
Black skin, German passport | DW Documentary

Super-modern Sofia Bulgaria Metro System: Fantastic Subway Ride

1928 - More Early Sound Footage of New York City

A man in the bush...A man in the cave.... on the bank of the Rio Grande Coba....was he your brother or father? He did something and now I am with child? Click here and read more! There are people who may have married their sisters as far as they understand it although they have no real evidence that the person is their sister. They met in Montana as West Indian immigrants while attending a bible study a sushi Restaurant managed by a Chinese immigrant on a Business visa in 1975 with basic income from China and you are not sure if Chinese people have any jobs or salaries otherwise. Well, they do if they are employed in China. These are just citizens on basic income and every citizen, even the Black citizens of China, have basic income. So, the woman was not really her husband's sister but they bought all the Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes that they could and the Lou Rawls to set the right atmosphere in their home along with a bible from two denominations; one Jehovah Witness bible and one Catholic Bible NRSV and they did not buy the King James bible or a Gideons because they already those in their personal use. But, what if she was his sister. He would suggest it to people and he must have started to become comfortable with the notion but also noticed that people would project natural law judgments on him and he would argue in his emotions about the feeling of judgement that he encountered and he also personalized it since he had beautiful Black skin like a Roy Ayers in the winter time but had the complexion of Barry White in the winter time; you dig the love symphony? In projecting, he also started defending and took it as a cultural stance that if she was his sister, who should judge them. He turned this into a cultural last stand in Montana and thought he would normalize it by suggesting to people that they should do a rights of passage with their children as in the young men had to have a son by 16 years old but could only legally start by 16 years old and it does not matter if you are both minors. Now, you graduated. With the young women, they suggested that they would have a right of passage and that meant they did something that contravened the boundaries of usual paternal association or matriarchal association and essentially the rights of passage was a passage into a non-biblical commune of a new normal as they or he defined it but one that prevented his own children or his children's generation from being able to judge him and his generation in that they did what they had to maybe with the first woman who seemed to hold the same in depth desire to see the genes pass to the next generation above and beyond the motives of social climbing and mile stoning as in married once, cruise ship photo, divorced once and.... The whole and entire West Indian community then enveloped this new agenda of cultural self identification as soon as Aunt Jemima got pearls and for other reasons it seems since they found it efficacious for their purposes. But, it seems to be a hedge against the fear of anyone being able to judge them with strength in numbers while it is ultra vires in terms of the natural law or else it would not cause so much strain and who are you to say since you would not make someone cook on a wood fire or sow their clothing or hunt in a cave for their dinner or maybe even fish in an ocean or learn how to sing in Patois while patting their head and rubbing their stomach at the same while opening a can of coconut milk with their teeth or an actual coconut with a can opener before they get a scoop of ice cream up in Continuous Springs in the year 1960 while you Fats Domino which might be a more helpful suggestion. But, then they suffer with some kind of burden not only individually but communally and if you, as someone who knows how happy everything can be when everybody says work hard as we are all kind of related on the Samoan afro side or the African side or the Latino way or the Arawak or European way in the dna since it has been so long now since Cristobal or St. Andrew in the year 1664 or since Sam Sharpe built a school house and a church and all these people could be your mother or your father so do us proud when you get to school since you never know when our great ancestor could do a roll call from the great European mountain since the African ancestor does not seem to call like this soo much that he would have all of our attention and then after you graduate, we present you and they say 'good!' and then we are not sure how good you are and are only seeking after further validation but it seems we never got beyond taking children to school for validation and association and once you graduate, we wish to feel the association again and the best answer is to call you for plumbing service or legal services and yet....we feel a hitch in our mind like a man or woman in a relationship about to really consolidate the agenda of long term union and you start to feel like you are losing your sense of identity or individuality so you say you need time to think and that you can't really continue in it as if you need to just feel the end of it just before you really get what you said you wanted and really Grow as a person or as a community and then you did not choose to stay and then you get together with someone else and you do it again or as a community, you see the one graduate dead and then you just raise some more children and you do it again and again until people decide to create other extra legal ways in providing their community with lawyers and plumbers with disastrous effect while you all applaud as the few get in and the few actually finish with any understanding of what ya deal wit!

Ancient Rome in 20 minutes

Cursus publicus

The economy of desperation is bad for the public as it involves using unusual campaigns to market bestial marriage rights, weed for food or as a food additive and also the unusual phenomena of keeping a legal file open when the party making suit has confessed her own tortious action on the face of the document while the legal obligation to close the file as soon as possible cannot out weigh the right to eat and to be seen in a brand new vehicle as often as possible and for as many cute people as possible but...everybody is cute and everybody knows how to read a book; right? The other issue is that there are competing objectives but when police files are threatened along with the integrity of the Court, then you ask who has not seen the social cost of the economics of desperation in the absence of basic income or why thy have not seen it? The floors are polished for other communities who come to North America to thrive. You open the school to enjoy attendance from a 60% immigration student population and the old alumni stop sobbing, the few who are left, as the school is full again. The simple answer is basic income that will buy the new vehicle and you can figure out what else you need to finance the lifestyle but you are probably more likely to see the win/win benefit in maintaining a certain responsibility toward your client's interests in terms of cost even if you are on the side of the defense but working for the power company and City of Toronowanda whose lights on the highway were allegedly turned off or disabled according to the file when the suing party walked into the highway, a highway, and not at a legal cross walk. You ask also what is the cost of human life and if you think a movie told you that you had the right to kill anyone so you can keep your desperation while you have soo much authority to be white niggers and say you don't understand the growing Asian population with basic income who have no idea what you expect from your government except that you don't ask for anything except but the right to kill people in desperation instead of asking the government for the vehicle money and the food money so that they can use you for economic stimulation, not Asians while they certainly spend the money in 'merica wisely and have opened so many happy and glorious Sushi Rama as soldiers of Asian fortune; fortune cookies! Sze Sze and to you with the bum law file still open for 20 years with the confession in the document , Fack off! But, in America they used to have a postal service and then we don't know what happened... a global conflict ...and then they made it a political issue where they debated the need for a postal service but why is there any debate when it is necessary for a modern state just like basic income. Come on and let me show you! It starts right here with running water in Rome; you understand. They had a postal service also. The other issue is that the economy of desperation may have historical origin when some immigrants arrived in North America and for assistance in getting settled and having enough donkey bacon to feed their children and their wive and parents also, they were offered an opportunity to offer something; usually your teeth or maybe one of your children that you might have the money and maybe also the immediate seniority and authority you seek where you would do anything to have it...and they say 'anything?' But, this is not 1861 or some other time in history when men's faith grew weak as industrialism was starting to ramp up but more importantly, this was not the real message of America and it is not as if you had to give your teeth to anyone as there may have been quieter options for the communion you desired and it might have taken just a little longer and your wife would be glad since she would live longer and so you would also since you would be healthier and your penis, while useful, does not cut grass or thresh Anglican or Catholic wheat and no church or its parishioners would ever ask anyone to offer teeth or bodily appendage but they might ask you to offer a few days labor for free where and when asked since you had the desire. This mindset of offering appendages should not creep into any church and also everyone who wishes to say in the year 2001 or 1999 or 20120, that they know this is what their grandfather had to do when coming to America is mistaken. If the year is 20120, your grandfather came to America in 2016 from Ireland with basic income and he did not offer any children, teeth or penis since his culture celebrates human dignity. Jonathan Swift wrote a tale or two about what desperation made some men do or consider in changing economic times as men moved from agrarian life to city life but it is not as if every man sat down and ate his neighbor's baby or the other neighbor's dog. If it ever did happen, it might have been during an Atlantic passage from the old country to the new and Ice may have delayed the tall ship where fasting for a few days would not have prevented anyone from looking forward to a new field of potatoes in Nova Brunsotia or Vermont and with their children provided for. I tought you could see his autority by now.

Londinium(TM) Social Club Presents c2emusic_2017 03 Legends Josh Milan

Ludo à la Maison - Seared Salmon with Citrus Sauce. Argent Base!

Soy Sauce Television(TM) by Londinium(TM) Media as owned by Warren A. ...

20 classic commercials from 60s-70s, transfered from 16mm original print

How are you financing your economy with basic income from a borrowed population? They are Chinese and you see they are thriving in Montana and Wyoming not only because they work together before they think of killing competition but they also have more money to do whatever they want whether or not George Washington was White or Black. It seems to have been a known fact and of no issue to any American up to 1801 and then something happened when a little human showed up with a lot of authority to observe America. She also decided to impress America with her expectations for human capability. The nose of the Egyptian Sphinx was also smashed while she did not mind humble but educated Black people as she was educated in the West Indies and given a lot of authority in a regressing empire in her generation. She was about 4' 9'' foot tall and certainly in authority. Now, maybe you will have basic income at $40,000.00 and maybe not run a business but you can buy your Ford. It is just that the Asians seem to have been sent here in the belief that they are better business managers but the real truth is that the economic vacuum or pot hole in the absence of basic income has called for a solution and really borrowing another population that has basic income and who are only here on Visas as economic stimulation was not the first solution. It was to put in place basic income and maybe your politicians did not know of this capitalist economic policy update that had already circulated and found itself as policy in the true first world nations such as France, Germany and also in Japan while it was ignored for possibly socio-religious reasons in America but not for economically logical reasons. Have you seen a very large Toyoa plant or two in America? What about the new Ford F150? It is a Ford. Now, if you choose not to put in place basic income. Don't worry since the lights will stay on and the subways will still look busy but maybe not with uh white people but Asian people and they can do the consuming and open restaurants that reflect their culture more so than your culture but if there was any mission in this Christian culture, certainly Christians eat sushi too but if there was any mission in European culture and vehicular presence as cultural expression, then you cannot necessarily demand that your $60,000 per year Asian Economic Visa, not citizen, population will buy your Ford or your Chevy..well you could try it I suppose. That's a solution; more Asian people in North America who will buy Ford and Chevy as you demand and Webster Groves will be dominantly...I am not sure if you noticed what is going on. SUSHI!!! It seems that you have been obsessed in raising and then killing the Black graduate instead of actually driving your culture forward economically and you would see more Raven red hair running coffee shops and hair dressing salons and maybe a $5.00 Suave Scottish/ Irish Soup and Sandwich shop in your area with your requisite good coffee on the menu; not just Rainbust Coffee. So, start your basic income at $40,000.00 and consume and the Asians will have $60,000.00 and run businesses and consume also with the big your face! So intelligent! They must have graduated don't need to since you are so white and beautiful; remember? Maybe you should try and see that G spot was to be understood as your GED and the irony is that G spot made you look for something you already have or should have had but you denied the real G in favor of the authority and you would have had the authority any way or maybe not since your husband needed you to be humble with him as he did not have any high school education either;right? Either way, while you debate what you do not understand and what complexion of graduate you are afraid might buy another used vehicle or maybe a new one and you don't know what you would do if you see him walk into Court after exiting his 13 year old fuel efficient Punto or Audi A3 Hatchback in Brown or maybe the 200, why don't you see it as a legitimate lottery ticket that pays out once a year in the update to your social contract in modern capitalism that relies efficiently and predominantly, as you demanded it, on perfect labor in the robotic and mechanized form that gives you the Americano, better reliability, durability and solidity in the final manufactured product? Aye! So, since 1981 and Ronald Reagan's stance to buy American in an age of mechanized labor and basic income, we can take time to observe the migration patterns of communities of industrial workers in areas and towns seeing automation's growth and human labor's decline along with the failure to institute basic income which created a gap, pot hole or vacuum in the economy that was filled with immigrants from parts of the world that had basic income or oil wealth communal (Muslim) income. This phenomena is also being promoted by the fact that the white or whiter populations who are really Western Hemispheric Amerindian with certain other dna in their make up have refused to maintain full school enrollment in favor of taking jobs some where or some how in their communal authority and the greater authority that builds the school has worked out his own solutions to keep these glorious civic buildings of testimony testifying whether or not a Hijab is in 40 % of the lockers that Molly and Mable and Betty used to fill with their discrete but not necessarily religious Catholic head scarves as still worn by some Amish people while Zera(Hebrew) and Ria(Hebrew) make popadoms for her family at 6 am before she shows up in consistent numbers without school drama, chains and leather and babies(babies early is not a bad idea but the family has to celebrate it and support her as she finishes school. Hallelujah! ) Read the note to the Readers as seen in the introduction to the Orthodox Jewish Bible where I learned that the word or name Zera is unknowingly, it seems, music to an ancestrally Jewish person's ears while he is frozen and chosen as an Anglican. We see people with basic income or oil wealth communal (Muslim) income. moving in to that gentrified old post war suburb in California, Michigan or Yonkers, Seattle, Albany, Maryland or.....while the people without basic income move out or disappear but people do not just disappear; do they? But that old neighborhood full of post WW 2 bungalows used to be an entirely white neighborhood while their grandsons made deals after 1980 to live until about 40 years old so long as they had some kind of job and many were university graduates. But, in planning to die at 40, they did not have families in the usual sense but were maybe used for Gattica children and their parents did not see grand children, sold the house and moved to Bahia maybe or Costa Rica to live in a safe ex pat community but they still do not have basic income as citizens of the nation that did not institute basic income just as the Empire Strikes Back and then an influx of immigrants from nations with basic income have arrived to keep those neighborhoods occupied. You remember the Occupy campaigns during the Obama campaign. There seems to have been a double entendre and people arrived as economic visas and also as refugee claimants from basic income countries or oil communal cash nations. Why don't we go and find out. Come on. We could get the membership lists from some church organisations dating back to 1980, Established congregations, to see where these families are today while some churches have thought wisely of turning their properties into mixed use properties with apartment buildings of at least 10 to 20 units or maybe more on the property; apartment buildings.

I Love 70's Commercials Vol 11-15 Compilation

Real Madrid vs Alaves 4-0 - All Goals & Highlights - 24/2/2018 HD

Real Madrid vs Alaves 4-0 - All Goals & Highlights - 24/2/2018 HD

The Sunday Mass - 2nd Sunday of Lent - February 25, 2018

Bien Sur Auto Route (TM) Television BSAC

Coca-Cola: Happiness starts with a smile

Portlandia | 911 Beets Emergency

The Chef Bringing Native American Food to Your Table

Native Foods Cafe Comes to Portland, OR!

Portlandia - Thai Food Bridgetown Weekly

Chinese In Mexico

Now quit looking at the menagerie of that part native black woman's a-s since after the children come and you educate them in your united Judeo Christian generosity, you say you don't know what to do with them while your grandmother said respect the teachers or else and that they had to know their father could be a white...innit? But, even so, it is hard to be a white father to any drug addict and dreaming American NFL football contract hopeful who drops out of high school whether he is white or black and who does not just then decide to respect the black parents he had who bought his football shoes as a kid and teen and just get back to school as soon as possible since you are still cutie enough; right? almost 25 years old with your pants hanging down and singing aborted fetus high pitch Atlanta funk music as a total bumbuclot trying to masquerade as whom instead of taking the Paramedic job as offered by those people who are eves dropping on all the EMS calls and have set up their own covert denominational response service.  

Click here: So, now just imagine all the Chinese in North America as Chinese soldiers but without uniform; all earning $60,000 usd per year and doing as their culture bids which is is to put Sushi all over your face and make some maoney man! Go and do de tourist things; go to the good bingo and de good casinos; bring de Chinese granny too and buy de Lexus or de Kia or de Cadillac; de very big and long one to whip you like a bitch! What is 7x7? This is what the war you covet is supposed to do;give you menial lower middle class income, the $60,000.00 usd basic income and you go over seas to defend your civil liberties and your wife buys the Hoover , Maytag, JennAir and Fattest (TM) vacuum cleaner back home and you come back with bad injury and get a divorce usually on your joint accant or you do de family and cultural propagation thing in America or South America and you be like the Chinese soldiers without uniforms and do what your culture wants you to do; maybe open the Silver, Copper Gold Corral Strip Club buffet; I don't know ! See my new sushi video; innit? We want more lawyer, de teacher, de doctor but most importantly de consumer...why you sick? Take de panadol! 7x7? Fattest(TM) and Dumplings(TM) are two new trademarks by Angel Ronan Consulting and Warren A. Lyon for use in consumer electronics and also watches. Now git and do something before I have to see a good horse whippin on my Samsung TV every day; go on..git! The real truth is that the Germans had their intersections with modernity before the Pict in Britannia and you get a hint of it in the movie Gladiator(2000) but they never argued again. In fact, they mastered it quite well. It would seem that the Brits mastered it quite well also but there is a new creature among us who is quite adept at piracy and chicaneries and is the latest arrival around 1500 who is part of the Roman's creation called the 'work' in addition to the Amerindian native and who is motivated by occupying and mastering anything that resonates meritocratic value or authority or that has attention; including the most popular sales person on earth the...Faberge type woman and so on and so on...she is in all the magazines and so on and so on. It also seems to be the Coat of Arms on the most walls in most Courts in the western world under the system of heraldry and they do not seem to want any real understanding but only to occupy it for the value of their skin tone as if this is all the old white people from previous generations were doing in a shambles and a lack of any real understanding, desire for system Anglo propagation or efficacy. They would, therefore, be the children of the Jade Fox ( See Crouching Tiger; Hidden Dragon) who seem to want impeach the system to say that white or the whiter of their natives should be good enough and they should not have to really graduate and sometimes you tolerate them in their claim to be learning difficulty as they do on exam day while they had to have graduated fro grade and 12 without being learning difficulty to even imagine being a Crown employee but they also assume the culturally critiqued missionary position quite often also to cover their shenanigans with the understanding of the part native/Puritan/Protestant with the seemingly inherited position and academic capability as being ancestrally religiously and socially Claustrophobic but willing to oblige your need for his help and you help him when you offer and you are beholden to him and he does not tell his socially upper class wife and the game goes on and on until their is...desolation in their two pronged resentment being your natural aptitude for this Judeo Christian thing and they really as the 'work' are like a slag in the concrete that makes it easily dissolvable with the little leaven that leavens and also levels the whole lump and the less white native maybe carrying by now from some other input, probably West Indian, has 'work' dna which is also Herodian dna and sees what is happening to her people maybe in some part of North America as she mediates only on the authority while she has solutions, basic income, she could communicate in her glorying in her emerged white mortal coil, although she is native, that are also within logic or that are logical that would solve much as an extension of our commonwealth to everyone who are still suffocating with some kind of agenda around them which is most evident in the absence of this basic income while it is being enjoyed around us by borrowed people from other economies who were not financed in our full time educational system but it seems to be something defying the whitest in the land of many mansions and swimming pools in North America who seem to be valuing themselves on complexion first and not on logic which means that they are certainly late arrivals who might have been better off to have never heard of any white and black in this part of the world as taught to them with stigmatizing before they had any friend or colleague beside dating back to Rome or even El Cid who had an Afro, candles, a sword and some books with him at the pub in Old Street in the 10th or even the 17th century or at Sebastopol as this Black and White thing was the most amazing concept to achieve a perfect division and conquering right down the center of the Native reserves while you hug the dark Somalian and the South Asian who brings you his ethnicity as a new comer but dump your burden on him in the second generation when he is not so ethnic now and humbly showed your sister reverence in school with at least a B average in his Maths which is then resented in the sphere of life and work upon graduation day where he has to become part of a denomination for fear of the denominations while his native language is Coptic while the black and white thing is splitting the churches and also the house holds since some women after growing up were sick enough to abandon their families also in the lack of education as they could just have authority in some parts of this world for being white although back home they were darker in their imagination with the darkest eye brows in the family while all other features were the same. There was the division of India religiously but deliberately with the Muslims in the new Creation called Pakistan and the Hindus in the south while every one is teaching that you do unto others as you would have them do unto you and just you were going to forget, your telephones seem to be telling you to run for shelter in some provocation for acceptance while the answer is the same as in grade school. Racism is not tolerated and the teacher is kicked out if he is racist and so are the students if they are racist. The right answer is to just be a good human being; that is all and propagate your culture you Jamokes. Now, get on with the Wieners and the Sausages and the cheese steaks and Po Boy sandwiches. Thank God for basic income and you do need those droids. He is about to get you a beer from your fridge! It just seems that your goal was to kamikaze modernity and suicide bomb it to the death in your own self extermination but you, wouldn't you?, would you not rather have it that you choose life; your bible or your Yoda or your Fortune teller or your or they did say...choose life? But it written in every law, including the native laws as confirmed by the Pueblos, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin and Ronald Reagan, that we must do unto others as we would have them do unto you. Abraham Lincoln said we maintain right and turn right into might. I am sure an Arawak, even a Herodian Arawak obsessed with the authority understands this but he has predicated his entire communal existence on ending this current manifestation of Modernity with much native input from people like Lincoln in the Herodian Arawak's claimed right to be hostile in live in a chicanery while lambasting authority while hoping to be in any kind of authority to hobble the manifestation of logic only hoping to oppose you in this being your finest hour. Call a German if you don't understand what is happening or if you are not entirely sure; intersections and melding....You did not design or build any airplane here in North America but it seems something was mailed to one of those brothers after all. So, follow the logic but we see your Bilbo Hobbit ways now and you still seem to hope that math graduate you have been hounding to sue you so you can see your authority will laugh any harder. Keep confessing and say 'we feel' in your confessions of an absence of legal authority more often as feeling is not sufficient to satisfy your role and as such you are criminally liable for breach of fiduciary duty in a public office: 122. You want to say you are maintaining a right but what right do you have to hold other people's property contrary to and in disobeying a court order ending any trust claimed to the benefit of others when the only beneficiary was the owner and no one else since there was no trust property or personal property in the files but the property in it self rightly maintained by a going concern. This is business interference; childish, Fruitloops lifer and Herodian. You were what complexion a generation ago but more importantly what dna?; must be 'the anxious to be white' kind.

Little Boxes Official Trailer 1 (2017) - Nelsan Ellis Movie

Click here. Read more. So, there is no end. It's only you so in the beginning and the end, it's just you. YOU! So, the issue is that even before we had large families or large denominations or large faith groups, God said that as it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. The end, as it may be, finds it self confirming the beginning between to persistent tensions in intention and understanding or we could say comprehension. This is Cain and Abel; the first majority and minority since IT IS YOU...and the majority always has to be the Abel since that is what you and creative with your hands and ideas and your basic income and your buying and selling such that you want your body and your person and essays safe and respected as integris(don't you use the word 'entendre ' and souffle some times?) but you should not try to stoke hockey glory by turning a boy into a androgynous entity, hoping to understand what you think may have happened to you where ever you are in Up State Western seaboard. Cain is always the minority. Now, we know Herod was really born in Britannia and is not Cain but he is also not Abel but someone who was sent to the middle east in confirmation of the new tactics of growing a winnowing force of people to do most of the work in dividing, conquering and preparing a land for the everything that is desired by the Rome. They tested their new humanoid, not android, in Israel to see what would happen and this is where we see the polemic Of Cain and Abel played out again and some how it seems to have played itself out with 11 Cains and one Abel in the story of Joseph and his 12 brothers, Moses and Ra-messes and also certainly in the story of Yeshua and Herod where Herod was raised in Traditional Jewish teaching in a Roman family if that can help and there is historical evidence to verify that he was not actually born in Syria as originally taught but was soaked in Monkey urine at 12 months for th e desired effect. The end result is a dependency and a more animalian responsiveness that would usually get you arrested by a Centurion just for the way you feel. The issue is that this is not a question of whether God exists or not when someone decides to make Pillsbury croissants or bake his own but some people may become jealous if you do make anything on your own and respond accordingly with sad eye balls when they hear you say 'from scratch' at your dinner table where they are your guest. The issue, moreover as we thank Mr. Ronald Blake for his High School tutelage, is the different methods in which children are raised as Herod was always told he is the only one and he ran to the notion of a Jesus being born, responding accordingly with the intention of wiping any risk that he would not be the only one who would score goals on the school team; this Jesus who had such calm and confidence when it came to understanding the law although he was not the only one with this confidence in his graduating class of more than 30 Rabis. But, he was to believe that He was God's child and not the only one in that Baptist and Catholic Town. Everybody is invited! Don't you see? It's you and would you refuse to feed YOU to cover your guilt for a burning back Asian girl, an American napalm victim, over and over again? Your cousin, however, in America is still resenting those Vietnamese because her father never came home to see her ride the big wheels. You were also taught to follow the Golden rule in that Protestant based School system while the Catholic School kids were taught that they were rats and they were told that they were rats quite often vs. children of God but I suppose you get the desired result in society and possibly a polemic of some kind although an unintentional one; after him as he is creative and probably a Protestant type graduate working too hard and we need to ensure our social superiority while he is getting in the way; innit? The irony is that in any event, two types of people regardless of schooling will end up at the altar; one that understands and comprehends and one type of person that does not understand but nor do they have the right intention although when you say 'wont you come?' they both come to the altar as confirmed in the parable of the four seeds and God knows the law of trial and error and also Cain and Abel and it seems this tension was sown also into his plan to ensure a story is maintained or a testimony is maintained; that there is truth to what we see in this Word and wisdom. This is so even with Proverbs 3:5-6 which becomes the Arawak prayer that says '...I can do what I want or have to do and believe that God gives me the authority to it' although you and God will, through your conscience, have an argument very often it seems if it offends Him in what He is probably not telling you to do since you can't lie on Him and say he told you jack up someone at a drive through for running shoes and Mustang rims at gun point or that the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence in your encroachment of your neighbor's house in backayard or in Suburban Yonkers and you think the white people won't mind while you say isn't this what you did in the West Indies or Africa while you want your white Arawak cousin to help you but it is a criminal offense and you are going down; theft over since that black family has a relative who died for his country and unfortunately, the father was a traffic cop but someone took his teeth with a disease and drugged him while holding him ransom for the death of his ex wife's two kids. No; he said look for a sale at the end of the month, have good fun but think about a long life as whatever cultural adherent you may be and you might lose your teeth and your fertility with that bacchanal rum punch so go to bacchanal and keep your titties covered and your a%s also since you want to also have authority on Sunday and say Hallelujah and invite people to church who will play your bacchanal video back to you when you try and exert authority over them during your bible study with your long, pointy cat nails and your beautiful hair; you go on girl and balance your objectives and bring your children with authority according to 1st Timothy 4 and maybe try to turn a nickel into 50 cents maybe as you buy the second hand video games or cut the old lady's grass in Crenshaw but gunpoint robbery under Sonic fast food cameras takes you away from your next son's birthday, your ultimate goal, but you are hoping your community sees you as someone, for the acceptance, who killed your first son to be like the David they wish to imitate but only in the deaths and the sex part with the woman that was not his own and who witnessed one son die and then said ' He cannot come to me but I will go to him' and then you live with that burden of sacrifice all your life but why not imitate God as the book encourages you while being subject to all of the principles and therefore subject to His laws like Jesus was as He said '...this is my son in whom I well pleased' and say it often but say it to your self first and maybe imitate Abraham who blessed Isaac and you can hold a knife over your boy for a minute and hope your wife did not set up a video to bust your behind and also just bless him so you understand but this God seems to have been understood by the Pueblo with more simplicity and maybe you too before you got these amazing stories that are just so true while you argue with your conscience and wonder if all the white people or all the school girls are watching that evil movie you know you should not be watching but it seems to have gotten 3 stars in the ratings; innit? So, there you go! So, now what do you do but make a real choice about joy as you wish to consider or count in it all joy when you suffer diverse trials and temptations as your father says you could be an architect since you can sketch pretty good so you chose law that requires the same precision in avoiding risk to life or loss but he seems to take it that you worked too hard or took too much authority and what would he say if you worked hard to be an architect and graduate, learning how to use auto cad programs and nothing else; programs that cost only $59.00 and you just input the number of bedrooms, washrooms and design ethic. So, you count it all joy before you confirm to yourself that you are walking in the faith of Abraham and as such you are the Messianic Jew in deed while you say it quietly around your Christian denomination for fear of the Denominations and if you say you are walking in that faith, then walk and be real as in feel the "danger" and "do not touch" warning from your father about that sexy vanilla eclair but it does not mean you need to throw all your Super Hero dvds away but you need to be genuine about that green light feeling or that red light feeling and you don't owe anyone your conscience and go to the movies about the 13 secret soldiers of Dubainifstan or the 12 Horse soldiers of Oman but you find some people want to resent you when they offend what conscience is their conscience and you are just minding your own business as staying close to the harmonious key of approval that is in the trees and the little chickadees while he feels a negative key and takes drugs to hide it and wants to resent you when you have no idea as to what is making him cross with you. Then, he tells his cousin to take the seed water from that former Disco Queen woman in Brooklyn to have some children with his seed second and then they spit on the photo of the guy they believe is the real father and kiss with affection the photo of the man who was second and cross about not respecting his conscience; innit? So, you see the point I am trying to make and you understand. Good! You have more mobile phones and your weakness or question is the same as it was during the Nokia slider days of 1998 and 1999; what a unique phone! But, you watched your question on tv or dvd and that was all but you would not wish for any one to know lest you lose public authority and acceptance. But, your colleague on the choir also watched on dvd an tv and then also watched on her mobile phone and so maybe you did also but after you watched that struggle of yours or question on the new multi media mobile phone in 2008 or 2009, you did not feel the same again and did get your sense of authority back no matter what you did but you also never stopped watching on the phone and you also killed people with accusation and never stopped killing people any way you could but your colleague also watched but her intention was not to seek authority or social position but relationship and she sung we fall down and we get up in her comprehension but also stopped watching on the phone when God told her since the phone was a public testimony to the phone company and service provider or whom ever could tap in since they could also see the bible you down loaded on it and the Lisa Bevere recordings of the Paul White stuff; halleluljah...halleluljah! Heavenly father God we want to thank God right now for what we have learned in 1st Timothy 3 and 1st Timothy 4:6. Let's pray! Let us also Proverbs 3:5-6 is not a license to what we want when we are told to run from youthful lusts or evils in 2nd Timothy 2:19. But maybe do the jigi jigi with your betrothal; innit as you respect your conjugal rights and your misled Puritan dna will cause you to put a sheet between the two of you and then you will we sort of or we really didn't yet but either way, your Puritan dna better tell you to stay together unless....see Matthew 5 or Matthew 19 and be honest since your Latinised Puritan relative coming up the Atlantic seaboard from St. Andrew's parish in the 1664 or the year 1996 is going to take your pants off in your deceit and your indecision and you will accuse your husband or wife and say she flew through the window and mistreated you . Watch the Crucible one more time. Now, David, if he has any sons alive, have to be killing themselves off before they work together as far as one can see when they keep saying to themselves that they are the King of David instead of reading Psalms 50 which should be the only or the key testimony for the modern son of David to read. Also, how is there any racism since he had to have left a lot of potty water under his bed and has many children some where or some how in addition to the many wives who had children. You better watch what you say about your brother son! You better be your brother's keeper and see what your father said since the first step in being any King of David is to be a son of David which means you are leaning toward being a Solomon and watch Solomon's prayer; the prayer he wrote when his balls started to work when young and where he chose to be a servant. You may know the 5 'S' saying by now that involves no self(( pick up your own cross and deny your self), submission, sacrifice( in accepting Jesus Blood), sanctification, service)). Read desiderata everyday on the way out the door from as early as 12 years old. Put it on your phone maybe. The other issue with the mobile phones and the polemic is that only Cain will bend left or right in the whim of acceptance when he denies his own self acceptance in the antithesis and is also on the side of coveting when if he did what was right, he too would be accepted like it says in Genesis 4:7 and how does this play out in the black/white Vespasianish bad program in and garbage out but who did not want it for hegemony or conflict but only for identity maybe but he knows the tension in the human from day one and they tend to choose tribalism if you make them or mislead them as in Australian Law School vs. English Law School to the death but no English Law School is fighting you and as such, the uh yellow race just takes up the cards and the money on the gamble while you are distracted; innit? The evident story now is the perfect politician for this new Amerinoid; not humanoid who seems to be a hybrid people desiring a Letterman/ Hope President in the black hypothalamic genome which is now either black or white and which is also a late arrival and most likely also part native that wants to relax but in relaxing, they seem to aiming for an Uncle Tom polemic that says we don't work too hard and stay close to the house which seems to be some kind of fast food once a week and that also aims to keep human attainment down regardless of complexion as late arrivals but look around and count the number of nail bars and taxi cab drivers in this mining colony and moose land that should probably have a few high school graduates in this multi complexioned land that look like you and the Rico Suave bus drivers have shown up and are taking your mother out for lunch and her name is Myra and she might have put him on the million dollar house but you are jack off anyway so when it happens, we know what you did last summer and you don't go to any shrine or mass and I don't know what will happen but maybe you should and also go and cut her grass and maybe tell your father, the other bus driver, what is going on since it is hard to say no to a man who puts a clove of garlic and viagars in a medicine dropper bottle with a little water and saves his money just before you see the latin version of a father asking his son about his B+ in school and reminding him that it is good to have a lawyer, a doctor; a teacher or maybe even a pianist since his uncle worked with the Bien Sur Social Club in St. Croix and Martinique and they danced the salsa. So, the end is never the end but you are being to confirm not only the beginning, the middle and the beginning since this is not the end since you just started and you know God's will concerning peace as Abel's blood is crying out and Cain has his testimony while the Arawak thinks the verse about Cain is to say, he murdered his brother and his mother said he had a man but David is a man and he never murdered his brother but the enemy of Israel so you see what an Arawak can do! He also knows the power of a cock roach in a bag of Quaker Harvest oats. You give the bag to the Arawak and his Southern American Mongol relatives who could probably build a four wheel vehicle out of your discarded lawn mowers and who will probably eat both the roach with some chocolate to develop intuition to know when the Spanish are coming again, if at all, since he is humble and then he takes everything; you see and you lose some when he roached or encroached on you some how maybe by putting holes in your foundation at night or nuclear waste on your roof and then you moved to Montana some how or agreed to license the property to him for less than market value. Tu n'est pas relire! Then, he seems to work with another strange genome known as the pirate limbo people who seems to be the resurrected dna of ship wrecks and pirates but who also have dna resistant to modernity in that they do not want paper to determine many of their affairs but most likely their marriages which is a kind of last bastion of personal identity and also assimilation which is still better than some others who resist more evidently by refusing to take the high school diploma with their mother's blessing although the mother and father will beat them to attend school up to grade 12 but the parents do not want them to write the final exams. But, they don't seem to mind the GED but it seems that want you to graduate separately from the rest of the class stream. But, just use pen light batteries instead of a the longer lasting personal organiser batteries that look like quarters as suggested by...let's see.. Wallen! Now, theses ship wreck limbo people seem to want their experiences to resemble the emotion of bobbing up and down in water and it is hard to exemplify but you see that your community is bobbing up and down....up with the preaching to have more lawyers, doctors and teachers and Wallen can thank Mrs. Whitening who also had nice eyes when he looked at her teaching in the library where his mother brought him when he was 5 years old and there was a drummer or two and it made him work very hard and have clinical football finishes and read the cereal box that said 'riboflavin' when she told the entire audience about Anansi; so intelligent! Then, you are to go down in synchronicity back to paradise when you get too close to the sun just above the water maybe; is that it? Then, you are all running back to paradise and why do you bother since an 8 lane highway in a mining colony with a very nice radio tower that you see on tv is not success but maybe send your children for school but maybe you wanted to feel the love of universal free education and free health care but what you see is you have not stretched your current version of communal expectation after several space shuttles launching on tv to include children who are not just graduating as teachers and engineers but fulfilling communal need on a regular basis and then even if some do, they run into a Cain or Herod a bit too often from Haiti, Guyana or Hanover who says he will be 'you' or he will be the only one by using your stolen exam books or your essays and this phenomena defies race since many of the essay users are not Afro Eurasian but also Indian and also East Asian and also Eurasian.; some also South Asian I am told. The biggest challenge here is the message of fast and quick changes and a driverless vehicle is first perceived as a threat; maybe especially to the 'work' dna as crafted by the Romans but which was crafted primarily in North Africa and defies racial classification but which may be a bit more vulnerable to any technological suggestion of lots of change that brings a sense of shifting or moving of maybe all the goal posts that we have to hold dear so that we know who to kill for stolen library books at the reference library or who to kill for missing Fords or Toyotas or students being given the wrong grade when the Nova Haitiamaca teacher's fear of a black A grade in Trigonometry in a Denver school is asinine as he should not impeach his own very good teaching but the student took it again at the school down the road when he realised maybe it was just love to make really prepared for final year chemistry and just faster; innit with 10 minutes to spare at the end of the final year chemistry exam and all the questions were finished. No matter what, we need to herald our culture before people just pick up the monuments and walk off with them or the bench at the train stations. Can you imagine and our culture is not awarding people for being middle men in the wrong sense of the word as in a Robin Hood; no. The middle man is someone who has sufficient access to factors of production and good made by robots who can buy low and sell high and who needs reliable couriers, post and other services that cannot be bought with idea that some bum thinks he is being curious as he wants to know if the products are unique or he intercepts in the intention of being competitive while we know many pirates retired and made Jamaica their home and they have Chinese children now who might be only 5'10'' tall or 5'6'' tall but what are they doing F"$king up the UPS or the FedEx in Denver or some other rather cold northern mining colony simply because they did not go to school to hear about a Morgan who designed traffic lights or a Carver who designed plastics out of plant materials or...yes...Alexander Miles who designed the elevator. Hallelujah and then we have car designers today and astronauts and little guys who only wanted to have fun designing a watch but they would rather resist or hedge against it and take risks being caught breaking the law as if it is some kind of cultural determination they have to express until someone tells them it is believable but not in a book. They are waiting for confirmation on TV and usually American tv in a drama maybe while this designer whose watches you are holding; not for labelling but as gifts only as purchased from Gildan or AAA watches is confirmation so fack off! The other issue challenging and panicking granny with her nice eyes at any age is that she was raised to rely on her boobs and when they suggested studying the encyclopedia from A-T to maybe hope to no more than him, it was a hit for the Cosmoficent chicks and the school girls went wild! Relax man; everything cool and just put your hand right here! They are more likely to look for a cue in the Wild Thing Carling Black Label Beer commercial where there is another white bikini as to how they are to curry favour and maybe there is nothing wrong with reading cues but who really said one beer commercial was a message from on high to resist or frustrate any grand son graduate or any second generation of children about to dream beyond their A levels or Grade 12 results? But, this is how 'everything cool' might read it and was soo happy to believe she was being told what to do since granny is in the advert at the end looking through the window; innit? I don't know..we don't know about black or white...only Lobster balls and soy sauce with good gas mileage; innit mate? The young woman said she loved the one man but broke up with several other promising suitors whom she begged to lie down with them and her community tried to use her as a Bacchanal Queen as she asked them to lie down with her but said she had to save some while she also had sex with others penetratively to achieve her understanding as a woman raised in a late arrival community which is to have a white wedding (get it?) but she also had to have adultery according to the middle class soap operas she watched from birth that she might be accepted socially as a high school graduate and church pianist who claimed to be the Valedictorian for authority and who seems to have said that she really did not want a paper wedding as she would break up after the engagements or after the wedding was confirmed and many Arawak women do in their genuineness but there is a limbo girl who is born with the dna of a ship wrecked human being who bobbed up and down in the Caribbean sea before someone took the body out of the water and then maybe put the balls of the dead in their belly for food and then her grandmother with the seed in her had a baby and then the grand daughter ends up at a school and church in Denver and takes money out of the offering plate like a scalawag, refuses to have children and never has a husband as confirmed by the most patient church organists. Maybe the trumpeter was always the answer but you were proud and selfish but really a pirate and limbo ship wreck dna who seems to have only put people in difficulty if they went out of town with you and stayed in a hotel and you never did take off your under wear but seemed to have asked the church going suitor to respect you and also his law but also your law. So , it seems that you wanted him to risk all but then you would have had power over him if he did and then you would hold him ransom but then why not just be with who you did copulate with although you must have said that was just the work of a prom queen and then you would wife with the other dude with whom you spent your even song one supposes. Now, if you are Jehovah Witness and native white nation, then you refuse life when it is offered in the form of a scientific and intelligent blood transfusion and then you have your independence and your authority in relation to the received culture as buttressed against your identity while you would rather find a naturopathic cure with ginseng maybe or a Chinese medicine and it is big business and you are the only cyber attack on America when you have contests run by the Pentagon to hack you and the refusal to patch your economy with basic income is the only computer virus undermining your values but you will insist and you only see Halal chicken dinners all over America and you won't see Mr. White native man while Wallen suggested you develop Sam Jammers which means he wants to see Pontiac come back with a Solstice or a Trans Am so no matter what you say about global enemies, you are only confirming your right to self extermination since you cannot remember the risk of nuclear winds with the hypocrisy of foreign owned American car companies or majority foreign owned American car companies while this basic income is a blood transfusion; an economic blood transfusion and you will do it again while it seems Europe is what you are resisting or the received culture and your Black creative cousin in the name of a sense of unconditional and unqualified, without training or meritocracy, a white authority since hegemony is now really over. Sze Sze and this is written in honour of the great Superman actor and all other real but White REal Americans. Sze Sze. But, you must pray and think you are imitating God when you refuse your child's blood transfusion as a JW controlled nation and who can beat you for the will power and you must think you are fasting when you deny universal basic income for more than 40 days and more than 40 years again and that God will honour when you choose to finance some part of your economy with a war but a few big winners will not be hiring the entire nation when they have robots doing most of the work and really the good thing about basic income is that ensures a continual flow of consumption evenly spread out so that the one big man is not buying one or two tvs but everyone is buying tvs so that the tvs do not pile up in the warehouses and you get more transactions per average retailer which makes everyone happy. You can see the power of supply and demand on the cost of a bag of chips when there is enough for everyone to buy a bag but you barely see supply and demand affecting the new car market since there is not enough in America to see the supply and demand consumption dynamic in price and behaviour. Then, you will be rebuilding human beings with robotic arms and legs as supplied by Toyota if you don't join the modern world and your allies who will support you with a few hundred soldiers with no weapons but lots of shoulder patting and bows to you for your authority to die for your human value while maybe a military police action in Afghanistan to bring a Turban wearing Santa Claus to every shopping mall that you will build is a good idea along with a similar action in Guyana since they want the big highways and the Nordstrom shopping and Stop Bucking coffee since Buck needs a wife this time although he likes know! They will read the Koran also and the part about Jesus or Yeshua since it seems to mention Jesus and his mother voluminously. The land and the terrain is temperate enough for a 'Dubainifstan'; innit? How much do they pay you really since who can understand it when you bring more Black people every day; more Africans and more West Indians and more dark and beautiful South East Asians who learn to say taco and sushi vely vely good; really good! Thanks for watching! Bye! You must think America is a Cadillac and you can just kick the tires and junk it and then just a buy a Toyota any time you want. You struggle to be honest with your emotions but so long as you feel big with the big boobed White Arawak Jamaica girl in a brown dress and pendant egging you one, then you are absolved of the need to really sound out the word Bumbuclotmerica since you've been in Dagobah (go deh..?go beg?)for too long trying to raise your economy out of a swamp while you defy the mud and the water of basic income that God said you should rub on your eyes so that you could see first that you might understand. Understand and in all your getting, get understanding. But, you are soo big as the corn and deer fed leather heads with the school jerseys on and the glee club singing God Bless America while being young as a child while but being older and becoming an adult and practicing adultery from your first year of College in the Glee club that you never really did go to class but you had the authority and your family donated enough money to just put the good and maybe adopted name on a school park bench on the way to the clock tower before de clock a strike when you showed up from paradise in 1918 to take up a farm from a family whose father was gassed at Flanders and the White West Indian who helped lived next door since they did not really like Anglicans any way. But, at least you remember the diatribe to chant during the one drunken tutorial at beer keg night on Thursday before the big game on Friday and the diatribe is that you must have 'knots and halves' in the economy or 'have nots' although you always will and you will still see the 'haves nots' with basic income and the biggest 'haves' in this world would prefer that you all have enough to buy his vehicles new or used more often when he is not in need of you and your sweat and anger on his factory floor since he agrees with you as to durability and reliability and you can't beat the machines but the 'have nots' who used to be indentured servants are vying to feel like 'haves' but don't see what they are asking when all they really want is to say they want to be able to shove people on the tracks in the subways or say there has to be total desperation if it can be achieved so that they can feel successful with whatever money they can muster in their rat minded communities and seem to resent any people they wish to use as emotional footstools actually having the basic dignity income or the basic income while they refuse to to go Andalusia with their grandfather's passport details as if they have a job to do in being some kind of socio-economic virus and causing department stores restaurant chains to need customer service telephone lines in their racialised management of simple menus and product orders and second cup of coffee policies in what could be a seamless product delivery and you will still be the 'haves' since the Black guy knows what you intend to do to his used Arteon since you broke the stabilizer bar on his China Black Jamaica friend's Pas-sat and the PAssat was good with lots of Italian and Portuguese football team friends and two bottles of Sumol a year; innit! Let's all hear what the green Yoda Pueblo Indian has to say again but if it is Yoda or a Pueblo Indian or in Irish Monk like Luke Skywalker it seems you were conceived while your mother was watching soap operas and although your grandfather was maybe a wealthy leather head, your mother through out his leather head and his wedding photos since he did choose social authority in the end that involved 4-8 children or else he would have been called gay at the grain co-op or at the advertising department where he had a Black GI friend called Lawrence or Wallen in the 1950's and 60's and life was decisive and grand with color tv where you dream of the Genie and the Green Hornet. Let's go and watch it. The only good thing is that now you can have genie food called Kebabs any where in America and the sushi is all over your face while you sing 60's songs about where have all the people gone and by 1973 you curse Mrs. American Pie and then you are still big enough to owe the real pale skin but native mongol Euro people whose accents you resent such that you cannot see what you are doing in paying for your value in the wars to honor your right to self extermination while you deny a simple economic consumption variable called participatory remuneration or basic income while you resent their accents and beg them to accept you nonetheless and all you needed to do is recognize Europe also as a recipient of a culture. Before Bumbuclotmerica, England or Rome, Babylon, Israel and Egypt is...fais ton relire et compris? Now, you can't argue as his late arriving native cousin north of the 40 something parallel. You know how far north Normandy is and your fathers saw native people running the shops that remained open for local people in or about 1944. The issue is that you don't know anything and you don't come from any where and you don't know anything about viaducts as of the year 1500. You don't even know anything about beer brewing like Stela Artois so he will just have to be your father for a very, very long time so why are you 'arguin' and it does not seem the English can be used a scape goat any longer. They, too, need to just eat now. Just shut it with your 'arguin' and look like us or the Euro man after all of that missionary positioning since 1500 and you are still hoping to be in a global umbrella community called 'white' but we don't know anything really about it except but it worked to kill you off much faster and discretely as you fight each other but sushi really is better for your diet any way and you will owe us for being big while you will have to adopt basic income now to achieve the objective which is really to make the entire continent inhabitable but not Asian or white but Human and settled enough and this is why universal health care, universal free education and universal basic income was adopted so that you will not catch your neighbor's cold or your neighbor's daughter's sex disease at the fast food joint where she works while she is in the back of the local news also having sex at $40.00 dollars per 'you know' to eat at and pay her car or student loan and you have no grand children because of it...the disease frustrates her fertility and it makes white people break up and get divorces when the wife tests positive for herpes along with the daughter after a dollar value menu burger where the ketchup has disease at the Halvey's where you get the beautiful zing; innit?

Jesus Film complete (English) HD

The Sunday Mass - 1st Sunday of Lent - February 18, 2018

Travels in DOMINICA, The Island of Discovery! Caribbean

2nd Timothy 3: 4. Conscience is like a glue. Once you get your foot stuck in it once it is activated at the good age of maybe 13 years old, it is also like a compass. The glue holds you to acknowledge and some people take drugs to silence it. But, if you respect it, then it leads you from danger and dangerous baddies.

Titus 3:7.

To all the Sushis, this is a message from the Normey's...what is a high school football captain or prom queen that does not graduate? They are just a flat balloon and a sob story. You have to have the balance. Think Benjamin Franklin/native!

Read more. Click here. Basic income is  global capitalist economic fundamentalism after automation. Who washes clothing by hand or builds vehicles by hand unless it is a unique bespoke vehicle like a Mclaren? 

Bien Sur Auto Route(TM) Television by...Londinium Media(TM) and Warren A. Lyon.

St Louis galleria mall

driving in Webster Groves, Missouri

Public Transit Adventure! Midtown St. Louis to Webster Groves

2018 Webster senior line dance

SOLD OUT Rivalry Game Between Webster Groves and SLUH GETS CLOSE!!

Uncharted waters....I don't know but Confucius is like Lincoln where they say you turn the right into the might and you can still come and maybe eat twice as much with the basic income of my big portion and I still give you de big portion with the good fortune and you still be my neighbor with de basic income! I came here on investment foreign visa from Asia to use my Asian basic income and run a corner store or Moonubucks and enjoy myself and buy two KIA used a month and sell one to you after your divorce. I don't know why you no see! Ancient Chinese Secret; eh? You no here when wise people speak in English but you spent too much smoking pot with my friend the Krishna who told you about many pathway to God but not many answer to any Trigonometric problem; only one answer and only one answer to fuel consumption after industrial automation; not drugs either unless you really want to Asia cover the planet right back to the North Pole.

2018 Lincoln Navigator: Uncharted Waters (Official Commercial) | Lincoln

Lincoln Navigator: Namesake | Lincoln

Ref to the Rescue | 2018 Kona | Hyundai NFL Super Bowl LII

Top 5 Banned Superbowl Commercials THAT GOT AIRED! (Super Bowl Commercia...

Opening cooking scene - "Eat Drink Man Woman" (1994)




1929 - Interviews With Elderly People Throughout The US

Are West Indians working for a sad story in young doctor's life that they might be recognized and feel equal to a graduation that they encouraged in the man's life with professional associations and awards and now when the rat or radio frequency says they are not to know what to do with him, they fall back into some kind of 'orphans or orphaned people are all equal' game? But, don't know what you really wanted. What is it that you wanted? But, that is not what you said? You didn't say you were afraid you would feel like you did not work hard enough. Just go to Dagobah again if you want but maybe try to...try and a little

War is not the answer but basic income in answering any sense of threat to the average middle consumer class unless your intention is to be a conduit as an Anglo vying for the end of the Romanized world with roads, bridges and viaducts as they intersected or melded with you as Native Anglo Picts as late as 300 BC. Moreover, this is so unless your goal is to have a topless wife use the microwave and while you see your topless wife travel with you to Tescos on a regular basis to buy groceries at the automated cashier. Basic income is the present and future of modern capitalism.

What will future jobs look like? | Andrew McAfee

Eddie Palmieri: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Soy Ginger Salmon Recipe (COLLAB WITH BART'S FISH TALES!)

Soy Ginger Salmon Recipe (COLLAB WITH BART'S FISH TALES!)

Tapioca Sweet Wraps from Brazil Tasted in London. World Street Food

Britten: "Embroidery in childhood" from Peter Grimes (Lauren Michelle)

Groove Armada - Superstylin' (Live at Brixton)

Olympique Lyonnais - Stade Rennais FC (0-2) - Résumé - (OL - SRFC) / 20...

Justice Pius Langa: LLD, honoris causa

Faculty of Law - Do you have what it takes to study law?

When the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force, you are not taking anything but a spiritual kingdom as in deliverance from that which hinders you if you wish. You are taking career decisiveness and relationship decisiveness. You are taking back your family from any attempts to divide and separate you. You are taking back clarity of mind when people try to claim to be your real children when you are old in the hope that they will inherit your motorcycle or your little cottage while displacing and maybe killing your children when they saw it suggested to them in the movie Superman Returns(2005). When the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, the water parts and the basic income flows through and Hannah in the bible has her children and the blind see and you graduate in prayerful determination without stealing essays but you are not being asked to use that verse about the Kingdom and violence to break the ten commandments and just take your neighbor's farm and his wife while the father's house has many mansions; right?

Yes. It's you!

Does God Exist ? Albert Einstein

Bust The Lust // Job 31

Job, 31:1-40, Job's Innocence

Job, 31:1-40, Job's Innocence

Boni and Dan are #ReadyforAnything at Birmingham Uni

Ryan is #ReadyforAnything at Derby Uni

Ryan is #ReadyforAnything at Derby Uni

Duck and Cover Derbies - Episode 1 | Manchester Derby Duck and Cover LDN Clothing football promotion!

57 (number)