This is why you, subconsciously or Deliberately, gave Asia full reign of your North American economy and they must have chosen the basic income in simple logic or did you tell them to follow this good policy since the damning evidence is a smart phone and a smart bomb and a movie industry with movies like Mission Impossible 3 and Sum of All Fears? No; I am not guilty but I know how to explain not only a complete sentence in English but also a Kata and now I know how to also explain the purpose and necessity of Basic income in an automated global economy and what is that you really want since it cannot be just Asian hegemony globally since if it is understanding, most people know fried rice in North America as they look at other people on the subway after their Asian Restaurant bill as subsidized indirectly by Asian basic income and they say " ..I am not sure if these Gaijin, although I am Gaijin, are as sophisticated as I am. I thank God. Let me go home and resent my own ancestry that is not as creative and nor is it as intelligent or disciplined. Look at all the Asian business! ....hmm...and we have to kick the black guy who is a black belt in something since he should not understand. I imagine that I am not only more English than he is but I am also more Asian. I am closer! What the F"£$k is 'innit' or 'on me head son'?"
