There is a law. We have gotten to the end of this game of you errant white worshiping people who are approximating a construct of epithets called white like the eating of food that dropped on the floor but not the truth or virtue of any language or culture since if it was language or culture, the answer is obvious. Feed thy sheep...some black and some red..some grey and some uh....white. What you want to feel is hegemony over this received culture of laws so maybe get a piece of wood with your name on it and nail it to the roof of the court house in downtown Belize or Jamaica or...would you really want to do this in London too? What about France or Belgium? Maybe land a drone on the court house..a drone controlled by your phone so you feel de authority and hegemony you want to feel but then you still want to be able to enjoy your vehicle ownership and rim ownership and your wheel ownership...beach front hotel ownership and your...whicon house ownership; right? So, when would you be white enough or Scottish enough to have a law graduate in your family, in your island people's association and make no meal of resentment out of it as you ask how does he own..Raphael, Hithno and More(TM) but you want to drive a Volkswagen...and feel good? Your focus was on how man or a..native would feel with his basic income vs. how you feel in your imagination about what you are and the position you believe you should have over others, a monster, it seems while you should have thought about how you should feel as a seller and supplier of goods and those lowly people with their lowly complexions as it may be in your imagination, innit, are just the stupid consumers who don't know how to really own anything anyway and don't seem to care about how to own anything like some uh...white people but the basic income is necessary so that You can be successful as a property owner, owning buildings and also selling and buying goods and Those people rather, are quite helpful when the break things twice as often and are soo bottle of whiskey a week and a big bag of crisps a day and some chips and haddock twice a day that really what are you worried about? These are English people and you act like a police officer in Asia has nothing to do as if Japanese and other Asian people don't get drunk or use drugs or commit crimes of passion but they must or else there would be no Buddha in their culture. You worked hard and built the road that delivers my Samsung to my door in built a lot of buildings inhabited by Asian speaking people, some of them black like my Asian afro haired grandson in the Anglo American world but what space have you left for yourself as non Asian humans in the greatest nation on earth? What space or territory can you take without basic income to feed and sustain people with sufficient article 25 UDHR rights when you put in the basic income that will facilitate thd purchase of a GM, Ford or Toyota or Volkswagen. But, you seem to hesitate to penetrate or put it in since the issue seems as if you fear that putting the money in will cause you a loss of white association, tying you to black forever...crazy man! I am sure Germany and France told you to put in the money...people with cultures, a language they respect and submission to the Apostolic Creed. You picked up a cookie off the ground and you ate it . . white. If I said church is white, you would probably go. Didn't you go to Jalgo High in...Singapore? What is their testimony on these matters? Warren is a deputy at ARGFU. That is what he meant by Deputy. We only have white head masters de l'ecole privee de l' eglisse since they understand the creed quite well and its non racial import. It was written by a man born in Africa with an afro? Did you know the Apostolic creed was written by a man with an afro? You say you need help because you really don't have any education but what does a need for help have to do with skin tones? But, in your absence of education you seem to be stuck dong whatever the notion of white has been updated to tell you to do today for acceptance and who would not want acceptance? There are some people don't want acceptance but have acceptance but who might have noticed a social war being waged against people who have enough education to have acceptance as in the dignity to say no to drugs or anything self destructive that is designed for those who want acceptance. Do an instrument? Do you....know how to...swim? The Clanton's have helped to destabilize the American population with a deal they made with the...empire it seems so that families owning property for more than 3 generations would just disappear; their properties taken with little games and why would they put in the basic income if the game is to destabilize the population and fight any established America? This is what happened to England a long time ago but these families are considered guilty for not being sufficiently viable to just say 'war no more' and demand their hot and cold running water but they are white; eh? Now, who would not see hot and cold running water as a simple modern convenience in our modern economy? The washing machine asks for it. You should want it so that you can participate. Who would not want his people to have the basic income? The economy wants it. You are entitled to it. The system is designed to provide it so that you can participate. Do you know how a house? Do you know how to to do any katas? Who is Han Solo or Greedo? Where is...Lahore or La Mancha or the Latin Quarter? But, in being superior you are not supposed to need any help and you should know the answers with such white you were told; innit? But, most German people have to ask you if you know anything Mr. Presumptuous. Why don't you come and eat with your teacher when you are told? Come upstairs or maybe you are tired of going up...maybe your breakfast will be brought to you. Focus on the girl and trust people who told you that is the answer...the house...she could have been your mother; you damn fool! There are a lot of nice black people who would help if you would just ask; innit? The graduate who wrote the exam is not physically white and could put on any accent like you but he actually graduated; didn't he? ''White'' is the vacuous concept that is being updated over and over again as it was designed to coalesce an ''approximation'' population...people learning and approximating our pop culture more so than our steadfast traditions; our creed and that sort of thing rather; innit? So, when did Sony(TM) become a white brand if you see the point that is being demonstrated here? When did Sushi or ramen become white and a symbol of sophistication in ''white''; rather? White is a continual uncertainty about oneself and the erasure of the true, aboriginal self as the monkey sees and the monkey will do and the problem is that in wanting to be ''white'' you may not really want to hate black but you want the social acceptance or the social authority AND SOME BLACK PEOPLE, ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE FOLLOW THIS POP AMORPHOUS CULTURE NONSENSE TO THE POINT OF SELF EFFACEMENT AND THE EMBARRASSING OF OTHERS AND FAMILY AND THIS IS HOW YOU KNOW WHO HAS ANY SOUL OR REALLY ANY EDUCATION THAT DIGNIFIES SINCE I TRULY ENJOY NATIVE ART and there is some dna floating along, near us and among us that is hell bent on social acceptance, SOCIAL authority and should not join the military or any such organisation since some people know this dna is just a cave man mixed with some French courtier dna WHO IS DETERMINED TO HAVE THE WORLD, THE CAVE AND THE CASTLE UNDER HIS FOOT AGAIN THAT HE MIGHT HAVE DOMINION( IS IT? BUT NOTHING GROWS NOR IS IT FRUITFUL AROUND HIM AND NOR DOES IT MULTIPLY AND HIS ALTITUDE AND PROJECTIONS FOR SUCCESS ARE TOO LOW BUT MAYBE SELF EFFACING AS IN HAVING WANTED NOTHING BUT ATTENTION AND A SENSE OF HEGEMONY OVER WHAT DOGS, CATS AND SCIENTIST CHILDREN ARE HIS BUT HE CANNOT SEE WHAT GOOD A SON IS TO HIM WHO IS AN ENGINEER OR A LAWYER BUT SEES THEM AS A THREAT TO HIS HEADSHIP OVER THE FAMILY AND LEADERSHIP OF THE FAMILY AND MAYBE SOMEONE IS JUST DRUGGING HIM SINCE UNDER HIS HEADSHIP, THE CHILDREN FEARFULLY and wonderfully WENT TO SCHOOL AND DID WHAT THEY WERE TOLD LIKE CUT THE GRASS AND ALL OTHER CHORES BUT ON GRADUATION DAY, ON THE EVE OF SOCIAL AUTHORITY, HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT VALUE THEY HAVE TO HIM SINCE IN HIS SMALL LITTLE WORLD, HE RENDERS THEM MORE AS APPENDAGES OR THREATS TO HIS POSITION AND NOT ASSISTANCE WHERE THEY COULD BRING TRIBUTE TO HIM AS IN A DISCOUNTED VEHICLE FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP OR SOME MONEY FROM THE RENTAL PROPERTY OR SOME FREE ACCESS TO THE BEER GARDEN OR FREE LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE FAMILY WHERE YOU COULD JUST DONATE AS FAMILY OR A FRIEND BUT INSTEAD HE WOULD RATHER PLEAD GUILTY BUT IF HE WAS PLANNING TO OWN A 5 HOTEL RESORT CHAIN OR A 50 UNIT BUILDING IN A HIGHER ALTITUDE THEN HE WOULD APPARENTLY SEE THEIR USEFULNESS; NOT AS COMPETITIONI, COMPETENCIA ) while the real courtier had his value and self respect as the functionaire who wanted nothing else but to see the postal service work and the streets and the people demonstrate the glory of the king in their modest lives with sufficient provision from the Monarch. The mixed dna is stuck at approximating what it knows it cannot be and has become very good at cute, honorable, entertaining imitation but who seems to maintain an agenda as to frustrate and sabotage this world; not to facilitate it or make it function and little by little the people die off if this man with hybrid motivation but maybe the right looks by now has his way since the cave man within him has a hard time understanding wife and family and children where these concepts are the building block of society and the way forward in this world and how could a phone system start such a debate in the general population on the meaning of words such as marriage and what would have to constitute but I suppose the argument is that it is a social construct; not just for family as it is traditionally understood but maybe there was something that the Puritans had to do or were asked to do so that the strength of two men would get the church steeples put up fast enough in honor the kings of Europe and the roads would be built and the farms would be settled and the peasant girl or native girl to be used for procreation as a wife in all of our natural law would come second while the partner sex operation would come first in the great work to build the new world and these talk about gay marriage is just a residue of what happened a long time ago it seems in a rather cold and mostly unwelcome frontier that suffered a lot of violence as against their quiet flint rock existence as aboriginals and natives in the 15th century meeting the virtue of the bible and musket toting OCEAN CROSSING NAVIGATOR from Europe for the first time WHO ALREADY DONE TOLD YOU, GOD IS AND THERE IS NO DISCUSSION ON THIS ISSUE AND NO COMPETITION. SO, THANK YOU FOR YOUR RENDITION. EGYPT IS IN AFRICA. THE PYRAMIDS WERE BUILT BY MEN WITH AFROS AND WHO WOULD ARGUE ABOUT THIS EXCEPT ...WHO WOULD ARGUE... FOOL?

There is a law.  We have gotten to the end of this game of you errant white worshiping people who are approximating  a construct of epithets called white like the eating of food that dropped on the floor but not the truth or virtue of any language or culture since if it was language or culture, the answer is obvious. Feed thy sheep...some black and some red..some grey and some uh....white.   What you want to feel is hegemony over this received culture of laws so maybe get a piece of wood with your name on it and nail it to the roof of the court house in downtown Belize or Jamaica or...would you really want to do this in London too? What about France or Belgium?  Maybe land a drone on the court house..a drone controlled by your phone so you feel de authority and hegemony you want to feel but then you still want to be able to enjoy your vehicle ownership and rim ownership and your wheel ownership...beach front hotel ownership and your...whicon house ownership; right?  So, when would you be white enough or Scottish enough to have  a law graduate in your family, in your island people's association  and make no meal of resentment out of it as you ask how does he own..Raphael, Hithno and More(TM) but you want to drive a Volkswagen...and feel good?  Your focus was on how man or a..native would feel with his basic income vs. how you feel in your imagination about what you are and the position you believe you should have over others, a monster,  it seems while you should have thought about how you should feel as a seller and supplier of goods and those lowly people with their lowly complexions as it may be in your imagination, innit,  are just the stupid consumers who don't know how to really own anything anyway and don't seem to care about how to own anything like some uh...white people but the basic income is necessary so that You can be successful as a property owner, owning buildings and also selling and buying goods and Those people rather, are quite helpful when the break things twice as often and are soo bottle of whiskey a week and a big bag of crisps a day and some chips and haddock twice a day that really what are you worried about?  These are English people and you act like a police officer in Asia has nothing to do as if Japanese and other Asian people don't get drunk or use drugs or commit crimes of passion but they must or else there would be no Buddha in their culture.    You worked hard and built the road that delivers my Samsung to my door in built a lot of buildings inhabited by Asian speaking people, some of them black like my Asian afro haired grandson  in the Anglo American world but what space have you left for yourself as non Asian humans in the greatest nation on earth?  What space or territory can you take without basic income to feed and sustain people with sufficient article 25 UDHR rights  when you put in the basic income that will facilitate thd purchase of a GM, Ford or Toyota or Volkswagen.  But, you seem to hesitate to penetrate or put it in since the issue seems as if you fear that putting the money in will cause you a loss of white association, tying you to black forever...crazy man!  I am sure Germany and France told you to put in the money...people with cultures, a language they respect  and submission to the Apostolic  Creed. You picked up a cookie off the ground and you ate it . . white.  If I said church is white, you would probably go.  Didn't you go to Jalgo High in...Singapore?   What is their testimony on these matters?  Warren is a deputy at ARGFU.  That is what he meant by Deputy. We only have white head masters de l'ecole privee de l' eglisse  since they understand the creed quite well and its non racial import.  It was written by  a man  born in Africa with an afro? Did you know the Apostolic creed was written by a man with an afro?   You say you need help because you really don't have any education but what does a need for help have to do with skin tones? But,  in your absence of education you seem to be stuck dong whatever the notion of white has been updated to tell you to do today for acceptance and who would not want acceptance? There are some people don't want acceptance but have acceptance but who might have noticed a social war being waged against people who have enough education to have acceptance as in the dignity to say no to drugs or anything self destructive that is designed for those who want acceptance.  Do an instrument?  Do you....know how to...swim?  The Clanton's have helped to destabilize the American population with a deal they made with the...empire it seems so that families owning property for more than 3  generations would just disappear; their properties taken with little games and why would they put in the basic income if the game is to destabilize the population and fight any established America? This is what happened to England a long time ago but these families are considered guilty for not being sufficiently viable to just say 'war no more' and demand their hot and cold running water but they are white; eh?  Now, who would not see hot and cold running water as a simple modern convenience in our modern economy?  The washing machine asks for it.  You should want it so that you can participate.  Who would not want his people to have the basic income?  The economy wants it. You are entitled to it. The system is designed to provide it so that you can participate.    Do you know how a house? Do you know how to to do any katas?   Who is Han Solo or Greedo?  Where is...Lahore or La Mancha or the Latin Quarter?  But, in being superior you are not supposed to need any help and you should know the answers with such white you were told; innit? But, most German people have to ask you if you know anything Mr. Presumptuous. Why don't you come and eat with your teacher when you are told? Come upstairs or maybe you are tired of going up...maybe your breakfast will be brought to you. Focus on the girl and trust people who told you that is the answer...the house...she could have been your mother; you damn fool!      There are a lot of nice black people who would help if you would  just ask; innit?  The graduate who wrote the exam is not physically white and could put on any accent like you but he actually graduated; didn't he?   ''White'' is the vacuous concept that is being updated over and over again as it was designed to coalesce an ''approximation'' population...people learning and approximating our pop culture more so than our steadfast traditions; our creed and that sort of thing rather; innit? So, when did Sony(TM) become a white brand if you see the point that is being demonstrated here?  When did Sushi or ramen become white and a symbol of sophistication in ''white''; rather?     White is a continual uncertainty about oneself and the erasure of the true, aboriginal self as the monkey sees and the monkey will do and the problem is that in wanting to be ''white'' you may not really want to hate black but you want the social acceptance or the social authority AND SOME BLACK PEOPLE, ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE FOLLOW THIS POP AMORPHOUS CULTURE NONSENSE TO THE POINT OF SELF EFFACEMENT AND THE EMBARRASSING OF OTHERS AND FAMILY AND THIS IS HOW YOU KNOW WHO HAS ANY SOUL OR REALLY ANY EDUCATION THAT DIGNIFIES SINCE I TRULY ENJOY NATIVE ART   and there is some dna floating along, near us and among us that is hell bent on social acceptance, SOCIAL   authority and should not join the military or any such organisation since some people know this dna is just a cave man mixed with some French courtier dna   WHO IS DETERMINED TO HAVE THE WORLD, THE CAVE AND THE CASTLE UNDER HIS FOOT AGAIN  THAT HE MIGHT HAVE DOMINION( IS IT? BUT NOTHING GROWS  NOR IS IT FRUITFUL AROUND HIM AND NOR DOES IT MULTIPLY AND HIS ALTITUDE AND PROJECTIONS FOR SUCCESS ARE TOO LOW BUT MAYBE SELF EFFACING AS IN HAVING WANTED NOTHING BUT ATTENTION AND A SENSE OF HEGEMONY OVER WHAT DOGS, CATS AND SCIENTIST CHILDREN ARE HIS BUT HE CANNOT SEE WHAT GOOD A SON IS TO HIM WHO IS AN ENGINEER OR A LAWYER BUT SEES THEM AS A THREAT TO HIS HEADSHIP OVER THE FAMILY AND LEADERSHIP OF THE FAMILY AND MAYBE SOMEONE IS JUST DRUGGING HIM SINCE UNDER HIS HEADSHIP, THE CHILDREN FEARFULLY and wonderfully WENT TO SCHOOL AND DID WHAT THEY WERE TOLD LIKE CUT THE GRASS AND ALL OTHER CHORES BUT ON GRADUATION DAY, ON THE EVE OF SOCIAL AUTHORITY, HE DOES NOT KNOW WHAT VALUE THEY HAVE TO HIM  SINCE IN HIS SMALL LITTLE WORLD, HE RENDERS THEM MORE AS APPENDAGES OR THREATS TO HIS POSITION  AND NOT ASSISTANCE WHERE THEY COULD BRING TRIBUTE TO HIM AS IN A DISCOUNTED VEHICLE FROM THE CAR DEALERSHIP OR SOME MONEY FROM THE RENTAL PROPERTY OR SOME FREE ACCESS TO THE BEER GARDEN  OR FREE LEGAL SERVICES FOR THE FAMILY  WHERE YOU COULD JUST DONATE  AS FAMILY OR A FRIEND  BUT INSTEAD HE WOULD RATHER PLEAD GUILTY  BUT IF HE WAS PLANNING TO OWN A 5 HOTEL RESORT CHAIN OR A 50 UNIT BUILDING IN A HIGHER ALTITUDE THEN HE WOULD APPARENTLY SEE THEIR USEFULNESS; NOT AS COMPETITIONI, COMPETENCIA )  while the real courtier had his value and self respect as the functionaire who wanted nothing else but to see the postal service work and the streets and the people demonstrate the glory of the king in their modest lives with sufficient provision from the Monarch.  The mixed dna is stuck at approximating what it knows it cannot be and has become very good at cute, honorable, entertaining imitation but who seems to maintain an agenda as to frustrate and sabotage this world; not to facilitate it or make it function and little by little the people die off if this man with hybrid motivation but maybe the right looks by now has his way since the cave man within him has a hard time understanding wife and family and children where these concepts are the building block of society and the way forward in this world and how could a phone system start such a debate in the general population on the meaning of words such as marriage and what would have to constitute but I suppose the argument is that it is a social construct; not just for family as it is traditionally understood but maybe there was something that the Puritans had to do or were asked to do so that the strength of two men would get the church steeples put up fast enough in honor the kings of Europe and the roads would be built and the farms would be settled and the peasant girl or native girl to be used for procreation as a wife in all of our natural law would come second while the partner sex operation would come first in the great work to build the new world and these talk about gay marriage is just a residue of what happened a long time ago it seems in a rather cold and mostly unwelcome frontier that suffered a lot of violence as against their quiet flint rock existence as aboriginals and natives in the 15th century meeting the virtue of the bible and musket toting OCEAN CROSSING NAVIGATOR  from Europe for the first time WHO ALREADY DONE TOLD YOU, GOD IS AND THERE IS NO DISCUSSION ON THIS ISSUE AND NO COMPETITION. SO, THANK YOU FOR YOUR RENDITION. EGYPT IS IN AFRICA. THE PYRAMIDS WERE BUILT BY MEN WITH AFROS AND WHO WOULD ARGUE ABOUT THIS EXCEPT ...WHO WOULD ARGUE... FOOL?
