So we see the ''we the people of the cave'' who seek the freedom, independence and liberty of the cave are juxtaposed with the ''we the people of the entire world'' who seek the freedom of the constitution and the independence and liberty of the written document. Here lies the crux of the matter as to theory and practice in our socio-economics; in our experience with the discussions centred on our mutual societal experience. Here is the juxtaposition of the most guttural human hunt and gather culture running through every culture vs. the received, papered written culture of laws, rights and constitutions with tremendous technologies; our electric culture. In the impasse that might take place in the unresolved juxtaposition in any jurisdiction, people die and a revolving immigration with a reliance on other populations may ensue when the educated as to the laws and rules, either born and educated in the impasse jurisdiction or those who sought refuge or migrated and then who became educated, are attacked by those who are not educated as to the laws and rules of society and who seek other means and accesses of freedom and liberty. It is a silent civil war and in the gap, other communities and populations in other jurisdictions are relied upon where populations can thrive in the joy of the final answer with basic income. You will see culturally diverse neighborhoods disappear and become monolithic culturally. Justice must not only be done but it must be seen; not to feign justice but so that people will learn by what they see. Torodo is an example of the emerging non-diverse monolithic as a glorious, very East Asian supported mining town that is to be juxtaposed with neighborhoods like Minneapolis St. Paul and Oklahoma where they do have a basic income sufficient to support merchants of any back ground who wish to open shops and run businesses if they choose to reflecting diverse cultures. In some impasse jurisdictions with a lot of residential and industrial building work, who do they intend will live in and buy the units in the buildings? The buyers seem to be Asian and who may get special multi-unit rates and that is matter of domestic economics when the buyers could have been North American if they had the basic income from the government's who operate the impasse jurisdiction. The end result in the impasse jurisdictions is that , personally, the developers building in places like Torodo are supporting some people, non-Asian people, in those impasse jurisdictions and carrying the economic burden with their own kind of social benefit above $40,000.00 when the burden, by legal right, is to be born by the government and maybe the developer could still support...his people if he wished to...with something maybe a bit less. Torodo, therefore, is an example of a jurisdiction where the impasse in the juxtaposition remains unanswered while the constitutional solution; the domestic and international human rights solution provides and sustains all involved and its really good if you are only minded to shop, eat and enjoy food and clothing primarily; maybe run a business. Impasse in the juxtaposition is subsumed in the issue exposed in the impasse. The issue is human value. The cave people and the people of the entire world both value human life but the leaders in either group had an impasse on answering the issue. The answer is a basic income whether or not you want to buy a home but at least you have money to rent a home; legally or maybe buy some land and put a 3 bed Viceroy home on it; maybe have a trailer on your land with a shower in it since Viceroy Homes like most mobile homes do not have plumbing but, soon, there will be two pipes roughed in on most building lots and the new modular homes will come fitted with a water pump for showers and plumbing. But, there is no need for you to steal a home in the impasse, rob a bank or insist on your ways now that the impasse is closed with basic income; no need to insist on your right to be hostile and to take your rights to bear arms to rob the grocery store and kill the cashier who screamed so that you might eat by any means necessary since that is like coffee that is too...cave so what do you do? You integrate it with civil liberties...human rights that include a basic income. Now, your ways as imagined by the younger sets coming into leadership of the people of the entire world who have watched ''Lawless'' and ''Public Enemy'' could not really involve plagiarism of essays in university and the ''kill, steal and destroy'' habit towards property in every forum of society yet it seems the presumption is that this habit and pattern towards property would help them feel traditional as they imagine it; back to their ancestor's way and they have held on to this notion while using certain citizens as outlets for this imagined cultural revival. But, this culture certainly is old. It is the cave people on the edge of our electric world, hoping to keep one foot in and one foot out of the electric world who think some part of our society will tolerate them occupying properties illegally if they have any EMS association and this is embarrassing since an EMS worker was trained to protect; not threaten the public. Such leadership is a hedge against the unfolding of all of the great possibility that our constitution with its various laws affords the people of the entire world, including the cave people, who seek life, liberty, health and happiness as well as that security and domestic tranquility. There is no problem here. This is the greatest nation on earth if you would but just believe in what you are preaching; what you are saying. In all of this, there is one other issue and that is the connecting faith of all of these people. Some of us say we believe God is white and that is to bring God into the human realm as flesh; as an idol and it is divisive when God is a spirit and if your neighbor joined you with his own incarnation, he might say God is...Irish or God is man's best friend like a dog who comes when you call Him and none of this satisfies when God is not my human equal but Sovereign but it is best to leave Him without limiting definitions that do not satisfy ''Sovereign'' and say ''God is...'' See the final solution and the final answer. See the technology that all of God's creation are enjoying where God is providing for all creatures if you don't believe it as man cooperates in His faith with divergent expressions but in that singular higher being or maybe the abundance is evident to you that you resist this truth of Psalms 136 and prefer to say that creation provides for the creation. Ask the emperor of China what he thinks. Ask an Israeli. Will that be the special feast for four? We can worth together man; enjoy abundance durability, reliability dependability man; all automated and this includes the consumer's buying and purchasing of the automated, robotically produced goods; fortune cookie? There is a man who extolled the virtues of simplicity; one meaning or location for the concept of India or Indian and one meaning for the word consumption and also one final answer for industrial non-human production; that final answer being basic income. The man's name is Albert and his answer appeared in the back of his copy of one of Marx' books apparently and it appeared in the museum. There are those who fail to see the airline passenger information terminal across the globe as the final answer. A Pakistani lady working in New Jersey knows your height and food preference on flights. She worked for the same airline, American Airlines, in Pakistan. You have been very busy putting your citizens into the fray for their civil liberties at home while recruiting for people to offer their lives to fight to defend these rights; yes at home and abroad while you court new immigrants to enjoy your promise of being the greatest nation or continent on earth but is anything they own in the greatest nation safe of he or she is an actual full exam full course graduate? The greatest proponents of ''them and us'' capitalism are only Americans who are really engaged in systemic questions while they feel preserved by a force vs. force mentality that says they will always be productive if they parasite on someone or something belonging to another to kill, steal and destroy. This has nothing to do with the skull and bones symbol as used by illustrious societies, pirates and the evil Nazi German SS alike but the fact that there are systemic answers to the questions at the finger tips and on the speed dial or right down the road on your information super highway so that you would see how the solution of basic income enables a treasure trove of economic activity that protects the most important variable, the human variable, in the economic equation as essential and gives breath to generated resources such as the return on capital investments so that even if you wanted to steal from people or from the system, there is something from where; there is a system from which one could steal as basic income does not mean human nature, sin and error that may be bent toward killing stealing and destroying is going away. Yet, the basic income is just some energy.. a little money guaranteed per citizen yearly, that is to say, to keep the wheels of the economic system turning round and round when there is less money per citizen on average due to the industrial automation. It is not a lot of money and it will be spent; $60,000.00 per year is proposed to see the European or the Asian economic buoyant escapade and just exactly what is happening in Some Parts of North America right now who have submitted to the UDHR in principle as not to be a rogue jurisdiction within a rogue state jurisdiction. So, who would seek acceptance from Europe and then hesitate to put in the final solution provided by Europe when acceptance by Europe is not based on physical attributes as to kinship, black or white, but obedience? You don't seem to remember the Egyptian and Roman forebears of Europe. But, the insistence of intending to be white at all costs and accepted by white confuses Europe with white but Europe is not white. The irony is that many Western Hemispheric Amerindians regardless of complexion make this error, they reject the bible given to them by Europe and also the creed and then they hope to be accepted when Europe is a church more so than a complexion. They are very busy in propagating their non-racialised history and their faith and civilization in the non-racialised truth of humanity. But, if you are insisting on being white before being European while seeking acceptance from Europe and presuming that hurting another human being with a darker complexion will aid your mission in approximating white or European , then in trying soo hard to be something and approximate something what could you really be? But, certainly you are not European and you are not whatever you imagine about ''white.'' Now, when a character known as Mr. White said something about saving America in a movie entitled Spectre or alluded to saving America, complexion is not the issue. Africans and West Indians were Mr. White's clients, associates and employees since not even Spectre discriminates. They are trusted with the collector's items and the collector's automobiles. You are the jester population; not the teacher or propagator of quiet civilite' that worked to settle and lead philosophically the 13 colonies with its 9 crime population of less temperate and philosophical new hopefuls who may have found an opportunity for leadership with a more indigenous population that faced the threat of slavery under the colonial laws unless and until they were Christened and assimilated physically with appearance and with food and clothing into the received culture and this is the tension of America where a man is stuck between two constitutions and two notions of independence but he is headed toward a world, although still emotionally on the cusp of it, where his home has to be owned and also his big SUV and they must be bought; not stolen with the power of one man and his associations resisting the power of his neighbor so that he might have something if not more and more; who would not want more? These Americans in the truth of E Pluribus Unum are a usually very beautiful human ensemble of various dna just like a European. Europe is inviting you to come as you are just like Jesus at the altar. Won't you come and what do you offer in this exchange and mutual valuation of human cultures at the table of brotherhood? What do you bring to the pot luck as an Amerindian? Will it be a burrito, a hot dog a kebab a West Indian pattie, a samosa or bannock bread with meat and sauce? Will it be a beaver tail pastry. A beaver tail pastry is good enough. Will it be a donut? Have a Diwali festival of some kind or your own new year festival. How do you turn a Christmas tree and Christmas into a panic for acceptance? What about a Diwali or something that represents you and be yourself with reasonable expenditure alongside the Christmas? Relax. Have a Redstripe. The real issue is that you always want to ask who is getting more than you while nothing is growing in your family yard; not your flocks and your children are your competition in your smallness while you meditate on being accepted as a French King and you must have realised this was a game by now when you don't even speak French and nor are you interested in learning the language since if you did really want to be a King worthy of vetting then you would also be a the good deacon in the bible and the good Asian family leader where your walls are not breached by people who tell you that your children are trying to be above you when they work to bring good. He or they bring opportunities to you to make money and the people you cavort with steal and attack your Japanese Log house so who can be a king of a nation when he cannot decide to be a family first. Their loyalty is evident. Maybe you should let him be free of the attack you bring as a bewildered shaman who is about to go to outsiders about his lands in Arizona and in Wisconsin. If you are a Shaman, what would be wise but the Fitch potty water dna from the back of some toilet in France where they collected king pretenders in prison cells where they lived alone and died alone is what is preventing you from seeing clearly although you are capable. You could build a house with your sense of balance but you seem to work to only destroy your family; your nation in fear of not being accepted but not accepted by whom or what? What is the fitch except but a deceipt? Just be worthy of respect as a watch maker or a shed builder or maybe a modular home builder. You see, Seiko(TM) and D and G(TM) are quite similar. What does the King of France have to do with where he is and what he is doing? Keep your mind on where you are and what you are doing. Now, instead of growing you have turned the entire family experience into a stalemate. You buy Christmas toys that might suggest military work and your son earned enough education to do several jobs in the military. Some say he should have applied by Grade 10; sure and the military would have paid for his medical training or maybe not. But, he applied when ever he applied and there was nothing wrong with that. His time and energy was not wasted and nor was the time of the military wasted. It was time well spent since the citizen is always working for the best of his country; just like the military. But, you seem to be confused; sort of like a warrior fighting the railroad in the last generation who is now rebranded as a West Indian from Haiti or Jamaica as a Ton Ton Macoute protege maybe whose ancestry was really Cheyenne but the resistance of the English is something you hold in common across the generations and here you are as a bus driver supervisor in Connecticut driving the Benz but you are trying to be the only one more than being a family. So, your son buys you gifts and has girlfriends but after he becomes a professional, you are confused and maybe there is no way to get that Fitch pretender dna out of your soul but there is. There has to be since some children notice the childish ego behavioral patterns in them at an early age but they choose to shuffle off that immature coil and enjoy what inspires them. Now, did someone say you would become a general in China/Jamaica if you...cut yourself off of the earth? Hmm...maybe they have the same fitch dna like you but you would have to trust whom? Your son, maybe your only one and the youngest is not dead. He is your first born while you were hoping to see him and the other children fight and for what; so that they might live alone and die alone like you? Did a son offer you a condo purchase opportunity on a $200,000.00 suite for a contribution of $10,000.00 together($5000.00 each) to earn 50 percent of the equity and you said no? The equity is the difference between the acquisition price with the down payment with the mortgage to be paid off and the sale price. If the property goes up by $5000.00, you have $5000.00 equity. But, with only 10,000.00 down payment and a $190,000.00 mortgage to be cleared on sale of the property, you have only made $15000.00 on the sale while your acquisition cost is $10000.00 so you have only come out of the deal being up $5000.00 with profit of $5000.00 along with the $10000.00 you made. But, if the property sold for $300000.00 then you would make $110,000.00. The answer is here; 300 thousand sale price-190 thousand mortgage equals $110,000.00 in return on investment(roi) with $100000.00 profit. The profit is calculated as the roi minus the acquisition cost of 10,000.00. The equity is the $100,000.00. The 50 percent of the equity is $50,000.00. This is shaman wisdom man; make some money man with some ''High Schoo'' grade mathematics and did the Alderman decide to leave one of his homes to your second son but you resent it since you need to inherit once, you say, and you don't seem to believe anyone will put you on their will while you are still alive while you would rather kill and steal and go crazy and waste this opportunity the alderman bestowed upon your family to work together and collect rents? But if you will steal from your son, then that is not inheritance and the whole world is watching you fail as a puppet show and what inheritance shall a stranger bestow upon you when you hurt family and friends of family but it is not too late if you let your son enjoy that man's intention and forget about the word inheritance. It is just that you seem to working hard so that people might hate you while you are the greatest proponent of the bible in telling them that your children, in spite of your abuses, interruptions and intimidation must honor you. But, you are not French. You are a Shaman; remember? You don't even want to learn the language although if you could build a house you could learn a language parce que Il n'est pas difficile avec etudier avec beaucoup livres dans votre sac en l'ecole. This is written in love of family Jeffe; hombre! You are busy trying to beat your children as if in a race; not working as a team and team work is the true Arawak, Navajo, Ojibwe, Azteca Lime Key culture but no one is competing with you when anything they dream of doing is in honoring all of his family and you too evidently, so do not interrupt what is being done for a very big family across the generations to honor the ancestors; all the ancestors; Merci. Domo, Gracias, Sze sze, Aye!, Amandla, Ób'ókhían, Grazie, Ahlan wa sahlan, We reach...wheel and turn! But, know that Montezuma and the Azteca people along with the Mayan people did not sacrifice their children for acceptance by any God. If a school teacher in Arizona asked you to allow them to drop your child down to general or the bottom groups, you would say no. If her brothers and sisters asked you to help them drop your son out of law school or out of the law profession, you would say no. You are a shaman, you say, and is it not good for a shaman to know how to navigate the treaty rights that give him paid rents from the government while he maintains his shaman nation lands? In any event, he is your family. You argue about how you see the world and understand the creator but there is only one person between you and your white bible study leader who thinks that your dignity is sacrificial but it is not the Bible study leader. So, when did Yoda's Shaman brother or relative start sacrificing and to whom to feel accepted while resenting and resisting a regular full education whether or not you believe the Bible is true? Are you the son of the native who confused white acceptance with American dignity and did not obtain either for doing what his enemy in the land negotiation wanted him to do only to get back his special totem pole but now it sits in the British Museum? They would have given it back if you were willing to let them take a photo of it and create a replica so that you might share a bit in the Great human family and would pay you also. But this bible study leader named Prophet Josiah wrote it down along with a Catholic Priest sent to the Pueblo people that if you were human enough, you would not seek his acceptance as a man and you would not cut off your lines of family if you thought about lines like some European people do but lines are not the issue here when there is only one attached to any thrones in Europe but are you human to just respect your ancestry and honor your ancestry whether or not someone taunts you to sell your son's totem poles contrary to his knowledge or do you think you should be able to do anything you want if you are his father; go into his cave or go into his house and just be with his wife and children in his role instead of protect them as the grandfather in his temporary absence at work as a parking officer? Did you know donuts are an Amerindian food creation? But, it gets washed away in the melting pot mind of America. When you see a donut, think Blackfoot or Huron Indian. Certainly, think Amerindian. Bring your food to the table and your foods will not be attacked and nor should you attack and disdain the European food and how could Saint Augustine be a Black African but he was. There is nothing wrong with that. We can hire the mannequin to go to Court. Warren will read the files and analyse it with his sleeves rolled up. If you want to start a legal services firm, he will help you set up your own. There is nothing in Angel Ronan(TM) but photos that anybody can take. It is a church directory and library information search service dedicated to the rule of law in all jurisdictions. It is not an Irish name but French by coincidence. Now if the firm or business was Augustine Lyon or Angel Lyon someone would still have to perform with Studious Petitions demonstrating Quality and Respect; nothing else tempting you really so go take some photos!! But, in terms of settled intentions as to property and ownership many are still receiving a culture that requires a civil liberty and involves a civil liberty outside of a cave but within a papered world of ownership of property or registration of right to exclusive occupation of any dwelling and this aboriginal American mind, possibly ''9 crimes'' grendel European, is still receiving this culture of papered citizenship and is not European but that outsider while you can insist on being what ever dehumanizing color you want to be and usually such people resent education, symphonies, art and artists and essayists but may try to use such people and their work so that they might have association to avoid detection but how could theft of other people's work do anything other than identity you as the enemy of the creed the enemy of community and civilization? This is the real filibuster and bipartisanship between two intentions as to the meaning of one's civil liberty and who would argue about property rights or the need to buy a house vs. just taking a house from someone and hoping you have enough authority to intimidate the owner out of his ownership; a cave man maybe? What society would tolerate it? This is the unseen civil war. as Hobbes said where the power of one man resisteth the power of another with no civil liberty between them or betwixt them to protect the rights of either such that life is nasty brutish and short. You can't own that home so why bother trying to displace anyone; even your son. You can't own that land in the West Indies so why bother killing your relative? The government is watching and already done told you. This is the gridlock between two minds and two intentions as to the meaning of freedom, independence, liberty and life set against the backdrop of one written constitution and several other founding documents that buttress and give support to it. In the mean time and the midst of this socio-economic divisiveness, the continent's people are passing away since the law abides and the they are gung ho men and women who want to understand why the vehicle is not registered and nor is the fire arm and the house you are in belongs to someone else. There is no vacant registration. There is one rightful dweller or maybe two or three but it is not you too often. If you were European or within the skin color you imagine or associate as being European, you would not have to try to so hard and murders of diligent people regardless of complexion who satisfy the appreciation of Europe in art, music and in linguistic facility would not be victims so often due to the fact that they hold European qualifications from Europe. They do not hand them out for free but to people who show their reverence and submission to the Europe and its non-racialised, humane validity but maybe you wrote the UDHR and you forgot that it is really Amerindian in virtue and this has created terrible tension that you refuse to honor it for your own citizens instead of render them economic refugees within the greatest nation on earth or continent on earth. Now, the African saw the bible on his continent; including other evidences of the world's history such as Saint Augustine and Marcus Aurelius. He saw Egypt and the Coptic Church. He was brought to America to assist in your assimilation journey as witness to the age old civilization that your continent is receiving so what Black man asks if the bible is true except but the Western Hemispheric Aboriginal since an African cannot deny himself and his history and hope to feel good about it? But, if you are aboriginal with an E Pluribus unum genetic ancestry, you will see Africa and the bible as synonymous when you honor all of your ancestry. It is the pirate grendel cave dweller who is always in between the two opinions; always emerging from the independence of the cave, the freedom of the cave and cave ownership vs. promises in the written Declarations of Independence, the guaranteed 'Constitutional' freedoms of society and its various rules as to property and property protection and ownership who is confessing his indentured servant ancestry and his struggle in between the two opinions that has led to his 9 ancestral crimes vs. the ten commandments in our midst who has become the more suave wool suited, fast driving fast talking cotton gin and barb wire sales man. His hands and feet are big and he is quick witted just as his people were at the OK coral where the power of one man's six shooter resisteth the tranquility, quiet farm life and power of another. But, does he believe, really believe, we should respect the ten commandments or the constitution of the United States and the Magna Carta as based upon them or is it that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent takes your farm by force while in the Father's house there are many mansions? The wrong answer here renders us in continual civil war and only in North America or in the Western hemisphere where this debate continues and only in the Western hemisphere but not all men with big hands and feet are involved in this debate. Some people with big hands and feet are quite settled and prosperous with the answer. See the full article at

So we see the  ''we the people of the cave'' who seek the  freedom, independence and liberty of the cave  are juxtaposed with the ''we the people of  the entire world'' who seek the freedom of the constitution and the independence and liberty of the written document.  Here lies the crux of the matter as to theory and practice in our socio-economics; in our experience with the discussions centred on our mutual societal experience. Here is the juxtaposition of the most guttural human  hunt and gather culture running through every culture  vs. the received, papered written culture of laws, rights and constitutions with tremendous technologies; our electric culture.   In the impasse that might take place in the unresolved juxtaposition in any jurisdiction, people die and a revolving immigration  with a reliance on other populations  may ensue when the educated as to the laws and rules, either born and educated in the  impasse jurisdiction or those who sought refuge or migrated and then  who became educated, are attacked by those who are not educated as to the laws and rules of society and who seek other  means and  accesses  of freedom and liberty.   It is a silent civil war and in the gap, other communities and populations in other jurisdictions are relied upon  where populations can thrive in the joy of the final answer with basic income. You will see culturally diverse neighborhoods disappear and become monolithic culturally.  Justice must not only be done but it must be seen; not to feign justice but so that people will learn by what they see.   Torodo is an example of the emerging  non-diverse monolithic as a glorious, very East Asian supported  mining town that  is to be juxtaposed with neighborhoods like Minneapolis St. Paul and Oklahoma where they do have a basic income sufficient to support merchants of any back ground who wish to open shops and run businesses if they choose to reflecting diverse cultures.  In some impasse jurisdictions with a lot of  residential and industrial building work, who do they intend will live in and buy the units in the buildings? The buyers seem to be Asian and who may get special multi-unit rates and that is matter of domestic economics when the buyers could have been North American if they had the basic income from the government's who operate the impasse jurisdiction.  The end result  in the impasse jurisdictions is that , personally, the developers  building in places like Torodo are supporting some people, non-Asian people, in those impasse jurisdictions and carrying the economic burden with their own kind of social benefit above $40,000.00 when the burden, by legal right, is to be born by the government and maybe the developer could still support...his people if he wished to...with something maybe a bit less.      Torodo, therefore, is an example of a jurisdiction where the impasse in the juxtaposition remains unanswered while the constitutional solution; the  domestic and international  human rights solution  provides and sustains all involved and its really good if you are only minded to shop, eat and enjoy food and clothing primarily; maybe run a business.   Impasse in the juxtaposition is subsumed in the issue exposed in the impasse. The issue is human value. The cave people and the people of the entire world both value human life but the leaders in either group had an impasse on answering the issue. The answer is a basic income whether or not you want to buy a home but at least you have money to rent a home; legally or maybe buy some land and put a  3 bed Viceroy home on it; maybe have a trailer on your land with a shower in it since Viceroy Homes like most mobile homes do not have plumbing but, soon, there will be two pipes roughed in on most building lots and the new modular homes will come fitted with a water pump for showers and plumbing.   But, there is no need for you to steal a home in the impasse, rob a bank or insist on your ways now that the impasse is closed with basic income; no need to insist on your right to be hostile and to take your rights to bear arms to rob the grocery store and kill the cashier who screamed so that you might eat  by any means necessary since that is like coffee that is too...cave so what do you do?    You integrate it with civil liberties...human rights that include a basic income.  Now, your ways as imagined by the younger sets coming into leadership of the people of the entire world  who have watched ''Lawless'' and ''Public Enemy''  could not really involve plagiarism of essays in university and the ''kill, steal and destroy'' habit towards property in every forum of society yet it seems the presumption is that this habit and pattern towards property would help them feel traditional as they imagine it; back to their ancestor's way and they have held on to this notion while using certain citizens as outlets for this imagined cultural revival. But, this culture certainly is old. It is the cave people on the edge of our electric world, hoping to keep one foot in and one foot out of the electric world who think some part of our society will tolerate them occupying properties illegally if they have any EMS association and this is embarrassing since an EMS worker was trained to protect; not threaten the public.    Such leadership is a hedge against the unfolding of all of the great possibility that our constitution with its various laws affords the people of the entire world, including the cave people, who seek life, liberty, health and happiness as well as that security and domestic tranquility.    There is no problem here. This is the greatest nation on earth if you would but just believe in what you are preaching; what you are saying.   In all of this, there is one other issue and that is the connecting faith of all of these people. Some of us say we believe God is white and that is to bring God into the human realm as flesh; as an idol and it is divisive when God is a spirit and if your neighbor joined you with his own incarnation, he might say God is...Irish or God is man's best friend like a dog who comes when you call Him and none of this satisfies when God is not my human equal but Sovereign  but it is best to leave Him without limiting definitions that do not satisfy ''Sovereign'' and say ''God is...''  See the final solution and the final answer. See the technology that all of God's creation are enjoying where God is providing for all creatures if you don't believe it as man cooperates in His faith with divergent expressions but in that singular higher being or maybe the abundance is evident to you that you resist this truth of Psalms 136 and prefer to say that creation provides for the creation. Ask  the emperor of China what he thinks. Ask an Israeli. Will that be the special feast for four?  We can worth together man; enjoy abundance durability, reliability dependability man; all automated and this includes the consumer's buying and purchasing of the  automated, robotically  produced goods; fortune cookie?    There is a man who extolled the virtues of simplicity; one meaning or location for the concept of  India or Indian and one meaning for the word consumption and also one final answer for industrial non-human production; that final answer being basic income. The man's name is Albert and his answer appeared in the back of his copy of one of Marx' books apparently and it appeared in the museum.     There are  those who  fail to see the airline passenger information  terminal across the globe as the final answer. A Pakistani lady working in New Jersey knows your height and food preference on flights. She worked for the same airline, American Airlines, in Pakistan.  You have been very busy putting your citizens into the fray for their civil liberties at home while recruiting for people to offer their lives to fight to defend these rights; yes at home and abroad while you court new immigrants to enjoy your promise of being the greatest nation or continent on earth but is anything they own in the greatest nation safe of he or she is an actual full exam full course graduate?      The greatest proponents of ''them and us'' capitalism are only Americans who are really engaged in systemic questions while they feel preserved by a force vs. force mentality that says they will always be productive if they parasite on someone or something belonging to another to kill, steal and destroy.  This has nothing to do with the skull and bones symbol as used by illustrious societies, pirates and the evil Nazi German SS alike but the fact that there are systemic answers to the questions at the finger tips and on the speed dial or right down the road on your information super highway so that  you would see  how the solution of basic income enables a treasure trove of economic activity that protects the most important variable, the human variable, in the economic equation as essential  and gives breath to generated resources such as the return on capital investments so that even if you wanted to steal from people or from the system, there is something from where; there is a system from which one could steal as basic income does not mean human nature, sin and error that may be bent toward killing stealing and destroying  is going away.  Yet, the basic income is just some energy.. a little  money guaranteed per citizen yearly, that is to say, to keep the wheels of the  economic system  turning round and round when there is less money per citizen on average due to the industrial automation.  It is not a lot of money and it will be spent; $60,000.00 per year is proposed to see the European or the Asian economic buoyant  escapade and just exactly what is happening in Some Parts of North America right now who have submitted to the UDHR in principle as not to be a rogue jurisdiction within a rogue state jurisdiction.     So, who would seek acceptance from Europe and then hesitate to put in the final solution provided by Europe when acceptance by Europe  is not based on physical attributes as to kinship, black or white,  but obedience?  You don't seem to remember the Egyptian and Roman forebears of Europe. But, the insistence of intending to be white at all costs and accepted by white confuses  Europe with white but Europe is not white. The irony is that many Western Hemispheric Amerindians regardless of complexion make this error, they reject the bible given to them by Europe and also the creed and then they hope to be accepted when Europe is a church more so than a complexion.  They are very busy in propagating their non-racialised history and their faith and civilization in the non-racialised truth of humanity.  But, if you are insisting on being white before being European while seeking acceptance from Europe and presuming that hurting another human being with a darker complexion will aid your mission in approximating white or European , then in trying soo hard to be something and approximate something what could you really be?  But, certainly  you are not European and you are not whatever you imagine about ''white.'' Now, when  a character known as Mr. White said something about saving America  in a movie entitled Spectre  or alluded to saving America, complexion is not the issue. Africans and West Indians  were Mr. White's  clients, associates  and employees since  not even Spectre discriminates. They are trusted with the collector's items and  the collector's automobiles.  You are the jester population; not the teacher or propagator of quiet civilite' that worked to settle and lead  philosophically  the 13 colonies with its 9 crime population of less temperate and philosophical new hopefuls who may have found an opportunity for leadership with a more indigenous population that faced the threat of slavery under the colonial laws unless and until they were Christened and assimilated  physically with appearance and with food and clothing into the received culture and this is the tension of America where a man is stuck between two constitutions and two notions of independence but he is headed toward a world, although still emotionally on the cusp of it, where his home has to be owned and also his big SUV and they must be bought; not stolen with the power of one man and his associations resisting the power of his neighbor so that he might have something if not  more and  more; who would not want more?     These Americans in the truth of  E Pluribus Unum are a usually very beautiful human ensemble of various dna just like a European. Europe is inviting you to come as you are just like Jesus at the altar. Won't you come and what do you offer in this exchange and mutual valuation of human cultures at the table of brotherhood? What do you bring to the pot  luck as an Amerindian? Will it be a burrito, a hot dog a kebab a West Indian pattie, a samosa or bannock bread with meat and sauce?  Will it be a beaver tail pastry.  A beaver tail pastry is good enough. Will it be a donut?  Have a Diwali festival of some kind  or your own new year festival. How do you turn a Christmas tree and Christmas into a panic for  acceptance?  What about a Diwali  or something that represents you and be yourself with reasonable expenditure alongside the Christmas? Relax.  Have a Redstripe.  The real issue is that you always want to ask who is getting more than you while nothing is growing in your family yard; not your flocks and your children are your competition in your smallness while you meditate on being accepted as a French King and you must have realised this was a game by now when you don't even speak French and nor are you interested in learning the language since if you did really want to be a King worthy of vetting then you would also be a the good deacon in the bible and the good Asian family leader where your walls are not breached by people who tell you that your children are trying to be above you when they work to bring good. He or they bring opportunities to you to make money and the people you cavort with steal and attack your Japanese Log house so who can be a king of a nation when he cannot decide to be a family first.  Their loyalty is evident. Maybe you should let him be free of the attack you bring as a bewildered shaman who is about to go to outsiders about his lands  in Arizona and in Wisconsin.  If you are a Shaman, what would be wise but the Fitch potty water dna from the back of some toilet in France where they collected king pretenders in prison cells where they lived alone and died alone is what is preventing you from seeing clearly although you are capable. You could build a house with your sense of balance but you seem to work to only destroy your family; your nation in fear of not being accepted but not accepted by whom or what? What is the fitch except but a deceipt?   Just be worthy of respect as a watch maker or a shed builder or maybe a modular home builder.  You see, Seiko(TM) and D and G(TM)  are quite similar.    What does the King of France have to do with where he is and what he is doing? Keep your mind on where you are and what you are doing.  Now, instead of growing you have turned the entire family experience into a stalemate.  You buy Christmas toys that might suggest military work and your son earned enough education to do several jobs in the military.   Some say he should have applied by Grade 10; sure and the military would have paid for his medical training or maybe not.  But, he applied when ever he applied and there was nothing wrong with that.  His time and energy was not wasted and nor was the time of the military wasted. It was time well spent since the citizen is always working for the best of his country; just like the military. But, you seem to be confused; sort of like a warrior  fighting the railroad in the last generation who is now rebranded as a West Indian from Haiti or Jamaica as a Ton Ton Macoute protege maybe   whose ancestry was really Cheyenne but the resistance of the English is something you hold in common across the generations and here you are as a bus driver supervisor in Connecticut driving the Benz but you  are trying to be the only one more than being a family. So, your son buys you gifts and has girlfriends but after he becomes a professional, you are confused and maybe there is no way to get that Fitch pretender dna out of your soul but there is. There has to be since some children notice the childish ego behavioral patterns in them at an early age but they choose to shuffle off that immature coil and enjoy what inspires them.  Now, did someone say you would become a general in China/Jamaica if you...cut yourself off of the earth?  Hmm...maybe they have the same fitch dna like you but you would have to trust whom?   Your son, maybe your only one and the youngest is not dead. He is your first born while you were hoping to see him and the other children fight and for what; so that they might live alone and die alone like you?    Did a son offer you a condo purchase opportunity on a $200,000.00 suite for a contribution of $10,000.00  together($5000.00 each)  to earn 50 percent of the equity and you said no? The equity is the difference between the acquisition price with the down payment with  the mortgage to be paid off and  the sale price.   If the property goes up by $5000.00, you have $5000.00 equity. But, with only 10,000.00 down payment and a $190,000.00 mortgage to be cleared on sale of the property, you have only made $15000.00 on the sale while your acquisition cost is $10000.00 so  you have only come out of the deal  being up $5000.00 with  profit of $5000.00 along with the $10000.00 you made.  But, if the property sold for $300000.00 then  you would make $110,000.00.  The answer is here; 300 thousand sale price-190 thousand mortgage equals $110,000.00 in return  on investment(roi) with $100000.00 profit. The profit is calculated as the roi minus the acquisition cost of 10,000.00.     The equity is the $100,000.00.  The 50 percent of the equity is $50,000.00.    This is shaman wisdom man; make some money man with some ''High Schoo'' grade mathematics and did  the Alderman decide to leave one of his homes to your second son but you resent it since you need to inherit once, you say, and you don't seem to believe anyone will put you on their will while you are still alive while you would rather kill and steal and go crazy and waste this opportunity the alderman bestowed upon your family to work together and collect rents? But if you will steal from your son, then that is not inheritance and the whole world is watching you fail as a puppet show and what inheritance shall a stranger bestow upon you when you hurt family and friends of family but it is not too late if you let your son enjoy that man's intention and forget about the word inheritance.  It is just that you seem to working hard so that people might hate you while you are the greatest proponent of the bible in telling them that your children, in spite of your abuses, interruptions and intimidation  must honor you.   But, you are not French. You are a Shaman; remember? You don't even want to learn the language although if you could build a house you could learn a language parce que Il n'est pas difficile avec etudier avec beaucoup livres dans votre sac en l'ecole.   This is written in love of family  Jeffe; hombre!    You are busy trying to beat your children as if in a race; not working as a team and team work is the true Arawak, Navajo, Ojibwe, Azteca  Lime Key culture but no one is competing with you when anything they dream of doing is in honoring all of his family and you too evidently,  so do not interrupt what is being done for a very big family across the generations to honor the ancestors; all the ancestors;  Merci. Domo, Gracias,  Sze sze, Aye!, Amandla, Ób'ókhían, Grazie, Ahlan wa sahlan, We reach...wheel and turn!      But, know that Montezuma and the Azteca people along with  the Mayan people did not sacrifice their children for acceptance by any God. If a school teacher in Arizona asked you to allow them to drop your child down to general or the bottom groups, you would say no. If her brothers and sisters asked you to help them  drop your son out of law school or out of the law profession, you would say no. You are a shaman, you say, and is it not good for a shaman to know how to navigate the treaty rights that give him paid rents from the government while he maintains his shaman nation lands? In any event, he is your family.  You argue about how you see the world and understand the creator  but there is only one person between you and your white  bible study leader who thinks  that   your dignity is sacrificial but it is not the Bible study leader. So,  when did Yoda's Shaman brother or relative start sacrificing and to whom to feel accepted while resenting and resisting a regular full education whether or not you believe the Bible is true?      Are you  the son of the native who confused white acceptance with American dignity and did not obtain either for doing what his enemy in the land negotiation wanted him to do only  to get back his special totem pole but now it sits in the British Museum? They would have given it back if you were willing to let them take a photo of it and create a replica so that you might share a bit in the Great human family and would pay you also. But this bible study leader named Prophet Josiah wrote it down along with a  Catholic Priest sent to the Pueblo people that if you were human enough, you would not seek his acceptance as a man and you would not cut off your lines of family if you thought about lines like some European people do but lines are not the issue here when there is only one attached to any thrones in Europe but are you human to just respect your ancestry and honor your ancestry whether or not someone taunts you to sell your son's totem poles contrary to his knowledge or do you think you should be able to do anything you want if you are his father; go into his cave  or go into his house and just be with his wife and children in his role  instead of protect them as the grandfather in his temporary absence at work as a parking officer?      Did  you know donuts are an Amerindian food creation? But, it gets washed away in the melting pot mind of America.  When you see a donut, think Blackfoot or Huron Indian. Certainly, think Amerindian. Bring your food to the table and your foods will not be attacked and nor should you attack and disdain the European food and how could Saint Augustine be a Black African but he was. There is nothing wrong with that.  We can hire the mannequin to go to Court.  Warren will read the files and analyse it with his sleeves rolled up. If you want to start a legal services firm, he will help you set up your own. There is nothing in Angel Ronan(TM) but photos that anybody can take. It is a church directory  and library information search service dedicated to the rule of law in all jurisdictions. It is not an Irish name but French by coincidence. Now if the firm or business was Augustine Lyon or Angel Lyon someone would still have to perform with Studious Petitions  demonstrating Quality and Respect;  nothing else tempting you really so go take some photos!!     But, in terms of settled intentions as to property and ownership many are still receiving a culture that requires a civil liberty and involves a civil liberty outside of a cave but within a papered world of ownership of property or registration of right to exclusive occupation of any dwelling and this aboriginal American mind, possibly ''9 crimes'' grendel  European,  is still receiving this culture of papered citizenship and is not European but  that outsider while  you can insist on being what ever dehumanizing color you want to be and usually such people resent education, symphonies, art and artists and essayists but may try to use such people and their work  so that they might have association to avoid detection but how could theft of other people's work do anything other than identity you as the enemy of the creed the enemy of community and civilization?  This is the real filibuster and bipartisanship between two intentions as to the meaning of one's civil liberty and who would argue about property rights or the need to buy a house vs. just taking a house from someone and hoping you have enough authority to intimidate the owner out of his ownership; a cave man maybe? What society would tolerate it? This is the unseen civil war. as Hobbes said where the power of one man resisteth the power of another with no civil liberty between them or betwixt them to protect the rights of either such that life is nasty brutish and short.  You can't own that home so why bother trying to displace anyone; even your son. You can't own that land in the West Indies so why bother killing your relative?  The government is watching and already done told you.  This is the gridlock between two minds and two intentions as to the meaning of freedom, independence, liberty and life  set against the backdrop of one written constitution and several other founding documents that buttress and give support to it.  In the mean time and the midst of this socio-economic divisiveness, the continent's people are passing away since the law abides and the they are gung ho men and women who want to understand why the vehicle is not registered and nor is the fire arm and the house you are in belongs to someone else. There is no vacant registration. There is one rightful dweller or maybe two or three but it is not you too often.      If you were European or within the skin color you  imagine or associate  as being  European, you would not have to try to so hard and murders of diligent people regardless of complexion  who satisfy the appreciation of Europe in art, music and in linguistic facility would not be victims so often due to the fact that they hold European qualifications from Europe. They do not hand them out for free but to people who show their reverence and submission to the Europe and its non-racialised, humane validity but maybe you wrote the UDHR and you forgot that it is really Amerindian in virtue and this has created terrible tension that you refuse to honor it for your own citizens instead of render them economic refugees within the greatest nation  on earth or continent on earth.    Now, the African saw the bible on his continent; including other evidences of the world's history such as  Saint Augustine and Marcus Aurelius.   He saw Egypt and the Coptic Church. He was brought to America to assist in your assimilation journey as witness to the age old civilization that your continent is receiving so what Black man asks if the bible is true except but the Western Hemispheric Aboriginal since an African cannot deny himself and his history and hope to feel good about it?   But, if you are aboriginal with an E Pluribus unum genetic ancestry, you will see Africa and the bible as synonymous when you honor all of your ancestry.         It is the  pirate grendel cave dweller who is always in between the two opinions; always emerging from the independence of the cave, the freedom of the cave and cave ownership vs.   promises in the written Declarations of Independence, the guaranteed  'Constitutional' freedoms of society and its various rules as to property and property protection and  ownership who is  confessing his  indentured servant ancestry and his struggle in between the two opinions that has led to his 9  ancestral crimes vs. the ten commandments in our midst who has become  the more suave wool suited, fast driving  fast talking cotton gin and barb wire sales man. His hands and feet are big and he is quick witted just as his people were at the OK coral where the power of one man's six shooter resisteth the tranquility, quiet  farm life and power of another. But, does he believe, really believe, we should respect the ten commandments or the constitution of the United States and the Magna Carta as based upon them or is it that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent takes your farm by force while in the Father's house there are many mansions?    The wrong answer here renders us in continual civil war and only in North America or in the Western hemisphere where this debate continues and only in the Western hemisphere but not all men with big hands and feet are involved in this debate. Some people with big hands and feet are quite settled and prosperous with the answer.

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