Corroborated or Uncorroboated evidence vs. Uncorroboratable allegations: After you have made your statement is there any evidence that you actually had dinner with the person or did you only argue with them through his Porsche window with his hands on his gear stick and not your cooking spoon handles? If you cannot prove it, then you will certainly be given the honor and respect due to all victims of crime but you may not have an email confirming misfeasance with the actus reus and mens rea of theft yet a civil servant can be arrested for theft as an employee of any police service, government ministry or publicly funded regulatory body. After you make your statement in the allegation and sign it with all the rope in the world to hang your self in the situation that you created, what evidence do you have that his or her hands touched your skittle eye brows or your coat buttons or pot handles? Did you just break up? Do you blame him? You are sitting in a lie detector room at the Victim's Witness services or at the Police Department. But, who is controlling the analysis or release of the detector room's results? The results would have to be evidence to be made available to the defence. What about the Lifi light bulbs that record everything that was said or done just like the old Honeywell fire alarms? Nice house; how old is it really? Did he just complete his Patent on a new home phone dock with blue tooth and you are uncertain that you will fit in to the new life he is pursuing for the family or that you are not pretty enough? Making the allegation may be your right since it is your intention to take a bite out of crime but who are you anyway and how many people have you wrongly accused as if you will use the allegation as a shield for your self demeaning emotions? Click here for more.

Corroborated or Uncorroborated evidence vs.  uncorroborateable allegations:  After you have made your statement is there any evidence that you actually had dinner with the person or did you only argue with them through his Porsche window with his hands on his gear stick and not your cooking spoon handles?  If you cannot prove it, then you will certainly be given the honor and respect due to all victims of crime but you may not have an email confirming misfeasance with the actus reus and mens rea of theft yet a civil servant can be arrested for theft as an employee of any police service, government ministry or publicly funded regulatory body.  After you make your statement in the allegation and sign it with all the rope in the world to hang your self in the situation that you created, what evidence do you have that his or her hands touched your skittle eye brows or your coat buttons or pot handles?  Did you just break up? Do you blame him?  You are sitting in a lie detector room at the Victim's Witness services or at the Police Department.  But, who is controlling the analysis or release of the detector room's results?  The results would have to be evidence to be made available to the defence.   What about the Lifi light bulbs that record everything that was said  or done just like the old Honeywell fire alarms?  Nice house; how old is it really?        Did he just complete his Patent on a new home phone dock with blue tooth and you are uncertain that you will fit in to the new life he is pursuing for the family or that you are not pretty enough?  Making the allegation may be your right since it is your intention to take a bite out of crime but who are you anyway and how many people have you wrongly accused as if you will use the allegation as a shield for your self demeaning emotions?  Be that as it may, being believed is not a right and if there is no evidence, then the court only has a probability.  If there is no evidence other than your fraudulent note books and diaries written yesterday about events that took place 40 years ago or 2 hours ago, then the court is not obligated to believe you if it goes to trial but more importantly, the District Attorney or the Crown does not have enough evidence to prove their case. You see what we a deal with!  But, I am not entirely sure what question you are attempting to ask. However, Il n'est pas difficile avec tu etudier tout le jour dans le universite  en  le Ecole Fromage.  This is what your attitude in the atmosphere amounts to; cheese!  Bye for now! Did you know there is a Human Resource Agency for every CARICOM member country? Send your resume and let them know you have not given up or run away from them with your new Westminster educated associations but you are a person who extends their rise and shine.     Call if you have any questions and I would presume that only a fool would acknowledge the accuser as anything but a school colleague if he did actually go to school any where and that is, I think, the real question as to qualification here.  Maybe he should take 20 years in legal training at some law school with no grade required except for a hand shake or no hand shake and he will work to regurgitate the tutelage of his Tutor and lecturers  or  maybe he will study at several law schools  since it will be good for the Americans who seem to think that independence is to be legally and economically dependent on answers to problems that are determined by a global  economy that needs certainty and answers that are quite set in stone as to fairness, justice and equity in the law for safety and protection of person and property any where in the world whether the Union Jack or the flag of Jamaica is flying on a Palace in London, England.  You cannot have one foot in and one foot in resistance to the global system of capitalism and its international standards. I think he has the look and who can argue with the determined backwardness as to cultural resistance that is transpiring here in the name of America and American?  Put it this way, the emotion of independence you seek has nothing to do with creole-izing the magna carta  to avoid a sense of subjugation. The sense of independence is illusory.   It is not subjugation if your buildings and your economies do not fall down but are strategically designed with basic income and good architecture to be recession proof, disaster proof  and white nigger proof!   Only Anglos in our global economy seem to be planning for recessions while they depend more on Asia and Asian citizens in the 100's of millions  of Asian citizens who have basic income as their solution from their home economies.  It is every citizen's solution in the global economy but some citizens do not have the solution. They have a desperation when it is apparent that hot and cold piped, running water in your home may not be understood any more than you understand money except that you need the money to pay for the water. You need robots to do the work but maybe you do not need the 'piped in' water or maybe you do not want it but you have it and Asimo says we have to go 'forwards' every day.  Money is a necessity in the modern world but with automation, our importance as human beings is more evident than at any other time in history. Money is not necessary if you could just hunt, gather and drink from a lake and chop wood.  But, it is necessary for the comforts that we have all come to enjoy and that global capitalism demands that we will enjoy going 'forwards'.  XM radio is not a choice.  It is given to you.  Your airline says you need android phones or Apple to participate. Did your airline tell you about ubi but you must already have it in the Ozarks like they do in Minnesota where they have the monies and the hot and cold running water?  But, you don't have to turn the hot and cold running water off to be humble as the greatest North American continent on earth; A ha  ha ha ha ha!  But, you don't have to turn basic income off and nor do you have to turn off basic income!     Do they have hot and cold  running water in the Ozarks with your secret smoking  that is hidden from your less secret children?       'Forwards' is not an option.   It is the only answer.     Did you know Assimo's face is black? His body is white and the wiring covers every colour in the colour spectrum like yellow and beige. There aren't any yellow people on this earth but there are some beige people and brown people and some have afros. Are you offended by the term White nigger when neither nigger or white human actually exist?  Did you know we are looking for a white owner for Angel Ronan(TM) or anyone who may not be white but who believes that 'not white' amounts to the right of white people to just kill, steal and destroy to achieve what ever their emotions dictate in spite of the magna carta and then we just hide the evil in the war so that we will remain blameless?  The white person can buy it for $1000.00 a week  for 3 years and it will be signed over to them.  It is cheaper than Brexit and what do they intend to do when they come to North America? Would it be to show you how to turn the water on or the basic income on or to see if you are willing to turn the water off or when ever they say? They are having origami parties  over this just to see what you will do; Elizabeth!!!!  Please send your interest in accepting  this offer to White people are generally good people  but the magna carta is in their history because they know all peoples are capable of human frailty and error. Think on your sins when you are in the trenches.  although all human beings are capable of suffering  learning difficulties or expectation difficulties but it should not amount to the loss of human life. We can go to the British Museum or the British Library or the Port Royal Library; come make me show you!   It says in the library that your ancestors were wealthy Moors from Egypt with afros who went to Southern Europe and his wife was a belly dancer and could move her hips; oh gosh she like de Calypso!  They eventually went to Northern England early enough and mixed with some Cheddar man and taught them how to fish. The cheddar man turned white with the fish oil and dna and the Moors stayed afro but as they bred and procreated a beige population emerged with various hair textures.  It also says that all white people are willing to give their lives as history shows us to defend the civil liberties of all human beings and their rights of property ownership that includes the ownership of businesses and intellectual property. This is white honor in defending the principles of the magna carta.     You cannot  use publicly raised funds to abuse people and disenfranchise them of their civil liberties but  you can use public funds to watch people die on 24 hour news channels  in a civil war designed for the protection of these civil liberties as fought on North American soil since if you cannot believe what you see on youtube with French Black people on the French subway with 1000's of years of ancestry in Europe, what  is the point of begging people to start a war that you imagine will bring you to Carentan  with basic income.  No one is resisting your will and your self determination so call and if you  offer to buy it at less than a $1000.00 per week for three years, then you will have peace. You can own it if you buy it but no one has to die. Aren't you noble or are you ennobled by men who...?    They were accused of being unreasoning animals but if you are human and white and intend to kill someone for doing something that your emotions  have not allowed you to digest, what is wrong with that? Ask Elizabeth since she May.  But, your emotions will pay any law graduate to.....but not to work in the law.    His time is over. He cannot solve any problem fast enough to spite his self rejection to honor his progeny but takes pride in being willing to do anything just to show he can do it for a few dollars more or maybe billions of funds handled in misfeasance.  The issue with the word society and law is that some had to have imagined the concept  of society as something that can be bought into or maybe you say 'I know you' as in you killed a sorority girl at the local university who some how put  the school's cross hairs on her life when she plagiarised an essay and all of a sudden she got the big invite for the big party as run by girls who....but the essay was written by whom and what is his graduation status and at what school and who you think you are?   I believe in Brexit but I do not believe in the Anglos coming west to Lord their ignorance over the Western hemisphere when they have not implemented basic income for Anglos.    I love England.  I love the English speaking peoples of the earth too; Thus saith the Lord is it not better to have one reliable black bird  A+ Canadian, University of Canada  lawyer to answer the question in hand at $1000.00 per week and the $2000.00 per file instead of having to find a lawyer who is reliable; reliable?  Think of it like a Maaco franchise. Warren is just a mechanic. After you own it in three years,  you get the honor as the front desk manager and owner on a three year deal and then maybe we will extend it on a 40 year agreement with Warren as the mechanic, Compliance Officer and litigator. So. you want to be moved back to your native, ancestral lands in Africa; sure!       ^   The society is not a society but  regulatory body that levies fines, not death sentences  on legal practitioners but   the temptation to be a lazy git in high school and just imagine you could offer your toe to buy your way into social honor is tremendous but there is nothing wrong with being a file manager or FMO( File Management Officer with 'Black Bird, Hawks, Hoax  and Relire').   I believe the English have enough political independence  and self determination to eat better with basic income and then maybe just throw stones at French Metro signs after their wild café and croissants in PAris that they will enjoy more often via the Express ENGLISH CHANNEL speed train. Brexit, Chunnel...this has been a very good conversation and it is going rather swimmingly.         Those who hesitated on full automation in the global economy have confirmed the result with their country's back against the wall while too many citizens drive Asian vehicles and hope for a war with Korea or any proposed Asian target to enable America to be ( be as in 'feel') great again like the bully who gets angry when he loses at Checkers in grade 3 but will only feel compensated when he smashes your family's front door with a rock while he could try to just read the rules maybe or the principles in an automated economy while he refused to read it in  1913, 1929, and 1939; nigger Biff!   But, call me on my cell phone that happens to be a Samsung; nigger white people who have to be just gay and dishonest and who cannot see. But, how do we find the good white people or did they run to Asia by now since all the white, genuine graduates cannot be dead but they cannot be sufficiently involved in politics or socio-economic management but they do a lot of youtube videos and Ted Talks maybe; I don't know.  What do you propose?  Maybe Egypt was white but it became brown when....when white people would not adopt water wheels and win mills so the white Egyptians died off and the Ethiopian upper Nile Pyramid civilizations moved in and although they are technically further south and darker just as Asia is technically further south but more yellow.  Now, no white nigger exists any more than a black nigger but what is stubbornness and resistance anyway? What does true aggressiveness in business amount to? Does it involve logic or just the tendency to ignore legality until someone sues you or take you to jail but you keep on going with some certain determination that says you can make it any where if you are savvy?  What is savvy?   Is savvy uneducated, suave unnecessarily risky behaviour with a determination to ignore obvious solutions that bring quiet and stability to an economy; solutions like ubi that help building owners enjoy their investments and an economy enjoy its own population and its own creativity.  What if every ramen pack sold means there is a potentially lost sale to Liptons or Campbells?  But, who will determine what soup will sell except the consumer with the money in his hand and who has more money such that one Asian with basic income is worth two North Americans without it.  But, with or without a nigger in this world regardless of complexion, we could have empty headed people who enjoy their empty headedness as it is vomited up from the vacuous souls involved in politics and economics and then it is splattered across  the world on CNN. What do you think of animal marriage? You need another distraction to absorb your global Anglo determination to ignore basic income and your dependence on foreign populations as your means of an economic stimulus package. Now, position and dominion are synonymous words for all peoples whether or not you believe in the bible.   I believe the Buddha wants you to enjoy your life as much as Jesus does but when 750,000 wise men come from the east to take up empty retail locations with their capital in the form of ubi and you have 4 sushi restaurants side by side, you don't hear him but he must be praying for you and you seem to be going to church less and your churches in Rochester are being slated for condo developments along with empty old high school buildings that were full enough in the previous decades but, one Asian is worth two North Americans working part time and hoping for a full time job so maybe this is the message of birth control and abortions since how can you have position or dominion in your own hunting grounds without people? Did you know E is a controlled substance?  Just plead  a privacy right violation at the road stop since a R.I.D.E check is just as much of a privacy right violation but they will be checking your handbags now at the highway on ramps using the same legislation or the lack thereof.  Where is it any way. Why don't we sue for every R.I.D.E Stop on a class action basis?     IT is something to think about. It could be worth maybe ten years worth of basic income per citizen.  It is a charter violation and the charges would have to be dropped since you could not have been driving carelessly when stopped on the highway ramp so then why ask for your breath or your saliva and who tolerated this presumption? You do have a Bill of Rights and our authorities  agree with you.  But, we can turn off all of our modern conveniences to really see our determination 'book of Eli' style and we could maybe just racialize the conveniences since why provide hot and cold running water to people who graduate or people with afros since they want to believe something about you?  Maybe we will keep hoping they will leave and if they do, we will try to harass them where ever we can. The reason that ubi works  is because it is the only solution and why you have started to learn Chinese more than French is because something was decided about North America along time ago. No matter what safety, security, life and  liberty will be the final answer in our economies and after automation, the guiding principles demand basic income in respect of human life since the principles have no efficacy unless they are applied to the human participants, beneficiaries and inheritors of the great will of the people that the constitution represents? POTUS is a part of the inheritance along with the beauty of Mountain Rushmore and the people who manage the monuments now manage the dignity of POTUS as well as the Supreme Court of the United States and the safety and security  of the people of all of North America with the implementation of basic income.    An uneducated nominee  for a life long appointment in any sphere of government is just a coup by the JW's.  The truth is that once the people are safe and secure, then Ward and June Cleaver in 2018 any where in America as the majority  will be just as average as the Byrdes(Marty and his wife) were in  1984.     Now, some say the country was built to fight and that we at least have some guard rails that include basic income to keep us from fighting over food and water in the streets. This is good.  Thank you for this conversation America San. We will arrange for you to have your basic income now and so that you will not only get your monies worth in Asian automated vehicle products but that you will also get the money via basic income froma your nation's capitala.  So, that our symbiotic economic union and tacit merger will be maintained peacefully sincea you are supposed to be the greatest nation on eartha or we will ask our German automated vehicle manufacturing trading partners to speaka for you with your leaders so that you can save your asses who fell into the pits(aka the strip clubs). Did you know it is lawful to save life, also human life on any day of the week; including the sabbath?  It would be lawful to have sushi on the sabbath if it would save your life also.     Would you likea to trya the sushia? But, maybe you would have more families if people did not have to sell their choice to raise a family to the economy but urine is enough to offer your eggs. Just use a cup and the tooth pick does not cause infertility.  Offering rather invasive surgery that involves, much, much more than a tooth pick.   What you have experienced over the last 70 years is a Globalization examination of competing expectations of the future; a test of your comprehension of the ministry of Christ also but more importantly a test of your understanding; your understanding my friend of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs after Automation.  You need the Francs just like you need running water in your life or do you intend to wash down by the river; I reckon and after automation you will notice that we are not all equipped to run a laundromat for federal reserve property in the possession of drug dealing cartels? Now, the corroborated evidence of human behaviour is that you don't really want to feel like you are someone who got up every morning since 1913 on the wrong side of the rock but you are being asked to live like it in the economic gap caused by the absence of basic income in an automated economy and the real truth is that many of your ancestors in America post 1789 may have learned about Black and White and about what to do if any Marshals come to the door of the cave who look white or maybe black but not in between some where as far as how they dress and eat and are uninitiated when it comes to the truth of the bitten apple, Adam and Eve but we will get to that and this was before you learned about the value of human life and the concept of community, family or society.  They may have been told by a stage coach high jacker that he was their owner where ever he found them in a cave and that he would be a teacher and show them new things like a lighter or dynamite and the people in the cave would get excited in this received culture like the Ewoks were soo excited by Ewoks who was the God; boom!  He must have told these people that they were owned by him and that they are owed something by him to ensure the right emotional polemic although he just took of as a white man from a plantation in the Carolinas as half owned by one white man and one black man.   Mais, tu doit etudier a petite tous le jours pour ton famille en Anglais et en Francais pour t'aime de  te.  Now, the bitten apple may be a symbol for the presumptuous right to test God and his wisdom on the other side of the experience of digesting all of that knowledge before you know what is it good for and how to preserve your existence with it and the unique thing about the symbol is that it seems to invite  a suggestion of rebellion with knowledge without obedience before one would see the symbol as confirmation of the potential death that knowledge without wisdom may cause and the tension you feel in the discussion is someone wanting to find out why anyone would respect his creativity and his right to remuneration for his symbol or trademark if he does not program his phones to generate a more paternal and maternal emotion  that rises above the current reverberation that seems to sound like '...I take...I take...and I.....kill.'   Ward and June  sounds good or the old man who did a dance in Little Rascals in the class rom also sounds good or maybe the drill sergeant who says you are green dark are light green or just put in a whisper that says  you defend the vulnerable.           The last issue is the fact that our system has been teaching us to expect less but we are not entirely sure why except  a Barbados Black girl who went to a l'ecole privee decided to earn a name for herself in America by suggesting that the American politician had to be tough with people although she did not graduate from High School and then they allowed her to design policy for the entire English world  when she was really a criminal in her home country for plagiarising an essay and then also writing in her version that she wants to shoot the writer for not realising how she feels about being a prisoner of war in King Phillips War and that her tribe was put into slavery in one of the 13 colonies.  Oh; did you know Blackberry and Nokia are now android but with their own unique and sometimes superior features?    Check it out and you didn't vote on whether your water would be turned off since you are a hard working rustic man and you can put the bucket in the river and wash at the back of the lake house; innit? Cheers mate; ta! Let's watch a commercial so that you can see our ways. 
This is how you do it son!
Now, I know its hard times at the car plant or is it good times with the robots? This is a question of perspective.Did you intend to be a middle man for the cartels, an FBI or a cartel farmer after the plants go robotic?  But, who will trust you as a middleman when your family was not wise enough to move to Minnesota before they go to the Ozark to suggest new management options?  Now, we are all human beings regardless of how you choose to self-describe and I am not obligated to take offence or provide sympathy to you for your offence at simple consumer product nomenclature that has to have one genuine intention if it is a genuine products with the risk of offending people who have two or three intentions for every word in a tri-lingual culture and possibly an increasingly  dyslexic world. Now, the  racist high school attendee is a very loud and unwelcome member of the school environment and population and the only certainty you have is that someone who feels like him is not likely to graduate. He is a dirty and ignorant feeling animal whether regardless of his beef or grievance in a world full of books and solutions that converge for our benefit in school libraries or at the UN.  The next issue is to ask why this discussion is taking place in the news or at least it used to when it does not take place in an English class where you learn quite a lot but most importantly you learn how to sit down; do sit down and understand how to write the bible verse where it says ''Man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'' What good is a bread  or a brick of cash if you cannot be safe any where to enjoy it?  The cartel is on your case for what happened to their last contact. But, didn't their contact take the risk of killing someone without any immediate posse to back him up? Well, I suppose they are running the whole enchilada and maybe small apartment buildings and car dealerships and cambios will take less time and energy with a more consistent turn over instead of cash in walls and fish buckets at the Blue Snail Motor Inn just 10 minutes from Kansas where they do have a ubi/basic income.  Now, the cartel is less evident but more stable.  The drug is a separate issue going really going the other way  from hydroponic farms in 'merica  but there is nothing wrong with a farmer having a son who exports dry wall  to Mexico and  who can answer that equation really but then what was the point of Ward and June Cleaver living the suburbs of the Gold coast of Chicago to have to celebrate the greatest nation on earth with so much trepidation that involves nukeing your children's food on the way to the bribe or the extortion for the casino?  Now, what else can a God Fearing population do that does not want to leave its hunting ground? They look like any Dutch people I've seen or any French people in France but this is the great spindle; the spinning top.  Why is there disease in your fast food burger ketchup and how does mommy react when she comes back home from bible study?  It could not be the fast food but she will forgive like the woman said in the Battle Field of the Families.  Maybe she will not accuse daddy when he comes back from his Deacon's meeting and he has some std in his saliva from the fast food mayonnaise.  The family breaks up and another family moves in over and over again. Now, the number of guns available per capita is just a comedy really since this seems to be a strategy used before to absolve people of their guilt when the Americans will wipe themselves out but what is wrong with the American enjoying the humble role of consumer in his own lands and enjoying domestic flights while he may not risk travelling over seas yet and some Europeans and Australians are terrified of traveling over seas also.  What is the effect of an std in your milk shake, the drugs being sold to earn enough to enjoy Christmas and the guns used to maintain your positions and what is the solution since it seems you did not really leave a college with a 3.0 gpa to end up in this situation but the machine cannot really do everything but it might affect the number of humans that are required to run the ship but really it affects the number of humans that are required to occupy any urban space in office buildings so then the office building is becoming a flex space commodity for living spaces; not office spaces on an increasing basis and that is why you left to go to the Ozarks with your family after you applied to the FBI before you will drive a little further and rest in Kansas with Dorothy and Toto  who had ubi before the Wizard of OZ was released  since there is no place like home when the storm of economic indecision is coming Just click the red ruby golf club handles or the Red Ruby Audi R8.  In returning to the life, liberty, and security in our governmental system, it is not a debate. The issue is that there are some people who may have been quite clean and old when they showed up to remind someone of their legal graduation in Kansas where they worked as a UPS shipper receiver for 30 years and became very wealthy following good home economics and gave a sermon every now and again.  Who are you to argue when he says you need to put his law qualification in place? You are young. He is old and he may not have offered the ultimate but let him see his authority. This is America except his authority is a challenge to another authority known as the magna carta  for which we fought and died in commitment to its principles over many generations while we maintain one foot in the commitment  and one foot is asking who is coming from Europe to demand a rectification for the anomalies taking place that seem to require a global news channel to give the socio-economic wounds some air so that the drive to work will not feel too risky the next day. The answer is that the old and the clean and humble may have planned for their social honor as they only live twice after lifting boxes for 50 years but he does not have to worry about people who may have wanted to just park cars or write parking tickets after his undergraduate degree in Chinese but you were worried about his education and when he did get the job at a bank, someone said keep him really humble since he would feel 'too authoritative' so maybe make sure his desk is near the back by the window but fashions changed and the back by the window was valued for privacy although you are not seen as much for the attention. In either case, you do not have to worry about him with his education that you did not need to obtain for your authority and its not a bad idea to have people around you who read more closely after you hugged them at the church front door and said they should work hard. You held their hand and touched their shoulder and no one is going to impeach you or accuse you after you become a President of UPS from Kansas but how many kids are dead whose hands you have held in photo opportunities and why don't you just say the graduation status of the brown football team member is evidence of his respect for whatever you portend to be? No one is going to hold you ransom or wrongly accuse you or make allegations since who would take the risk of being arrested for uttering false statements against such hard working people who are old and clean and who have the authority?    No graduate is threatening your authority in your culture but you will need enough people around who will want to strike a plea of guilt if there is any evidence of  a credible defence and who will be concerned about any situation that has involved an abuse of the system or the process  that enables your sub culture but to disable the entire system.  If not, some people will start resorting to a vigilantism with an American system that has one foot in the legal certainties of  the global system of capitalism and one foot out and for too long now that it is just a comedy with a joker and the White House really does look quiet, serene and idyllically American. The answer is glory and what is necessary to achieve it in the greatest nation on earth. Now, it may be a difficulty to have a French name and a law degree in a world that imagines society and class as a chance to wonder if you are the real; the real King of  or Queen of....but if you are collectively going to embarrass your collective dream of  being 'the real' it will only be because the real king or his agent is the bus driver, post man, police officer, train drivers  or politician who would prefer that there are young people  who know the school door was kept open for the  diplomas, degrees, talents, and the willingness to understand and know more and maybe some have European, French ancestry for a growing culture; not a retreating culture that helps us to understand why Haiti exists.  It is to design  a less self aware non- French Pict population in the creation of  a more Creole population that has no loyalty to anything but the cover of French association that some facility in French represents. They are not expansive or expounding  but  they are offended if anyone wants to jump in from .....with his evident written comprehension which is not too bad  at grade 7 dans Quebec but honorable avec beaucoup relire tous le jours.   I don't know. Quelle fait tu pense? But, who do you say I am?  I am not the person you should be asking. I don't care if you own any trademarks. Do you think I am trying to be a king or something; that is above and beyond the affirmations of the average Judeo Christian Muslim adherent. Like most things, I am nothing.     Shieuk!   That is the sound of the sniper when you are encountering a battle.   But, we are not in a battle. We are at home but there is a war inside people who are still in the cave, the jungle or on the escarpment who cannot say that the jungle  or cave is not in them yet they left the cave or jungle to live among us and they vote, attend rallies and the real issue is not any unwillingness to work but the question is availability of work in an automated, robotic economy for honest, hard working people who don't know why Maslow became the President's economic adviser to test the civility and resilience of the average American in an economic problem that resembles a desperation  that apologizes for every act of family survival that has a simple  nation wide solution in ubi. If not nation wide, then it is a state wide solution in state ubi and if you don't have the solution in your state you move to the state with the solution.   There was no colour problem or gender problem except but an economic problem.    But, with the gender arguments and the colour discussion you miss what is really occupying the entire population which is a human value,  American self-valuation problem.  It is really simple.    The irony is that this continent promises rights and rights seem to attract people with grievances. It is just that some people with grievances  have chosen to use forums such as ransom to get the attention of the population they hold responsible for their injuries or experience.  The English seem to be very popular in the minds of many South Asian populations who are directly or indirectly being invited to go to North America to take up permanent residency according to some Filipino people and people in other populations who hear, when they are young,  an English accent early in the morning and guns firing and then you see four dead people on the way to the market.  Some people end up in the Northern Anglo world after working hard to impress family and employers in the Southern Anglo world  and don't know why a good cake renders a punch for the baker who is the father's  daughter and he never stopped it.  But, what does that have to do with a graduate of that global anglo system who suffered his own experiences with humanity and you learn to resolve it within yourself for your own benefit? Holding him ransom is not going to render compensation since you would want to imagine that any King or Queen may not know you but if you cut the graduate's tire, you will get their attention but they are not likely to know the graduate  since they are just one graduate out of millions.  Maybe they cut your birth in Caribbeanamaca and this is a grievance that you want the Anglo to compensate  your grievance before you stop making the life of one graduate a focal point if he knows how to register a driver's licence, a vehicle and also, better yet, a business name.   The real truth is you are just an honest person with a grievance but you do not have  a socio-economically acceptable solution.   The real truth is that no one should tolerate you threatening to kill people for their birthday cake or their inheritance. Just get your own cake.  Get your basic income.  Now, you want attention. We all do.  You buy a Mustang and your wife reads Cosmopolitan to find ways in social games regardless of the damage to generate enough attention that is equivalent to the attention a woman used to get for baking a cake that required more than three eggs and a cup of water but that required some work..some authority that made her the President of that house and not Betty or Duncan. The grievance she expresses is a lack of education; an under education and a sense of a lack of preparation to fulfill her imagination as multiplied by  the unwillingness to go to school caused by  the pride to just be honest about what she  really wants while hoping her abilities will be seen and that her abilities will be an exoneration for the murder and harassment of a graduate or two over the 80 -90 years of life she will enjoy on this earth.    The dna she carries could be that of a nun or nun's daughter who thought she would try to understand life outside of a convent and she is confident that Jesus is never offending to anyone but  there are so many questions about appropriateness in human dynamics in the family or in business such that can you be nice to the Presbyterian pastor and give him a hug after 22 years old every Sunday and it would not be inappropriate?  I think it would be appropriate but if your nationality is disagreeing...then you might just offer a handshake.      The social game lets her feel treasured when she starts spraying your son's cologne in her vehicle where  she picked up a bottle from your son's  ex girlfriend.  Then, she hopes you will react and the house that he owns is to be claimed by her and his ex girlfriend who are trying to inherit his essays, his business name and his property like two  scalawags with the social navigability of the prologue and epilogue of the games they never teach you in a nunnery. 





