June 6th, 1936 Attention: Anns Merton Solicitors London, England. To Mr. Reid Thankerton, Legal Officer Dear Mr. Thankerton; The hour grows late at Eisengard Barristers' Chambers and Mr. Gandalph Gray returns from Mr. Logan Wolverine's discussion about the importance of respecting intellectual property under the common law, universal basic income and the Anglo resistance as if a German bible purchased with German basic income in January 1936 from a London wholesaler in London is to be judged as sin; judged as blasphemy when the Londoners and all of the English did not have a basic income!!!! It started a schism since the purchaser was grabbed at Holborn Tube Station and stabbed in an Alley way near the old Lyon's Inn. Her last name was Lyon. She was born in that old French city but raised in Germany. The Scots, the Welsh and the Irish had a basic income. Thank you for your time and the well put together renditions. The Piri Piri chicken is also reminiscent of our last visit to Devon House on business in the service of his Majesty. The house was built and owned by a Jamaican fellow; black and I know this as they never changed the evidence in the register but why would they as what was Black to King George? He was a good man; hard working with shares in Tate and Lyle and a local manager in the West Indies. Egyptology was also King George's favourite subject. We have determined that Butter Channel(TM) is a free concept to anyone who has basic income in the Dominion of Manitoba, Minnesota or Ireland and according to the owner, he is happy to assist with any registration where the Butter Channel (TM) people will say they need to have the authority while they ask what is the law? He will pay the fee but it is free. We have concluded Donald and Mike are Black slaves emotionally and ancestrally; not a free people like Anthony Johnson who was Black. If they are from free people, their outlook indicates an insufficient education, if any, to combat the SKIN COMPLEXION obfuscation that has befuddled that emerging American culture and has brought it down to stalemate. They are also resentful of Europe; not owners of property dating back 5 generations, and his clique or Base are much of the same, former human chattel like them, who only want a chance to take for themselves like scalawags but with Gucci(TM) and Britches(TM) on their shoes; not owners of property ancestrally and nor are Mike and Donald town aldermen who would find logical solutions that beautify the town and bring peace just second nature. UBI is not a new solution in debate but dates back to when some people enjoyed regular ''piped in'' water for the first time in Europe in 1901 where they also received a basic income with many bibles and hymn books on the table. Kavanlaugh who would wish to say, contrary to law and the constitution , that a President cannot be indicted is here to shred the generous , balanced U.S. constitution that needs only some modern, purposeful application with new technologies and contextual interpretation in light of the attrition caused by automation. Donald and Mike seem to confuse "attrition" with "nutrition" as stooges for a Pretender Government that knows a 14 year old hoping for a job can solve the economy with UBI and can see that industrial jobs were automated in 1901 as they will be again in 1977. The Pretender Government comprised of people who resent family boundaries in a house keeper's coup resists the logic that would feed it's entire AMERINDIAN population with all of the various hair textures and complexions that includes the Arawak regardless of complexion. The Queen of the house keepers (the indentured) , not the English, wants to know if you are paying attention. But, how can you pay attention if you have no education due to your participation in the white culture; 3 for Asia and 1 of the three for the Ma'am and none for the white minded people but they have a lot of media attention and socio-economic position since you want to just pick the money off a tree like a cheeky monkey or out of a shop or bank..sze sze..and there is just less of our culture when there are fewer of our people as people need money to buy the Pot Pie, Ribena, the HP Brown sauce, the Buckley's, the Wall's, the Cadelbury's candies and the Lyon's Candies. I enjoy the rich texture of both although the Lyon chocolate is made with Africa Dark or Kenyan Dark or Columbian Dark or Swiss Dark chocolate. I like the dark cocoa from any region that is a purveyor and producer of fine chocolates. Also, Mrs. Wondra Mujer will be arriving from 1004 Tom's Place from a shop called Tom's near Blavo's around Lyon's Inn next to Pompideau's Chambers, the sexy barristers' set, with gift scarves for everyone. It is getting cold. Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Law Firm(TM) has instructed them recently on a serious global UDHR file related to the non receipt of ubi/basic income as required by the UDHR and all domestic laws that give the UDHR mandatory, enforceable jurisdiction. I will send the building manager and law partner Elaine Sharon to get some at the confectionery. This is when a citizen's income or ubi is the official ministerial policy in the brief but you we do not seem to have received it yet although it was rolled out on June 6th, 1936. It seems someone is trying to instigate a war in the belief a war is required to affect a change in the monarchy to give the people more association to Africa; bringing the Anglo people closer to their Southern hemispheric peoples who, in the Anglo imagination, sit under them and this complexion will give them favor although she does not seem to know High Trees or Hadley and Baxendale. This would be quite unruly when Charles, William and George are in position. It does feel out of order. Many of my African colleagues have noticed that this woman is celebrated because she seems to promise the white that there will be no law and that they will be able to perpetrate any acts of violence to steal intellectual property. But, she cannot hope to stand in the position of a Wettin. She is only an adoption by virtue of a wedding. Elizabeth is scheduled to be our Queen as a real Wettin. She cannot leave the family and nor can she leave Europe. Ensure her politicians are advised at once. It was a disastrous notion and De Gaulle seems to have arrived to shelter her from this fracas about leaving the League of Nations in some resentment about the League's obligations to not only preach the word of God and air drop bibles as the English are good at the air drops and the teaching but that our society must collectively show a humane treatment of life and we are just tired of European people telling us, the English, what to do and providing solutions. They should not have come to Britannia in the 5th century B.C. and should have just left the Anglo alone but they do have a point. I need to know where my Brown sauce is. Apparently it was stolen, All 47 boxes of it. But apparently, the soy sauce is coming although I have never tried this before but it is just as good; my wife says. The English accent connotes nobility and benevolence and virtue yet the English and their ...leaders are....adopted by the Wettin family This is the Monarch's family yet the English people are left to suffer when the basic income is not provided. They are hindered by socio-economic questions of irrelevance such as the Black or white question and who would worry about it except but a foreigner to humanity who is anxious about acceptance and who only wants to be accepted but who also resents the benefit of full time formative education. As they don't understand the whole world shuts down. But if he would but just call the water manager to turn the water back on and the UBI/ basic income manager to turn the the UBI / basic income back on. You need to keep this in mind for your success and access going forward. There is a war about to happen with a population steeped in ignorance and who sign X for their identity and who cannot spell their own names but who want ''position'' in society and the tension of under-education as juxtaposed with position is murderously reigning down upon our civil structure; not even the King's regular mail delivery is safe and it seems Darwin has stoked the fire as to ''black'' and ''white'' since he was not sure where he was supposed to fit in emotionally as ''frizzy haired brown'' but I can't see the issue except but for ignorance or no ignorance but what does skin tone really have to say about anything except but as a construction to facilitate a social order for those who have no time to get educated before they aspire to positions as Kings in society before breath leaves their bodies and they will reconstruct the whole world to satisfy this dying goal to be kings but as former slaves or indentured servants. To aid all of us, regular free formal education is important and would help since the risk of incarceration in unbridled kingly pursuits and a lack of patience is of issue in being able to see the benefit of one Audi now or two Audis in two minutes. This is imperative. Please read my response very carefully as it confirms the Law Society order was vacated some time ago and the files were ordered returned to me as well as all property. Mr. Thankerton understands that the counting machine is not the issue here but your contempt for a Court order. You are not the Court and nor are you the Judge who made his intention to vacate the order quite clear while you will see the record of correspondence in several emails indicates that the Law Society(Now Legal Professional Regulatory and Community Body) had lost its role as trustee with the files in their possession so that the property was to be returned to the firm; my firm which was invited to retrieve them at the front desk. There is no fight here. Is there something you need to understand? We or you could sit down and discuss it with a law text near by. The key issue is the on-going criminal misfeasance in public office. This was already brought to your attention concerning some on-going diffidence about a good number of individuals whose only defence is that they cannot believe anything. You may not be motivated to respect citizens or certain officers, corporate, paramilitary, transit or civil, in their duty or right but you need to respect the court. Could you respect the vehicle ownership of certain business owners? The files are like essays. They are just sweat off of my brow. Anybody who is a bonafide graduate understands this and going to school to read law is where you learn about essays concerning law and also solutions respecting a Judge's order. A lot of people go to Law School from various ethnic backgrounds with various complexions. Is this about your Law School? Either way, I would never show contempt for a Judge's order. There is no need to resent the education or the diligence. In fact, you provide legal training; don't you? The firm's Rights under the Bill of Rights and the criminal harassment is already on the table also with the said individuals at the police services. They were notified. I respect the fact that you are from the Caribbean and that you may have been taught that your said physical assets are all you need to aspire but ignorance in any complexion is ignorance. It is not excused by a tanned asset, thick black hair and a maleficent but cute, black but inhumane demeanour. Black, otherwise, is certainly as good as any other complexion but ignorance and illegality and a determination to associate a right to ignorance and illegality with black is anathema to my wholesome summation of humanity. It is just that many of my colleagues were born in the Caribbean and we have English accents by now with various complexions although we have never seen this diffidence before. We are also old enough to account for a less frenetic and troublesome individual in your level of employ. Do you read anything for personal interest? What about your job contract and the breach of the same for criminal behaviour , investigations, unpaid parking tickets, drug use or any actions that bring the society into disrepute? This is how we know who you are. King George was born in the West Indies. You were born in the West Indies. Did you know we say God is an Algerian woman as her dna carries every hair texture and every human skin complexion and every language group? My colleagues were born in the West Indies and you would want to enjoy ownership of a taxi company, an airline and also a vehicle and registration of a business name. Many people of the Caribbean regardless of complexion enjoy these opportunities. There is a scholarship available; in fact the tuition is free essentially if you satisfy the requirement as a special person born in the West Indies who knows they are related to King George. You just have to use the word related 7 times in your personal statement in the application. But, even if you are related you are not guaranteed to pass the exams whether you are on scholarship or not but ultimately do not fear failure. Just think of the fear of letting down the Royal person to whom you are related and instead, work at putting away all interruptions, personal or otherwise, and exercise every energy, every discipline and every energy to honor them. Maybe just imagine you are related to the pastor with whom you discussed your career options after high school graduation and honor him or her. Know that you are related and honor them whether they can see everything you are doing or not since eventually your personal quality will be known by everyone; including those who may choose to be your enemies in the unfortunate consistency of human nature with both the good and the bad and the ugly. Pastor O' Unabombaera wrote this after he confessed that he did not go to law school and had killed his friend who did in 1920 in Tanzania. But, he repented and became a Pastor and school teacher. He wrote down how he would ensure the people would have more of a microbank one day or more of a jiggley increase in their pocket with every assurance of enjoying the financial appreciation of the jiggle and its....financial appreciation. This is what we see in the West Indies and in every Commonwealth country now with various leaders with various hair textures and complexions but he does not seem to have believed it. Then, he said that One Day his son would be the Black President of a White nation without any legal education from any Law School and no more law when it comes to wanting anything your red eyes see and covet. He would become the President but with the authority of his genealogy and this is not soo good but this is what the white people in America south of Maine are proposing to do but we did not understand the avatar named Dan Abrahashem and nor did we, as European Anglos regardless of complexion , understand white and black that he used to rob banks and hotels in North Africa and nor did we understand the Black and white part of his rather revealing testimony but evident faith and book about the struggles in humans in terms of self-expectation and this is happening in the shadow of the pyramids of Egypt or the Mayan temples in the Arawak Caribbean South Western hemisphere evidently. The real Daniel Abrahashem born in 1903 is a pastor in Oklahoma. The exams take the same human ability as involved in registering a driver's license or registering a business name., memorising a hymn or memorising lines for an acting role. But, if you don't believe you can do it, then why would you prepare yourself to do it? You would have to believe you can play a piano before you do it as if Herbie Hancock or Ruben Gonzales never practiced a day in his life to be able to discuss sharps and flats. or major or minor keys. What do you read or what do you watch at the picture show? You are not reading enough to be in this type of work but maybe an airline job with a senior title might do for your societal aspiration or maybe a senior court clerk's job will do and understand that you are honoured for respecting what has to be followed systematically for mutual safety in every job; any where in this one global society. You are now currently in contempt of Court with what you have done as a subject participant under the order; again under that order. The trusteeship order was vacated with the files in your possession. You confirmed that the files were to be picked up due to a lack of storage space. Please review your correspondence. I have read your email granting you an apology for the errors and the fault. Now, if Donald or Mike are religious men and I believe they are, they will unlearn what they have learned as our Jewish bible teaches. See 1st Corinthians 8: 2. See also Ephesians 4:22. As to Dan Abrahashem, it is understood that more than one other individual working there full time confirmed the position of the law society before you began your voluntary temp work at that government funded agency with the warning in your contract that misfeasance in public office is an offence that will not be tolerated and that there is no immunity to prosecution simply because you cook there or answer the phone or participate in proceedings as a clerk or teacher. Your personal take or agenda opens vicarious liability however. I will be away in the West Indies for a few months as I have a family matter to attend to; My father's home. He is here with us in London safely although he faked his death when he told his caretaker to shoot him in a vehicle and to keep the key to the house. My father, Miguel Josiah; the Second and the former Mayor of Rio Grande Ahrensburg Albuquerque was born in the West Indies to a red haired woman who wore purple; my grandmother who is no longer with us but unfortunately some old ways die hard and they cost our community when my father seems to have killed one of his servant's daughters to find out if he would be safe with the man at all times and there was no need for this after the man passed the local Reverend's literacy and bible exam proudly with 100 percent. But, because he killed the man's daughter and did not pay him, he offered the man all the food he could have and all the drinks he could enjoy so long as the work was done. The man actually took some home and virtually survived off of us. His remaining children were also schooled at the Anglican Church and were offered jobs as couriers and at the telegraph office. They had various complexions but I noticed that if one of them attempted to run a bakery or a postal and stationary shop selling books and maps, the older West Indian people would sabotage it and say...''not white.'' or some of them with some of the young people also but not all of them but they were all indentured servants and house keepers' children; not the Manley masculine men and nor would the people do it who sold Patterns, Rat poisons and Ratchets. Eventually the man stole my father's Henry's of London watch and his Londinium(TM) watch also in addition to his Bostonian(TM) watch and he had his mind on the house it seems. He seems to have wanted to know what would happen with the house if he passed away. All the town, including Pirate John Torrent and Pirate Douglas Gord shared his curiosity and they worked together to demand their answer. In fact, the man started selling investments on it to all the people, knowing the people would be angry when not all of the people could sit down or cook in it but they did not know how to buy the vacant house next door or down the road and the man knew this so he took advantage of their ignorance and refusal to go to school; something my father taught him since they should go to school but it is illegal regardless of who the victim is. My father decided to move to London but only after the local constabulary arrested him for murder of the man's daughter named Maringuea who he said would have the authority of the whole world after she finished grade 10 if she tore the Sunday School teacher's blouse until the teacher felt compromised. He was also arrested for the fraud since he could not have intended to sell the home for a thousand dollars to soo many people and they had no receipt or contract. In fact, it turns out the house belonged to a Mr. Ronan Lyon and my father was only on the premises as a minder. So, we went off to London although I was born in Jamaica where my father was raised although he was born in New Brunswick and schooled in Llanwrtyd Wells at Royal St. George's College where you had to graduate course by course and it was not rather difficult; half an hour per night per subject would render a reasonable ''B'' average in addition to regular test preparation with any practice questions that might help. If you can finish 10 questions in half hour at home, you can finish 30 questions in 1.5 hours during the test or exam. The time now in London is 5:00 am. The time in the Eastern standard time zone is 5 hours behind so the time in that time zone would be 12 am on the same day. But, if a football game commenced at 4 pm and it is now 6 pm in the Eastern Standard time zone. How long ago did the game actually begin? The most importance variable is knowing what time it is now in London. The Alpha and Omega(TM) watch says the time is 10:04 some where in the world but it is not okay that the UDHR is not fully complied with by every nation with an incremental basic income. This is our response; 10:4 for our entire world; not 10:10. The game kicked off about 7 hours ago. This is the answer; 7! This is simple enough for a child to understand if they have regular schooling with or without an android phone or enigma machine. This is the particular problem we are trying to figure out. But, we know the time in Ireland, Belgium and France, Germany and also Russia and China where everything is in order in those various locations. Now, my father is the descendant of the 900 Picts who escaped the Romans with the assistance of a Viking Flotilla on the West Coast of Britannia of what we call England today. These 900 and their descendants dress like us but ''mine and yours'' are still mind bending concepts for them in the year 2016 when they resent full time education as if someone is ramming a received culture down their throat; like an uncooked sausage in the hands of a fat Sikh bloke from Eastham who wants to plagiarise Ronan Soleil(TM) after his cousin completed an order of business cards for the trademark name owner at a shop they own in Palmer's Green. The owner, my client, is offering a license to use the name and will provide support for all work to be done as powered by Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM). The home in Jamaica remains the home of Ronan Lyon(TM) as registered and I have made provision for my father's servant named Justin who will remain in the home since he did ask '' where would he go?'' in his responding telex and it may be that my father evaded payment for the man's services all this time when he said ''I will put you...I will put you on the house with my son'' although he never did and nor could he and he seems to be content in believing that he shot my father as the man in that vehicle parked at the Grand Hotel in Port Antonio. It was really a mannequin as I said. Now, Mr. Ronan Lyon is not seeking to be involved in politics. He went to cheese school and law school while political legitimacy is not factored on formal education but, more so, a genuine desire to serve your community and uphold the law not ''pirateise'' the law.. When the law is maintained the people can enjoy the true dough of basic income , no the faux dough of bank robbing...the true basic income as required under the UDHR. Otherwise, the Troops do; the troops do come to maintain order that is now lost and bank robbing is not their mandate. The man who is the servant only desires now to kill, steal and destroy in a House Keeper's claim for right such that their victimization under the laws by unscrupulous people should be turned into legitimacy. to the detriment of our community. I don't know him but, if nothing else, the roads are pressed and the tram cars operate in Kingston along Hope Road. I know Pierre though. He is a good man. The man's name was as I said...let's see...It was Justin and he vows to be the King some day while Prime Minister or King is his prerogative in terms of his dreams but we already have a King and Prime Minister is a certainty because of his experience in this Creole Schism against logic with some determination against formal schooling and the belief that the world owes you for your choices and your victimization at the hands of other unscrupulous Creoles, much like you when you stole a $2000.00 watch, you thought you would get something for nothing and you were right to beat your grandson or the Chief officer's grandson to study his books so we would have some understanding of how to own the business name on the bakery front door in the next generation and you should have called the police about your daughter but you were so programmed as an Amerindian victim with woolly hair or Cat hair; victim of Europeans to be soo willing to give anything just for the association so go to a basic income territory and own a bakery if you want or work together with others and buy a building. Come; shall we dance to the tune of the banana pirate republic or the quiet civil liberties we have all come to enjoy in our Anglo culture? You could also open a community service organisation and Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) would help with a community group account package at $3000.00 per month with fast and efficient service overnight and next day! Treat your $1000.00 as another lesson and maybe treat it as a donation to the church but if you ask for your money back, you will notice that people who do disappear since these are pirates steeped in determination and an illiteracy who only want to know what will happen legally if my father is dead. All they have done is impeach the body of laws that keep people safe; holding the government and our culture of ''yours and mine'' ransom since they would like to just take a mango off the hotel grounds and also take your watch and your house too if they like it. This is their determination that has crossed insidiously into politics when they are tired of being asked to move any where for anything or for any reason. But, maybe you should provide them the UDHR so that moving to a region with basic income provision is not the most logical and necessary decision so that they might be equal is citizens and as humans in a country that has fought in every major war and should not need to participate in another in some effort, known or unknown, to be accepted by the European peoples of the earth who acknowledge them as human in the UDHR. But, nothing works around this Justin unless it is in French. They have the benefit of the UDHR. This dichotomy did not occur under Pierre; mind you! Young Anglo people are forced contrary to their human rights under the UDHR to or are given subtle permission to rob the bank to maintain some livelihood. Some have chosen to go to a basic income territory where Butter Channel(TM) might be registrable without the owner's permission although it is not quite likely. On my last visit, the Creole looking man, much like me, named Justin said ''I don't know what you are talking about'' but he had stolen my watch; the Longines watch with the British Ordinance Insignia on it so I left the house keys with him and told him that I would be back in a year and everything is always in order every time I return. It turns out that Maringuea was not dead but had been put into a deep sleep with a strong dose of ''zombie'' drug; a Rohipnol that is also known as cocaine. She was the gardener now and the mother of my brother, it seems, who is a handsome chap and a very good footballer; woolly haired also; very handsome. The table is set, the floors and the bathrooms are in order and I am offering him a job as a hotelier at the ''Royalish'' that we will be opening soon with the monies we earn in interest on loans to Irish and Scottish basic income recipients who are quite humble with their ''pension'' as they call it. You are English, you say, in North America. The Latin Americans have lots of people and lots of European technology. They also have Citroens. The Europeans have lots of people and lots of European technology. If you say you are English, that is fine but you do not have a lot of people and it really is just an osmosis game where existing roads, schools, homes and towns built for a lot of activity and consumerism will need a lot of people. Latin American people will arrive little by little and help to reoccupy and also cultivate the ''whole lot of nothing'' you witness in every direction out in Idaho or Nebraska. The Europeans and the Spanish Latin Americans have a lot of people because human beings need civil societies with enough food, water and shelter to survive and enough money via a basic income to obtain the requisite goods. If you wanted inolvement in the world, you already have involvement in the enforcement and maintenance of the UDHR. Did someone suggest that you unravel naturalization or nationality ISO and UN standards, laws and requirements and before you checked that it was international law for every nation, you are on national radio or the television now saying that you are the only nation that has such naturalization laws that when person is born in America, they are American even when their parents are not citizens? You are being defeated by your enemy when the enemy puts his trickery in your own mouth. Do not believe it and nor should you follow it; the hype! Adam Smith and Sir Thomas Moore who are English determined a long time ago , before Karl Marx, that work as we understood it will not always be the regular daily occurrence in every human being's life due to the mechanical man saving industry the great expense of labor but money, evidently, would always remain a part of the human experience as human beings are required to occupy territories and to purchase the many products and goods made by machines; made by machines at the cost of only a few cents. Governments need to raise tax revenues from the sale of goods; not income tax since the landless who used to work on farms are replaced by industrial farming machinery and no longer work and would then hope to work for the car companies who replaced them with industrial automated assemblage machinery and now the human being no longer works for the car companies in any kind of mass human employment. The human being's role is on the periphery as far as raw laborious assembly is concerned but the human being's role is central and paramount to the engineering, the programming and the decision making involved to push for a more seamless complete product. But, the governments will raise income taxes from the sale of goods with monies the people receive from the government to ensure their purposeful and necessary existence as consumers is maintained. They will still work but not in the same kind of labour intensive jobs that used to be occupied by animal muscle or human muscle where those roles are now occupied by machines. But I predict that there will be a mechanical woman named Silicon Sally and one named Alexa with their family of robots that will take away service jobs and retail cashier jobs also. A small fraction of the money saved in automation is paid as tax to the government as a fifth of the cost of a assembly line staff. Loans for the industrial assembly line machinery are paid back and a requisite sum put in to the economy by the government as the basic income as paid to every citizen to satisfy all regular human needs and reasonable expenses such as housing and shelter. Now, being the Secretary of the Treasury is not small feat. Becoming the Town water manager is no small feat. Becoming the Secretary of Housing and Social Services in ant state or province is no small feat. But, ascending to the Presidency of the United States with the honor of saving every immigrant European community and every Amerindian, Part Amerindian and part European, Part African American community regardless of woolly or cat hair texture from the work of unscrupulous men and women like Bill and Hilariousy Clubthem and Miguel Josiah is something completely different. Miguel Josiah offered to be a mechanical man in 1920 when the notion of manufacturing consent came to the fore and he is the machine that wants to know if you can recognise his Creole game; that is to see if you remember that game he played with many people's homes in the West Indies so that he might feel like the King. Now that he has your attention, you should go to school or at least call the social services manager to turn on the basic income or else Miguel Josiah will laugh again from Toronowanto where he will run a pretender police service and the Jefe will always be smaller then the Jefe of Hamilton and the Jefe of Ontario and tell you that you do not come from any where, you have no family and that '' ..you are the dog and the savage'' as he would put it. https://www.rox.co.uk/watches/luxury-watch-facts acollectedman.com By Mr. Caparo Dickman Carlill, Savage, Parmenter, May(TM) Solicitors. Whitengivallpeoplmonei By Mr. Caparo Dickman Carlill, Savage, Parmenter May(TM) Solicitors. Whitenblackrow Written by Warren A. Lyon, Legal Strategist at Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) ; Join today!
June 6th, 1936
Attention: Anns Merton Solicitors
London, England.
To Mr. Reid Thankerton, Legal Officer
Dear Mr. Thankerton;
The hour grows late at Eisengard Barristers' Chambers and Mr. Gandalph Gray returns from Mr. Logan Wolverine's
discussion about the importance of respecting intellectual property under the common law, universal basic income and the Anglo resistance as if a German bible purchased with German basic income in January 1936 from a London wholesaler in London is to be judged as sin; judged as blasphemy when the Londoners and all of the English did not have a basic income!!!! It started a schism since the purchaser was grabbed at Holborn Tube Station and stabbed in an Alley way near the old Lyon's Inn. Her last name was Lyon. She was born in that old French city but raised in Germany. The Scots, the Welsh and the Irish had a basic income. Thank you for your time and the well put together renditions. The Piri Piri chicken is also reminiscent of our last visit to Devon House on business in the service of his Majesty. The house was built and owned by a Jamaican fellow; black and I know this as they never changed the evidence in the register but why would they as what was Black to King George? He was a good man; hard working with shares in Tate and Lyle and a local manager in the West Indies. Egyptology was also King George's favourite subject. We have determined that Butter Channel(TM) is a free concept to anyone who has basic income in the Dominion of Manitoba, Minnesota or Ireland and according to the owner, he is happy to assist with any registration where the Butter Channel (TM) people will say they need to have the authority while they ask what is the law? He will pay the fee but it is free. We have concluded Donald and Mike are Black slaves emotionally and ancestrally; not a free people like Anthony Johnson who was Black. If they are from free people, their outlook indicates an insufficient education, if any, to combat the SKIN COMPLEXION obfuscation that has befuddled that emerging American culture and has brought it down to stalemate. They are also resentful of Europe; not owners of property dating back 5 generations, and his clique or Base are much of the same, former human chattel like them, who only want a chance to take for themselves like scalawags but with Gucci(TM) and Britches(TM) on their shoes; not owners of property ancestrally and nor are Mike and Donald town aldermen who would find logical solutions that beautify the town and bring peace just second nature. UBI is not a new solution in debate but dates back to when some people enjoyed regular ''piped in'' water for the first time in Europe in 1901 where they also received a basic income with many bibles and hymn books on the table. Kavanlaugh who would wish to say, contrary to law and the constitution , that a President cannot be indicted is here to shred the generous , balanced U.S. constitution that needs only some modern, purposeful application with new technologies and contextual interpretation in light of the attrition caused by automation. Donald and Mike seem to confuse "attrition" with "nutrition" as stooges for a Pretender Government that knows a 14 year old hoping for a job can solve the economy with UBI and can see that industrial jobs were automated in 1901 as they will be again in 1977. The Pretender Government comprised of people who resent family boundaries in a house keeper's coup resists the logic that would feed it's entire AMERINDIAN population with all of the various hair textures and complexions that includes the Arawak regardless of complexion. The Queen of the house keepers (the indentured) , not the English, wants to know if you are paying attention. But, how can you pay attention if you have no education due to your participation in the white culture; 3 for Asia and 1 of the three for the Ma'am and none for the white minded people but they have a lot of media attention and socio-economic position since you want to just pick the money off a tree like a cheeky monkey or out of a shop or bank..sze sze..and there is just less of our culture when there are fewer of our people as people need money to buy the Pot Pie, Ribena, the HP Brown sauce, the Buckley's, the Wall's, the Cadelbury's candies and the Lyon's Candies. I enjoy the rich texture of both although the Lyon chocolate is made with Africa Dark or Kenyan Dark or Columbian Dark or Swiss Dark chocolate. I like the dark cocoa from any region that is a purveyor and producer of fine chocolates. Also, Mrs. Wondra Mujer will be arriving from 1004 Tom's Place from a shop called Tom's near Blavo's around Lyon's Inn next to Pompideau's Chambers, the sexy barristers' set, with gift scarves for everyone. It is getting cold. Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Law Firm(TM) has instructed them recently on a serious global UDHR file related to the non receipt of ubi/basic income as required by the UDHR and all domestic laws that give the UDHR mandatory, enforceable jurisdiction.
I will send the building manager and law partner Elaine Sharon to get some at the confectionery. This is when a citizen's income or ubi is the official ministerial policy in the brief but you we do not seem to have received it yet although it was rolled out on June 6th, 1936. It seems someone is trying to instigate a war in the belief a war is required to affect a change in the monarchy to give the people more association to Africa; bringing the Anglo people closer to their Southern hemispheric peoples who, in the Anglo imagination, sit under them and this complexion will give them favor although she does not seem to know High Trees or Hadley and Baxendale. This would be quite unruly when Charles, William and George are in position. It does feel out of order. Many of my African colleagues have noticed that this woman is celebrated because she seems to promise the white that there will be no law and that they will be able to perpetrate any acts of violence to steal intellectual property. But, she cannot hope to stand in the position of a Wettin. She is only an adoption by virtue of a wedding. Elizabeth is scheduled to be our Queen as a real Wettin. She cannot leave the family and nor can she leave Europe. Ensure her politicians are advised at once. It was a disastrous notion and De Gaulle seems to have arrived to shelter her from this fracas about leaving the League of Nations in some resentment about the League's obligations to not only preach the word of God and air drop bibles as the English are good at the air drops and the teaching but that our society must collectively show a humane treatment of life and we are just tired of European people telling us, the English, what to do and providing solutions. They should not have come to Britannia in the 5th century B.C. and should have just left the Anglo alone but they do have a point. I need to know where my Brown sauce is. Apparently it was stolen, All 47 boxes of it. But apparently, the soy sauce is coming although I have never tried this before but it is just as good; my wife says.
The English accent connotes nobility and benevolence and virtue yet the English and their
...leaders are....adopted by the Wettin family
This is the Monarch's family yet the English people are left to suffer when the basic income is not provided. They are hindered by socio-economic questions of irrelevance such as the Black or white question and who would worry about it except but a foreigner to humanity who is anxious about acceptance and who only wants to be accepted but who also resents the benefit of full time formative education. As they don't understand the whole world shuts down. But if he would but just call the water manager to turn the water back on and the UBI/ basic income manager to turn the the UBI / basic income back on. You need to keep this in mind for your success and access going forward. There is a war about to happen with a population steeped in ignorance and who sign X for their identity and who cannot spell their own names but who want ''position'' in society and the tension of under-education as juxtaposed with position is murderously reigning down upon our civil structure; not even the King's regular mail delivery is safe and it seems Darwin has stoked the fire as to ''black'' and ''white'' since he was not sure where he was supposed to fit in emotionally as ''frizzy haired brown'' but I can't see the issue except but for ignorance or no ignorance but what does skin tone really have to say about anything except but as a construction to facilitate a social order for those who have no time to get educated before they aspire to positions as Kings in society before breath leaves their bodies and they will reconstruct the whole world to satisfy this dying goal to be kings but as former slaves or indentured servants. To aid all of us, regular free formal education is important and would help since the risk of incarceration in unbridled kingly pursuits and a lack of patience is of issue in being able to see the benefit of one Audi now or two Audis in two minutes. This is imperative. Please read my response very carefully as it confirms the Law Society order was vacated some time ago and the files were ordered returned to me as well as all property. Mr. Thankerton understands that the counting machine is not the issue here but your contempt for a Court order. You are not the Court and nor are you the Judge who made his intention to vacate the order quite clear while you will see the record of correspondence in several emails indicates that the Law Society(Now Legal Professional Regulatory and Community Body) had lost its role as trustee with the files in their possession so that the property was to be returned to the firm; my firm which was invited to retrieve them at the front desk. There is no fight here. Is there something you need to understand? We or you could sit down and discuss it with a law text near by. The key issue is the on-going criminal misfeasance in public office. This was already brought to your attention concerning some on-going diffidence about a good number of individuals whose only defence is that they cannot believe anything. You may not be motivated to respect citizens or certain officers, corporate, paramilitary, transit or civil, in their duty or right but you need to respect the court. Could you respect the vehicle ownership of certain business owners? The files are like essays. They are just sweat off of my brow. Anybody who is a bonafide graduate understands this and going to school to read law is where you learn about essays concerning law and also solutions respecting a Judge's order. A lot of people go to Law School from various ethnic backgrounds with various complexions. Is this about your Law School? Either way, I would never show contempt for a Judge's order. There is no need to resent the education or the diligence. In fact, you provide legal training; don't you? The firm's Rights under the Bill of Rights and the criminal harassment is already on the table also with the said individuals at the police services. They were notified. I respect the fact that you are from the Caribbean and that you may have been taught that your said physical assets are all you need to aspire but ignorance in any complexion is ignorance. It is not excused by a tanned asset, thick black hair and a maleficent but cute, black but inhumane demeanour. Black, otherwise, is certainly as good as any other complexion but ignorance and illegality and a determination to associate a right to ignorance and illegality with black is anathema to my wholesome summation of humanity. It is just that many of my colleagues were born in the Caribbean and we have English accents by now with various complexions although we have never seen this diffidence before. We are also old enough to account for a less frenetic and troublesome individual in your level of employ. Do you read anything for personal interest? What about your job contract and the breach of the same for criminal behaviour , investigations, unpaid parking tickets, drug use or any actions that bring the society into disrepute? This is how we know who you are. King George was born in the West Indies. You were born in the West Indies. Did you know we say God is an Algerian woman as her dna carries every hair texture and every human skin complexion and every language group? My colleagues were born in the West Indies and you would want to enjoy ownership of a taxi company, an airline and also a vehicle and registration of a business name. Many people of the Caribbean regardless of complexion enjoy these opportunities. There is a scholarship available; in fact the tuition is free essentially if you satisfy the requirement as a special person born in the West Indies who knows they are related to King George. You just have to use the word related 7 times in your personal statement in the application. But, even if you are related you are not guaranteed to pass the exams whether you are on scholarship or not but ultimately do not fear failure. Just think of the fear of letting down the Royal person to whom you are related and instead, work at putting away all interruptions, personal or otherwise, and exercise every energy, every discipline and every energy to honor them. Maybe just imagine you are related to the pastor with whom you discussed your career options after high school graduation and honor him or her. Know that you are related and honor them whether they can see everything you are doing or not since eventually your personal quality will be known by everyone; including those who may choose to be your enemies in the unfortunate consistency of human nature with both the good and the bad and the ugly. Pastor O' Unabombaera wrote this after he confessed that he did not go to law school and had killed his friend who did in 1920 in Tanzania. But, he repented and became a Pastor and school teacher. He wrote down how he would ensure the people would have more of a microbank one day or more of a jiggley increase in their pocket with every assurance of enjoying the financial appreciation of the jiggle and its....financial appreciation. This is what we see in the West Indies and in every Commonwealth country now with various leaders with various hair textures and complexions but he does not seem to have believed it. Then, he said that One Day his son would be the Black President of a White nation without any legal education from any Law School and no more law when it comes to wanting anything your red eyes see and covet. He would become the President but with the authority of his genealogy and this is not soo good but this is what the white people in America south of Maine are proposing to do but we did not understand the avatar named Dan Abrahashem and nor did we, as European Anglos regardless of complexion , understand white and black that he used to rob banks and hotels in North Africa and nor did we understand the Black and white part of his rather revealing testimony but evident faith and book about the struggles in humans in terms of self-expectation and this is happening in the shadow of the pyramids of Egypt or the Mayan temples in the Arawak Caribbean South Western hemisphere evidently. The real Daniel Abrahashem born in 1903 is a pastor in Oklahoma. The exams take the same human ability as involved in registering a driver's license or registering a business name., memorising a hymn or memorising lines for an acting role. But, if you don't believe you can do it, then why would you prepare yourself to do it? You would have to believe you can play a piano before you do it as if Herbie Hancock or Ruben Gonzales never practiced a day in his life to be able to discuss sharps and flats. or major or minor keys. What do you read or what do you watch at the picture show? You are not reading enough to be in this type of work but maybe an airline job with a senior title might do for your societal aspiration or maybe a senior court clerk's job will do and understand that you are honoured for respecting what has to be followed systematically for mutual safety in every job; any where in this one global society. You are now currently in contempt of Court with what you have done as a subject participant under the order; again under that order. The trusteeship order was vacated with the files in your possession. You confirmed that the files were to be picked up due to a lack of storage space. Please review your correspondence. I have read your email granting you an apology for the errors and the fault. Now, if Donald or Mike are religious men and I believe they are, they will unlearn what they have learned as our Jewish bible teaches. See 1st Corinthians 8: 2. See also Ephesians 4:22. As to Dan Abrahashem, it is understood that more than one other individual working there full time confirmed the position of the law society before you began your voluntary temp work at that government funded agency with the warning in your contract that misfeasance in public office is an offence that will not be tolerated and that there is no immunity to prosecution simply because you cook there or answer the phone or participate in proceedings as a clerk or teacher. Your personal take or agenda opens vicarious liability however.
I will be away in the West Indies for a few months as I have a family matter to attend to; My father's home. He is here with us in London safely although he faked his death when he told his caretaker to shoot him in a vehicle and to keep the key to the house. My father, Miguel Josiah; the Second and the former Mayor of Rio Grande Ahrensburg Albuquerque was born in the West Indies to a red haired woman who wore purple; my grandmother who is no longer with us but unfortunately some old ways die hard and they cost our community when my father seems to have killed one of his servant's daughters to find out if he would be safe with the man at all times and there was no need for this after the man passed the local Reverend's literacy and bible exam proudly with 100 percent. But, because he killed the man's daughter and did not pay him, he offered the man all the food he could have and all the drinks he could enjoy so long as the work was done. The man actually took some home and virtually survived off of us. His remaining children were also schooled at the Anglican Church and were offered jobs as couriers and at the telegraph office. They had various complexions but I noticed that if one of them attempted to run a bakery or a postal and stationary shop selling books and maps, the older West Indian people would sabotage it and say...''not white.'' or some of them with some of the young people also but not all of them but they were all indentured servants and house keepers' children; not the Manley masculine men and nor would the people do it who sold Patterns, Rat poisons and Ratchets. Eventually the man stole my father's Henry's of London watch and his Londinium(TM) watch also in addition to his Bostonian(TM) watch and he had his mind on the house it seems. He seems to have wanted to know what would happen with the house if he passed away. All the town, including Pirate John Torrent and Pirate Douglas Gord shared his curiosity and they worked together to demand their answer. In fact, the man started selling investments on it to all the people, knowing the people would be angry when not all of the people could sit down or cook in it but they did not know how to buy the vacant house next door or down the road and the man knew this so he took advantage of their ignorance and refusal to go to school; something my father taught him since they should go to school but it is illegal regardless of who the victim is. My father decided to move to London but only after the local constabulary arrested him for murder of the man's daughter named Maringuea who he said would have the authority of the whole world after she finished grade 10 if she tore the Sunday School teacher's blouse until the teacher felt compromised. He was also arrested for the fraud since he could not have intended to sell the home for a thousand dollars to soo many people and they had no receipt or contract. In fact, it turns out the house belonged to a Mr. Ronan Lyon and my father was only on the premises as a minder. So, we went off to London although I was born in Jamaica where my father was raised although he was born in New Brunswick and schooled in Llanwrtyd Wells at Royal St. George's College where you had to graduate course by course and it was not rather difficult; half an hour per night per subject would render a reasonable ''B'' average in addition to regular test preparation with any practice questions that might help. If you can finish 10 questions in half hour at home, you can finish 30 questions in 1.5 hours during the test or exam. The time now in London is 5:00 am. The time in the Eastern standard time zone is 5 hours behind so the time in that time zone would be 12 am on the same day. But, if a football game commenced at 4 pm and it is now 6 pm in the Eastern Standard time zone. How long ago did the game actually begin? The most importance variable is knowing what time it is now in London. The Alpha and Omega(TM) watch says the time is 10:04 some where in the world but it is not okay that the UDHR is not fully complied with by every nation with an incremental basic income. This is our response; 10:4 for our entire world; not 10:10. The game kicked off about 7 hours ago. This is the answer; 7! This is simple enough for a child to understand if they have regular schooling with or without an android phone or enigma machine. This is the particular problem we are trying to figure out. But, we know the time in Ireland, Belgium and France, Germany and also Russia and China where everything is in order in those various locations. Now, my father is the descendant of the 900 Picts who escaped the Romans with the assistance of a Viking Flotilla on the West Coast of Britannia of what we call England today. These 900 and their descendants dress like us but ''mine and yours'' are still mind bending concepts for them in the year 2016 when they resent full time education as if someone is ramming a received culture down their throat; like an uncooked sausage in the hands of a fat Sikh bloke from Eastham who wants to plagiarise Ronan Soleil(TM) after his cousin completed an order of business cards for the trademark name owner at a shop they own in Palmer's Green. The owner, my client, is offering a license to use the name and will provide support for all work to be done as powered by Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM). The home in Jamaica remains the home of Ronan Lyon(TM) as registered and I have made provision for my father's servant named Justin who will remain in the home since he did ask '' where would he go?'' in his responding telex and it may be that my father evaded payment for the man's services all this time when he said ''I will put you...I will put you on the house with my son'' although he never did and nor could he and he seems to be content in believing that he shot my father as the man in that vehicle parked at the Grand Hotel in Port Antonio. It was really a mannequin as I said. Now, Mr. Ronan Lyon is not seeking to be involved in politics. He went to cheese school and law school while political legitimacy is not factored on formal education but, more so, a genuine desire to serve your community and uphold the law not ''pirateise'' the law.. When the law is maintained the people can enjoy the true dough of basic income , no the faux dough of bank robbing...the true basic income as required under the UDHR. Otherwise, the Troops do; the troops do come to maintain order that is now lost and bank robbing is not their mandate. The man who is the servant only desires now to kill, steal and destroy in a House Keeper's claim for right such that their victimization under the laws by unscrupulous people should be turned into legitimacy. to the detriment of our community. I don't know him but, if nothing else, the roads are pressed and the tram cars operate in Kingston along Hope Road. I know Pierre though. He is a good man. The man's name was as I said...let's see...It was Justin and he vows to be the King some day while Prime Minister or King is his prerogative in terms of his dreams but we already have a King and Prime Minister is a certainty because of his experience in this Creole Schism against logic with some determination against formal schooling and the belief that the world owes you for your choices and your victimization at the hands of other unscrupulous Creoles, much like you when you stole a $2000.00 watch, you thought you would get something for nothing and you were right to beat your grandson or the Chief officer's grandson to study his books so we would have some understanding of how to own the business name on the bakery front door in the next generation and you should have called the police about your daughter but you were so programmed as an Amerindian victim with woolly hair or Cat hair; victim of Europeans to be soo willing to give anything just for the association so go to a basic income territory and own a bakery if you want or work together with others and buy a building. Come; shall we dance to the tune of the banana pirate republic or the quiet civil liberties we have all come to enjoy in our Anglo culture? You could also open a community service organisation and Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) would help with a community group account package at $3000.00 per month with fast and efficient service overnight and next day! Treat your $1000.00 as another lesson and maybe treat it as a donation to the church but if you ask for your money back, you will notice that people who do disappear since these are pirates steeped in determination and an illiteracy who only want to know what will happen legally if my father is dead. All they have done is impeach the body of laws that keep people safe; holding the government and our culture of ''yours and mine'' ransom since they would like to just take a mango off the hotel grounds and also take your watch and your house too if they like it. This is their determination that has crossed insidiously into politics when they are tired of being asked to move any where for anything or for any reason. But, maybe you should provide them the UDHR so that moving to a region with basic income provision is not the most logical and necessary decision so that they might be equal is citizens and as humans in a country that has fought in every major war and should not need to participate in another in some effort, known or unknown, to be accepted by the European peoples of the earth who acknowledge them as human in the UDHR. But, nothing works around this Justin unless it is in French. They have the benefit of the UDHR. This dichotomy did not occur under Pierre; mind you! Young Anglo people are forced contrary to their human rights under the UDHR to or are given subtle permission to rob the bank to maintain some livelihood. Some have chosen to go to a basic income territory where Butter Channel(TM) might be registrable without the owner's permission although it is not quite likely. On my last visit, the Creole looking man, much like me, named Justin said ''I don't know what you are talking about'' but he had stolen my watch; the Longines watch with the British Ordinance Insignia on it so I left the house keys with him and told him that I would be back in a year and everything is always in order every time I return. It turns out that Maringuea was not dead but had been put into a deep sleep with a strong dose of
''zombie'' drug; a Rohipnol that is also known as cocaine. She was the gardener now and the mother of my brother, it seems, who is a handsome chap and a very good footballer; woolly haired also; very handsome. The table is set, the floors and the bathrooms are in order and I am offering him a job as a hotelier at the ''Royalish'' that we will be opening soon with the monies we earn in interest on loans to Irish and Scottish basic income recipients who are quite humble with their ''pension'' as they call it. You are English, you say, in North America. The Latin Americans have lots of people and lots of European technology. They also have Citroens. The Europeans have lots of people and lots of European technology. If you say you are English, that is fine but you do not have a lot of people and it really is just an osmosis game where existing roads, schools, homes and towns built for a lot of activity and consumerism will need a lot of people. Latin American people will arrive little by little and help to reoccupy and also cultivate the ''whole lot of nothing'' you witness in every direction out in Idaho or Nebraska. The Europeans and the Spanish Latin Americans have a lot of people because human beings need civil societies with enough food, water and shelter to survive and enough money via a basic income to obtain the requisite goods. If you wanted inolvement in the world, you already have involvement in the enforcement and maintenance of the UDHR. Did someone suggest that you unravel naturalization or nationality ISO and UN standards, laws and requirements and before you checked that it was international law for every nation, you are on national radio or the television now saying that you are the only nation that has such naturalization laws that when person is born in America, they are American even when their parents are not citizens? You are being defeated by your enemy when the enemy puts his trickery in your own mouth. Do not believe it and nor should you follow it; the hype! Adam Smith and Sir Thomas Moore who are English determined a long time ago , before Karl Marx, that work as we understood it will not always be the regular daily occurrence in every human being's life due to the mechanical man saving industry the great expense of labor but money, evidently, would always remain a part of the human experience as human beings are required to occupy territories and to purchase the many products and goods made by machines; made by machines at the cost of only a few cents. Governments need to raise tax revenues from the sale of goods; not income tax since the landless who used to work on farms are replaced by industrial farming machinery and no longer work and would then hope to work for the car companies who replaced them with industrial automated assemblage machinery and now the human being no longer works for the car companies in any kind of mass human employment. The human being's role is on the periphery as far as raw laborious assembly is concerned but the human being's role is central and paramount to the engineering, the programming and the decision making involved to push for a more seamless complete product. But, the governments will raise income taxes from the sale of goods with monies the people receive from the government to ensure their purposeful and necessary existence as consumers is maintained. They will still work but not in the same kind of labour intensive jobs that used to be occupied by animal muscle or human muscle where those roles are now occupied by machines. But I predict that there will be a mechanical woman named Silicon Sally and one named Alexa with their family of robots that will take away service jobs and retail cashier jobs also. A small fraction of the money saved in automation is paid as tax to the government as a fifth of the cost of a assembly line staff. Loans for the industrial assembly line machinery are paid back and a requisite sum put in to the economy by the government as the basic income as paid to every citizen to satisfy all regular human needs and reasonable expenses such as housing and shelter. Now, being the Secretary of the Treasury is not small feat. Becoming the Town water manager is no small feat. Becoming the Secretary of Housing and Social Services in ant state or province is no small feat. But, ascending to the Presidency of the United States with the honor of saving every immigrant European community and every Amerindian, Part Amerindian and part European, Part African American community regardless of woolly or cat hair texture from the work of unscrupulous men and women like Bill and Hilariousy Clubthem and Miguel Josiah is something completely different. Miguel Josiah offered to be a mechanical man in 1920 when the notion of manufacturing consent came to the fore and he is the machine that wants to know if you can recognise his Creole game; that is to see if you remember that game he played with many people's homes in the West Indies so that he might feel like the King. Now that he has your attention, you should go to school or at least call the social services manager to turn on the basic income or else Miguel Josiah will laugh again from Toronowanto where he will run a pretender police service and the Jefe will always be smaller then the Jefe of Hamilton and the Jefe of Ontario and tell you that you do not come from any where, you have no family and that '' ..you are the dog and the savage'' as he would put it.
By Mr. Caparo Dickman
Carlill, Savage, Parmenter, May(TM) Solicitors.

By Mr. Caparo Dickman
Carlill, Savage, Parmenter May(TM) Solicitors.
Written by Warren A. Lyon, Legal Strategist at Angel Ronan Lex Scripta(TM) ; Join today!
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