayne built his castle on your home and cave.     Look at the yellow fishes in the world...Yellow people and brown people who could also be Pangean like you who wants us to rally round here partnah in America  and mosey on down to the Corral  and need you to maybe see what you are really doing in theory and practice while you sing really good on Sunday though; innit? Click here for more!   How do you have

more than movie hegemony but real hegemony and

real tangible equality?   After another movie toilet "kick up" scene involving the Anglo since 2006 in some major Hollywood movie, the Anglo finally feels equal emotionally once again.   But, in the Real Anglo world of "pay to play" community presence where the Anglo world is like an amusement park, the Anglo is a second class presence since what is "Anglo"  except but an accent and the government's have no commitment to any    people that they consider as just an interchangeable       genetic nuisance who have less authority vis a vis the monarchy if the majority

could be any kind of people who can say "innit" and "chuffed" or "rally round here partnah". Now, we say less authority vis a vis the monarchy in a theory of politics and government that already resolved these power issues a long time ago in the Magna Carta and whether  the new Anglo  people will emerge as civil servants in 2014 and beyond as first generation Kosovan-Anglos   or Turkish-Anglos, they are EU citizens and human beings and a people of Britannia now who were welcomed, raised and coddled to good civic success in Brittania that is a satellite of the

EU in good Norman intention. Basic income, NHS and free school is a just a simple EU expectation...for the people.  The last time anyone challenged the Magna Carta's settled intention concerning the people vis a vis the monarchy, it rend the civil society and put the monarchy in some kind of abeyance until the limits of power and protection could be shielded with additional instruments of requisite officialdom called Parliament in the UK or the Congress in the colonies since to some, absolute power is 'my precious' in predilection and it could be genetic and infectious

but if the absolute power fails the litmus of  balance, safety and legitimacy in matching the fulcrum of the Magna Carta to maintain an abiding peace, we say it is illegitimate.  Power that does not cure the question and ensure there is enough beer($1.00 beer is not enough!) bacon, gasoline and heat, water and housing  per citizen when the man-made threat to peace comes in the form of man-made automation, then it is despotic in its redundancy whether it is absolute power officially or a  parliament or congress infected by bad motivators resembling despotic,

ineffective absolute power.    Maybe an authoritative Capitalism with an absolute Communist Chinese type of government does satisfy more consistently what the Magna Carta demands for the facility of markets and commerce, family and community when we see that the vines of  unscrupulous absolutism(that is absolute power) have crept in to our democracies, our Houses of Representatives, our Congress and our Parliaments to choke out the original 'society saving, people saving, peace maintaining' good intention.  Absolute power has a few forms but it does not have

to be fractious or illiterate when it can be peaceful

and honoring when vetted  in a global litmus of people prosperity where, on a chart from 1-10, the Chinese, the Asian has been doing very well on that global scale and the top post secondary school in the world is located in...and the global  news network is located in...and the language is...?   The Japanese system  involves a parliament with the limits on Absolute power and it works by passing successfully the standards the Magna Carta litmus  and the people prosperity litmus successfully  so   power, if absolute,

is not the issue. We can see the success of the Chinese model and other Asian authorititate regimes that are not democratic but legitimate where the people are safe and prosperous and can testify globally where almost every family can open a Chinese or Asian food takeout any where in the world as soldiers of good culture and communal Asian  fortune. But,  absolute power, if self selfish  and poorly motivated with no care or feeling for its people or itself really has nothing else to do but seek attention.  The truth is that the constitution of the Anglo manages itself and it intention to safeguard the well being of the people and can use reserve  powers to extend its constitutional mandate into new socio-economic policies like clean running water or free education or basic income  although it is not a political party and renders the fight for power by Democrat and Republican a clog in its operation since the parties do not alter the founding, governing intention but represent the ears and eyes of the people when change has come as ordered by the constitution and they can confirm it.           Global emotional hegemony is a major motion picture production not involving actual Anglo people with hegemony cash or basic income. Other people have the real hegemony as they have the money. Look at Jeune Street.    The Anglo is  whom and why do we trust him when he is a Robin Hood?  Let him fend his master  says.  Anglo  is a hero like Robin Hood for a few cans of beans, a little gasoline, a little heat and power per month but no business and not thriving.  But, to be emotionally and really equal and drive and own and order big and shop like the other people in             the washroom "kick up" will involve rather paltry yet no more  than $40000.00 per annum per  Citizen in  basic income(also known as National dividend).     This is for all Anglos regardless of complexion where you dropped the bible by the thousands from airplanes  or shipped them  and brought people from Britannia  and beat up the aboriginals  for an Anglo linguistic propagation and  sentence structure  with subject and predicate so what is a  little annual money after automation?    It is cheaper than  starving Anglo people, judging Anglo people as lazy and as merry thieving drug addicts and then starting a war,  judging Anglo people as lazy but honoring them as willing to die for their way of life and drug using civil liberties; rock on dude!   Then, with the collateral deaths of other people in other lands from other cultures, you  open the immigration flood gates as some kind of authority band aid to maintain your obeisance to a spirit or milieu of authority that exists as unwritten, unseen but all  known by everyone who thinks 'look at what they did...not good  but you want me to show acceptance and appreciation for...nice building though innit....Palace I mean to say and the purpose is to say their job is to influence government when government is in need of advice according to our system of government and  le droit....?!' Yet, the influence exerted upon the independent new world colonies is offered by more than one monarch or culture who had a role in that independent colony's foundation; not just the Anglo Monarch but the French or Dutch who helped to settle and influence  Britannia  not too long after the Roman's departure around  500 AD.      Then, in a few a years another set of politicians criticize the   immigrants as if they really      wanted to come to England to learn how to say 'innit!' but you needed to make your apology as you dance around or wrestle with ....the unseen, unwritten powers that play on your persona and your soul as you judge your self  so you bring the immigrants  to apologize for the collateral in damage and  victimization their people suffered in your vicious economic circle that refuses to accept the final solution economically to benefit your own people and those global suppliers of Pita bread or Soy Sauce when your people  don't mind Turkish Delight with Ribena  or the Kebab sauce but they don't have enough to participate as consumers to  order more  and these immigrants have monies and financial support both from the Anglo governments and from their own cultures with basic income that the Anglos do not have.  Being an immigrant or refugee does not mean that you do not have a place of birth where you could qualify for basic income in a more humane socio-economic culture after the final solution and  only solution in basic income necessitated by automation.     You say the  Anglo breaks laws as if the other humans in other cultures do not according to the Monarch from... and the Anglo needs to be punished. We can always make more Anglo people so why fund them although funding them is a Human      Rights requirement in the age of automation and why bother when we have emotional, illusory global hegemony albeit  not real people presence hegemony with basic income like other cultures? You do what you want and go where ever you want to go   but you do not really have any education. But, you   are not a Jedi yet but what is wrong with just taking one course a year at the University until you finish or learning how to design a franchise and register some business names? Did someone tell you via your smart phone transceiver that you are not permitted?          It is the Anglo's unique, imaginary  authority that we are dealing with here. since the movie is not the territory.   The Monarch could probably make a phone call and with his influence, answer the plight of his Anglo people. Maybe he could use a video phone and just hold  a placard with the words enunciating the life saving policy written on it although it is not his job to be soo involved really.  Now, if you were here first or  occupied Jeune Street first why don't you occupy it now? What does it take or require and what is it that you do not have that other people do have? Maybe education or understanding is part of it in addition to some basic human qualities involving a humane common ubiquitous  denominator that makes other       cultures, even to yourselves, more viable to you and that is why you help Lemortmonde rob the bank and occupy the Black Part Irish man's house although he Black Irish man never did anything to you but while Lemortmonde is chanting death to the Stupid Anglo and counting on White Cheddarman  to be racist  and ignore Lemortmonde's home invasion  over a defense of our civil liberties while Lemortmonde is    also saying 'Thank God for family who I will never let down or abandon'  and for his attitudes toward family even when his son drops out of George Washington High or Winston Churchill A level College or High School, you respect him and his drop out, drug  smoking son who must have some basic income with their people from their socio-economic cultures. Is Lemortmonde Pangean? Even so, he knows family is a non negotiable issue as to greater the world.....since the world  supports those who honor  the notion of family and not just have children.    Yes boss...sold out!       So, what is the value of the Anglo people to the only people paying attention  to the livelihood of the Anglo? In two generations, The only people paying attention must be whom and from where and what is economics all about?    My theory practice is...look! Jeune Street is all Chinese and Asian now and the majority of condo residents are Asian in Florida, New York, Seattle and...but , feel good  and hegemonic no matter what after the movie.   You beat dem and kick dem and got your movie scene revenge.  Now  get out of de car, de high street, de public service job and de office building ownership  and de condo building ownership. Eeeeee!...Mummmy!  You have  People but no real people that you care about or regenerate since the figment of the imagination concerning English or Anglo has become a fictional chattel. Anthony Jackson who lived in the US Colonies in the 1640's is English.  His parents were born in England and his  family were in England since the 13th century but originated in France and were Bilingual in French and English and had Afro hair.  This was before Black and White  was blended into our  programmatic lives  sometime after 1865  to keep a division and conquer, centrifuging the people while yellow was put above with some kind of immunity to rise programmatically    in spite of their own experiences with ignorance.   In American history, "Who is Anthony Jackson?" should be just as popular as a question next to asking "Who is Dred Scott?"  But, now the only real question is why 30 Black kids will sit in a library to be told by a Indian or American  Creole with Afro hair that the community is like a village and that the Creole could  be your mother and they say they need more lawyers, doctors, teachers and engineers but then some old people who are school drop outs are trying to kill the existing Black Anglo lawyers for really graduating and these 30 kids will learn soon enough that while everyone gets the message and your mother will ask  if you heard what the lady said, some of them will end up resenting  and hurting those who not only hear but do what she says with incremental preparation doing the home work at half an hour per subject  toward that prize to help that community that is like the village; innit?   This is what what one is trying to understand!   But, since 1901 and moving pictures depicting Anglo accented Kings, Queens, Pirates and wicked sheriffs has skewed the resonance of programmatic cultural and historical truth. This is not about Iran but get out of de deceit.  Now, it may be that the servant from Spaniard Town has arrived at 'Windoor Castle' to tell Henry the 8th and the French Norman King 'this is how we do it and that the Spaniard Anglo will have his right to self determination and does not want too many of his or her children getting into the Anglo Norman Henry the 8th worshipful and dutiful  postal system job  or train jobs especially if they don't know what resistance  and piracy game or quiet coup a gwan to teach de British about de substitute machine  and other F£4keries Granny in Spaniard Town Jamaica  got for her washing machine ordered from Courts in de UK  but you will see how they play resistance games when a health card shows up in New Zealand or Woetario and the son who graduated at the University of Henry the 8th cannot get it when his  Spaniard Anglo relative swears falsely that the person to whom the card is sent cannot be found but you are eating with the recipient  in public.' Now Latino Anglo  town in de has good and bad people like any where but when it comes to the coalescence of the bad globally, Latino Anglo Town is not a complexion but an intention!!!  You have something to say about free school and how you don't want to go and you ask why should you or your kids go but then why ask anyone how to buy a house or what is a will or estate and your question about free school is not an alibi for murder or fraudulent claims as to owning the home or having fooled the government or exerting your will to power in believing the government will ignore the law if the owner is maybe from Latino Anglo Town like you as born in the Windward Islands.        The last funny issue about all of this is that those most likely to be engaged in subtle resistance games who are working on theories of social authority who do whatever they want and go whereever they want to go and who do not really have any education always want to hurt on, target and kill those who are bonafide graduates where the theory about social authority as going up where you appear as...and feel like...cannot produce a lawyer that the society and the social authority theorist needs but it can produce a very expensive stooge who can't answer a simple F"£sking question without paying some law firm in China or London a $10,000.00 when the same social authority theorist people might have seen the value in using the lawyer at $400.00 per question and selling it to the people they 'wow' with stolen homes and goods at $1000.00 per question.  So, you see what is going on! Most of these social authority theorists are Pangeans of various complexion; not culture since the Pangean is a cultural group of its own as in no loyalty to maintaining civilization or really joining it as to propagate it and who are content with grand children who cannot read or write at 8 years old and this would not have been soo evident until the confession code in the Samsung or Apple I-phone told them to be bold as Yellow skinned, red skinned and Brown Pangeans who really know their identity is that set of people who abided secretly among us while languages and cultures formed around us and they watched from the caves or the burrowings where they may have dwelt very late into the 19th century; not African linguistically or culturally  or Chinese  or Japanese but very embarrassing to their global employer and yet  proud of their Asianishness.' How do you know the Brown guy  isn't quarter Asian since....give back my brown belt with yellow stripe and do not turn the green destiny into a chattel you horse thief since what good is it to you if you don't know it has no power in itself really except but in the hands of those who know the sword; any sword!     So you see what we a deal with?  It is rather difficult actually!       It does not involve people loyal to the Anglo world or " born into" the Anglo world who represent the language who have actual expressive hegemonic ability with cash to represent the Anglo on the High Street or the main road. It does not involve them since they gave their lives for the producing nations in this world and their people to come and occupy condos built with Anglo public finance so that they might try to call the cops on a white guy before anything happened and hope to get away with it as if he should not be on the Lakeshore but maybe the white guy is related to an A+s hole who hoped he could lie to the court and say he expected to be believed no matter what because he was white so we that the final battle ground in the end is the Court shield and the court where the Magna Carta is to be defended and now maybe the white guy is hoping to say that because he is white, he should be able to do whatever he wants to the Brown great great great grandson of a White European and an African maybe. If there will be a war for the various reasons that we could have one, it will not be international but just a domestic clean up; not a war really, and this would be to understand why anyone thinks he would have the right, by virtue of his complexion to lie to a Court and Court system that once sent Brown and European men to defend a Black Anglo King and there is at least one of them in history; James I think. Anyway. how do you lie to the court and think that 'white' or 'whiter' will defend you? When did this happen in history would you would want to think you should get away with it because you saw it in the new world designed by movies after 1865 or...what credibility could you have when whiter or white as your motive says that you got to be crazy you Pangean; white Pangean and maybe the Brown Pangean thought he or she would help you in this madness since either way it helps to weaken the civilization that he is working to tear down insidiously and God knows why since, in spite of your hurt feelings about owning the entire earth  and that you can say you cannot sin against anyone as a Pangean while people  can sin against you, this world system is the only system that works if respected  and updated when required with appropriate social policies to ensure safety for all citizens; policies such as basic income  or what; did you want us to barter and trade and maybe we can see 'The Book of Eli' again maybe?  The real truth is that Anglo Crown is a French Crown and it should be simple for the Anglo, if still the original Anglo, to ecouter, relire and regarder le bien sur pour le  hommes, mademoiselles et le familles dans le nation. But, it seems we have been over run by Pangeans who have kept us on the edge of peace and survival in the anglo world  so that we can see their will to survive and not thrive and who are constantly updating themselves and their dna's appearance; nothing more and who covet simple  bands of association but have no depth. They are French associated but cannot really read it or write it and resent those who can but they are also missing the good intention of that culture in the liberte', egalite', fraternite'.  Now, you love the soo much, everyting Irie and me seh and de people, , but you don't want to really help anyone if, per chance,  their family are Pangeans or people among us from the edge of time who do not expand and enlarge their coast like Abraham but who are anxious for acceptance in civilization and who are, no doubt, very capable people but not yet settled in the notion of  'family'(stuck anthropologically in between the notion of the Abrahamic family with one mother and father and something more primordial or uh...broad or open but you want to try the Abraham version and nothing is expected to be perfect when mommy can say she is a woman but begs  the current father figure for the month to never leave!). So, while you are not yet settled in the notion of 'family'  a part from the Pangean movements who work more like ants following one central emotion that tends to attack the educated among them in some kind of quiet resistance that does two things; encourage and extol education in a plan to have acceptance but then frustrates the educated as if they have nothing to offer the Pangean who prefers to say he can just imitate the dress and speech of the person for authority  and you don't really need him since you only need 'one big ' as if the school process was based on appearance or speech; not training or a skill that could benefit the entire Pangean community if they would just remember their Pangean movement should have a long term goal other than  what seems to be no more than resistance and identification(NEITHER Black or white satisfy your unique primordial predilection and you would just about kill any Anglo Black who starts to bring soy sauce and curry paste home to cook when you need hum to just stay close to Mandwich, Hungryman and Quaker but where do you go for buffet to get the special feast for four with wonton two times a week and you don't even know how to say riboflavin and its on the Kelloggs box so let him eat at home what you want in spite of your identity anxieties ?)  but you band together to organise your disrobing in public and public copulation.  Now, the San Andreas Fault is not a curse but a geographical location but maybe if you are Pangean you might think you are at fault if your names is Andreas Fault( A stripper in Oklahoma; get it?)  There is a chance for a new day tomorrow though; innit?   Now, debt may be used to control us all in one industry but without basic income, what people do you have that you might control them? The debt the conflict creates begins with an order for food, boots, uniforms and weaponry and this is paid for by the government who could borrow to pay it and they could borrow to pay for basic income and  the economy is stimulated quand ton purchaser le merchandisement  avec le argent base et le petite argent de ton travaille apre le age de automation.   Le anglais sont le resistance en le age de automation avec le solution fin cette est le argent base. Les origines de le couronne anglais est Francais et le Droit est francais en origin aussi.   So, la devrait etre  pas de problem en francais ou en Anglais.    Now, Youtube is a collection of business concepts and names but only in Woetario or Woenada would it happen that White and Brown Pangeans would band together to resent someone who set up a youtube channel and a few blog pages that require the skills necessary to run an email address and the band of Pangean brothers really act like they have a right to market and sell the concepts without any respect or acknowledgement for the owner and no one seems to think this is threatening death when these are adult people involved and they keep begging new high school graduates, high school students and high school teachers to join them.  The governments ended with that.   This is a fictional tale. None of these events are true.

The Desire to be Accepted

Who is Copernicus?  Who is the Pangean that his colleague  explorers may have encountered  on the coast of New Brunsotia and then there are the natives they encountered with technology that would have been ancestrally familiar to him although quite a long time ago?  The BMW or Benz or Ford system is not going away but it is updating itself very quickly to simplify your humble but requisite involvement, YOU! as the raison d'etre, the purpose in every door that is tested, damaged and broken in bringing that depreciating piece of crap with satellite navigation and built in seat warmers and phone chargers  to market at auto shows with great excitement.  The piece of crap has to satisfy various legal and technological requirements in a concern about your safety before any human would ever sit down in that piece of crap and because of it, you need God more than the excitement  and granny is noticing like she did as a kid in the 1920's when all of this 'rise to a tower of babel  excitement' feeling began!  But, as it changes quickly don't worry but what is the sat nav? Knowledge is cumulative and education that is structured and formal helps rally around the eternally  revolving sun of human endeavor. The fear of education is not the issue for any five year old but maybe failure or acceptance when it is your first test and it is an expression of  what you believe you can do and we all go through that fear; even the Brown guy did and all of his teachers were white and he had to be a secret beneficiary of affirmative action so go ahead and plagiarise his essays and legal motions; no I am only joking!   The Pangean is not someone who is working to build a community of candlestick makers, butchers and bakers while he is certainly working very hard. No; these simple rudimentary commercial activities date back thousands of years to the time Moses was just a boy prince in Egypt and were thrust upon some Pangeans as late as the 1700's in some parts of America but, no doubt, he cannot or his descendants cannot be beat today with their stetson on; I reckon!  Do not fear failure in approaching the educational process and there is a free online ( work at your own pace) GEd available in most countries like America and Canaduh where there is lots of ramen and pizzuh; innit? There is only a passing grade with amber, yellow, green standards. You can always take it again in your  self predicated, self-hallowed self-esteem.     Let use an example of the hotelier  and the hotel  as symbolism for a nation.  You show up at his hotel(or nation) and there are no flush toilets, no electric toasters, no coffee makers but everything is quite rustic or 17th century pioneer. The butter is churned. The train runs on diesel.   This is not an amusement park concept. The people are wearing clothing from the same 17th century era, the butter is hand made , the toast is cooked on an open fire and the cost of this fun or determination to be independent is quite tremendous.  Yet,  the emotion of resistance is the last shield of self expression or maybe a confused honoring of one's ancestry when you have already said you would do anything to just have that Corinthian leather seated Cadillac with the gold trim.  It takes soo long though; this resistance! The cost is hi since the fires are powered by coal or wood and in the winter, you risk freezing to death in spite of his welcome disposition and promises of human treatment. Everybody is invited to come and swear allegiance. He gave his teeth and has no real education and thinks it would be fun to say that his human equality does not begin until he can claim the essays and education of a Brown graduate who had no idea when this devil would be born when the essays were written.  Yet, the sign posts at the front door of this hotel say the policy of Charters and Freedoms are just to die for; the very best and people do die for the notion while he has people shoot some refugees on a regular basis so that they might have authority in the Herodian schematics of one of our Judeo-Christian Islamic under cultures.   Raising children is like a merry go round for you people and maybe it is best for your culture to ask why you don't just make them wash dishes instead of go to school since what do you need them for except but the merry go round experience you have allowed someone to 'work out' of your weak  sense of self perception. But, you keep telling them they can do anything and reach for the stars if maybe they run to the JW's after graduation but you're a Catholic!  His mother has everyone involved in the family and she visits Hotel Avante Mondiale quite often down the road. She shops and is impressed. All the vehicles are electric; regenerative but you still buy hydrogen fuel to ensure drive-ability and maybe save about 1/3 of what you spend on gasoline but the fuel is 3 times cheaper to produce and takes fewer employees who will be given basic income and then unemployed but maintained as a national human resource.   His mother seems to be set on bringing a son or grand child to the back door of the hotel Avante Mondiale quite often and offers them; for acceptance. They hand her a book from IBM written in 1965 about automation and work and education  with ISO standards for the year 3000 involving basic income, fuel cell  trains already in use called Ice(TM) trains  and she stuffs it under her shirt and walks off and says she will come again. Now, in the real world we witness a similar phenomenon with some Pangean people who don't seem to have much experience with making anything that they may have learned how to use to cook chitlins or curry goat; we don't know.  But, they do not seem to be saying anything  else in their loosely connected global Pangean communes other than they believe they will be more...more...more accepted the next time they come to the back door of Hotel Avante Mondiale or to the end of the free educational process or any educational process where they are expecting an adoption; not a job or job applications  but the acceptance they a look fah and de de de de authority when a man back home can just....whip you...whip you...whip you  like a bitch... and is now BIG and flush and they are very impatient and usually the best solution for the grandson or son is to see if he has an older relative ensuring that education is not necessary while telling him to go to school and graduate since he was born or genetically engineered in his people's  hope that they might  be accepted without education and just for the physical acceptance since he is  more..more..more European as it once was and less...Pangean so maybe  he will have to be, in the next generation, more Asian  next time but his uncle's mind is Pangean and maybe he was thinking that after the grandson graduates, if they did not get the response they were imagining, they might just switch him with someone who looks more...more..uh....more..uh Televisionish according to informally educated viewers as the Uncle  decides to  work with another Pangean grandmother's imagination who never spent a dollar on that Grandson  and who never believed she could do anything but bake cakes or F"3k for a living after baking was automated in her devastation and wants to know who the grandson thinks he is about his hard work and honoring of the family since how could he help her register Cakes Channel(TM) but this is what he went to school to do and she likes the idea but would rather just resent him although he would register it for the cost of a jerk chicken dinner if they would but just ask  so you see what is going on and the son or grandson is in a situation with his own personal innate good motivators and the family that called upon to honor the Dr. George Washington Tuskegee Reverend King Garvey Jefferson Lincoln Shabaka Toqeville Benin who has no idea how the other Pangean grandmother who is 5'3-5'11 and Afri-Asianish  with more  scalawag  and de   Pirate intention keeps saying you could be but see what I want for you if you are too brown in the communal pirate imagination and too educated to do what you used to do for work  before you finished law school?; a you?'   and she was always very nice while things keep disappearing(her collection for her emotional association to graduates keeps growing per year and per decade and per family with the help of the Chief Postmaster Officah who never really retired in the year 20--") and unusual things are happening in a scalawag targeting in a scalawag social under current of who  now feels like the 'Red Coat' in their dna's cultural recollection yet he or she  is still just a citizen  as if there is no law  that was capable of protecting  the citizen beyond the  age of 18 and a viable socio-economic atmosphere  or protecting a graduate that was capable of designing a jet fuel in concept that would chemically refill the ozone layer as he understood ozone is a F"%sking chemical after all and there is a jet fuel that could be designed where the  by product is ozone(The ozone by product producing jet fuel is patent pending and owned by Warren A. Lyon).  So, you see what the problem is on the micro level manifesting on the macro since if the orders for the BMW go down in North America  because  there are not enough orders  and if there are not enough basic income Asians willing to come to North America to stimulate the North American side of the global economy, then...... the CRASH   and these Pangeans  are very good people who just need to be consumers.  There is an Egyptian, Roman or Asian among who has no idea what you mean by' more..more..more uh...' when he sees your technological and socio-economic dependence and he was happy to be bald but you tried to cull him in some sitcom called Arrested Development so he is got the idea and is letting his hair grow but you seem to think he should not be accepted as a candle stick maker or teacher until he satisfies your new ideas about 'more...more uh' and he sees the inhumane attrition but you don't mind him working in the family hotel at the back designing a SYSTEM THAT WORKS and ordering you a fuel cell power grid with generators that could fit into a GM Terrain that could power all of the New York state on one hundred kpa of hydrogen for the whole year. Now, this will get a white guy a big promotion and save the water from the current tritium pollution generated from unnecessary infertility causing or fertility slowing   nuclear fuel.   You have more than enough river system to power  every home and nuclear fuel was never necessary really. Fuel cells, in the alternative, have been around since the late 1800's my good man !

Authority and the Divine right of the Post Master

We here about the expectation of the Divine right of the  Kong or King  but have you seen the divine right of the local tire shop owner, police chief or post master?  He may wish to see his authority once appointed and may seek to do this by granting immunity and title to some of his high school friends or people who attended high school in his region of Lacawanaronto to kill steal and destroy anyone who went to school in Cheektowagaronto or at Albanyville High when they are all graduates of the Great state of New York. But, Saul had children who may have this predilection as to his status or King-hood.   It is a good thing, they say, to call yourself a king, prophet and priest but who do you think you will be to challenge the authority of the system that keeps us all safe only to see your personal authority and truthfully, there is so much that some have never endured in America until this dna ascended to Postmaster in Lacawana.    .He or she may not have much patience for education since they know who  they need to be and there is a community that helps them; other people in the expectation of divine right that seems to be King Saul's dna and usually somewhat despotic  and selfish in its hope to recognised as the  banished  and de throned vs. being the friend de le Un Dieu ( I don't know ) when it has to be equal or superior to others  but is not  necessarily able or willing or required by others  in his sub community of witnesses or adventists  to sit down Mr. or Mrs. ..?  his work for very long to get to horseback(Now G90 coupe or the Euro version) as soon as possible. He could spend his whole career as Postmaster or President   ensuring that every postal worker  with an engineering degree or Accounting designation above a C  average  is  'we don't know what really happened to them but there was something going on...'     since the postmaster or President didn't really have to get any formal education and he is not the only one but the burden on society is tremendous and it has started to feel as uncertain in Lacawanaronto   as an old world banana republic  used to feel before 1-800 resort companies showed up to make the equatorial regions all inclusive, efficient and all basic income.

Putting it all together to get to   Labadee; a heavenly place!

The point is that in spite of your resistance to achieve your sense of authority or preserve a last bastion of  some kind of cultural dignity, you are the only one who has calculated your own technological redundancy and dependence.  There is no doubt that you are a human being but your ability to calculate responses and choices in the grander scheme of things is limited to just how you  you may feel at any given moment, re-actively in maybe jealousy in your divine right as you see it   without the education that might help to round out what evident  abilities you do have with your Bone dense physique and capable  School Board Trustee or  superintendent   presence and the capable good intentions if you could be led to that higher plain of humane result before you are invited by your maker to leave your mortal coil but if you would be a trustee of anything or a deacon, what is going on with your feelings and attitude toward he your son ?   He worked very hard to honor you. a 65-69% in the UK grading scale is worth an A- in America!    We could show you to..teach you how to.. help you to see how to....brand your own wallet or carry-on bags at .99 cents per item so that all of the orphans from Latino-Anglomaca  using your apparent association will inherit from you directly  and not hope to hold your son's stuff to show up at an 'edge of time' estate game on the side of the beach at Slaigoville hoping to be the only one if they look enough like and more...more maybe uh...they are not his children but we have to say we don't know what the track team member on the senior girls 4x1 relay team did when she asked his sister for a cup of toilet water while he was at a State Championship soccer game in 198?).   But, maybe your solutions leave something to be desired and we all need updating educationally in a fast paced open source computer coded and networked  world when in addition to having God answer your prayers early enough for the family that you were wise enough to request, your son has relied on his own faith for family and the good Lord has not excluded you from the calculation but you have maybe since your emotions or your culture is not sure if they are calculating a 'small office; called 'I will be the only one'  in your emotions to your disappointment or you chose to say I will sit with my grand children at a dinner table.  Now, you need to extend the merry go round of your lives but you seem to want to stop, some of you,  when your children become adults and some people steal your school ring to be you but you are the only one who has the right to wear it and she asks every day a city counselor if they could just own your law firm when you offered the trademark for $1,00 and they don't know how to register their own business name. Now, plumbing companies hire plumbers. Do you know how to start a company and pass a corporate resolution and draft it before you catch the red eye to Las Vegas? You are an occupation if tolerated but not an agent of global legal terrorism yet your general community needs to extend its merry go round since your cousin will show up and ask why you never came to Wisconsin for basic income while he tells you his son finished in London with a 3 and your son is being attacked for a 2 or what bordered a first by 5 marks.  Then, he asks you wear you son is and you say you don't know what really happened but he is a trained lawyer who you think is Afghanistan setting up basic income in the desert of the real   where people are hired to sell products made by machine; nothing else. So, you see what we a deal with?   This is when you are not sure if your concept of 'king' can afford any other male  beyond yourself in your testimony who has a $30.00 IKEA table with easels and children  of his own and a Latino Anglo  wife or maybe Afrique wife  since maybe that other  King carried you to the beach since no one younger than her  in her linea  has really had a family for very long in her machinations and everyone's  heightened need for acceptance after her (is it he it?) last  birthday party in London in 2015. Most are on the chronic.   But, you might see that if everyone calls themselves Kings and prophets in the culture you do teach your children to honor, Hallelujah,  only you can decide what strength and what intelligence you can apply to not only see your self honored but maybe try to...try to enlarge your coast in your honor and you are guaranteed the authority to set the Sunday dinner schedule and she is invited too; is it?  You going church?  Now, getting back to where we are today in this absolutely amazing fictional tale since 1664 when the Latino Anglo began his march to ascendancy as the owner of the entire world, he does not realise how he, as an indentured servant would, is the only one paying for his existence in a basic income world when the automated world would like to really pay him since there is nothing else to do in a truly first world, first rate technologically superior western democracy with a king or Emperor( in the case of Japan )to do but seek attention all day with your purchases and your decorative or auto detailing abilities. it's time to pack and shop in Estonia  or Russia  or Ireland  or Burgundy on basic income or go to Kata School in Asia.   See you at the airport my good man! Now, the truth is with a Judeo-Christian, Islamic global culture; now also Buddhist in rather efficient social wisdom, we confirm the one key guiding principle that ends the separateness; that we must do unto others as we would want them to do unto us in spite of any claim to a right to resistance against the global system that also holds the one guiding principle as its golden thread or guiding light with every airline fare purchased to see granny back home in heavenly Labadee.  At Labadee, the Pangean, European, African, Amerindian and Asian hold hands and honor that principle en francais ou en Catholic ou en...what did you say?  Say it again. It could be that there is faith to say the one principle or the Nicene creed but some of us could have an under current of ancestry that was beaten to say prayers more than live in thankfulness with a cross or without a cross and with your prayers you know you are approved and you know about your place in purgatory but you want to maybe ask how any Catholic in any language can love his neighbor as himself and believe anything about 'born again'? Well, we you do what you do in killing and targeting those who believe in it who ever you may be in your religious under culture that hovers around Catholicism but while the Lord never said a rosary, he did talk to Nicodemus about being 'born again' and it does indicate that even Nicodemus who might be your ancestor also struggled to understand it but I am not sure he would have signed papers to harass the Messiah who predicated his Catholic(as in global) ministry on saving a human life; not on killing people for denominational superiority.  We will all get to the edge of physical life some day while our soul or hypothalamus could live in a machine or bottle maybe but we also have an opportunity to get there believing all of the bible or some of the bible and so you can do it your way and others will believe all of it their way and we will all get there some day since, no matter what, we are all part Pangean at some stage. It is just a question of when the triangle beat you and whipped you like a bitch technologically. We will all get there some day  even if it is a minute before our eyes close and our mortal coil lets go. So whatya say pal?  Putta there doc! Arawak Pangean;  eh?  Did you kick your neighbor's wife's foot under the table to see if...maybe? Did you say you don't want any wedding document?  Do you find yourself accusing anyone, including your family members, of things you suggested to other people's wives or that you might have done?    Well, we are all emotionally Pangeans close to our first day of school.   The only audience you have in this world is you and your little  un-evolved  emotions where you are fixated on what you feel and you would really try to craft the scenarios with subtle sabotages until you see what you want; two faced and you really would never feel impeached as a father, you and your relatives,   by a 'mother of the year' award whether or not you were divorced when your fear of impeachment led you to ask for the lives of your children; nothing else and then the award and any risk of impeachment to your little world would end. Why don't you ask, in the alternative, for a Father of the Year award but then why would you when you are not sure if, after 2001, the kids you raised have the look you need now or maybe finance their business ideas with all of your pirate associations and you would be a hero, saving all of your pirate people some monies on their red light camera tickets, family law court dates and pleas of guilt on sabotage.        Hunting rabbits; eh? Rabbit season eh? Just calm down now and smoke the peace pipe; Hallelujah, Hallelujah !  There are some Catholics who like the whole milk version of the gospel and some like the 1% version and maybe they all have basic income in Europe; maybe not in America until today though. Thank God! Now, in North America  or in Middles-borough where you have this absence of basic income do you rob the bank before you drop your daughter off to school in the morning or afterwards when you pick them up when morning rushing hour traffic might be heavier and you need to care about your daughter and the shamefulness she might feel if she does not have enough time to sit down and get rested with her things before school starts and the lessons about the golden rule begin. Begin!
